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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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17th Jan 2019 16:43:45 (Last activity: 17th Jan 2019 17:07:50)
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I'm very new on here. Is this a United Kingdom forum? I'm from the US and haven't looked around much yet. I'm 69 and very active.
Response from Beauty made on 17th Jan 2019 17:07:50
Hi 'kaw249'
Welcome to all of us ...We do get both US/UK members, so please keep trying. Pleased to hear you're active .....we all need to keep striving.. I'm located in Surrey, not too far from Heathrow, so if you ever need a UK crashpad for a couple of days.., let me know.
All the best 'Beauty'
17th Jan 2019 11:37:35 (Last activity: 17th Jan 2019 15:46:24)
Thanks for voting!
New on here so just saying hello to all
Response from Beauty made on 17th Jan 2019 15:46:24
Hi TonyD
Welcome to the site....Sure you'll have some interesting conversations on here and make some friends. Congratulations and fingers Xd for the latest arrival to your clan. All the best. 'Beauty'
17th Jan 2019 12:29:40
Thanks for voting!
im 56 from the midlands married and have 5 grandkids with 1 more on the way
16th Jan 2019 19:58:06 (Last activity: 16th Jan 2019 22:25:04)
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Just joined . Will be 65 later this month . Just lost my wife of 42 years 11 months on 11.12.18 . Just here for a chat . Still fragile .
Response from Beauty made on 16th Jan 2019 22:25:04
Hi RonnieM
Just seen your post....Takes a lot of courage to reach out.... Some of us have been there and can understand & many of us are friendly & all the best. You and she were together a very long time ....& she will always be with you...hope you can derive some strength from that. Beauty
16th Jan 2019 20:37:00 (Last activity: 16th Jan 2019 22:19:38)
Thanks for voting!

I have just joined so I’m not quite sure how it all works yet... I love to get outdoors ... walking ,gardening or just sitting with nature.
Love music food books dancing socialising traveling and I like learning new skills. I live in beautiful north Wales ... I recently moved here so I’m still settling in ... if there’s anyone out there who knows of any walking groups please let me know... I was a licence for twenty years and I had restaurants ... so I like cooking and love eating ... I’m 54 and I’m originally from Lancashire ... I’ve had an interesting life so far ... I’ve overcome hurdles that many wouldn’t have and I’m a kind person who likes to chat and meet all people from all walks of life ... so here I am
Response from Beauty made on 16th Jan 2019 22:19:38
Hi Mandy
Welcome to the site....What a beautiful part of the country you're in. Back in the day, visited Lake Vrynwy & Llanfyllin (spelling...?),totally unspoiled and serene. Hope you enjoy yourself on here. 'Beauty'
15th Jan 2019 07:20:43 (Last activity: 16th Jan 2019 20:35:37)
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Hi im a newbie,53,live in the west midlands.Im happily married ,have two grown up children,and two gorgeous grandsons Hayden & Tate. I work full time in a hospice.Im most happy when im with my family or having a costa coffee.I also enjoy a bit of retail therapy. I want to grow old disgracefully!!! And have people say "she did it her way"... I love listening to smooth radio and im currently reading "Becoming Michelle Obama". I would love to make lots of friends with a happy outlook on life!!!
Response from Alicat64 made on 16th Jan 2019 20:35:37
Hello ..I too am a 54 yr old midlands lady and new to the site.....deeply jealous you have grandchildren!!! I'm in the middle of Michelle Obama's book too!....but radio 2 is my obsession May we both find lots of new friends.......
16th Jan 2019 10:08:46 (Last activity: 16th Jan 2019 19:02:29)
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Hello. Just joined and getting to grips with how all of this works. I've just filled in my profile. I'm not keen on technology I prefer meeting people for real but I lead a busy life, work part time unsociable hours so doesn't, for now, help me meet many people. Recently divorced I'm missing adult conversation. I'm 60years young and have a wicked sense of humour
Response from Pjwandy made on 16th Jan 2019 11:19:04
New aswell welcome
Response from Beauty made on 16th Jan 2019 15:07:08
Hi AnnW33
Welcome to all of us - great profile photo' (love lippy.....can do without anything else, but lippy's my distraction).
Not sure where you're located, but sounds like you have a busy life...hopefully the young(er) may just keep you that way - and hopefully not wear you out. Regards 'Beauty'.
Response from AnneW33 made on 16th Jan 2019 15:39:50
Ok. I didn't think to add my location so I live in a village called Pelton Fell, just outside Chester le Street in County Durham. I've been here for 4yrs now to care for my mother and father who passed away 8yrs ago now. Prior to that I lived in the Peak District in the spa town of Buxton where the mineral water is from. I have an older son who still lives near there and works at the swizzles factory at New Mills just outside of Stockport..
Response from AnneW33 made on 16th Jan 2019 19:02:29
Ah. Cool. Not that far away from each other. Welcome to you too
MarkB 9
15th Jan 2019 06:22:52 (Last activity: 16th Jan 2019 15:14:27)
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Hello, nice to meet you all. Name is Mark, I'm 59,a huge Beatles fan a d love a good Stephen King Book. Nothing better than a good scare!
Response from SilverBlue made on 15th Jan 2019 11:19:29
Welcome to the site MarkB9 silversurfers are a friendly bunch join in with the forums that interest you
Response from Beauty made on 16th Jan 2019 15:14:27
Hi MarkB9
Pleased to see that you've joined all of us......not many non-Beatles' fans....doesn't need to exclude Stones....surely.....(comparison to cats & dogs..?).
Not so sure about Stephen King.....isn't life scary enough anyway....particularly with 'B' looming...
All the best
15th Jan 2019 10:43:35 (Last activity: 16th Jan 2019 15:01:18)
Thanks for voting!
Hello everyone, I am Ian, from Southend-on-Sea, I am retired and and live alone. I am an ex-Army officer SSAFA volunteer and spend much of my time visiting armed forces veterans and their widows/widowers. I participate in Parkruns every Saturday, am active and adventurous and would very much like to find some new friends here. Have a nice day!!
Response from SilverBlue made on 15th Jan 2019 11:16:34
Welcome to the site Winkey1, lots of friendly chat on the site, join in with the forums that interest you
Response from CaroleAH made on 15th Jan 2019 12:58:17
Hi Ian - welcome to Silversurfers. Hope you find plenty of interesting subjects on the forum which you can join in with. 🙂
Response from Beauty made on 16th Jan 2019 15:01:18
Hi Winkey1
Pleased that you've joined the site...good luck with navigation. Dad was a para'...very few of us can imagine what any military person experience(d)....Hopefully, it's easier now that it's acceptable to talk about stuff and to obtain assistance (?). All the best on here 'Beauty'
16th Jan 2019 11:17:31 (Last activity: 16th Jan 2019 14:40:33)
Thanks for voting!
Hi im retired spent last 10yrs cruising around Britain on a narrowboat what an adventure but thought time for a change so have now settled on the isle of wight. Theres worse places.
Response from CaroleAH made on 16th Jan 2019 14:13:53
Wow - that must have been a great adventure! Had a super holiday on the Isle of Wight - loved my day at Osborne House and the Needles. Do you feel a bit "caged in" living on a small island after your 10 year cruise? Hope you took lots of photos which you can share on the Showcase.
Response from Wilf made on 16th Jan 2019 14:40:33
Interesting-did you actually spend 10 years literally cruising round UK rivers and canals?
14th Jan 2019 23:17:27 (Last activity: 15th Jan 2019 11:17:41)
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Hi I am Maggie 58 live in Leicester but originally from Scotland i like walking swimming going out for meal and drinks
Response from 70sgirl made on 15th Jan 2019 10:15:10
Hi new member here
Also from Leicester
Love vintage , carboots , antique fairs anything old and interesting
Also very much into fashion and holidays
Response from SilverBlue made on 15th Jan 2019 11:17:41
welcome to the site, we are a friendly bunch, join in with the forums that interest you
14th Jan 2019 20:47:35 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2019 22:48:22)
Thanks for voting!
Not sure why Celtwhich is still on posting is 3 + years' ago....???
Response from ShaunK made on 14th Jan 2019 22:48:22
No idea
14th Jan 2019 20:50:05 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2019 22:47:03)
Thanks for voting! 9 March 2015... leading post
Response from ShaunK made on 14th Jan 2019 22:47:03
Didn't see that bit lol
11th Jan 2019 19:43:44 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2019 20:39:33)
Thanks for voting!
Hi folks,

Newbie on here saying hello. 57 yr musician. Just looking to chat about anything.
My main interest is pretty obviously music but please don't let that put you off!
Other interests are culture and history. Love the Viking saga the Last Kingdom. Far better than Vikings!
In my opinion of course.
Favourite music at the moment Chris Stapleton. Do you know him?
Anyway, look forward to hearing from someone.

Be well
Response from Norman83 made on 12th Jan 2019 20:04:08
Cool cap shaun.
Response from ShaunK made on 14th Jan 2019 09:03:56
Hi PatUK,
Nice to hear from you.
So you like Kris? Easy on the eye is he
Fair enough. I could say the same about Shania
I would however say listen to Chris Stapleton. He is called the saviour of country music as many feel modern country is sounding more mainstream as time goes on and losing some of what made it country, and I tend to agree.
Anyway, I dare you to listen to Tennessee Whiskey
Who can resist a dare

Be well, ttfn,

Response from CaroleAH made on 14th Jan 2019 09:50:25
Hi Shaun - I took up your challenge and listened to Tennessee Whiskey. Wow, what a brilliant song! 🙂 I'm more of a classical music fan - just deciding on my three favourites to vote in ClassicFM's Hall of Fame - but Chris Stapleton tugged at my heart strings this morning.
Response from ShaunK made on 14th Jan 2019 10:56:53
Hi CaroleAH

Glad you liked the song. Yes I agree, his voice tugs at the heartstrings. Try listing to Either Way. First time I heard that I just cried. Awesome song.

To be honest classical music is not something I've ever really been in to. I do listen to classical guitar. I have several John Williams albums and have even learned several pieces but as I don't own a classical guitar it's hard to play on a steel strung one

Have a good day. I've got to record some songs now.

Be well

Response from ShaunK made on 14th Jan 2019 16:01:21

Wow you have been listening. You'll be an emotional wreck soon
Fire Away is a cracking song. His lyrics are so good. Wish I had the ability to write lyrics but it's not within me!

He was in a band called Steeldrivers. They are more up tempo bluegrass. My favourite song of theirs is If It Hadn't Been For Love. I love playing that song at jam nights.

Nice to know you, glad you like the music
Response from ShaunK made on 14th Jan 2019 20:39:33

We don't upload to YouTube as such but you can see the band on Facebook with plenty of piccies and videos.
Look for Ready Steady 60s
14th Jan 2019 15:26:57 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2019 15:58:16)
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Hi I’m Denise, I’m 53yr olds and I work as a staff nurse on an acute cardiology ward. I’m an animal lover, I have a staffie who I adore and is spoilt rotten. Looking for friendship, conversation and a good laugh x
Response from Beauty made on 14th Jan 2019 15:58:16
Hi Denise
Welcome to...all of us. Sure you'll meet some friends on here. Must be tough working as you do...can't imagine... Hope your staffie sustains you. All the best. Kind regards 'Beauty'
12th Jan 2019 19:40:20 (Last activity: 13th Jan 2019 10:32:14)
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Hello I am new too. I recently lost my husband after a long term illness, suddenly I find myself preferring the company of strangers to that of friends and family,perhaps I have overdosed on sympathy, so lost after being a carer for so long. I too have spondilosis....old age doesn't come on its own does it.
Response from ShaunK made on 13th Jan 2019 10:32:14
Hi Norman83,

I completely understand the need for 'normal' chat rather than the responses to a loss all the time.
I applaud your trip to the USA. Can you fit me in your luggage please!
Don't forget piccies

Be well my new friend
11th Jan 2019 15:15:35
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Hi new to this. Not really sure how it works. I’m retired but have an active life playing golf, badly, but enjoy it very much, I like traveling & being female love shopping. Lol. Live in Lancashire..
3rd Jan 2019 13:28:34 (Last activity: 5th Jan 2019 13:02:13)
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Hi everyone. I've only just joined, following a post appearing on my Facebook page, which sparked my interest.

I firstly need to be totally honest and state that, despite my name, I'm actually guy and like to crossdress. Yes, the profile photo is me! I'm very happily married to a very understanding and loving woman, and have three grown-up children , who all know about "Rachel".

I'm a professional person, keen on travel and many sports and have only joined Silver Surfers as I do love a good chat!

I'm open and honest, so please don't let my wardrobe choices put you off!
Response from RachelM4 made on 4th Jan 2019 16:54:26
You: 3 minutes ago
Hi Trish,

I really don't know whether this is the correct way to reply, as I've never used this site before, but thankyou for your compliment and a Happy New Year to you too.

In answer to your question, like any woman, it all depends on what I'm doing or where I'm going. If I'm just doing stuff around the house, then a change of clothes and minimal makeup would take around 15-20 minutes, but if I'm going shopping then anything upto an hour. It's different if I'm going out in the evening or somewhere special like the races, then anything up to two hours!!! I'm terrible!! lol

As I mentioned in my initial post though, I'm not an effeminate guy in any way, and the majority of my friends have no idea about my alto ego. I was just born this way!

So what interests and hobbies do you have?

Response from RachelM4 made on 4th Jan 2019 23:51:20
Hi all,

I'm having problems already, as I get emails saying that Members are commenting on my Post, but I can't see them anywhere!!! 🙁
Response from CaroleAH made on 5th Jan 2019 09:59:32
Hi Rachel,
You need to tick all the notification boxes on your profile page and then when you click on the white arrow in a turquoise box on the right hand side of the page you will see icons which indicate if you have had a private chat message or if someone has added a comment to a topic which you have joined in with. Good luck 🙂
Response from RachelM4 made on 5th Jan 2019 13:02:13
Thanks CaroleAH, I think I've sussed it now 🙂
3rd Jan 2019 14:01:36
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Hi Jules
Ha ha.....looks like you've worked it out already...hope you enjoy!
2nd Jan 2019 14:29:30 (Last activity: 3rd Jan 2019 13:30:17)
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Hi JulesEd
Happy New Year to you...hope you have fun on here. I'm some way away from you, but always delighted to chat.
All the best, Beauty
Response from JulesEd made on 3rd Jan 2019 13:30:17
Thanks Beauty. Looks like it will be learning to use the site that will be the barrier not distance!
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