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Living in Northern England

Hi, I've been widowed 16 years. 5 years ago, I took retirement my once lovely ave where I live is now occupied by foreign residents who for one reason or another will not integrate... Since my neighbour died 3 years ago it's almost like living on a desert island no one talks anymore. So I am thinking of moving on.. where I don't know? but I love my garden so I will need lots of land to grow to my heart's content. A wooden hut in the middle of nowhere with my three little dogs 2 Chihuahua and a Bischon would do me fine cross any suggestions.

Created By on 27/06/2024

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2 days ago
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I'm in the Norfolk and Suffolk area.
2 days ago
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Much the same position as you, I’m thinking Norfolk or Suffolk area.
3 days ago
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Hello Keith, in an inverted way I share your complaint. I'm a country lad, born and bred in a Norfolk village, although I have spent some time in that cess pit of places, London. My present wife and I moved from a village to this smaller and quieter hamlet several miles away. There's 29 houses of varying ages and, well nothing else!

The problem in this area is Londoners wanting to 'live the life,' which means in reality having all conveniences and luxuries of an inner city existence whilst living in this 6,000 year old hamlet. They want a zebra crossing to the village hall, street lights which no countryman would ever need, a pub - never been a pub around here - pavements and well and a local bus service - hasn't been a bus through here in 69 years!, The list goes on.

We presently have three houses occupied by incomers. They don't speak to us locals, drive like mad things on very narrow country roads, try to dominate the Parish Council, and, among many more annoyances, have very loud soirees and boozy lunches with other Londoners in the area.

We came here for the peace and quiet and have become well known among native villagers. I was a farm worker and can talk turkey with farmers. A truck driver who talks trucks with a couple of retired drivers here and it goes on.

At the beginning of lock down the house next to mine was rented to some London refugees. Hoards of visitors poured in (at a time when we were locked down) and fairly wild parties went on around the clock. Not good for a night's sleep. However, one of my good mates here, a six and a half foot lad built like a bear, came to the rescue. He and a few others were tooled up (you know what I mean), knocked on the door next to my house and very quietly but forcibly issued an ultimatum. Shut the 'f' up, and get out before sun down tonight or die! Now, I don't know if that posse meant it, but it sure worked. Next door was vacant before sundown. Yes, we are a law unto ourselves here; even the local copper moved out!

I'm a veggie gardener too, feeding two households. One tenth of an acre, greenhouse, polytunnel, good supply of horse muck, we live well all year round. But don 't think of moving south, the prices would make you quite ill. Stay in the North, I lived there for eighteen years near Thirsk and those folks are the salt of the earth.

Come back Keith

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