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Winter fuel payments - have you had yours yet?

Last year I received my winter fuel payment Nov 21; has anybody got theirs yet as I haven't? Just wondering. Neil

Created By on 25/11/2015

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20th Jan 2021 10:44:01
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So now we are being told we will be paid the Winter fuel allowance by 31st March ,its gone from 23rd of December then 13th of January .My concern is 31st March is the cut off date for claims ,they are running out of dates to lie about .This is feeling like a lottery.All i know is i am so fed up of being fobbed off and lied to.
Maid marian
20th Jan 2021 10:12:08 (Last activity: 20th Jan 2021 10:23:01)
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Managed to get through to voice mail which told me I should receive WFP by 31st March. I would love someone to confirm this for me. I have hearing aids and I don’t always hear properly. Frustrated 82 year old
Response from Cap1 made on 20th Jan 2021 10:20:02
I have just rang them and heard the same message about 31st March ,big difference from 13th January 🙁
Response from Maid marian made on 20th Jan 2021 10:23:01 > @Cap1
Many thanks, glad to know I’m not entirely deaf and daft.
I’m lucky that I’m not desperate to pay bill but I feel for many who rely on it.
18th Jan 2021 19:16:17 (Last activity: 18th Jan 2021 22:28:56)
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Still not had my payment. I have tried ringing but just keep getting cut off due to a high volume of calls, has anyone else had this problem?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Jan 2021 22:28:56
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18th Jan 2021 13:22:14
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0800.731.0160 when you get thru press 1 for english then 3 for winter fuel payments when prompted ignore message about not claiming in past years just hold on then press 1 when prompted to make a claim if you are lucky you will be put in queue if not you will have to keep dialling and listen and do the same thing over again,i tried for a day and a half and finally got thru,if you are lucky you will be put in a queue with music just hold on till someone answers and tell them your story,try and have your national insurance number to hand,good luck.
15th Jan 2021 11:54:46
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I still haven't received my WFP and when or if you get through to them on the phone they just go over the same thing, it is so frustrating. I even sent copies of my bank statements, clearly showing I haven't received it but they don't even acknowledge they've received them. I have never had any trouble before and always received it in November, it is now the middle of January, at this rate the next one will soon be due.
14th Jan 2021 17:17:03 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2021 17:52:33)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Jan 2021 17:52:33
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13th Jan 2021 16:58:19 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2021 16:58:34)
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I have not received my winter payment.... last year I got it Oct 2019, I see on the website a lot of people ane in the same boat., I have rung 0800 731 0160... I shall be listing to that music all night., Does anyone know if these phones are manned.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 13th Jan 2021 19:47:47
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Response from lcorp124 made on 14th Jan 2021 14:11:06
Hi Keen 83,
i have not received my payment either - see post above.
You're lucky you are getting the music - i have tried at least 6 times
iand every time i get to the " putting you through to an adviser" - i am disconnected.!!
Absolute shambles !!
Response from Keen83 made on 14th Jan 2021 16:07:36 > @lcorp124
hello Icorp124. I contacted this morning, went on the telephone around 10 am. I was cut Of around four times, I read another posting that he stayed on the telephone for around 30 minutes. before he got through. so once I heard the music I decided to stay on, It lasted almost one hour, But I did get to speak to an operator she said it must be shall be paid into my account a letter , will be sent out on 21/1/2021, The only advice that I can give you is to ring early in the forenoon when they tell you that you are in line listening to the music awaiting to be connected have patience and prepare to listen to the music for along as it takes they will eventually talk to you,, . after that it was the usual questions .. make sure you have your national health number. it does require a lot of patience. it is not the fault of the girl who spoke to me, she said it .must be a new sysyem that thy they are using. so have a lot patience whilst waiting to be connected. as I have said it took almost one hour before I was connected good luck. Arthur
Response from Keen83 made on 14th Jan 2021 16:40:47
in my reply icotrp124, I did say to have your national health number, this was wrong, Have your national insurance number handy, it easy to get the two mixed up
Response from lcorp124 made on 14th Jan 2021 16:58:34 > @Keen83
Thanks Arthur.
Take care,
14th Jan 2021 11:46:19 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2021 12:21:06)
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I usually receive my Winter Fuel payment in early November but i have not received it yet!!
I contacted them just before Christmas and was told that i had been catagorized as a Non UK Resident.
They would correct this and i would get my payment by the 13th Jan 2021.
Called them last week to check i was getting the payment and was told that because it was being made by another department i could get it anytime and not necessarily along with my pension but i would receive it by the 13thJan.
It is now the 14th and no payment.
I phoned them this morning and went through the rigmaroll of press this and press that only to be disconnected - THREE times.
An absolute shambles !!!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Jan 2021 12:21:06
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14th Jan 2021 00:43:27 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2021 08:27:08)
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I rang yesterday for the 3rd time ,1st time told it would be 23rd of December 2nd time it would be the 13th January ,told yesterday theyve had a new system installed 🙁 Took all my details for the 3rd time and told me she was emailing it to the right department which would take 15 days to get there,im not exactly a computer genius but i find emails take seconds to deliver definitely not 15 days.They seem to think we're all idiots and will tell us anything to get us off the phone.I cant believe this hasnt been mentioned on any news programme or in any newspapers (not that ive seen anyway)So annoying when we cant get an honest answer from any of them .
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Jan 2021 08:27:08
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14th Jan 2021 02:58:01
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I also have not received my winter fuel payment, they told me on the phone to send my bank statements to them which I duly did, but have had no response from them. In previous years I always received it in November without any problem.
13th Jan 2021 15:43:24
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Finally got thru to them after 30 mins of holding,it took me almost all day to get in queue,finally they said my payment had been held over but did not give a reason why other than it had been overlooked,so after answering some security questions,they stated it would be paid next wednesday the 20th,so let's hope it does.
13th Jan 2021 10:44:13 (Last activity: 13th Jan 2021 11:33:02)
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I have not received my winter fuel payment from the Government, they said payment would be pay by the 13th Jan2021. this date has lapsed and i have still not received my payment. I have e-mailed them with no response has anybody else having same problem.
Many Thanks
Response from Ariadne made on 13th Jan 2021 10:54:04
hi .the best thing to do ,is to ring the pensions department ,which I did ,and had to join the "Queue " but ,the call is free ,and ,they are VERY helpful Try it . no ,DO IT
Response from Clivewill made on 13th Jan 2021 11:33:02 > @Ariadne
Thanks for your reply did they say what the problem was in delaying payment Clive
13th Jan 2021 11:09:55
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To Clivewill
I too have not received anything,have tried several times this morning on phone only to be disconnected at the point of being transferred to an operator at the department because so many people are trying to get thru,it's like bashing your head against a brick wall , i think a lot of us have not been paid because they think we might be dead with this covid 19 and they might be paying out to dead people,what does anyone else think.
2nd Dec 2020 11:27:52 (Last activity: 12th Jan 2021 15:19:27)
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I have finally received my letter but no payment as yet. I have emailed my MP to ask him to find out why no payments seem to have been made as yet. Perhaps our MPs can draw the DWP's attention to our concern regarding late payment and do something about it.
Response from Challinor 1 made on 2nd Dec 2020 23:22:26
Good thinking, Surely other MPs are aware from their constituents.
I just wish DWP offered an explanation and perhaps apology for the delay in their letters. Wishful thinking on my part haha!
Response from NormanA3 made on 3rd Dec 2020 11:20:35 > @Challinor 1
I'll be lucky my local MP is Lyndsey Hoyle.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 3rd Dec 2020 11:45:24 > @NormanA3
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Response from Canarybird made on 3rd Dec 2020 16:23:21 > @NormanA3
Your MP is the Speaker isn't he in which case I reckon he would have more clout with the DWP than the average MP.
Response from NormanA3 made on 4th Dec 2020 10:25:21 > @Canarybird
I have e-mailed him so its wait unless I catch him walking his dog in local park! over Xmas
Response from Canarybird made on 4th Dec 2020 11:00:22 > @NormanA3
Hi, Good for you and well done.
Response from Silvalady made on 4th Dec 2020 14:15:36 > @Challinor 1
My letter said to contact them if it hasn't arrived by 23rd December so they expect it to take until 22nd to arrive!
Response from carpediem1940 made on 12th Jan 2021 10:52:34
Hi Total waste of time using this site,what you need to do is phone them on 0800 731 0160 when you get thru you will be put on hold be prepared to wait for someone to say " can I help you " bear in mind holding on can take approximately 30 minutes l did this a couple of days ago and got thru. Best of luck stick with it. John
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Jan 2021 11:58:55 > @carpediem1940
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Response from Rayot made on 12th Jan 2021 14:37:25 > @carpediem1940
My MP has replied saying that the payments for the heating allowance are the responsibility of the DWP, so I am going to write to them. I think the idea of crediting the money to the fuel accounts of those who need it is brilliant. It wasn`t me WHO WAS IT ?
Response from Marieclaire made on 12th Jan 2021 15:19:27 > @carpediem1940
Trouble is u can't get through at all at the moment as it is constantly engaged. With it being the 13th tomorrow it's no surprise.
3rd Dec 2020 06:48:39 (Last activity: 12th Jan 2021 15:06:46)
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i cannot se why there is all this jumping up and down over this benefit. We do not in the main get the bill for energy used untill jan/feb next year so why be concerned abhout the payment two months earlier.
are some people wanting the mony for other things rather than paying for the fuel,.
Response from Halfpint333 made on 3rd Dec 2020 17:46:09
Some people, like ourselves are on a pay as you go metre to help with budgeting bills, and have to put money in, in advance for our heating. So receiving the money after the worst winter months is not very helpful.
Response from Challinor 1 made on 3rd Dec 2020 22:10:18
I am very happy for you as you are obviously not anxious or in need of this allowance, many of us pay our Utilities monthly for usage, so the bill quarter is irrelevant
Response from PeterW61 made on 4th Dec 2020 14:20:05
In reply to ArchieUK
The winter payment is for previous fuel bills paid and not for future payments and was introduced to help pensioners with the VAT that was added to energy bills.
And recipients can use the payment for whatever they like. And please remember that are many poor pensioners who rely on this payment to help them through December towards Christmas.

My payment is also late and as of 4 December, I haven't received mine yet, but have received my letter.

Thank you to Tilly17 for the useful information.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 4th Dec 2020 14:34:33 > @PeterW61
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Response from PeterW61 made on 6th Dec 2020 16:46:53 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you Sally, I much look forward to enjoying my membership.
Response from MarilynC7 made on 7th Dec 2020 11:24:40
I think it should be means tested and people who do not really need it should not be getting it.
Response from JohnC536 made on 7th Dec 2020 12:24:40 > @PeterW61
I have not received my fuel payment, nor received the letter, but have received the £10 bonus.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Dec 2020 12:45:51 > @JohnC536
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Response from Fliss04 made on 9th Dec 2020 12:07:15
I agree with your comment on ArchieUK’s post. I do have electric storage heaters and pay monthly electric instalments but I supplement my heating at this very cold time of year with coal. So the WFA is very necessary. But like a lot of comments here, I’ve had my letter but no payment. I am not jumping up and down but getting a bit fed up with the cold!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Dec 2020 15:30:02 > @Fliss04
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Response from Lumixcam made on 14th Dec 2020 16:38:15 > @MarilynC7
Perhaps the electric / gas suppliers should be means tested, and how about testing the shareholders regarding their dividend ?
Response from amicipat made on 14th Dec 2020 17:40:48
yes, indeed, was getting very worried.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Dec 2020 21:16:50 > @amicipat
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Response from glyn52 made on 15th Dec 2020 11:43:42 > @Halfpint333
Yes agree as when I was with my partner and ex husband we used to be on a meter then. He is dead now and I receive the allowance.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 15th Dec 2020 12:18:47 > @glyn52
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Response from CindyS3 made on 15th Dec 2020 15:36:56
Never mind Colleen,take no notice of Archie if you look at his bio it says it all what sort of person he is,I am with you my bills are paid monthly so I am waiting too, I have tried to contact you gov but get nowhere so suppose we shall have to wait.
Response from Rayot made on 2nd Jan 2021 11:16:24 > @Halfpint333
You are exactly why this money should not be paid to masses, but doubled and credited to your metre in good time before the cold weather comes.
Response from Rayot made on 2nd Jan 2021 11:20:37 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Colleen10 draws our attention to those people who have to pay for their fuel by metre. wouldn`t it be a good idea to credit the allowance on the metres of those who have to use them.
Response from Rayot made on 2nd Jan 2021 11:24:40 > @PeterW61
Colleen10 raised the fact that some people have to pay for their fuel by metre. Wouldn`t it be a good idea to raise the amount considerably and credit the metres who have to use them ?
Response from Rayot made on 2nd Jan 2021 12:28:12 > @Challinor 1
I have just written to my ex UK MP (Conservative) suggesting that the payment should increased and credited to the metres of those who have to pay by metre. I have asked him if I may publicise his reply.
Response from Rayot made on 2nd Jan 2021 15:11:22 > @JohnC536
Is the Christmas bonus also paid to the rich ?
Response from Lumixcam made on 3rd Jan 2021 15:47:04 > @Rayot
What about those who have a payment meter, instead of those who measure distance by the metre ?
Response from Lumixcam made on 4th Jan 2021 13:54:55 > @Rayot
No one pays with a metre. Many people do pay with a meter.
Response from Lumixcam made on 4th Jan 2021 13:59:47 > @Rayot
If they paid for it with their National Insurance contributions then I hope they get it. If there is no pay out then refund part of their NI payments.
Response from Rayot made on 8th Jan 2021 14:19:19 > @Halfpint333
Hello, Halfpint333.

It annoys me that the heating allowance is also paid to those of us who don`t need it.

I have written to my MP suggesting that it should be credited to the metres of those who pay that way. May I suggest you also write to your MP. It is no if we just minge to each other, better to make something happen and our MPs are there to do just that.

Regards, Rayot
Response from Rayot made on 8th Jan 2021 14:22:56
I have written to my MP to suggest that it should be credited to the metres of those people who need it.

I have friends who don`t even live in the UK who get it !
Response from Rayot made on 8th Jan 2021 14:28:41 > @MarilynC7
I have written to my MP suggesting that it should be credited to the metres of those who need it. I have friends who don`t even spend winter in the UK who also get it.
Response from arpinsandie made on 10th Jan 2021 14:14:29 > @MarilynC7
I thoroughly agree with you Well said
To some this payment is just trivial but these people would argue that they always worked and paid taxes Does that make them entitled? I'm sure you can guess the answer from one of these fortunate people
Whatever this payment is well received we are lucky that we get it at all
Response from Rayot made on 12th Jan 2021 15:06:46 > @Halfpint333
I agree. That is why I think the money should be credited to fuel meters of the needy. I wrote to my MP about the idea and he pointed out that such payments of made by the DWP
11th Jan 2021 17:05:37
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Well it is now the 11/01/2021 I like many others have not received a penny of my winter fuel payment,no letter either,I have resigned myself that I am not going to get anything,no matter how many times I try to contact them, even when I normally get it in november each year,seems to me it is a big con.
11th Jan 2021 13:24:48 (Last activity: 11th Jan 2021 16:35:48)
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I am still waiting for my winter fuel payment and it is now 11.1.2021 last year it was in my bank early December. It is a bloody disgrace!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Jan 2021 14:20:43
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Response from Marieclaire made on 11th Jan 2021 16:35:48
You are not alone husband still waiting for his. I can never get through when I phone. We use the money to pay for solid fuel. 40 year old boiler up the creek and can't afford to replace it.
10th Jan 2021 14:33:58 (Last activity: 11th Jan 2021 08:31:25)
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Sorry to upset you whether you are titled 'rich' 'needy' 'greedy' or whatever label people have attached to you but I received mine early
I was just grateful as we are lucky to have this payment at all
Everyone (according to the powers that be) is entitled to this payment, its up to the individual what they spend it on However I do agree that it should be means tested but then that begs the question where is the line between 'entitled and not entitled'
By the way ARCHIEUK has done a pretty good job at winding up some Silversurfers I bet he's just lonely being both by his own admission labelled 'sexist' and 'racist' This may well be this saddo's only form of entertainment
Ignore him he will go away
Response from ArchieUK made on 11th Jan 2021 08:31:25
I am sorry that some think that I am a saddo but I am not and I am not going to go away.

Have you ever read the fable of the ant and the grasshopper there is something to be learned from this.
6th Jan 2021 16:31:55 (Last activity: 6th Jan 2021 17:18:45)
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I’m still waiting for my winter fuel payment 6/01/2021
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th Jan 2021 17:18:45
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1st Jan 2021 15:30:29 (Last activity: 2nd Jan 2021 15:09:52)
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No wonder you don't need it living in Portugal. May be after brexit it won't be sent to people living overseas any more.
Response from Rayot made on 2nd Jan 2021 15:09:52
They stopped the allowance to us three years ago after many of us told our MPs that it was not necessary in some countries.
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