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Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with

Hey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to

Created By on 07/09/2020

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1st Jan 2022 04:50:30 (Last activity: 2nd Jan 2022 19:21:31)
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Hi, I'm 79, female and new to this site. My husband is about to turn 81 and is not in good health so I am basically a care giver for him. We recently moved to be closer to our daughter and grandsons so they can assist us if we need it and boy did we need it the first few months, things have settled down some recently though. I am pretty active especially for my age and if I would lose some pounds I probably would be even more active. Hopefully I will get inspired in 2022 to do that. You didn't mention where you were living but most places have public places you might meet people with same interests as you. I have gotten very much into gardening and enjoying my great grandchildren. I'm happy to chat with you any time.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Jan 2022 08:56:46
Hi DeaniI,

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Response from DeaniI made on 2nd Jan 2022 01:27:33 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
thank you, I assumed that I was replying to someone but I guess not. Anyway, thank you I will check things out.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 2nd Jan 2022 19:21:31
Hi eflydo,

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2nd Jan 2022 01:28:30
Thanks for voting!
Hi, I'm 79, female and new to this site. My husband is about to turn 81 and is not in good health so I am basically a care giver for him. We recently moved to be closer to our daughter and grandsons so they can assist us if we need it and boy did we need it the first few months, things have settled down some recently though. I am pretty active especially for my age and if I would lose some pounds I probably would be even more active. Hopefully I will get inspired in 2022 to do that. You didn't mention where you were living but most places have public places you might meet people with same interests as you. I have gotten very much into gardening and enjoying my great grandchildren. I'm happy to chat with you any time.
22nd Dec 2021 03:17:39 (Last activity: 1st Jan 2022 08:56:57)
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hello i am almost 60 female and new
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 22nd Dec 2021 08:19:16
Hi mamacheche,

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Response from yogis333 made on 1st Jan 2022 08:40:18
Hi mamacheche,

I'm Yolanda. I'm new also. Welcome!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Jan 2022 08:56:57 > @yogis333
Hi yogis333,

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14th Jul 2021 15:14:48 (Last activity: 29th Nov 2021 08:05:52)
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Hi, My name is Marcie, I am 65 and disabled, so am very isolated. Would love to have people to talk to.
I have had an interesting life and am a birdwatcher.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Jul 2021 16:23:54
Hi Chris1024,

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Response from MacSpace made on 4th Aug 2021 15:11:11 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Hello name is Mike.......I live in Canada. Feel free to drop me a line
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 4th Aug 2021 22:57:33 > @MacSpace
Hi MacSpace,

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Response from Chris1024 made on 17th Aug 2021 16:54:57
Thanks for your message. I am just isolated, so would like to develop some "friendships" through this website.
My FB page is Marcie Ford and you are welcome to take a look and maybe we have some common interests.

Response from Chris1024 made on 21st Aug 2021 13:09:58
Sorry for the delayed response, Haven't felt well this week.
I have had my vaccination. You?

Response from Chris1024 made on 29th Aug 2021 14:59:00
I live in SC and it's been miserably hot and humid! Staying inside!

Response from Chris1024 made on 6th Sep 2021 17:21:29
Hi. Life here is in a turmoil. Too much to explain right now.
I don't get on FB much, but I'm Marcie in Lexington SC. Last name Ford.
Will write more when things settle down.

Response from Trillium made on 8th Oct 2021 19:30:56 > @MacSpace
Where abouts do you live in Canada? Canada’s a big country. I realize your missive is now over 2 months old so you may have given up. Website not the easiest to navigate.

Toronto, ON, Canada
Response from likedogs made on 9th Oct 2021 06:02:26 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Hi Sally, I have just moved to Queensland and I enjoy watching the very colourful birds here. Can you give me any tips on feeding them. I see Galahs, rainbow lorikeets, crimson rossellas, on my lawn. And of course magpies and butcher birds. I only know what they are called because I got a book from the library but it didn't say anything about feeding them. The birds are so much prettier than those in New Zealand.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Oct 2021 07:39:34 > @likedogs
Hi likedogs,

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Response from MickeyMoose made on 29th Nov 2021 00:26:07
Hi Marcie.
I live in east central Florida, USA about 45 minutes south of Cape Kennedy and Nasa. I live in the country and, though I am not a bird watcher, I do love the local birds. For many years, we had a pair of red tail hawks nesting in a pine tree out front. When the chicks hatched, I would often sit on the tail gate of my truck watching the antics.
One day, after the chicks had fledged, one of the young hawks caught a baby turtle but managed to accidentally drop it at my feet. I took the turtle back to the pond and released it. All the way from the house to the pond, the young hawk followed close behind me screaming for me to return his hard-fought meal. I just repeated the old adage, "Finders keepers. Losers weepers." He did not appreciate my humor.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 29th Nov 2021 08:05:52 > @MickeyMoose
Hi MickeyMoose,

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14th Nov 2021 23:05:55 (Last activity: 15th Nov 2021 13:57:14)
Thanks for voting!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 15th Nov 2021 08:10:35
Hi chrissie1152,

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Response from Safariman made on 15th Nov 2021 12:27:49
Hi Chrissie1152, when you said that you would not hold your breath while you were waiting, do you mean for the council to come and do
the work or for someone to reply to your post? Hope it is the former
as here I am. I am 73 and live in Southampton, I live on my own in a
flat in a retirement building, I message a nice lady that lives up north,
she is younger than us, but we seem to be on the same wavelength.
If you would like to carry on chatting I will be pleased to hear from you.
Hope tha you have a good day, best wishes, Terry.
Response from Safariman made on 15th Nov 2021 13:57:14
Hello again Christie, thank you for your welcome reply, I was sorry to
hear of your recent loss, luckily I have not had to go through that sad
situation. I hope that things get easier for as time goes by. I have never
been to Crewe so don't know what it is like, whilst I was in the Army I
was stationed in Chester for a while before being posted to Berlin. I
hope that our little chats will help you keep your spirits up. Do you
have children near by? They would be a great help to you if you do.
Not a bad day here today but it slowly getting colder as the days go
by, one of my sisters is coming down with her husband for the day on
Thursday so that will help pass the day. They live in Basingstoke so not
too far away. Glad that you have mastered this site at last, a lot of folk
seem to find it difficult to navigate, have to go out to have a medicine
review, so will catch up with you later if that's ok with you. Enjoy the
rest of the afternoon, take care, Terry.
13th Nov 2021 01:24:35 (Last activity: 13th Nov 2021 17:10:53)
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Just found this group and it feels right. Just looking for people to talk with. I like to hear about lives and share what might be interesting in mine. I'm 62, living on the lovely east coast of Canada.
Response from Trillium made on 13th Nov 2021 17:10:53
Hi There Wayne
I live in downtown Toronto overlooking Lake Ontario and just enjoyed a week on Savary Island, BC and now taking some time in the beautiful city of Vancouver. It wasn’t that long ago that I visited your neck of the woods. Equally beautiful without the mountains. I enjoy travelling to different parts of the world and have enjoyed visiting Australia, the Philippines, Thailand, Croatia, Italy, Greece, Germany, France and Holland. Loved it all. Looking possibly to do a Viking River cruise this coming year.
Well, that gives you some idea as to what I enjoy. Tell me about your life on the lovely east coast and where you are located on the east coast.
6th Nov 2021 19:08:23 (Last activity: 7th Nov 2021 07:37:24)
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Hi, I’m looking for a more active chat, I’m free most days.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Nov 2021 07:37:24
Hi Baritonebloke,

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31st Oct 2021 21:05:13 (Last activity: 6th Nov 2021 18:43:13)
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I am new also. Hope this site brings new friendship. You?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 31st Oct 2021 21:23:11
Hi TommieGunn,

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Response from Jenna123 made on 6th Nov 2021 17:49:31
Hi, I am looking to make new friends too and am new to the group.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th Nov 2021 18:43:13 > @Jenna123
Hi Jenna123,

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19th Oct 2021 02:37:21 (Last activity: 25th Oct 2021 17:54:23)
Thanks for voting!
Very new to chat... 62 and not feeling like I fit in anymore... I'm hoping to find out where everyone fled to.
I miss people very much. I hope there are people out there that care about each other. Is this a place where people care?
Response from Hippychik made on 25th Oct 2021 15:34:27
I am new here too. You sad exactly how I feel these days...I don't feel like I fit in anymore. Let's chat!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 25th Oct 2021 17:54:23 > @Hippychik
Hi Hippychik,

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20th Oct 2021 21:58:09 (Last activity: 20th Oct 2021 22:32:21)
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..... I know what U mean my daughter just moved and now she's the new guy ! Now she calls all the time. So maybe send a message or two and I can help as someone to chat with maybe ...... LiLRndTop
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th Oct 2021 22:32:21
Hi LilRndTop,

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19th Oct 2021 02:41:34 (Last activity: 19th Oct 2021 08:06:12)
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Hey Rhyll, what town are you new too? We are all new when joining a forum like this. I'm from Pembroke MA
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Oct 2021 08:06:12
Hi DaveyWithASmile,

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17th Oct 2021 19:06:54 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2021 19:49:17)
Thanks for voting!
New to the group,just wanted to say hello love to read inspirational and fun post!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 17th Oct 2021 19:49:17
Hi Charmainesmile,

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16th Oct 2021 14:38:35 (Last activity: 16th Oct 2021 15:02:43)
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Hi! I'm also new to the group. I'm 64, female. I have no socializing. I'm pretty much a hermit. LOL Looking for people in my age group to chat.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 16th Oct 2021 15:02:43
Hi TainaNana,

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13th Oct 2021 22:23:40 (Last activity: 14th Oct 2021 06:54:19)
Thanks for voting!
Wanted to talk to someone. It's been a day since anyone was here. Not very active are you?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Oct 2021 06:54:19
Hi 12Points,

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Whitebeam 1
12th Oct 2021 10:59:48
Thanks for voting!
I'm new also. We all have our dreams and things we'd like in life, we've just got have the confidence to trust we have happy endings if we're lucky enough.
Whitebeam 1
11th Oct 2021 13:36:15 (Last activity: 12th Oct 2021 10:54:12)
Thanks for voting!
Hi, am in same situation as you, just moved home, don't know anyone and after getting settled in, now need to get out and meet people, am in Angus area, Scotland, a long way from "home" in NW England
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Oct 2021 17:38:53
Hi Whitebeam 1,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Whitebeam 1 made on 12th Oct 2021 10:54:12 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you Sally
11th Oct 2021 22:41:26 (Last activity: 12th Oct 2021 06:35:43)
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new here. Looking to talk about dreams after 60 years old
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Oct 2021 06:35:43
Hi Beatriz,

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9th Oct 2021 12:18:57 (Last activity: 9th Oct 2021 13:34:47)
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Hello,I am seeking a nice male friend to travel with,I enjoy weekends away and travel when we can,I find it enriching,and love experiencing new cultures,and ways of life,and have travelled for work,and interest.I am looking for some one who has this interest to,and is over 5o,and has time,is financially stable,and in good health,to share my experiences with.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Oct 2021 13:34:47
Hi Wanderlust2022,

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30th Sep 2021 12:04:44
Thanks for voting!
yes i'm the same love to chat just a househusband now wife still works so always ready for a chat
30th Sep 2021 11:54:54
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hello all I'm new here would love people to chat with all the best pete
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