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Hi. I am new here. I live with a woman roommate in order to make it in this world and she is my best friend. But I get really lonely.

I suffer from bipolar disorder also, so at times the loneliness seems overwhelming. I'm not sure how this site works, but I'm giving it a try.

Created By on 20/11/2022

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21st Jun 2023 12:22:56
Thanks for voting!
This was posted a while back, but if you are still looking for a friend, albiet an online one, I'd be happy to chat with you on a regular basis. I also suffer from loneliness. PurpleHat, by the way, offers great ideas and strategies. For me putting those strategies into practice isn't always easy, and I don't always carry them out, but they have proven to be helpful in the past. Regardless, I hope you're feeling better. Take care.
7th Jan 2023 22:19:36
Thanks for voting!
I am the mother of a Bipolar daughter and have seen the highs and the very depths of it, when she shuts herself away.
The only way to cure your loneliness is to go out and do something. I don't know if you work,or your circumstances, but sit down and think what do you like to do? whether it is books,films knitting, photos picking up a paint brush, growing things, or just walking, there is a club out there with people that feel the same and share their skills. Go and look for them, volunteer at a Charity shop or Food hub, just do not drown in empty apartness!!! It is up to you to make it happen.
4th Dec 2022 16:18:51
Thanks for voting!
Hi LB,
Do hope as Christmas approaches you are feeling much better and that it is a time that makes you push your worries behind if only for a while.
I personally retired very early in life 2008 and with the missus working a distance away back in London I was seeing no one because we had moved out to Essex away from the smog of London for my health, but she still had to travel back into Brixton to work, which was taking up 14 hrs a day, which is were I just sat about and stewed over life and ended up getting pretty depressed. But that was all behind me until I got Covid that is and now I am fighting to get my life back on track again. But I will get there I checked my weight this morning and it made me smile to see I had finally stopped losing weight.
So hopefully you may come out of your illness a stronger person.

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