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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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3rd Feb 2019 20:00:40 (Last activity: 4th Feb 2019 09:01:05)
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Hi all
New to silver surfers
I am semi retired
I retired from my full time job in Nov 2011 with health service after 32 and half years as an Ot technician
Then got bored and got a partime job as a Instructer with adults with a learning disabilities
Working only two days a week
I did have an allotment for several years and was secretary running to sites which could be challenging at times but it keeps you fit
But two half years ago I got a shitzu pup called poppy so we get out and about at least three times a day which keeps us both fit and mobile which is very important at are age
Looking forward to chatting to like minded silver surfers
Response from Juliedawn made on 4th Feb 2019 09:01:05
Hi northern
New to this but giving it a go
27th Jan 2019 22:55:09 (Last activity: 4th Feb 2019 00:42:56)
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Hello just looking for friends, live alone. From the Iowa area. Sometimes I find it hard to make friends because I do have some depression issues so I'm far from perfect. Also putting words down very well not my strong suit
Response from LeonardM8 made on 28th Jan 2019 09:49:32
Hi Windsong, welcome to the site, none of us are perfect, and talking with people is not always easy, but on here, you can find a conversation and just join in, I hope you find some interesting topics, have you looked into the health site, I'm sure there will others there with issues, that may have some answers, or maybe you would feel better just joining in on any subject, hope you find some interest on here.
Response from Windsong made on 29th Jan 2019 01:21:44
Thank you for telling me about other sites on here
Response from reevej made on 4th Feb 2019 00:42:56
Hi Windsong. What a lovely name. It sounds as if it should belong to a a red indian wise man.
3rd Feb 2019 01:36:58 (Last activity: 4th Feb 2019 00:38:25)
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Hi to all.....I just joined and am totally , I need a compass.
Response from SupaNana made on 3rd Feb 2019 10:07:29
Hi Paul . . . can't help - I'm new too! Where are you based (in real life, that is . . . not on the website!)
Response from reevej made on 4th Feb 2019 00:38:25
Hi Paul, I joined earlier and am just playing it by ear. It seems a good forum for sharing ideas about ways of meeting people with similar interests . Fortunately there seem more opportunities now with groups like U3 A to develop interests and new skills. Jen
3rd Feb 2019 14:21:53
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Just joined - seems somewhat complicated to find my way around ! Am retired in my 70s enjoy hill walking and started doing my family tree .
3rd Feb 2019 08:26:31 (Last activity: 3rd Feb 2019 11:05:41)
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Hi Everybody
New, and still looking around, so I thought I'd just say Hello on here to see what happens!
I'm 66, am a Yorkshire lass - but have lived in Somerset for the last 10 years. Sold my house in Yorkshire shortly before being made redundant from my job down here (cookie . . . crumbles?) so still here in the South West. Doubt that I could have gone back home anyway - love my grandchildren much too much! I have a spaniel, love walking her on the hills near here - but she doesn't say a lot. Real-time chat is mostly confined to sometimes-confusing(!!) conversations with 2, 4 and 7 year-olds - so it would be great to hear from somebody nearer my own age.
Interests include renovating my house (will be glad when it's done . . but might feel the need to then do another!), walking (when not raining), gardening (new interest, which I find I am unexpectedly loving) - and I strongly suspect that I would like cycling . . . but keep putting off finding out!!!
Hope to hear from you.
Response from LeonardM8 made on 3rd Feb 2019 09:12:43
Hi SupaNana, sounds like you have a lot on the go at the moment, but Somerset is a lovely county, We've only ever passed straight through it, my wife and myself love Devon and Cornwall , so have driven through a few times, it seems to be a nice soft county, like where we are in Hampshire.
I hope you find enough time to come to this site often enough to make an impact .....
Response from SupaNana made on 3rd Feb 2019 10:04:32
Hi Leonard
Thank you for the welcome!
Hampshire is also beautiful - I had a week some years back in a rented cottage near the New Forest, which I had wanted to visit since I was a child reading all about the New Forest ponies.
Then I visited again a couple of years ago, taking my young grandson to Beulieu and also to Portsmouth Docks to walk round Victory and the other famous ship, the name of which I can't remember at the minute (grr!).
Yes, I do have a lot on at the minute - but nothing that involves actual chat to others (apart from builders, of course) . . . hence joining this site. I'm going to wander around it now to try to find my way.
Best wishes to you and your wife - hope you get chance to stop off in Somerset next time you travel to Devon or Cornwall! The Quantock Hills (where I live) are well-worth a visit, even if a little out of your way.
Response from LeonardM8 made on 3rd Feb 2019 11:05:41
Hi again SupaNana, two things I will suggest , is number one the photo pages, there are some lovely photo's on there, and you could add some of your own, it's my favourite place on this site, secondly, I set up a topic a few days ago, it can be found by going into Forum General Chit chat Open Page for anything. it's where anyone can talk about anything they want, it's not specific subjects, just things that come into your mind, hopefully you'll have a look at it for starters. Len
3rd Feb 2019 07:55:23 (Last activity: 3rd Feb 2019 09:32:42)
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I will be 68 mext July i am now retired . I am interested in a range of topics and i hope to make lots of new friends.
I am on my own now for almost 16 years family grown up i see my two grandsons often.
I definately need a new direction in my life .Anyway hope all will keep in touch hope to speak soon.
Response from LeonardM8 made on 3rd Feb 2019 09:18:46
Hi anneliz. welcome to the site, Well I don't know about a new direction in life, but you found your way to this site, which is good, so that's a good direction, hope you make friend on here, and again welcome.
Response from SupaNana made on 3rd Feb 2019 09:32:42
Hi Anne Eliz
I too am new on here - and. also like you, feel that I could do with a new direction in my life. I am busy, but don't actually speak to many people. It's beginning to be exciting to go to the shops!!
How old are your grandsons? I have two grandchildren down here in Somerset (I'm from Yorkshire originally) and one honorary grandchild, who I look after two days a week; also a grandson up in Yorkshire . . . and twins on the way!
Hope you will write bck to tell me more about yourself, either on here or by pressing the private chat button.
1st Feb 2019 05:20:40 (Last activity: 3rd Feb 2019 01:39:01)
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Hi, my name is Denise. I just joined. I love in Louisiana. Anybody out there tonight?
Response from dtrigg made on 1st Feb 2019 05:21:50
Sorry! Live in Louisiana.
Response from IMPaul made on 3rd Feb 2019 01:39:01
Living and Loving go together...............don't they????
DaveD 66
30th Jan 2019 13:05:41 (Last activity: 30th Jan 2019 15:48:05)
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First post....intrigued by what this site has to offer. 52 and in my second year of an unexpectedly early retirement thanks to a diagnosis of Alzheimer's in 2017. Sometimes struggle to fill my days although I have some volunteering starting soon....I love photography and will start uploading some photos when I have worked out how. I'm really interested in what people do to keep active both physically and unexpected side of my illness is an inability to think laterally or creatively so I find myself doing the same things on a regular basis - I don't want to drop into a rut so any suggestions, no matter how random would be appreciated!
Response from LeonardM8 made on 30th Jan 2019 14:57:00
Hi Dave, I don't pretend to have the ability to suggest how to handle you're health problems, but you have managed to find this site, which is a good start, we are a mixed bunch here, and I'm sure others will welcome you too.
as for uploading your photo's, which to me is one of the best parts of the site, well that quite simple, once your logged, scroll down to the community button, under that, click on the showcase button, and it will take you to the photo section, at the top of that click the bar that says to add your photo's,

as for passing some of your spare time, I put my little compact camera in my pocket, it's a reasonably good quality one, and I have a walk around some of the local villages etc in my area, and just snap away , sometimes I delete most of them, but it doesn't matter, having something to do is important.

I hope you enjoy this site Dave, it's here for everybody. Len
Response from CaroleAH made on 30th Jan 2019 15:48:05
Hi Dave, welcome to the site. Sorry to hear about your health problems. It would be lovely to see some of your photos on the Showcase - do you take photos of anything and everything or do you have a special interest? I like landscapes, preferably without people, seascapes, architecture, flowers and animals. I don't know anything about Alzheimer's in young people - only dealt with my parents who had vascular dementia in their late 80s and 90s - so I'm not qualified to give any advice on keeping out of a rut, but possibly sticking to familiar places if you are alone but being more adventurous when you are with family and friends sounds about right. I suppose like everyone, we need to keep active and taking your camera out when you go for a walk would be good and give you some purpose. Reading might be good mentally - if I'm reading something with loads of characters I jot down their names and relation to the protagonist just to refresh my memory. Doing crosswords and sudoku is good mental exercise not that I'm terribly proficient at either especially cryptic crosswords!
Have a look at the noticeboards and then join in with any topics that interest you..
17th Sep 2018 11:35:55 (Last activity: 28th Jan 2019 19:09:50)
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Hi, is there anyone else on here from the South East?
Response from Hazey2U made on 27th Jan 2019 17:51:59
I am! Not sure if I have anything interesting to offer but I do enjoy a good chat John.
What makes you laugh?
Response from John7453 made on 28th Jan 2019 11:25:44
Hi Hazey, I am sending you a private message.
Response from Jlatell made on 28th Jan 2019 19:09:50
Hi hows everyone this evening?
27th Jan 2019 23:00:19
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Sounds like you live in a beautiful area for hiking
27th Jan 2019 16:21:40 (Last activity: 27th Jan 2019 21:58:16)
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Hello - I have just joined and thought I would start by introducing myself. Widowed, female and young at heart (at least I am in my head!) Originally from Birmingham but have been living in the East Midlands since I retired from an accountancy job. Enjoy reading, time with my family and a weekly session of Tai Chi. Would love to chat with anyone who is looking for the occasional chinwag.
Response from Jeromewj made on 27th Jan 2019 21:17:39
Yep, I'm about 22 in my head, my body sometimes disagrees..
Response from Andy50nwuk made on 27th Jan 2019 21:58:16
hi im andy from near blackpool if u ever want to chat please get in touch
27th Jan 2019 21:13:25
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im in lancashire ,,cleveleys do u no it
26th Jan 2019 04:11:54 (Last activity: 27th Jan 2019 21:10:56)
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Hello, I am wanting to spread my wings and talk to people that I know I wouldn't be able to without reaching out across the ocean and internet. I live in Canada and have always wanted to travel and meet new people. This will probably be my only opportunity to do so. I am a 52 years old single woman, I work full time, love my family and my dogs. Would love to hear of life abroad and make some new friends.
Response from LeonardM8 made on 26th Jan 2019 10:09:36
Hi Tammy, Welcome to the site, Like Lochinvar said, lots of friendly people on this site, Like Him I live in Hampshire, and again I visited your country and had the best holiday we've ever had, that was in 1997, we started in Banff, and did the fly drive in the rockies, BEAUTIFUL.
Hope you make good friends on here, and don't forget to post some photo's, if thats your thing,
Have a good time. Len
Response from lenoranne made on 26th Jan 2019 18:06:47
Hi Tammy....nice to meet had me interested as soon as you mentioedy your dogs...I have never been without a dog and can’t imagine life without one.. I live in London, so only have one , but I am just round the corner to a park, and a large forest.( large to England) is just up the road called Epping Forest... my Father was posted to Canada during WW11...he loved it..nearly emigrated there myself when I was 21, but met. My husband and stayed put..whereabouts in Canada are you...Father was in Alberta and Vancouver..
Response from TammyCDN made on 27th Jan 2019 02:50:14
Thank you for the warm hello's everyone. I live in Vernon, British Columbia population about 50,000. I live in a valley not far from two beautiful lakes. If you enjoy wine this is the place to visit. I will post some pictures once I figure out how 🙂 I have always wanted to visit England. You are so lucky to have such rich history. I googled Hampshire and it is gorgeous. So happy to have found this site and for the opportunity to make new friends 🙂
Response from Jeromewj made on 27th Jan 2019 21:05:19
Wales here, gods own country
Response from Andy50nwuk made on 27th Jan 2019 21:10:56
hi tammy im new to the group aswell I live in a holiday resort called cleveleys on north west coast of England the irish sea is just top of the road like yourself I have a great little diog my patterdale terrier pippa ,we go for walks on the beach and promenade nearly everyday but todays been very blustery and sea eas bashing the sea wall
25th Jan 2019 13:53:22 (Last activity: 27th Jan 2019 21:09:15)
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Hi to any newbies joining this pleasant site.
I put a post on here just 5 days ago as a newbie, I just want to say to everyone don't worry about getting round the site, like everyone else I struggled for a couple of days, so I just kept going into different bits and having a read, and then onto somewhere else, by doing that you will find it goes around in circles a bit, but you get to learn which tabs take you where, it only takes a little while wizzing around to find where your favourite bits are.
So stick with it and make friends.
Response from Jeromewj made on 27th Jan 2019 21:09:15
New here so I'm just going to wander about!!
27th Jan 2019 19:22:21 (Last activity: 27th Jan 2019 21:05:28)
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Im in cleveleys by the sea
Response from LeonardM8 made on 27th Jan 2019 20:30:21
Hi Andy, from what you say, I'm sure you'll get on with most people on this site, welcome to you...
Response from Andy50nwuk made on 27th Jan 2019 21:05:28
thanks m8
27th Jan 2019 19:26:42
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Im here to chat and make friend cleveleys is just up coast road from blackpool ,,im polite and get on with most people
27th Jan 2019 02:56:41 (Last activity: 27th Jan 2019 08:47:02)
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Hi Celtwitch....I googled where you live and was quite surprised on how similar it is to the Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, where I live. We are missing castles and such though :).
I too love dogs. Actually my best friend is a dog. Like yourself, I am keen on making new friends so...let me introduce myself name is Tammy
Response from CaroleAH made on 27th Jan 2019 08:47:02
Hi Tammy,
Celtwitch doesn't post messages on the site anymore but there are plenty more of us who are ready to chat. 🙂
25th Jan 2019 23:07:20 (Last activity: 26th Jan 2019 17:34:44)
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Hello, I am 60 years old, female, recently separated and live in Southern California. Many friendships seem to disappear after separation. You can truly find who your real friends are.

I live by the beach, own a successful company and enjoy life. I hope to make some friends on the site.
Response from LeonardM8 made on 26th Jan 2019 09:52:09
Hi Tma, well you've come to the right place to find friendly people, you'll find us all easy to talk to, and maybe you'll enjoy putting photo's of your area on the photo section, it's nice to see other places, anyway I'm sure you'll enjoy the site. welcome
Response from PeterD48 made on 26th Jan 2019 17:34:44
Hi tma8030
I have a buddy that lives in Palos Verdes, I met him 40 years ago in Redondo Beach when I was down to my last few dollars after I bought a 1 way ticket to L.A., he took me in and I found a job and had a wonderful 6 months there, hope to make a surprise visit and watch his face when I turn up
26th Jan 2019 14:17:07
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Hello all, I'm Rob live in Woking, Surrey, but was born in in Ipswich, Suffolk and am still extremely active managing my own company as well as completing extreme running challenges, therefore happy to offer advise to anyone wish to start or progress with running. I also DJ around the world and have a love of quality Jazz (Latin and Cuban), Soul and Funk styles. Thank you for allowing such a person with a young active mind and body to be a member and happy to talk with any likeminded members
25th Jan 2019 21:10:36 (Last activity: 25th Jan 2019 21:22:31)
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Hi...I’m a new member to Silver surfers..., I’m 84 years of age and live in South Woodford, which is a London borough, on the Essex border....Still fairly active, I run a friendship club, and also a creative arts club..I love painting...own a dog called Benji, which is a rescue dog from Cyprus...With all due respect to Paul O’Grady. It is not easy to adopt one in this country at my age...I have been widowed for 24 years, and still miss my husband..I like people, and it would be nice to make new friends..I am not alone, I have one son and three grandchildren, Days are fine, evenings in Winter are very long and rather depressing...nice to have someone to talk to.
Response from LeonardM8 made on 25th Jan 2019 21:22:31
Hi Lenoranne, welcome to you, you'll find lots of friendly people on here to chat with. hope you enjoy the site. Len
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