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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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15th Sep 2020 22:47:11 (Last activity: 15th Sep 2020 23:24:21)
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Hi everyone, I’m Rubye and yes I spelled it correctly it’s pronounced like the name Ruby. I live in Duluth Minnesota right next to the lovely Lake Superior. I’ll be 67 in Dec and I’d enjoy chatting with other seniors about the serious and hopefully some not so serious, humorous happenings.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 15th Sep 2020 23:24:21
Hi Rubye,

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6th Sep 2020 15:12:54 (Last activity: 7th Sep 2020 16:30:58)
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Hi Caroline. welcome to the site. I only joined recently due to lockdown and being stuck in so far it is okay.
Response from Ollie3 made on 7th Sep 2020 13:42:53
It is great to get a response! I've not been working since April so I've found the last few weeks a bit of a struggle. Thankfully I am just waiting for a start date for a new job, I've realised since being a lady of leisure that I need to be busy and as much as I like the sound of being retired, I'm not at that stage yet! Do you work or are you able to get out much? I've met up with friends for walks and coffee but thats about it. Take care.
Response from JoannieF59 made on 7th Sep 2020 16:30:58
I am still in full-time employment but currently working from home, getting fed up of it now, I try and get out everyday for a walk just to have a break. I am not ready for retirement yet, have 4 and a half years left. I have managed to meet up with some friends for walks and to have lunch outdoors. But not with others. I am hoping it all gets back to normal soon but I think this is the new norm I hope you get to start your new job soon, it does make a difference.
5th Sep 2020 12:29:05 (Last activity: 5th Sep 2020 19:26:39)
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,Hello folks I am Pat better known to all my family as Trish. I am 67 years old and in need of a friend. I have arthritis, diabetes and asthma so I don't travel very well, but will write or e mail. I am interested in crystal art, cross stitch and card making.

I love animals and adopt animals. far I have 2 donkeys who live in Devon, a mountain gorilla, who is about 9 years old now - totally gorgeous he is, a snow leopard and a rhino who is about 22 years old and absolutely stunning. I am also a cat sponsor cos I love them. Might even get a few more if my pension will allow.

I live alone and get very lonely and depressed about being alone and so thought it was about time I did something about it and got some friends. I am only looking for friendship at this particular moment - don't have the energy for anything else.

Hope to hear from ladies and gents around my age.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Sep 2020 12:45:43
Hi blakepat,

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Response from JoannieF59 made on 5th Sep 2020 19:26:39
Hi Pat, welcome to the site. I have only joined this week and for same reason as you really. Whilst I do work full-time and manage to get out and about sometimes it is nice to chat to other people. Happy to chat anytime.
5th Sep 2020 02:35:40
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Hello. I have returned after a long absence from this site. I have been away so long I feel like a newbie.
My name is Bill. I am 89 years old. I like to visit with people. All people.
I retired from the US Navy 51 years go.
I was married for 63 years. My wife passed in 1014.
Any one who wants to chat about anything ok.
4th Sep 2020 04:44:13
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I'm new too but I can't seem to find where you actually post to tell something about yourself like you've done. Maybe you can help me.

Sounds lovely where you live. I live in Australia and we too have some beautiful countryside. I do love English TV shows though that show beautiful landscapes.

I hope you make some friends here that can enrich your life some. I'm a bit far away to do that. We need that as our children move on and make their own lives.

Take care and keep safe. Marianne.
3rd Sep 2020 16:42:13
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Hi Minaree welcome to the site.
I'm a British ex pat living in Spain and I have travelled extensively too.
Been to the States many
times both on holiday and whilst serving in the military.
Hope to hear from you
3rd Sep 2020 13:58:07 (Last activity: 3rd Sep 2020 16:31:27)
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Hey Sally - Just joined the forum today and introducing myself. I am a senior grant writer from Chicago planning my retirement. I look forward to meeting and talking to people from around the world. I love to travel and have traveled extensively. Just wondering how many surfers are from the US on this site.

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 3rd Sep 2020 16:31:27
Hi Minaree,

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2nd Sep 2020 20:43:33 (Last activity: 2nd Sep 2020 21:19:17)
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Hello everyone just joined Silversurfers tonight. On my own so i will pop in regularly and hope to meet some nice friendship
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 2nd Sep 2020 21:04:20
Hi Iss,

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Response from Iss made on 2nd Sep 2020 21:19:17 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you Sally for responding back to me I am very sure I will meet some lovely friends on Silversurfers.
31st Aug 2020 12:05:07 (Last activity: 2nd Sep 2020 09:02:26)
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Just joined this site as feeling low this bank holiday, working from home and lockdown is beginning to get to me.

I am on my own, find that all my friends are in relationships so not always free to chat and my kids have grown up with own lives. Hoping to meet new people to develop new friendhsips.
Response from simbadog made on 31st Aug 2020 17:40:49
Hi JoannieF59 welcome to the site some great folk and interesting topics of conversation to join. I'm an expat in the Balearics please get in touch if you fancy a chat
Response from JoannieF59 made on 31st Aug 2020 18:04:41 > @simbadog
Thanks for the reply, have your retired to Balearics or working out there. I am lucky I am still in full-time employment but this working from home has been difficult. I am used to dealing with and chatting to people on a daily basis. I have coped with being at home alone
but today I feel rather down. I did spend 2 hours in garden talking to my neighbour.
The site looks good and I am surprised how many people are in same position as me.
Still trying to find my way around the site.
Response from simbadog made on 2nd Sep 2020 09:02:26 > @JoannieF59
Hi Joannie I have sent you a private chat message.
2nd Sep 2020 07:19:34
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Hello to you. I have just joined and slowly finding my way around the site but so far I am enjoying it.i
1st Sep 2020 21:31:01
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Good evening to all new members to this site
31st Aug 2020 20:48:59 (Last activity: 1st Sep 2020 14:05:28)
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Hi everyone, just joined and no idea what to expect, thought the best way to stop the Silversurfer suggestion coming up on my Facebook page was join. It must have been a subliminal message, just not sure what it is trying to say.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 31st Aug 2020 22:49:54
Hi Alan59,

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Response from JoannieF59 made on 1st Sep 2020 07:22:51
I just joined yesterday Alan and managing to work out how it all works. I have seen this site for a long time but never thought about joining and like you it popped up again at a time when I was feeling down.
Response from Alan59 made on 1st Sep 2020 12:44:23 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you Sally, well some of the site seems intuitive whilst others leave me scratching my head.
Response from Alan59 made on 1st Sep 2020 12:57:08 > @JoannieF59
Hi Joannie, nice to hear from you. Hope you're feeling somewhat better now.
That's the weird thing with healing, one moment you're fine, then the next you're not.
I did look at the chat function as well, thinking it would be an open discussion forum, but instead it said invite your friends to chat. Well I've only just joined and don't know anyone yet. C'est le vie.
So if you are ever online at the same time and fancy a chat I can talk about nothing for ages, and apparently quite often do.
Response from JoannieF59 made on 1st Sep 2020 14:05:28 > @Alan59
Hi Alan, I will do when I work out how it all works. I can reply when somebody sends me a message still trying to work out how I send a message.
yes feeling much better today.
31st Aug 2020 23:23:32 (Last activity: 31st Aug 2020 23:24:14)
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Hi Celtwich

Just read your message. It was a while ago now and i hope you have since found some friends. It made me want to cry and hug you at the same time! I wish i lived nearby; i would visit and have a coffee with you regularly. I live in nort Kent so completely the other end of the country. Happy to exchange emails/letters though.

I have just been having a similar conversation with a friend today about my brother not bothering to contact/see my mum who will be 80 in a couple of weeks. It makes me so sad! Shame on your daughters.

I hope you have managed to survive lockdown.

Keep well and stay safe.

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 31st Aug 2020 23:24:14
Hi LorraineC73,

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21st Aug 2020 01:04:11 (Last activity: 26th Aug 2020 09:46:43)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 21st Aug 2020 07:54:25
Hi Oldfeller,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from islandPat made on 21st Aug 2020 10:50:35
When and where did you serve. My husband and I were both in the RAF.

Lovely place you live in. We used to live not far from Sherwood Forest.

Retired to Cyprus. I am part of C3A - think U3A in UK. I run the family history.

There is a group for photography in C3A.

Somewhat warm at the moment so doing plenty of reading as well as family history.

Best wishes

Response from Dinabob4 made on 21st Aug 2020 20:46:20
Hi there, welcome to the site.

I am fairly new and joined in these uncertain times.
How are you finding your retirement?

The weather is very windy at the moment in the South East.
I am happy to chat to people of all ages and backgrounds.
What do you like to talk about? Has you life changed this year due to the virus.

My dad would know more about the RAF than me, but he is sadly no longer with us.
I think we have a bit more summer to come. September can be nice.

Response from Dinabob4 made on 21st Aug 2020 23:11:51
Hi Allan,

Yes the years fly by and this one is turning out to be a loss unfortunately due to the situation.
I miss the same things as you! it sounds like, the eating out with friends etc. and even just visiting people. We will appreciate it when it feels more safe to do so.
Yes let's hope September is nice so I can still get to see some relatives in their gardens (where it is safer than inside).
Your winds sound worse, I think the north is affected more at the moment.
Thank you for being sorry about my dad. We all get to an age where we have losses and have to live with them, sadly.
Things to talk about! Well, what about holidays in the UK? Do you have any favourites or regulars or was you always busy working?

Response from Dinabob4 made on 22nd Aug 2020 15:59:47
Hi Allan,
You've been all over the UK, that's nice to hear.
I think I have been to most parts too, yes.
Scotland is lovely. I haven't been in recent years and not as high up as Fort William. I've been to Edinburgh, and the surrounding area. Also Kirkaldy, Fife and Perth etc. Probably the east coast too such as Arbroath.
I agree Cornwall and Devon are lovely places to go and have been a few times. It is quite a long way but worth it.
I have also had many holidays in South Wales and North Wales and most resorts on the south coast of England and the south east. We have a few holidays in Great Yarmouth in younger years and Norfolk as it is not too far to travel to get to a coast.
I have been to France but just to Paris and Eurodisney, mostly. I have been to many other European holidays but I do not think I am keen to fly again and may just stick to the UK when we can do normal things.
I hope you can go on holiday again next year. It may be possible if you go self-catering as that is quite risk-free. Was you hoping to go to France again if it was not for the virus.
I hope you can see friends or family, if you have any near you, in outside places at the moment.
I hope this virus peters out by next year!
Response from Dinabob4 made on 23rd Aug 2020 22:17:51
Hi Allan
Hope you have had a good day. Yes it has been a bit cloudy today (Sunday).
In answer to your question to find this site you could just search the internet '' and then you can log in.
It takes a bit of getting used to.
Unfortunately I find you sometimes get notified you have had replies and other times you do not so you otherwise just check when you log on here and there.
I use a laptop, I like the larger display, but some prefer to use a smartphone or it is just convenient.
Oh you are close to Llandudno and North Wales. Lucky you.
I have been to most places along that coast including colwyn way, conway (the smallest house!), Rhyl. The isle of Anglesey. Right down to Pwllheli. I remember driving up a very steep hill at the Orme in Llandudno and the person in front of me decided to stop! It was not a great experience.
I remember some chalets we stayed at in Towyn. I think they have been knocked down now. I have been inland too. So many places to mention. You have to look at a map sometimes to refresh your memory.
Sounds like the area of france -Brittany was very relaxing.
It is good to look back on the memories of your good holidays.
Do you have many photos of your memories?
I love looking at my old photos.
Response from Dinabob4 made on 24th Aug 2020 17:07:52
Hi Allan,
Good to hear from you. I do not get notifications about all messages so it doesn't matter what time they are sent. I should see them when logged on. I am generally an 'owl' rather than a 'lark'!
Oh you know a little about what's happening at Towyn then. I have a few photos from there. It was somewhere to have a base and then you can drive around and see the sites of many nearby attractions. The orme yes is very high up from what I remember.
We used to go as a big family, some of who we have sadly lost over the years and things change.
I used to always watch the news at the beginning of this pandemic but now I realise it was news overload as it is all doom and gloom.
I know watch it now and then. Of course you like to be up to date with what is happening but you can have too much of it! Do you watch the news?
I like documentaries or anything about real life, particularly things that are uplifting!
Do you get out for a walk sometimes? I find they are good for you if you can.
Have a good evening.
Response from islandPat made on 25th Aug 2020 11:54:05
Sorry Allan that I didn't get back sooner but things just got busy and it's hot.

I got a posting to Cyprus and so did my husband so this is where we met and married and 2 years later our son was born. He has never forgiven us for leaving here when he was 28 days old. 🙂

My husband never had another overseas tour and he was in the RAF nearly 25 years. He was based on the outskirts of London for sometime but I stayed with the children in Newark Nottinghamshire. We moved later to near Sherwood Forest.

I'm sure there's a U3A near you and a photography group. If you get interested in family history I'd be happy to help with that. I'm also in the book club but it's not run like most where you are told what book to read. We read what we want and then spend a couple of hours each month discussing what we've read over a cup of coffee. It's very pleasant.

I'm the odd one out in the book club, the others are all art based and I'm science :). They never know what I'm going to discuss. I will read a couple of light books followed by a serious history or science book. This coming month it will be a light and humorous who done it followed by A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived - The Stories in Our Genes. That also links to my family history.

I went to Chester a couple of years ago. I was visiting UK, a week in Notts with our children and a week with my sister in Walsall. We met up with a distant paternal cousin in Chester during my research - it was very interesting. We've met up since.

How have you kept yourself entertained since lock down?I've had reading and family history and OH has had his computer and he helps out on a couple of sites on there. The dog has loved it as she doesn't like being left alone, although she is good when left. She was dumped as a pup and walked into our house for help so we think it relates to that.

Off to do shopping, shops aren't far away thankfully - even though we have cool bags we still have to get cold things into the fridge quickly.

Hope to hear from you soon

Response from carolquinn made on 26th Aug 2020 09:46:43
Hi sounds like you had a colourful life serving in army and driving I'm from London although have lived in North Wales not for from you in flint love delemere forest usually do the dementia walk there as work with dementia but sadly due to covid it's canceled this year I'm only just noticing the wildlife on the dee as been going for walks on coastal path and think if I could capture that bird how lovely it would be as is to see.
Fisherman 2
26th Aug 2020 00:30:12 (Last activity: 26th Aug 2020 09:20:59)
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I am a young 71 year old male who enjoys all aspects of life .
I live in a shelter housing complex in Clydebank
My likes are wide and varied,in saying that my favourite hobby is fishing.
I try to get out as much as possible, I also enjoy driving sight seeing, reading ,
Cooking simple meals, Living alone I have plenty of practice, I don't often burn my dinner
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 26th Aug 2020 09:20:59
Hi Fisherman 2,

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13th Aug 2020 17:33:13 (Last activity: 22nd Aug 2020 15:42:16)
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Just joined, thought, why not ? I’m definitely silver and I likes to surf....the nitty net
Age sixty one and a half I have 4 kids ( adults). 8 grandchildren, some life changes going on for me
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 13th Aug 2020 20:41:11
Hi Kim4,

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Response from Dinabob4 made on 22nd Aug 2020 15:37:18 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Replying to Kim4
Response from Dinabob4 made on 22nd Aug 2020 15:42:16
Hi Kim4,
Welcome to the site and hi.
I hope you get to see your 8 grandchildren!
I don't have any children but I've just been out for a walk in the woods with sibling, nephew and great-nephew!
Hope you are managing with life changes. It can take time.
You like surfing the net. I am not sure what we would do without it this year!
I've always loved tapping on a keyboard.
19th Aug 2020 16:36:05 (Last activity: 19th Aug 2020 17:13:01)
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Please dont feel alone it is a worrying time when we age as families and friends with partners no longer feel the need to associate with us . so we go out and get a pet or join a club with covid things are limited but the computer although not great at it is a god send to many .
keep chin up and smiling well done for challenging a new hobby and keeping the grey cells alert ha ha
im new here and hope to correspond with you again soon .

take care stay safe.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Aug 2020 17:13:01
Hi carolquinn,

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19th Aug 2020 15:36:09
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Hi Emmalina

I'm pretty new too I hope the dreaded covid isn't too bad where you are.

I can definitely recommend the Match Drop game on here, I got so addicted I did all 90 levels! I've never even played any games like that before either. Blame lies with lockdown methinks 🙂

Great to have someone from Australia
19th Aug 2020 13:39:53 (Last activity: 19th Aug 2020 14:42:53)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Aug 2020 14:42:53
Hi Emmalina,

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19th Aug 2020 11:00:29 (Last activity: 19th Aug 2020 11:17:58)
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Good morning, everyone! I never imagined I would be joining an online chat community again when I was in my 50's! I used to chat long ago, in my 20's, when the kids were wee. Joined a fun group that loved to tell jokes. I just started playing cards (Spades) again online now, too. It's a nice way to pass some time when I don't have a 'live' person to play games with. I love to travel and have lived and worked in six different countries thanks to two extremely rewarding career paths. I really enjoy meeting people from different cultures. I have a strong affinity for Scotland and would love to chat with folks from there 🙂
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Aug 2020 11:17:58
Hi LovetoChat55,

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