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Old-fashionedd or courteous?

When I was young, many years ago, my Dad always insisted on walking on the outside of the pavement i.e. next to the road, and my Mum did the same if we were out and about without my Dad. They said that it was to keep me safe from the traffic. Nowadays, parents let their children run far ahead of them at the edge of the road or wobble along on their little bikes or scooters. My heart is often in my mouth when I see these young children riding precariously near to cars and bikes which go speeding past. I always slow down and move into the middle of the road when possible. Am I old-fashioned for expecting young parents of today to be as caring and courteous as my parents were?

Created By on 20/06/2024

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1st Jul 2024 23:05:53
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Yes Carole, you are very old fashioned for these times. And for what it's worth I love that, because I'm often branded as old fashioned, a Victorian. I like the courtesies of the past; like to see grand parents shepherding their charges, guiding and bringing them into contact with the world. It's a delight to see a parent picking up their child to comfort it rather than sticking an iPad in front of it.

I see modern parenting through the eyes of my step children; it's robotic, an automated response without feeling. Perhaps I'm generalising here but that's what I've seen so often. Unresponsive parenting.

Bringing up my two step grand children with my wife was challenging. In our local market towns we held the kids close while they were young. Out here in the wilds of Suffolk, if they wanted to play across the fields we'd send two of our five Collies with them. My lead dog and his lady, the best guardians a kid could have. On several occasions my lead dog raced home to tell us, with the utmost urgency, all was not well leaving his lady to guard her charges. She had had a litter of pups and anyone approaching the kids, well, she was vicious. But she was a Collie!

Most times step grand daughter was stuck up a tree! Now she's a twenty odd year old modern mother who ignores her son and just lives her own life. She does know so much better.

So I agree, the old ways in so many other things as well are much better.
22nd Jun 2024 03:51:32
Thanks for voting!
I feel that I was more concerned about stranger danger than parents are today. I probably worried too much. But yes.. I always placed myself between my child and any potential danger. But I’m 70.

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