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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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16th Nov 2018 16:26:18
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Hi Babsj2
Welcome to the site & hope you get loads of replies. I'm not too far away from you, GU21, so great to hear from you.
If not, all the best on here....
16th Nov 2018 15:16:09
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hi everyone i am babs j2
14th Nov 2018 12:45:44 (Last activity: 14th Nov 2018 14:08:02)
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Hi I’m new here and struggling a bit with the site, like others! I’m heading towards retirement with mixed feelings and wondered what others wanted from retirement and if it worked out!!
Response from Beauty made on 14th Nov 2018 14:08:02
Hi Casimps

Welcome to the site.....
You'll be fine with retirement, all the time to pursue your outside work interests....although you may miss the people you worked with! Just keep thinking positive.
Not sure where you're based (?), but great to hear from you, if and when.

Kind regards

13th Nov 2018 16:04:50
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Hi everyone I have just joined and would like to introduce myself. I am 72 years old, been a widow for 17 years and live with one of my lovely daughters in Hampershire UK. I retired when I was 69 and loving every minute, don’t how I managed to fit work and life together.
I love doing anything artistic and always willing to learn new skills or take on a project. Today I have been to a flower craft afternoon and made a beautiful wall hanging which goes well in our porch. I love spending time in the garden and have a real challenge on my hands as we have just moved and the front garden is a “little” neglected. I’m not very clever at identifying plants so I have to take cuttings along to our local nursery.
I love to travel and have been to quite a few places around the world. This year was my 3rd trip to Marrakech to grab some late sun.
I support a local Charity and help to dress the shop window once a week. It’s a very rewarding afternoon where I meet very interesting people. Always happy to have a chat and swop life experiences and ideas with anyone who needs a friend.
12th Nov 2018 20:02:16
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Hi Freya
Great to see your post on here. It's difficult with kids (so I hear), never I had the joy/sadness of my own, but friends have... They go their own way...
I'm U.K. based ,but always glad to hear from new friends.
11th Nov 2018 17:13:10 (Last activity: 12th Nov 2018 19:49:41)
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Hi all - I'm new here but needed to chat to someone today. I was widowed 6 months ago and, despite keeping myself as busy as possible, I'm finding it hard to live alone. I do have a little dog, thank goodness, to keep me company and a daughter and two adorable grandchildren live 1/2 an hour away. Weekends seem to be the most difficult....I wonder why? Anyway, glad I found this forum to cyber chat today.
Response from SilverBlue made on 11th Nov 2018 18:46:57
Welcome to the site, I was sorry to read that you have recently been widowed, it is a big adjustment to live on your own. I hope you enjoy the site, it’s very friendly with lots of topics to join in with.
Response from Beauty made on 12th Nov 2018 16:21:22
Hi Beaglegem
Just seen your post, can empathize with your loss, (I was widowed 10 years' ago), pain lessens and memories become sustaining.
Would love to hear from you, if it's helpful, if not, all the best on here.
Kind regards
Response from Rosalie271 made on 12th Nov 2018 19:49:41
Hi, I am also new. I know I am much older than you but I can really relate to the lonely weekends. My husband died 5 years ago and I do try to keep busy. Weekdays seem to be easy to fill up but when the weekend rolls along, most of my friends have spouses and are not available on weekends. They seem to drag on forever.
11th Nov 2018 20:43:51 (Last activity: 12th Nov 2018 16:37:11)
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Hi, just joined. I’m 53 and single living in Essex, though born in Wales. So I’m welsh. Looking to chat and make friends.
Response from Beauty made on 12th Nov 2018 16:37:11
Hi JonLewis
....'EC' in May '19......mega! All the best on here....
12th Nov 2018 13:29:45
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Hi. I'm 50yrs young. A Sheffield steelworker. Although,I can't see me doing this job,until I'm 67.
I love sports. But only participate in Fishing now days.
Love to walk my westie. Billy. In the Yorkshire country side. I have 2 step children. Well. No so much children. Grown up. With children of their own. I have a son of my own. 17yr old.. my wife and I have a caravan. In a quiet area of Lincolnshire. We go most weekends. Lots of fishing pond around. Also. The river witham, next to our site. Beautiful place. Living life. Onwards
12th Nov 2018 13:08:23
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Hello all. I retired last Dec aged 65. Am moving with my wife to Highcliffe in 2 weeks time where we will spend the winter months. In the summer we will be spending 5 months or so in our apartment in Calabria Italy. Would love to here from any members who want to chat or who live in the Highcliffe. Christchurch area. Many thanks.
10th Nov 2018 10:58:17 (Last activity: 10th Nov 2018 16:30:23)
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Hi1am a newbie to silversurfers and live in Buckinghamshire a long way from Lancashire but would love to chat with you sometime if you’re interested. I was widowed in my 40s and have now lived alone for 25 years . Have friends and am involved in lots of interests but still feel
Lonely from time to time as I do not have children Hadn’t realised just how isolating that could be. Anyway, if you’re interested please get in touch and let’s have a chat.
Response from SilverBlue made on 10th Nov 2018 16:30:23
Hi Harmonyseeker

Welcome to the site, I’m sure you will find it interesting, lots of chat on the forums, find a topic you are interested in and join in
10th Nov 2018 13:01:58
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Hi Harmony Seeker
Welcome to all of us...a friendly chatty bunch, so hopefully you'll find someone closer to home. I'm in Surrey, so not too far away. Love to chat going forward and if not, all the best on here.
Kind regards
8th Nov 2018 15:01:17 (Last activity: 9th Nov 2018 16:54:36)
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Not sure if my post is showing up but I like the look of the website so I'll keep looking!
Response from CaroleAH made on 8th Nov 2018 22:17:42
Hi Smurfette, welcome to Silversurfers. Not sure why a miserable member has given you a thumbs down - obviously having a bad day so ignore them. Hope you soon find your way round the site and enjoy joining in with various chats on subjects which you are interested in. 🙂
Response from Wilf made on 8th Nov 2018 23:08:47
Welcome to Silversurfers Smurfette-Lots of lovely people on here and I am sure you will enjoy the banter and discussions!
Response from Smurfette18 made on 9th Nov 2018 16:54:36
Thanks everyone who got in touch!
I'm looking forward to hearing from like minded people.
The wind is howling here & I'm glad I don't have to be out in the rain.
Took my shih Tzu fur baby for a walk before it got too wet.
He's sitting in the window on cat alert!
8th Nov 2018 19:03:40
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Hi I’m new to this forum and would like to introduce myself. I’m 65, married with two married children and four grand children. I love to travel and experience new places. I’ve lived in Africa and America but have lived in the UK now for thirty years. Looking for friendships in and around West Sussex.
I look forward to chatting.
8th Nov 2018 16:12:15
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Hi Smurfette
Site does work.....Tsi Zsu babies rule.....excuse [mis] spelling. Enjoy..
7th Nov 2018 18:44:55
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I'm new to this but what I'm looking for a friendship and possibly a travel companion .I have a husband but we have a dog and he doesn't like leaving him for more than a few days.
6th Nov 2018 11:59:00
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Hi Krame 53
Welcome to the site....So sorry to hear that life is being a proverbial at the does that, unfortunately.
I live across the 'pond' in leafy Surrey, so not much help to you....but there are quite a few US citizens on here, so best of luck with finding some pyschological, if not actual support. Presumably you've tried local voluntary organisations....?
Kind regards
6th Nov 2018 00:14:28
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Hello. I just joined and I am introducing myself. I retired in 2017, 14 years after my husband took early retirement. During that time, he did nothing to take care of himself, while I was working to support us. Now that I have finally retired and want to have fun, he is sick all the time and I spend most of my time taking him to doctors’ appointments or going to the hospital.

We moved from Minnesota to Florida after my retirement in hopes that it would improve his health. Instead his health got worse. And I am here alone, trying to make new friends.

I guess I’m discouraged.
4th Nov 2018 11:11:15 (Last activity: 4th Nov 2018 20:17:36)
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Hello all. Just joined but it seems complicated. I am 62 and widowed and retired which I love. I have a son who lives near me and I do voluntary work which I really enjoy. I belong to several groups but going into the winter I get a bit bored as the number of events going on decreases. I walk my son's dog most days which passes an hour. I love anything to do with World War 2 and the 1940s and belong to a 1940s Women's Institute, the only one in the country. I live in Dudley West Midlands.
Response from Pumpkin beetle made on 4th Nov 2018 17:24:02
Welcome suffragette. This site is a bit complicated but stick with it, I keep trying
Response from Pumpkin beetle made on 4th Nov 2018 20:17:36
Hi guys. Hope you have had a lovely weekend. Just having a glass or two and shall be watching x factor results. Day off work tomorrow so might go Christmas shopping and try and get ahead of things for once. Have a good week
Pumpkin beetle
2nd Nov 2018 16:10:50 (Last activity: 2nd Nov 2018 18:45:39)
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Hi everyone. Not been on for a while .well winters definitely here and I've got the head cold from hell. Should have been visiting my son this weekend but just don't feel well enough. Must be bad as I had bought and paid for my train tickets and now I have lost that money. Great timing. Won't see him now till Christmas but of course that will be here before we know it. I live in South Wales so anyone in this area please say hello. Take care everyone
Response from SilverBlue made on 2nd Nov 2018 18:45:39
Sorry to hear you are not well and hope you feel better soon, cold viruses are awful things to shake off and leave you feeling quite unwell
31st Oct 2018 19:59:09 (Last activity: 2nd Nov 2018 16:22:47)
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Hi everyone just joined tonight so finding it rather strange and was rather confusing at the start im a widow I love travel I drive I have 2boys and 3 girls all in the own houses 6 grandchildren and 4greatgrand children I live alone but im lucky enough to have a daughter who lives 2doors away
Response from Beauty made on 2nd Nov 2018 16:22:47
Hi Mistydave
Welcome to us.... What a dynasty you have....amazing......and your daughter so close.....well done you.
Keep going on here, it will prove rewarding.
Regards Beauty
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