Lionel's latest comments
2 days agoLionel commented on:
Should supervised toothbrushing be the responsibility of early years teachers?Me too.ViewDate:
4 days agoLionel commented on:
Should supervised toothbrushing be the responsibility of early years teachers?Stop the world I wanna get off!ViewDate:
4th Mar 2025Lionel commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?Yes, times change. The facts of war don't. It will always be boots on the ground at some point.ViewDate:
3rd Mar 2025Lionel commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?If events in Europe and with Trump continue to explode our views as to conscription will be consigned to history. It will be a fact of life.ViewDate:
26th Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?We probably won't be here either. However, I have step kids and grand kids. I wouldn't want to leave them a Red legacy. I've spent a lot of time in Czech and Poland from the early nineties onwards. Talked to so many people about Soviet occupation. The accounts are too often horrific; no one owns anything, has no rights in law and occupation forces make our war time limitations look like a good time.ViewDate:
23rd Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?That's the view touted in the press and fostered by governments. The truth may be very different. Presently, the US have this island as a forward air base for attacks on Eastern Europe and Russia. It would be very handy for the Reds to have it, a thousand miles closer to USA than Russian territory. Therefore a cindered island is of no use. An EMP overhead to destroy our computers or a land invasion to preserve the infrastructure and subdue the population would be more beneficial to the Reds. In my view total destruction of UK is of no use to the Reds. They have other plans.ViewDate:
23rd Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?No, please! No more youngsters in farming.ViewDate:
21st Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?The time is almost upon us when we will compel individuals to serve their country in the military. It will be a matter of national survival. At such a time (close at hand as I understand matters), luxuries such as individual's feelings will not matter.ViewDate:
21st Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?If we only prepare for one possibility it leaves the door open for enemies to employ other tactics with ease. I very much doubt this next war, which is coming, will be limited to a few warheads. No, it more likely will be a full scale ground invasion and turn the UK into a forward airbase to hit the USA.ViewDate:
21st Feb 2025ViewDate:
21st Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Is it time to make National Service mandatory?Billy, I've been warning of this impending clash with Russia for several years. Too many nay-sayers (nah! Never 'appen). But now it's more likely than at anytime in our long lives. Now is the time to prepare. There won't be another time. The entire game changes now - wokery is deadery! Stone deadery. The military must revert to war time standards of discipline and warfare. It must be funded properly, armed properly and have the right to discipline recruits. Forget Human Rights and UK Law, it only applies in peacetime. This is going to be all out war. Since 1940 the UK has been a forward airbase for the USA. A short hop to Eastern Europe or Russia. Now Russia wants this island as a forward air base. It would knock off at least a thousand miles for its missiles to hit the USA. Russian troops stationed here would be but a step from Europe. Europe covered from both East and West. Europe will fall at the first breath of war. I've also argued for many years, don't rely on NATO. It's old, tired and now not fit for purpose. We must defend our own island because no one else will. If we don't fully recruit and arm to the teeth now we won't get another chance. The best leader in a crisis we've had since 1945 is Boris Johnson. (That will make me popular) but it is the truth. He's studied Churchill in wartime and written a book on him. I've read it several times. The times have quickly changed. The gloves are off. We've got to be ready to fight dirty or be invaded. Better to offend a few woke youngsters with drill sergeants than lose the nation to the Reds.ViewDate:
14th Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Would you support compulsory digital ID cards?Sorry Wilf, the short to medium term implications of this scheme are not in our best interests. The long term is, in my opinion, horrendous and we will all regret it. But then it will be too late. I've been banging on about big government and its grab for ever more power for years. Beware o the State, it doesn't have our best interests at heart.ViewDate:
13th Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Would you support compulsory digital ID cards?NO! I do not support digital ID cards. I don't support any other form of government backed ID. We have so many other means of ID readily available in our wallets another level of scrutiny is unnecessary and I cannot help asking, why does this government ressurect a scheme which was soundly defeated when Blair wanted to tag us all? The only answer I have is of no benefit to us!ViewDate:
13th Feb 2025ViewDate:
10th Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Would you support the ban of cat ownership in some parts of Scotland?Catching feral cats is not so easy. They're canny, cautious and vicious fighters. I think the cost may out weigh any benefit.ViewDate:
9th Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Would you support the ban of cat ownership in some parts of Scotland?I'm with you on that!ViewDate:
4th Feb 2025Lionel commented on:
Would you support the ban of cat ownership in some parts of Scotland?No, I do not support such a ban! In rural areas such as I live in cats are a necessity. They're supreme rat catchers, better than any trap or poison. I know for a fact there are a great any feral cats around our area. How does one ban these wild creatures. Yet another useless proposal.ViewDate:
29th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Do you support the introduction of a bottle-return scheme?So said King Solomon, two thousand five hundred years ago.ViewDate:
28th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Ancient MarinerMy father was MN, 1941 onwards. Joined at 14 came out in the fifties, never settled anywhere. I can't tell you much more because he didn't often speak to me about his youth.ViewDate:
28th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Just life in generalEliz, just come back to us. Through my dark days I could use a conversation too.ViewDate:
23rd Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Should drivers over 70 re-take their driving test?The first point must be ... at a time when there's a nine month waiting list for a driving test is it reasonable, or even logical, to expect older drivers to take a test? Answers on a postage stamp if you can afford one. (I mostly can't). Oh, and don't send your answer to Downing Street - they're too busy making victims of older folk. This is an ageist government and that is illegal! I do not believe there is a need for an older driver re-test! We should all be having eye tests every year - if we have any sense - and a medical check up, The latter would reveal if our reactions are slower or our comprehension impaired. Then is a time for action. Should we not also recognise in ourselves any impairment to our driving? The last thing this country needs is more regulation, more laws and more fines. We Are A Free People Under God! For a government to impose yet more restrictions is a breach of their constitutional responsibilities.ViewDate:
22nd Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Have you got 'stove stigma'?No, I most certainly do not have, 'Stove Stigma.' Nor will I be shamed nor cajoled into shame because of my wood burner. I do question the legitimacy of any UK government that has assumed unto itself such sweeping powers as demanding we drive electric vehicles, banning wood burners and generally meddling in pensioners bank accounts. There's much more besides but not for now. The UK government according to the Settlement of (I think) 1652 has responsibility for defence of the realm, (now terminally run down), stability of the currency, (devalued by governments for the last sixty years), and foreign relations, (what relations? Even Trump is against our government now!). How could Kerr Starmer demand the severest penalties for Stockport rioters? The Judiciary and the Executive are entirely separate in law. Downing Street has no power over the Judiciary! On every front free speech is under attack. Free speech comes with the responsibility to not deliberately cause offence, but our recent governments have enshrined the right to be offended and told us to watch our mouths. That's not their job! Powers of control were assumed during two world wars and never returned to the people. Even pub opening times are much the same as in early 1914! It's way past time our freedoms were handed back. This is not government for the people by the people as the Settlement lays out. Back to wood burners. If one lives in a smokeless zone then that zone has been locally determined for a reason. To have a wood burner in such a place is a folly. The many, such as myself, who live miles from the nearest smokeless zone have no common sense reason to abandon them. I've lived my life on farms and now retired amidst other farms. I've had stoves for well over fifty years burning both coal and wood. These last thirty five years I've had a wood burner using seasoned timber. My locality has 29 houses in the entire parish, most of which has a wood burner. You will not smell wood smoke around here! Why? Because they're not a must-have because one lives in the country. They're a necessity and we all know how to manage them. It's time we got our country in order, cut down the powers that be to their historic size. Minuscule!ViewDate:
16th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Just life in generalI'm in a similar place, wife of 25 years with MS and dementia. Despite what my profile says I've been on here since early 2016, but with a short break, and have made some goods friends, several of whom now understand my situation and keep my head straight. Best advice I may give is stick around, get to know people, Surfers are a good crew, Think of Surfers as your time out. I do!ViewDate:
16th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Would James Norton get your vote to be the next James Bond?The sad truth Billy, is you're quite right. Our young people are shallow, ill informed and cannot make informed decisions. This is a result of Comprehensive education, a political decision to dumb down the population. Once again, question our politicians. Or perhaps a fresh political system is needed here. Fresh thinking, bold measures to correct mistake of the Post War Years.ViewDate:
14th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Would James Norton get your vote to be the next James Bond?Billy, for Grumpy Old Beggars we should think of ourselves as leaders bringing enlightenment and reform to a stricken society. New Think. New Speak. After all, at least since, and including Blair, George Orwell's works have become the go to manual.ViewDate:
13th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Would James Norton get your vote to be the next James Bond?I quite agree with you Billy. Show business has become a tasteless and uninteresting hell-hole. From being an avid cinema goer in the Sixties the last two films I went to see were Towering Inferno (1975) and Titanic in the Czech Republic at an open air cinema when it rained heavily in 1998. Apart from that, I don't bother with cinema or TV. It's all become so PC, so edited as not to offend anyone it's bland and not worth watching. Stuff the PC, stuff the editing out so as not to cause offence. As far as awards are concerned they're worth nothing, just glitz and glamour, nothing of substance. My neighbour got an award last year for cutting the village green, a cup with his name inscribed. My taxes down the drain again. As far as Bond goes Connery was the first and the best. Everyone else is an also-ran.ViewDate:
5th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Former US president Jimmy Carter dies aged 100Sadly, Mrs Pat, people of a good heart and kind disposition don't usually do well in big business or politics, largely because both fields are populated by thieves, rogues and vagabonds. In the case of Jimmy Carter he did more good after his Presidential term than during it. As you so rightly say, God bless him.ViewDate:
5th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
The best ways to boost your immune system as cold temperatures hitVitamin C is the most important one. Take as much as you can before loose bowels set in. Vitamin C can't do any harm but it does an awful lot of good.ViewDate:
5th Jan 2025Lionel commented on:
Turmeric +Yes, I've been studying and using vitamin and mineral therapy for twenty odd years. It's always the case that well advertised headline brands are a rip off, particularly multivitamin and Seven Seas. Even a superficial look at our actual daily needs of supplementation shows these complexes are a daylight robbery.ViewDate:
27th Dec 2024Lionel commented on:
Winter fuel allowanceMass graves? No. Most of these people will be cremated and forgotten in the political wilderness of convenience which is Westminster today. Don't ever make the mistake of believing a government has any even residual human emotions because they don't. The one word which describes every government in my life time is expedient.ViewDate:
24th Dec 2024Lionel commented on:
Winter fuel allowanceBusses? What are they? It's now seventy one years since a bus stopped or passed through this hamlet. There isn't a bus stop for six miles!ViewDate:
24th Dec 2024Lionel commented on:
U.S. is in for uncertaintyIf you're an American you must ask yourself, what is better, four years of lies and deceit from the cadre of Democrats manipulating the puppet President Biden or a time of uncertainty? I keep a close watch on American affairs. Well, I would, they impact the UK a great deal. You now have a president elect under the banner promises made and promises delivered. From this side of the Pond it's not looking too bad now.ViewDate:
23rd Dec 2024Lionel commented on:
Just looking for someone to chat about dogsHello PurpleHat. It's good indeed to hear you're still well. The Welsh mountain air must agree with you. I'm a Collie man by default, my first being a five year old boy from Battersea Dogs Home. He was already condemned but, after signing a lot of disclaimers and a very hefty fee, he was mine. A grand lad, and so clever. So sadly I had a flat fire and he suffered badly. There was no hope for him so he was put down. Of the others many were farm dogs who would seldom work for me in the rain. I had my own black and white bitch throughout most of that time. She was packed into the back of my car along with our cat when we went to live and work in Ireland. She got Parvo, in spite of being vaccinated here in UK. I was told it is a different strain of Parvo there. Since that first Collie I've always kept my own at one stage having five here and breeding from them. Now, we are reduced to a Blue Collie bitch. She carries the 'Blue Gene' in common with Blue Merles. She is supremely intuitive and utterly loyal to my chronically six wife. She has trained herself as an assistance dog as well. Her name is Miss Moo, because at five weeks old she looked like a Friesian calf! Her kennel name is Misty but she doesn't know that! On the North York Moors, working as a shepherd I used six Collies in two shifts of three. They wouldn't work in the rain either but rather stayed in a straw bothy we made for them. Thus I've done more sheep dogging than I care for!ViewDate:
23rd Dec 2024Lionel commented on:
Just looking for someone to chat about dogsHello PurpleHat, it's good indeed to know you're still fight and well. The Welsh mountain air suits you. I'm a Collieman by default. My first dog was a tri-colour Border Collie from Battersea Dogs Home. He was already condemned and BDH required endless disclaimers and a hefty price to release him. Grand lad indeed. So sad, he was caught in my flat fire and was put down. Most farm working dogs have been Collies and I've had my own as well, trained to work. One young black and white bitch won a silver cup in a local dog show. It was a great surprise to me as she was covered in cow muck from working that morning. On the North York moors my boss, the shepherd had six black and whites who refused to work for me on a wet night! In our second marriage we've had five Collies after breeding although a superb Blue Merle dog was sold as he was incompatible with his father. After this family's demise we got a blue Collie bitch. Fantastic brain, as you so rightly say, so very intuitive. She has trained herself as an assistance dog and guard dog to my wife who is very ill indeed. So, yes, a Collie man by default but wouldn't change a thing. In the dog world a Collie is the king/queen of dogs.ViewDate:
23rd Dec 2024Lionel commented on:
Should Waspi women be entitled to compensation?Crash everything, ruin everything then re-engineer local and national elections so it's a one party state. Then they may enact anything without reference to the elected House.ViewDate:
21st Dec 2024Lionel commented on:
Just looking for someone to chat about dogsI can't say much about dogs in general but I do know a little about Border Collies. I've kept Collies for the last fifty five years; been a shepherd on the North York Moors using six Collies at a time and now my wife and I have kept and bred Collies for the last twenty odd years. If that's of any interest to you come back.ViewDate:
21st Dec 2024Lionel commented on:
Should Waspi women be entitled to compensation?They haven't sorted out the Post Office scandal yet. There's been a hugely expensive public enquiry but the government in power may override that as they did with Waspi. I'm not at all this government is hopeless. I think the core of them have another agenda which isn't in the interest of the general public.ViewDate:
21st Dec 2024Lionel commented on:
Should Waspi women be entitled to compensation?How may we have enough confidence in any party to elect them to government?