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Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with

Hey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to

Created By on 07/09/2020

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12th Nov 2020 19:10:20 (Last activity: 13th Nov 2020 07:37:25)
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Hope I have pressed the right button ,and you are Anthony ,if not ,what the heck ,You have the same attitude as me ,,If it breathes ,I talk to it .I find that the conversations usually start off a tad stilted ,but they usually relax ,and some amazing chat erupts If you don't like OLD ,try" Qualified Wrinkly ,"that usually brings a smile .Age is just a number and to be ignored ,and treated as irrelevant , I sometimes forget how to spell the smallest word ,Walking around the lakes ,wonderful ,I am drawn to water ,and get withdrawal symptoms if I don't get to have a paddle and a windswept beach ,bliss. Sadly been thwarted at the moment ,because of you know what . I am looking for a house near the ocean ,so this problem ,will no longer be a problem I write poems , /gets stuff out of the system ..So ,my wrinkly friend ,,,go iron yourself
Response from Len45 made on 12th Nov 2020 20:21:02
I see you live in Yorkshire Ariadne, are you close to the The Yorkshire Dales National Park, My late Wife's family lived there and I used to love walking the three peaks area
Response from Ariadne made on 13th Nov 2020 07:37:25 > @Len45
Morning Len ,coffee and mail time ,in bed of course. Did you change your mind about " talking "
as you ended very abruptly . No matter I assume that you are a man of few words, and ,let your feet do the walking .,Can you give me a clue as to which bit of the moors you liked best ,as it is such a vast area. Did you actually climb the three Peaks ? You obviously do not live near enough to enjoy the Dales on a daily basis . Not a good day for walking today ,it's absolutely siling down.
10th Nov 2020 07:58:15 (Last activity: 12th Nov 2020 18:51:49)
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Hi Rhyll. I'm new here as well. My nickname is Ryan5. I'm planning a move to a new country where I only have one or two limited contacts, so I'm feeling a little tense about the big change. So yeah, if you think you'd like to try me out on a chat, I'd like that. Be well.
Response from Ariadne made on 12th Nov 2020 18:51:49
Hello ,,been there ,done that ,but ,no "T" shirt. I moved to a different country and stayed for 15 years ,Semi enjoyed it Horse riding on the edge of the Atlantic ,happy memories. Rode on the beach where Saving of Private Ryan was being filmed ,Amazing small amount of beach used, .Depending where you are off to ,I found that as an English person ,I was not made very welcome ,Think the potato famine came to mind ,and it was obviously my fault, Would ask if you are Welsh ????
Don't be tense ,and don't take all your acquired rubbish with you ,there's plenty of that ,no matter where you go .
11th Nov 2020 00:37:24 (Last activity: 11th Nov 2020 08:04:32)
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hope you’ve found some like minded people
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Nov 2020 08:04:32
Hi mazie4,

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8th Oct 2020 13:46:51 (Last activity: 10th Nov 2020 23:42:17)
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hello , rhyll, l,m an old guy on his own now ,,under normal circumstances l walk every day locally here around the lakes here abouts ,l like to read ,also like to write about myself {history} short storys of of what l observe . again normally l,m quite fit ,,at the moment l,m having a problem with my blood pressure oh yes l,m 80 going on 50/60 what can,t do is think old ,l just hate that word ,also l can,t spell ,What else can l say l do like to talk to anyone l meet on my walking spree to where that might be .l live in irthlingborough near northampton ,its one of the smallest towns in the united kingdom l,ll answer to tony or anthony ,,your choice
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 8th Oct 2020 14:54:24
Hi AnthonyB55,

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Response from Layla68 made on 10th Nov 2020 23:42:17
Hey Tony

Anyone who says their 80 going on 50 has got my attention, i'm like yes yes!

Tell me an interesting story about yourself youve got me curious, I love history especially if the persons lived and experienced it.
9th Nov 2020 18:57:09 (Last activity: 9th Nov 2020 19:29:24)
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Just joined right now. Very new to chatting on line and have never joined the social media scene (i.e. facebook, twitter et al) so not sure how to proceed. Life is tough for so many people right now and there are people who are in a much worse position than I am. Willing to chat to anyone who needs a sympathetic ear in these difficult times.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Nov 2020 19:29:24
Hi Mazz3132387,

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17th Oct 2020 20:59:17 (Last activity: 9th Nov 2020 12:07:19)
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Hello. I'm looking for people to chat with too. It is difficult to cope with the virus. That is why l am trying to join online chat groups and events on zoom.
I am interested in creative writing, art and music.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 17th Oct 2020 23:25:34
Hi JoannaN7,

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Response from Beatrice27 made on 9th Nov 2020 09:25:23
hi JoannaN7
i was interested to read that you enjoy art, The local art group here is one of the few groups which is currently open (it comes under adult education). I am a beginner but am learning a lot.
The autumn colours look lovely at the moment. Will perhaps get down to the local park today. it looked lovely the last time (as there had been so much rain)

best wishes
Response from Len45 made on 9th Nov 2020 12:07:19 > @Beatrice27
Hi Beatrice, I was interested in your comment referring to local art classes still being open because they come under adult education. Before covid I was looking for new interests and was about to join the U3A. I didn't pursue it thinking it would all close down, in the light of what you've said, that may not be the case. Len
20th Sep 2020 19:06:24 (Last activity: 8th Nov 2020 12:30:24)
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Hi, Im new to this as well. I live alone, retired nurse, 66yrs old. Living in the east midlands.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th Sep 2020 20:35:59
Hi Fields,

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Response from Jeannie19 made on 20th Sep 2020 20:58:56
Hi Fields, i am 64 and a retired nursing auxiliary in Scotland. How are you finding retirement. I am loving it and think I'm among the lucky ones who don't have to worry about work in these difficult times. Hope you are managing to occupy your time.
Response from robbie2499 made on 21st Sep 2020 06:33:40 > @Jeannie19
Hi Jeanne! It's good to meet you! I live in the US. NY state to be exact. You asked about retirement. It should be a dream come true. I worked 30 years for CPS. I am now 60; 3 years ago at age 57,, I was diagnosed with Primary Progressive MS. Who knew? At my age! Sadly, I wasn't ready to retire yet but I had to. I also collect disability as well. I feel as if I'm whining! I know so many have it worse. I can still get around the house unaided...(stumble around would be more accurate) but I am well aware the day will come......
Drop me a message if you want to. All the best...Robbie
Response from Fields made on 30th Sep 2020 19:00:19 > @Jeannie19
Hi jeannie
Oh retirement is great after 45yrs !
Not doing much right now during this difficult time tho. where are you in Scotland?
I know Thurso and various places in Scotland, had many friends there over the years.
How do you keep busy?
Response from Justine60 made on 19th Oct 2020 12:08:12 > @Fields
Hi Fields
I too live alone. I am 64 years old and on the verge of retirement. I have family locally but am finding the whole Covid situation quite difficult. I live in South East England so not too far from yourself. It would be good to find friends to chat to here as sometimes long hours at home can be quite boring. I like getting out walking when the weathers nice but there’s only so much you can do whilst trying to stay safe. I hope you’ve managed to find friends here?
Best Wishes
Response from Beatrice27 made on 8th Nov 2020 12:30:24 > @Justine60
Hi Justine
Yes I find that too. I like to get out for a walk, i am not a serious walker, but am not far from the sea and so like to walk there.
Otherwise i enjoy music, reading and swimming but alas of course everything is closed!

best wishes
Beatrice (I am female and in my sixties)
6th Nov 2020 22:00:54
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Hi Kcmanager,

I am new to this site but interested to see you are in America. I have been following your Election and would be interested in your views on the current situation. I always feel we are fed News via the media that they want us to hear and prefer to hear the facts from folks at the grass roots.
I am a retired Nurse and live with my husband in Derbyshire, UK. Look forward to hearing your thoughts,
31st Oct 2020 07:22:42 (Last activity: 2nd Nov 2020 01:22:54)
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Looking for chat with others during this awful pan.
Response from Kcmmanager made on 1st Nov 2020 02:49:17
Same here
Looking for chat on any topic
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Nov 2020 08:52:33 > @Kcmmanager
Hi Kcmmanager,

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Response from cloud made on 2nd Nov 2020 01:22:54 > @Kcmmanager
ok let's chat about whatever you would like. How about what are your hobbies, things that you enjoy, makes you happy, makes you laugh, or just makes you who you are. I am called cloud
1st Nov 2020 02:46:58
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Just joined looking to chat I'm 65 live in Birmingham Alabama
31st Oct 2020 01:15:04 (Last activity: 31st Oct 2020 08:08:38)
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Hi, just joined site. I am an 80 year old female. Am looking for people to chat with. Favorite subjects are Musical Theater, American History, books.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 31st Oct 2020 08:08:38
Hi Toni340,

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28th Oct 2020 21:15:45 (Last activity: 31st Oct 2020 08:08:32)
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hello, 67 years old and new to the group, female, just looking to chat about anything, just about everything interest me theses days lol
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Oct 2020 23:16:32
Hi cloud,

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Response from cloud made on 29th Oct 2020 01:24:40 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
i decided to cancel i don't think this is for me please take my account off thank you cloud
Response from amstar made on 31st Oct 2020 07:23:55 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
hi sounds like we are looking for same thing just someone to chat with.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 31st Oct 2020 08:08:32 > @amstar
Hi amstar,

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29th Oct 2020 21:33:24
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Hi Rhyll! 50 yrs old-eh? Still a kid! Haha-said the 80-something ! But you know, moving to a new town either married or by yourself is really a toughie. We retired and chased kids (after they got out of college) and they all ended up in the same city. but even with the help of three kids, you are still always experimenting around with finding the best car-repair place , supermarket, Doctors,banks, etc, etc. whereas in the town you left you were familiar with all those details, and now you must learn them over, even in the face of the pandemic. But with the vaciine available next month, I think we are going to see the lessening of that in the near-future. But a place that a lot of people seem to forget about in their fight against loneliness is one of the oldest- Church
19th Oct 2020 00:07:34 (Last activity: 19th Oct 2020 08:17:37)
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Hi I'm April and I'm 52. I like reading , crocheting and quilting and sewing. I also love animals. I have 2 dogs and 4 cats and a flying squirrel.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Oct 2020 08:17:37
Hi Aprilasbury1,

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18th Oct 2020 04:24:58 (Last activity: 18th Oct 2020 08:35:45)
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I am just joining tonight and am.also hoping to make some new friends.i live in california. Where are you?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Oct 2020 08:35:45
Hi Jewelsie,

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8th Oct 2020 22:52:58 (Last activity: 9th Oct 2020 21:35:27)
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Hi Tony, I had a boy friend called Tony about 70 years ago when I was about 10 years old, and lived near our own secret garden, a neglected empty large house, reputedly haunted, a marvellous place to explore. I wonder where he is now!
I am also on my own, not looking to replace the irreplaceable, but like to chat. I paint in oils a bit, landscapes mostly, garden a lot, and have a Collie dog with a brain who fits herself in around my life! I We used to walk a lot, not so much as I should now, but I keep pretty busy. I'd like to hear some of your stories, your spelling seems fine to someone whose husband and daughter were both seriously Dyslexic. Walking Dictionary, Me!!
Response from Tom2020 made on 8th Oct 2020 23:57:20
Hi PurpleHat,
Thanks for your post. I would like to see some of your paintings. I have posted one (Man on the Balcony).
Sorry about my spelling. I am am too lazy to double check my writings.
Do you still paint?
Response from PurpleHat made on 9th Oct 2020 21:35:27
Hi Tom2020 Just lately I have been suffering from Artist's Block, no inspiration, so I have been spending much more time in the garden. Now the weather is closing in the new Seed catalogues are dropping through the post box, so that will give me something to think about!.
I usually paint from my photos, of which I have hundreds stored on my computer, mostly landscapes I dare say I will recover in due course, it will come to me in a flash as my son-in-law says.
When my Dear Departed did not quite make our 50th, my daughter and I decided to go anyway and visit Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon on a self-drive trip. Great experience, and a lot of it off the tourist routes. Very illuminating. Later I travelled quite a bit as a single until the holiday fund ran out!. Then, pre-Covid, it was a coach trip or so!! Hey Ho! That's life! I'm so glad that I went.
7th Oct 2020 20:20:59
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Hi Rhyll
I am new here and love to have a chat with ladies interested in art, classic movies and anything fun.
7th Oct 2020 14:27:49 (Last activity: 7th Oct 2020 14:38:49)
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Hi Rhyll,
I am new too. Can't find my way around this site!! HELP.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Oct 2020 14:38:49
Hi vfr1200,

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30th Sep 2020 18:24:15 (Last activity: 30th Sep 2020 21:25:14)
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Hi Rhyll:

I am new to the site. Live in Virginia, USA. Close to 50 female. Same as you looking for like minded people to chat with.

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 30th Sep 2020 21:25:14
Hi kamushekar,

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23rd Sep 2020 01:49:47
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Hello out there is anyone on site?
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