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Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with

Hey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to

Created By on 07/09/2020

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6th Sep 2022 22:30:09
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I am a young at heart 85 years young. Limited mobility. They tell me smart and attractive with a pleasing personality. Would like to meet a male friend for social outings. Honest, sincere, smart, sense of humour, non smoker to share happy times with me
18th Aug 2022 20:40:37 (Last activity: 30th Aug 2022 16:36:15)
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Hi there,How are you Rhyll where do you live im a lady in my 70s and i was born and still live in Norfolk England.What is your life like will be happy to hear from you.
Response from Valla46 made on 30th Aug 2022 16:36:15
Hi Janet

Just to remind you to go on to Chat, and I will set up a chatline on there for us

Best wishes
Valla 46 (Val)
9th Aug 2022 13:36:55 (Last activity: 18th Aug 2022 12:14:08)
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Hello new to this site and also looking for interesting discussions. In AZ and very outgoing, educated and have traveled some. Hope we might get to talk sometime. Have a good day
Response from FraM made on 16th Aug 2022 02:34:12
Response from Depdivr made on 17th Aug 2022 14:32:57 > @FraM
Hello, thanks for the reply. Hope your day is going well. Any special interests that you fancy chatting about? Look forward to hearing back from you.
Response from Depdivr made on 18th Aug 2022 12:14:08
Yes back in the day was a scuba instructor but it has been defined in other ways. I am currently in NE Arizona semi retired after 30 years in the healthcare field. Love the outdoors so explore when I can especially off road and out of the way places. Like to read, cook and learn something new every so often. College education and traveled a bit on my own and with the military. Good amount of time is spent keeping up my homestead as I live off the grid. Don't watch much sports as I lost interest years ago when athletes egos got too big. Hope that is a start as to information about myself. Have a Great day
16th Aug 2022 02:31:30 (Last activity: 16th Aug 2022 10:05:28)
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I am male looking for new friends hoping to practice foreign languages. 53 California
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 16th Aug 2022 10:05:28
Hi FraM,

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14th Aug 2022 10:03:36
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Hi. I recently moved to a new town, and I'm feeling a little lonely. If you're still looking for someone to chat, I'd like the chance to get to know you. Take care.
11th Aug 2022 15:52:16 (Last activity: 11th Aug 2022 16:48:00)
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Hi retire single would u like to chat
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Aug 2022 16:48:00
Hi DanW1,

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10th Aug 2022 11:33:37 (Last activity: 10th Aug 2022 13:14:04)
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I'm 56 and this is my first comment. I wouldn't mind a chat if you're interested
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Aug 2022 11:52:32
Hi Britguy,

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Response from Britguy made on 10th Aug 2022 13:14:04 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
6th Aug 2022 09:20:40
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Hi I am on here but I do have trouble getting around it.i am 84 but quite fit.

Percy xx
1st Aug 2022 20:29:46 (Last activity: 1st Aug 2022 21:57:15)
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Hi Everyone,
I'm new here and also just looking for people for a nice conversation.
Maybe a simple coffee one day could be nice as well if we get alongs.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Aug 2022 21:57:15
Hi RoySilver,

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31st Jul 2022 14:31:58
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Hi my name is Percy I would serjest. That you go to the Library and ask them what clubs is in your area and ls there a meet up club near you .
31st Jul 2022 02:07:36 (Last activity: 31st Jul 2022 08:20:03)
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New to this chat.
Hi I'm Yvonne and just looking for someone to have conversation with.
Recent!y widowed and moved to a new area....hard to learn to live alone.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 31st Jul 2022 08:20:03
Hi Yvonne63,

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21st Jul 2022 01:43:57 (Last activity: 21st Jul 2022 07:47:34)
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looking for a senior female to travel with
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 21st Jul 2022 07:47:34
Hi BeeJay606,

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10th Jul 2022 22:35:26
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Hi Craxxymom

Still looking for friends?
1st Jun 2022 20:14:57 (Last activity: 7th Jul 2022 10:09:52)
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Hello...I am 57 female .. Tennessee..USA LOOKING TO. PEOPLE TO CHAT WITH..ALL INTERESTS.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Jun 2022 23:17:04
Hi craxxymom,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

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Response from Safariman made on 2nd Jun 2022 12:06:08
Hi craxxymom, My name is Terry, I am a lot older than you at 74, but if
you would like to chat I am a good listener, and can have a chat about
most things. I love to travel to far flung places, and have been to many
countries in East and South Africa, and am off to Cape Town on the 2nd
of October for a couple of weeks and it will be my 14th visit since 2002.
I have only been to the USA on one occasion and that was when I was
17 and in the Army, we went to Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, I really
enjoyed the visit, but expect that it was because I was so young. Well I
had better not ramble on, so will finish off for now, By the way forgot to
mention that I live in Southampton in the South of England, all best of
wishes, Terry.
Response from craxxymom made on 2nd Jun 2022 22:37:45 > @Safariman
Hello, Terry,
My name is Pam and I live in Tennessee..USA... I was very glad to hear from you. And your age makes no difference to me... however I have always had a preference for older men.
I have never traveled out it the USA...I have only been to a few states... although I would love to travel... I have three grown children..a son and two daughters. and four grandchildren.... I enjoy reading... writing... drawing.....and I hope to one day see the ocean.
Thank you again for writing I hope we can continue.. have a great day. Pam
Response from Safariman made on 3rd Jun 2022 12:09:06
Good morning from sunny England Pam, thank you for your reply to
my message, it has been a busy couple of days over here with the
Jubilee celebrations for our Queen, so that's been the main talking
point in the newspapers and on the TV, it has been a holiday here,
lasting until Monday, so not over just yet, I wonder if there was any
coverage of the events on the TV over in the States. I have never
married, so have no children, but I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers, so
a large family. I am the oldest, and when I was 17 I joined the Army,
I think most of the reason I joined up was to get away from all the
commotion in the household, as there were 10 of us in a 3 bedroom
house. I served for 12 years,and was posted abroad on many
occasions, and that put me off getting married, as would have been
away for months at a time. Have traveled for most of my life, even
after I left the Army, have been lucky to have visited 42 countries
so far, my favourite places are nearly all in Africa, and I tend to go
back there time after time, have not traveled too much in Europe,
but may start to do so, as am getting older, and traveling long haul
is a bit of a bind, and my travel insurance premium goes through
the roof. I also enjoy reading, my favourite author was Wilbur Smith,
he sadly died last year aged 85, so he had a good time on Earth.
I also love nature and wildlife, hence my love of Africa, well had
better not waffle on too much as will get you bored, so take care
of yourself, and all here if you wish to continue chatting, all best
wishes, stay safe, Terry.
Response from craxxymom made on 3rd Jun 2022 16:18:52
Hi, Terry,
I was very glad to hear from you. Sounds like you come from a large family too...I have seven brothers..I am next to the the youngest. I have been married twice.. neither one worked out so I just mainly spend time with my blue healer ..Diamond...she is my baby. I think another thing we have in common is being animal lovers.
I haven't seen anything about The Queen here....I bet it is just lovely. I would love to visit England...
I live a quite life.... I love to cook.... I suppose you could say that I am old fashioned.
I hope you enjoy your festivities ...take care Pam
Response from Safariman made on 3rd Jun 2022 17:45:21
Hi again Pam, once again I say thank you for your quick reply, I was a bit
sorry to hear that you have been unlucky with your marriages, I chose
not to marry, I suppose I am a little bit selfish, and didn't want to be tied
down, I have no regrets, but as you get older you sometimes wonder
what might have been, but to late to change anything. Forgive my total
ignorance, but is your blue healer a dog? I have not heard of the breed,
don't have any pets myself, as once again, I love to get away whenever
I can, and a pet restricts what you can do, unless you know someone
who could look after it while you are away. My sister has two little dogs,
they are a cross between a Jack Russel and a Pug, they are 9 years old,
and are sisters, I look after them when my sister and her husband go on
holiday, I am doing that in August while they are on a cruise around
Canada and Alaska, so will have my work cut out, as they are lap dogs
and want attention all the time, still it is only once in a while so don't
mind. I live in a one bedroom flat ( apartment ) in a retirement building
here in Southampton, so have the best of both worlds, as I can mingle
with other residents in our lounge, or keep myself to myself if I want a
bit of peace and quiet. One thing that we don't have in common is a
love of cooking, I am next to useless, so eat a lot of ready meals that I
only have to put in the microwave, not that healthy I know, so do on
occasion make an effort. I hope that one day you can get to travel a
bit, I am lucky at my age that I am still fit and active, so I try to get away
as much as I can, providing I can save enough from my pension, and
there are no more travel restrictions due to the covid pandemic. Well
once again had better finish off, it's 5.45 pm over here, so don't know
what the time difference is over there, so cheerio for, stay safe and
message again any time you want, will always reply, Terry.
Response from craxxymom made on 3rd Jun 2022 20:10:09 > @Safariman
I wonder if it would be possible to have a picture of you.
Response from LarryA made on 3rd Jun 2022 21:11:17 > @craxxymom
Hey Pam! Looks like you’re a good conversationalist. You don’t find that very often.
Response from craxxymom made on 3rd Jun 2022 22:07:29 > @Safariman
Hello Terry,
I hope all is well and you still enjoying the festivities there.. You sound like a well mannered gentleman...I keep imagining your for me I suppose you can say I have one of those real southern accents.... The weather here in Tennessee is rather hot and humid...I love winter myself...the snow the cold...and rain...yes.. beautiful.
A blue like an Australian shepherd....but my Diamond is a bit smaller... And it does sound like you will have your hands full with your sister's fur I said I am am animal lover...
It's great that you have the best of both to speak whether to mingle or not. I can still walk freely .. I just have some trouble getting started...some days because of a back injury. I don't drink any alcohol, smoke, or do any drugs. I think I could live in the water though... I love to swim.
I was wondering if there was a way of sending me a picture of you... I am still learning how to send messages on here.
Well take care...Hugs. Pam
Response from Safariman made on 3rd Jun 2022 22:08:42 > @craxxymom
Hi Pam, could send a photo if you have an e-mail address. Mine is
[email protected], regards, Terry.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 4th Jun 2022 09:19:06 > @LarryA
Hi LarryA,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from craxxymom made on 4th Jun 2022 15:20:50 > @LarryA
Hello LarryA,
I would love to chat with you as well.
Response from craxxymom made on 4th Jun 2022 15:24:44 > @Safariman
Dearest Terry,
I sent you am email I hope you got it. My email is [email protected].
I was able to put up a profile picture of me on here I hope you can see it if not maybe we could email some pictures to each other.
Have a wonderful day. Pam
Response from Safariman made on 7th Jul 2022 10:09:52
Hi Alicemay, thank you for your comment, yes have had an eventful
life so far, didn't get married and have kids like you did, was my
choice so no regrets, took advantage of the freedom to do a bit of
traveling, so can't complain, as I have seen a bit of the world, and
visited quite a few interesting places. I live in Southampton, in a
retirement block of flats, so have company if I want it and peace and
quiet if I don't, so best of both worlds. It's a bit grey and overcast here today, so hope that we get a bit of sunshine later on today. Well
have a few things to do, so had better finish off for now, if you would
like to chat via e-mail, my address is [email protected], take
care, best wishes, Terry.
27th Jun 2022 01:10:11 (Last activity: 5th Jul 2022 01:15:59)
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Haven't posted in a LONG TIME. Had one chat, but person deleted herself. Still looking to find someone interested in pets, music, tech, and a host of other things. I am OLD and live in the US. Just trying to pass the time interestingly...
Response from theworldbysarah made on 4th Jul 2022 22:38:35
Hey! fellow crazy, cat lady here! Well I just have the one right now. Feel free to send me a message!
Response from bubbajo made on 5th Jul 2022 01:15:59
Crazy cat lady----

I'm just a VERY amateur cat person. I only have a rescue "garfield". He's been with me about 2 years. Got him as an 8 week old kitten. I've always had Siameses-----1 at a time because I usually had a dog too. Never had a cat until mid 20' mother was afraid of them. As you may have seen, my youngest daughter has 4 Siameses----all rescues and one with 6 toes she calls Mr. Beans.

4th Jul 2022 22:37:32
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Hi Rhyll, welcome aboard. I'm new here too! feel free to send me a message!
27th Jun 2022 10:25:45
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Hello everyone, wishing you all a very blessed week ahead
12th Jun 2022 18:32:28 (Last activity: 12th Jun 2022 20:07:15)
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Hi. I am new to the group. I am interested in books, sports, cooking.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Jun 2022 20:07:15
Hi MarionC10,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

4th Jun 2022 19:16:17
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Hi I’m new here too I’m 57 and I’m just wondering how the site is as I listen to boom radio
3rd Jun 2022 22:24:41
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Hello LarryA...
I can't seem to find you but I would love to chat with you
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