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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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16th Dec 2018 19:41:44 (Last activity: 17th Dec 2018 13:38:00)
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Hi, I've just joined Silversurfers after reading a post from a friend on Facebook. I have lived in Oxfordshire for the past 12 after travelling the world working and accompanying my husband. I have family who live far away and I don't see much. I think it's because I wasn't around when they needed me that we are not close. I regret that, but not the wonderful adventures I've had. I'm looking forward to the interesting discussions on this site.
Response from Beauty made on 17th Dec 2018 09:58:33
Hi Carolp
Welcome to Silver Surfers. Whereabouts in Oxon are you? I was born & grew up in Oxford itself, before leaving for the big City aged 18. Sounds like you've led an interesting the end of which you have many memories.
Look forward to hearing more from you...
Festive greetings....
Regards Beauty
Response from Beauty made on 17th Dec 2018 13:38:00
Hi Northern
Just seen your post to Carolp and thought I'd send a welcome message to you. My lovely Mum came from the N.E. - very friendly, down to earth folks....Hope you receive replies from nearer to you. I'm in Surrey and would love to chat...and if you're ever down this way, let me know.
Regards & Xmas greetings
2nd Dec 2018 16:04:56 (Last activity: 7th Dec 2018 13:21:48)
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Hello . I am new here . I am 58 and finding that I am having to relocate to another part of the country. I am single with grown children who have flown the nest.

If you are from Devon or Cornwall and wish to get in touch , then please do. But I am open to making friends from anywhere.
Response from Beauty made on 4th Dec 2018 16:35:13
Hi Jolly 1960
Relocating to another part of the country is tricky....Have experienced that often enough. Hopefully you'll find some local friends on here. I'm located in leafy Surrey, so if you're ever up this way, please look me up.
All the best.
Response from Denys1954 made on 7th Dec 2018 13:21:48
Hi Jolly1960 and welcome, I am not from Devon or Cornwall but if I was relocating to anywhere that's where it would be. I am from Derbyshire so quite a way off I am afraid.
5th Dec 2018 17:28:47 (Last activity: 5th Dec 2018 23:52:15)
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Hello everyone. I'm a newbie trying to find my way around not sure that I am doing it right. I'm on my own and I guess like many others, I have family but not much interest from them. I love dogs. My last dog was a big black lab. He was such fun even in his old age. I live in East Yorkshire and would love to hear from anyone.
Response from CaroleAH made on 5th Dec 2018 23:52:15
Hi Mossgatherer, welcome to Silversurfers. Hope you are managing to navigate round the site and find topics of interest which you can join in with. Do you have a dog at present? I don't own a dog because although they are great company they are a tie as well as I don't like the thought of leaving them alone for a long time if I go out. I'm lucky in that both my daughters have dogs, one a Parsons Jack Russell and the other an Akita ( she's a very large husky-type dog - soft as a brush but can look fierce!) so I can go dog-walking any time I want. Whereabouts in East Yorkshire do you live? I'm in North Yorkshire near Selby.
5th Dec 2018 19:03:54
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Hi Mossgatherer
Love your nickname, although if you aim to be a 'rolling stone' you may not gather so much moss..
You're a relative 'youngster'....just think positive and that life begins @ 65...(the new some say - state of mind)
Don't have children, but friends tell me that you don't always get the ones you deserve. I'm a way away from you in leafy Surrey, so can't invite you round for a cuppa Taylor's Yorkshire Gold... If you're up for a private chat, then delighted to hear from you. If not, all the best on here and if you're ever down south would be great to make contact.
26th Nov 2018 14:13:58
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I see that some miserable SilverSurfer has been giving new members a red thumbs down - what kind of a welcome is that for heaven's sake. I've used my green thumb judiciously so hope that no-one has been offended before I went on my vigilante patrol. Welcome to all new members - hope you soon get the hang of navigating round the website and join in with any subjects you are interested in. 🙂
25th Nov 2018 23:55:47 (Last activity: 26th Nov 2018 14:01:14)
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Hi, new to this site !! Any recommendations how to make new friends? Thanks Pete
Response from Beauty made on 26th Nov 2018 14:01:14
Hi Silverfox44
Welcome to all of us.... If you're looking for friends close by to do things with, it's always useful to indicate an approximate location....If you're looking for friends to chat with, just reply to any chat topic that interests you.
All the best on here...
26th Nov 2018 09:54:45
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I have just joined too. I live in a small coastal village in Wales. I overlook fields and though I have nice neighbours the nicest ones are the cows that is the bovine variety. I retired 3 years ago due to health problems and feel much better for it. I love doing crafts such as cross stitch knitting etc. Also I read an awful lot. I have 4 labs whom I love to bits. I have never lived without at least one dog in my life.
25th Nov 2018 09:37:00 (Last activity: 25th Nov 2018 15:52:37)
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Hi everyone .......just joined .....
Slowly working my way around this site........
Response from HarmonySeeker made on 25th Nov 2018 12:42:33
Hello Maltloaf,
I’m also new here but finding the people I’ve spoken to very friendly and welcoming. Hope lyou find that too.
I love Soreen spread with butter. Another way of saying maltloaf.
Response from Maltloaf made on 25th Nov 2018 15:52:37
Hello there .......,. So far so good , trying to get the hang of this private message thingy.
It would be great to make new friends , and even one day find travel companions.
The thicker the butter the better
11th Nov 2018 22:00:04 (Last activity: 25th Nov 2018 14:56:54)
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Hello just found this site looks great just finding my way around it at the moment
Response from Beauty made on 12th Nov 2018 16:27:02
Hi Rinbuckwv
Welcome to .....all of us....Best of luck with your 'navigation'
Kind regards
Response from Beauty made on 12th Nov 2018 16:28:41
PS should read 'Ronbuckwv'....does the 'vw' mean you're a car fanatic...?
Response from HarmonySeeker made on 25th Nov 2018 14:56:54
Hi Ronbuckvw,
I’m also new on here but the people I’ve spoken to have been very warm, and friendly. Hope you enjoy the site and make lots of new friends.
12th Nov 2018 19:42:03 (Last activity: 25th Nov 2018 12:48:21)
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Hi, I am new to this site and I would like to introduce myself. My name is Rosalie and I live in New York. I am 85 years young and I have been looking for an outlet because I am home quite a bit especially since the weather is starting to get cold.
Response from Beauty made on 12th Nov 2018 21:43:22
Hi Rosalie all of us. Brrr....sorry to hear that your weather in NY is in SE England (nr Heathrow), it's relatively mild, expect we'll pay for it later.... Hope you get loads of ems wanting to chat.
Kind regards 'Beauty'
Response from Rosalie271 made on 14th Nov 2018 12:46:30
Hello Beauty,

Thank you so much for your response. Yes it's very cold here and in fact they expect a few inches of snow tomorrow. I hope it's not going to be an extreme winter. Slips and falls are such a worry for older people like myself.
Response from Beauty made on 14th Nov 2018 14:24:07
Hi Rosalie
Great to hear from you....please take care in cold conditions (I know you don't need me to say this). Here in south of England, we're very spoiled, still have Autumn leaves on trees in most beautiful colours and some sun, although forecast to be chilly next week. Have sent a private chat email, but this site is not easy to navigate.
All the best & take care (again)
Response from HarmonySeeker made on 25th Nov 2018 12:48:21
Hi Rosalie
I am also new to Silversurfers but enjoying it so far. Met some very friendly people here.
I was in New York for the Millennium. Loved it! Watched the ball drop in Times Square.and visited Ellis Island amongst other places. Have visited 25 States of the USA.
24th Nov 2018 17:03:14
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Hello, just joining. I am a 66 year old widow, recently retired. Looking to meet new friends to chat with. Would also like to learn about the things that are keeping other retirees happy.
15th Oct 2018 01:53:05 (Last activity: 22nd Nov 2018 14:52:06)
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My first time on this site. A little difficult getting started.

Really hope i can become friends with a nice lady and just talk about whatever. comes to mind. It is nice to have someone you can rely on to be there for you. I’m here for anyone interested. Thank you.
Response from summer49 made on 15th Oct 2018 22:02:04
I joined tonight. Also find it difficult getting started. Find it quite hard in the world today getting to know people. Not a fan of Facebook. Seems unless you are you are ignored. I hoped jpining this I could find what used to be called pen pals. I have been divorced a long time and as I have got older I really miss having that one person you can shre with. I have 3 grown up children and grandchildren, but I really miss that one person. Younger,people think you should be ok being there for them. As if you don’t need that anymore. It doesn’t change does it. I hope it works out for you.
Response from WendyM58 made on 26th Oct 2018 13:50:17
Hi Doug,
I'm new too, but nearly gave up after trying to make sense of the navigation of the site. Glad I persevered though.
Best wishes,
Response from BabsJ2 made on 16th Nov 2018 15:28:05
hi doug i am babs j2 i am new 2 this i from kingston upon thames surrey looking 4 some one 2 chat 2 as friend
Response from Beauty made on 16th Nov 2018 16:37:03
Hi Doug
Hope your time on here is going well. All the best. X
Response from HarmonySeeker made on 22nd Nov 2018 14:52:06
Hi Doug,
I am also new on here and having read your reponses from others, I'm pleased to find other people don't always find this site easy to navigate. It's really nice to have someone to chat to and discuss things with. Hope to get to know people better as things move along.
Hope you find whatever it is you are looking for.
22nd Nov 2018 14:45:58
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Hi Celtwitch,
I am a Northerner and remember how beautiful the Lancashire moors are. Loved the area around Ribchester.
I have also been on my own for a long time. 25 years is a long time. I was widowed when quite young.
Family isn’t always as ‘cosy’ as the media would have us believe..
I am an ex-Deputy Headteacher and have had many surprising insights into ‘family life’ over the years. Have often been relieved I didn't have children although I had a superb relationship with my own mother and miss her in my life.
Look forward to hearing from you sometime.
22nd Nov 2018 14:09:58
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Hi everyone!,

I am a newbie, and have been a member for a year, and thought it time to introduce myself. I have been observing from the sidelines, and have found a vibrant community here. I would now like to become involved.
My name is Allan, I am amicably divorced, with several Great Grandchildren. My interests include keeping tropical fish, "collecting" precious metals, pets, internet, and current affairs.I am ex-military.
I live in Abergavenny, Wales, and am originally from Southend, in Essex.
I would welcome contact from guys and gals with similar interests.

22nd Nov 2018 13:22:45
Thanks for voting!
I am a Northerner and remember how beautiful the Lancashire moors are. Loved the area around Ribchester.
I have also been on my own for a long time. 25 years is a long time. I was widowed when quite young.
Family isn’t always as ‘cosy’ as the media would have us believe..
I am an ex Deputy Headteacher and have had many surprising insights into ‘family life’. Have often been relieved I didn't have children although I had a superb relationship with my own mother anmiss her in my life.
Look forward to hearing from you sometime.
20th Nov 2018 00:42:43
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Hi I am new to this and trying to figure it out. Guess just get down at this time of year and looking for general conversation maybe someone that can relate to this.
19th Nov 2018 16:29:43
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Hi I’m suzanne, 57 years old. My life/career took a massive nose dive 7 yrs ago when my husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.
He was diagnosed aged 50 so very young. I’m very bored and get very lonely at home, he now has asphasia too so not a lot of conversation!
I have got good friends & two amazing daughters, but there’s so much I can’t discuss with them. Most of all I miss my job, I miss fun & laughter with my hubby, I really miss our lifestyle too. So I’ve joined here as a start to changing my life, and stop feeling sorry for myself.
Thanks for reading
Suz x
18th Nov 2018 09:37:24
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Hi I'm just joining too. 60 years old and still working full time and will be until 66. Nana to 2 lovely boys and mum to son and daughter. Love socialising. Have arthritis appearing in various joints unfortunately.
Fairweather Child
15th Nov 2018 12:39:21 (Last activity: 16th Nov 2018 16:40:48)
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Hello everyone.
I am a 60 year old woman who lives in the Glasgow area..
I love movies, music, cafe culture, travel, city breaks, crafts, good chat and laughter.
Looking for friends to while away some happy times and create new memories - I enjoy the company and wit of both men and women.
Life is for living - so let's create some opportunities to get out there...
Kindest regards
Response from Beauty made on 16th Nov 2018 16:40:48
Hi Fairweather Child
Hope life in Glasgow is being kind to you... too far away to be a 'pal', but if you're ever down this way, would be great to hear from you.
All the best
16th Nov 2018 16:26:18
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Hi Babsj2
Welcome to the site & hope you get loads of replies. I'm not too far away from you, GU21, so great to hear from you.
If not, all the best on here....
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