Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with
Watch this postHey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to
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We don't tolerate swearing, and reserve the right to remove any posts which we feel may offend others... let's keep it friendly!
Am quite happy to chat with people and have a good sense of humour....
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I’m 60, looking to just talk to people. As very housebound. Take care of my aunt aged 87. Live in South Wales. Hope we can chat
I'm fairly new and trying my best to put myself out there and be more sociable (even if it is only online). Happy to chat. Not online very often but try to check in at least once a day.
Got to be Welsh with double L
Happy to chat so long as no squeezes and hugs are implied like your neighbour scrilleizard. I live very near the Gower, hate our weather, love my family and Netflix What about you?
Hi AJ. Live in South Yorkshire and I'm fairly new to the site. Female, 58 and heck, I am a hugger but I know my boundaries so I'll just raise my hand and wave hello. Who the heck is Scrilleizard? I've obviously missed something.
Weather is a nightmare at the moment. My family is my everything and Netflix is probably my best friend. Ha
It's your handle that did it .
Meant scrollwizard oh and no disrespect to scrollwizard need to go to Specsavers! Going to family for Christmas, my daughter & son plus their partners. Really looking forward to Christmas. Netflix: Started watching Korean series with subtitles, sad but true. They are just so respectful lovely to watch. Love Motherland, I’m Julia Love law & Order Special Victims. What are you up to for Christmas? Also sorry you may be from Yorkshire but that is definitely a Welsh name. Not that I’m Welsh, live near the Gower now due to family, but born in Rugby
Sincerely I mis-read the messages. It was Sunshinekurlz sending you hugs and kisses, I was a bit affronted thought it was you sending them. Once again sincere apologies and from South Wales to North Wales best wishes.
I agree with you I cannot find a actual chat place.
I am new looking for some new friends. Female live in Chicago IL. Where are you from? Would love to hear from you.
Would be nice to chat sometime!
m gonna make Ice cream tomorrow!
Say hello if you live in the North of England.
I’m male, 71. I live in Kansas, The Land of Oz. I’m far from Chesterfield, but at least I don’t smoke. I hope you had a nice weekend.
How very nice to meet you. The weather is cool in Kansas. I’ve been using the wood stove to heat the house. I haven’t turned the propane on yet. The cats love to sit in front of the fire. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.