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Winter fuel payments - have you had yours yet?

Last year I received my winter fuel payment Nov 21; has anybody got theirs yet as I haven't? Just wondering. Neil

Created By on 25/11/2015

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17th Dec 2020 12:01:00
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I got info on 3rd november that i would be getting my winter fuel payment as usual, which normally comes 2/3 days after letter - but nothing yet. I have sent 6 emails to the claim line and no reply. One cannot get through on the phone - just endless number pushing and in the end, contact but no replies
16th Dec 2020 19:11:28 (Last activity: 17th Dec 2020 06:44:17)
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I live in the Algarve, Portugal. I was so pleased when they stopped the winter fuel payment to those of us who were spending it on ice cubes.

Don`t you think it is unfair to make this payment to those who really don`t need it ? I hear those who say "I`ve paid my taxes", but come on, have a heart.
Response from Lumixcam made on 17th Dec 2020 06:44:17
That is not relevant to people in Britain who do need it. We are still waiting for payment after two errors were made this year. The DWP need to provide a better service than this.
16th Dec 2020 03:36:18 (Last activity: 16th Dec 2020 07:43:20)
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My payment went through on Friday
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 16th Dec 2020 07:43:20
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15th Dec 2020 19:32:25 (Last activity: 15th Dec 2020 21:55:00)
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My neighbour has given me the number to phone if the money is not in your bank account by 23rd Dec - it's from his letter 0800 731 0160 - my other neighbour has also like me not received a letter!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 15th Dec 2020 21:55:00
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15th Dec 2020 11:41:30
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WFP I received on the 11.12.2020. I don’t think people are jumping around. Also I think it’s paid in December as it’s a contributing towards fuel for the whole year.
14th Dec 2020 17:29:18 (Last activity: 14th Dec 2020 22:03:11)
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Just joined as was looking for something about late payment online and found this. Finding it hard to read through though as the posts are not in date order?

So, I have not read the essence of the posts yet. I had my letter several weeks ago, as did my sister. These letters usually arrive after the payments, but not this year. Normally always get our payments first 10 days of November ready for early December bill, but not this year. We are really stressed now as we have paid our bill, but had to switch off the heating in our homes as we are not sure what is happening. Not going to be a very merry or warm Christmas for us.

From what I an see others are having delays too?
Response from Lumixcam made on 14th Dec 2020 22:03:11
Many of us are having delays in payment. My next door neighbour is a few weeks behind but the payment arrived today. Our payment has not arrived but we did report an error in the letter so this may have caused another delay. No doubt they will have a stock excuse :
new computer - short staff - virus - Brexit - Trump. Take your pick !
11th Dec 2020 08:13:36 (Last activity: 14th Dec 2020 17:39:10)
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i have been getting my winter fuel allowance for a few years now on the 11th November, i still haven't received it or a letter, tried so many times to get in touch with works and pensions but nobody answers the phone , it is all get in touch www getting sick of it need to talk to somebody and ask why i haven't received it yet my neighbours had theirs weeks ago and they come from South Africa
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Dec 2020 09:26:08
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Response from Lumixcam made on 11th Dec 2020 10:03:38
BrendaY7. I have phoned twice. The first time it took 50 minutes to get an answer, the second time was 20 minutes. Still no letter to correct the error in the first letter and no payment. They were aware of an error in their system, it made a change from blaming the virus for everything !
Response from Challinor 1 made on 11th Dec 2020 10:23:48
Have faith, mine is also around the 19th Nov. However letter came the other week and I can see a pending amount of £200 in my bank scheduled for Monday 14th, so it looks like they are running approx. a month late.
Hope it comes soon for you
Response from BrendaY7 made on 11th Dec 2020 11:23:39 > @Challinor 1
Thank you but i haven't even had a letter yet, i wont put my heating on as my Bill is due this month and that money helps to pay . one person said on here why jump up and down well at nearly 80 i depend on that money as only have state pension to live on
Response from Lumixcam made on 11th Dec 2020 15:15:51 > @Challinor 1
A "pending" payment usually refers to what will go out of your account. How do you manage to see what is due in ? Perhaps our bank does not show it but others manage it.
Response from BrendaY7 made on 11th Dec 2020 16:37:13 > @Lumixcam
sorry don't know what you are talking about what has the late winter weather fuel allowance , got to do with pending in the bank
Response from Lumixcam made on 11th Dec 2020 17:57:59 > @BrendaY7
BrendaY7 My comment was directed at CHALLINOR who said that he has a £200 payment pending.
Response from Challinor 1 made on 11th Dec 2020 23:15:03 > @Lumixcam
HSBC online show incoming and outgoing payments, very helpful
Response from amicipat made on 14th Dec 2020 17:39:10 > @Challinor 1
I sincerely hope so, same here, letter usually arrives after payment first week November, had letter a while now, but still no WFP for neither my sister nor myself. We have had to turn the heat off in both homes having paid very high electricity bills at the beginning December - Happy Holidays!!! brr
14th Dec 2020 16:44:10
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In the past there was no winter fuel payment. That said the suppliers were not private firms. Could there be a connection ? !!!
12th Dec 2020 10:17:31 (Last activity: 14th Dec 2020 12:09:26)
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For 12 years got mid November but in 2020 still waiting. Rang DWP they say paid alphabetically but my surname is C ...
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Dec 2020 12:47:15
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Response from Lumixcam made on 12th Dec 2020 13:39:29
We have not received the fuel allowance (despite 2 phone calls) or the Christmas Bonus.
Response from Lumixcam made on 14th Dec 2020 12:09:26
Has your payment arrived yet ? Ours has not.
12th Dec 2020 09:50:28 (Last activity: 14th Dec 2020 11:22:12)
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After trying unsuccessfully to contact the DWP, four unanswered emails and numerous attempts to phone, I contacted my MP who immediately agreed to investigate the problem on behalf of everyone in the same position. That was on Monday and I was very surprised to see the money in my account yesterday, even though I still have not received the letter.
Response from Lumixcam made on 12th Dec 2020 15:19:33
Was that due to the MP or just by chance ? Hard to believe an MP and the DWP could produce a good result in under a week but you never know !
Response from PSam made on 12th Dec 2020 16:18:57 > @Lumixcam
I agree with you but it just seemed odd that after contacting him, five days later the money appeared in my account but I haven't received the letter.
Response from GKE made on 14th Dec 2020 11:22:12 > @PSam
Hi, Yes I had the same problem phoning and emailing the DWP. Took them two weeks to reply to an email and then didn’t answer my question regarding WFP. Rude and disgusting.
14th Dec 2020 09:59:04 (Last activity: 14th Dec 2020 10:33:21)
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Winter fuel in bank today (14/12). Letter dated 9th November (which arrived on the 5th November!)
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Dec 2020 10:33:21
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11th Dec 2020 13:36:47 (Last activity: 12th Dec 2020 15:23:08)
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No not had mine yet
Response from Lumixcam made on 11th Dec 2020 13:45:48
Feklar. Have you had your letter, if so what was the date ?
Response from Feklar made on 11th Dec 2020 18:51:57 > @Lumixcam
No not even had a letter
Response from Lumixcam made on 12th Dec 2020 09:01:09 > @Feklar
Feklar. You have a comment in the Photography forum of this web site. Please take a look, I replied to it.
Response from Lumixcam made on 12th Dec 2020 15:23:08 > @Feklar
Feklar. Have you had a letter or payment since your last comment ?
12th Dec 2020 15:16:45
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I should have asked if anyone has received the £10 Christmas Bonus.
12th Dec 2020 13:48:11
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Apart from not receiving the fuel allowance we have not had the £10 Christmas Bonus despite having weekly pension payments. Anyone else waiting for this ?
11th Dec 2020 18:59:31
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I've had mine later than usual though. My letter was dated 5 November.
11th Dec 2020 09:35:14 (Last activity: 11th Dec 2020 13:38:21)
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Had the Winter Fuel Payment today exactly one month after the date of the letter . It looks like that might be the pattern .Really feel for the people who haven't received their letters yet .....Can't understand this farce with later payments ,this year of all years .
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Dec 2020 12:17:23
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Response from Feklar made on 11th Dec 2020 13:38:21
Probably in undated with other claims who knows
11th Dec 2020 08:58:08 (Last activity: 11th Dec 2020 09:26:07)
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i have not had mine yet
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Dec 2020 09:26:07
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10th Dec 2020 13:34:29 (Last activity: 10th Dec 2020 18:25:13)
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Could someone please tell me if my winter fuel allowance is paid into my bank the sametime I get my monthly pension or does it go in seperately.
Response from Lumixcam made on 10th Dec 2020 16:38:00
It is paid separately, at least ours has always been so.
Response from Lumixcam made on 10th Dec 2020 16:41:27 > @Lumixcam
I should have added that we have not received ours so far this year. I have made two phone calls to the DWP regarding an error in our letter. First call took 50 minutes before being answered, the second was answered in a mere 20 minutes !
Response from Rubysavannah made on 10th Dec 2020 16:49:48 > @Lumixcam
Lumican thank you so much, still waiting for it.
Response from Lumixcam made on 10th Dec 2020 18:25:13 > @Rubysavannah
Rubysavannah. Has your letter arrived. If so did you notice the date it was produced and the date it arrived ?
10th Dec 2020 11:22:11 (Last activity: 10th Dec 2020 11:47:58)
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I forgot to say that my letter was dated 10th November so it has been exactly a month.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Dec 2020 11:47:58
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10th Dec 2020 11:14:21
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I received my winter fuel payment today. I usually receive it in the last week of November. I can't tell you how relieved I am. Hopefully everyone else will get theirs soon.
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