I am passionate with sewing, I work with fabric, cork, and marine vinyl. Any quilters out there. I am a guy who sews, a bit of a minority.
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During lockdown started painting miniatures. Anyone else enjoy this artistic endevor?
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I have been pen palling for a while now does anyone else do this and is there somewhere on the site for this? It would be nice to write to people on here if they were interested.
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Hi I'm another newbe. Just wanted to say hi. Just got a new puppy. I forgot how much work it is. He is very active. Only 10 weeks old so I can't walk him yet. Second jab next week. He is either chewing stuff he shouldn't be chewing despite the box of toys, bones I spent a small fortune on. Or weeing and pooing. I sit in the garden for hours with him but nothing not even a tinkle but as soon as we go back into the bungalow wee after wee. While I'm busy cleaning up one puddle he's making another or he's pooing. Despite this I love him to bits. He's my new best friend. Are there any other dog mad people out there? I also play guitar. But I am no Eric Clapton. Just play to keep myself amused. My last dog used to walk out the room when I picked my guitar up. My new puppy just goes to sleep with his paws over his ears.
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Good Morning Folks, I am thinking of learning to play poker. Does it always involve money, or can you just play it for fun? Are there different variations of the game? If so, what is the most popular version to learn? Thanks
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Hi Folks I've recently started to learn how to play chess. Are there any chess players out there with whom I can share hints and tips on the game? Thanks
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Morning good people! I have launched an online business for people wanting to work online and now about to launch myself into the universe - all very exciting. I am now diving into researching which platform to use the most. Please could you let me know whether Facebook, instagram or google ads is where you most search for things? Do you use facebook much of the time? I would be hugely grateful for any feedback so that I don't waste time, money and energy in the wrong place. Thanks and have a fabulous weekend! Philippa
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I'm starting a paranormal YouTube channel and hopefully a podcast too and I would be really grateful if you could please share any paranormal experiences you may have had. This has been a lifelong interest of mine and I've been thinking about doing this for a while. Now my kids have flown the nest I'm just going to do it instead of thinking about it. I've had some replies from other sources and once I have enough I will be reading them out. If you could share anything with me and are ok with me reading your story out on the channel could you please email your experience to: doyoubelieve@gmail.com . You can leave your name and location or be completely anonymous. Thank you so much if you can help x
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Hello, are there any foragers here? I'm fairly new to foraging, 2 years approximately, and I love it. I've made some tinctures so far and have started looking into making salves and balms.
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I love watching Divorce Court. What do you like to watch?
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