As a child in the 70's, I remember the 6 week summer holidays. Glorious sunshine everyday, playing outside from morning till evening. Those 6 weeks seemed to go on forever!
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Growing up in Houston Texas was such a great time to be a kid in the 1970's.. Bell bottom jeans, hanging out with my friends listening to vinyl records of Kiss.. ZZ Top, Aerosmith... Tv was simple and more entertaining, no cell phones or internet.. We actually played outside until it was time to come in for supper.. Roller skating... playing baseball in the neighbors yard.. cigarettes cost 65 cents a pack... A 16 Oz bottle of coke cost 35 cents in 1972.. a candy bar 11 cents.. I remember in 1973 my father bought my mother a brand new Chevrolet Impala that cost 4,000.00 dollars at AJ.Foyt Chevrolet and my brother and I even got to sit in one of his Indy 500 race cars in the dealership lobby.. A cheeseburger actually was bigger than the palm of your hand back then... If you wanted a drink of water you drank from the front yard water hose.. It was good time
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45 years ago I attended Manchester Polytechnic on a Graphics Course. After graduation people went home or to pursue careers. AS this was pre- Facebook very few people kept in touch if at all. I have recently found 3 people I wnt to college with all those years ago. If anyone else who attended the Art and Design courrse at tha time is interested maybe we can exchange emails and possibly meet in Manchester. It would be great to get a group together. My Email:
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I am trying to locate David Drury, originally from Kirkby, last known to live in Salford. David and I were married September 29, 1970. I was 16 and he 20. (Sounds so silly now). Would love to know how he is doing.
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I would like to hear guys memories who use to go Croft Club in Leicestershire on Monday nights during the early seventies when they had a band on + a Disco.I feel lucky to have experienced it saw many bands before they became famous.I heard different kinds of music: Rock; Folk; Pop; Country&Western.It was a wicked night out that was incredible value for money.Raymond Froggatt was quite a regular he must have been cheap haha.Seriously he was liked by the locals but many bands we saw went on to be stars like Whitesnake; Saxon; Hawkwind; Edison lighthouse; Lonestar; there were many new bands who played there and went on to be stars.I liked that Monday night because it was different kinds of bands each week then they had a decent Disco to which I also enjoyed.I think even Aker Bilk of Jazz even did a couple of gigs too. Songs are a good memory link when I hear a song on the radio I remember where I liked hearing it.I think guys will enjoy chatting about where we went in our early 20s.
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Looking to host first event for above idea club and looking for members who can host so we all take a turn on a rotational basis of a Friday and Saturday evening - anyone interested?
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Wondered if anyone had any chat about 70s TV?
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Who remembers a man taking your picture by the pier (Brighton in my case) and putting it in a key ring for you to buy?! Happy memories of a day out with my lovely Mum !
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Who remembers these and the adverts on TV in the 70s "Bootaful!"
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I was a teenager in the 70s and while the music was incredible-Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Rod Stewart, Elton John etc etc etc the state of Britain at that time was dire. I was a student in London in the mid seventies and it was dirty, boring and if you wanted a sandwich you risked food poisoning. There seemed to be strikes all the time (about what?). No Technology at all-seems amazing that we also had no mobile phones, computers etc etc. How on earth did we function. Life was a lot simpler and slower. TV-Minder was all I can remember. I think its a much better world now especially in the UK
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