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What are your views on TV Charity Begging Adverts?

Over a number of years there has and even more lately been endless adverts asking for money, from children through to animals and onto water and so on. Of course there are many reasons to give money but are we the only ones in England constantly being asked to give money even for other countries through out the world , even in disasters, I too willingly send money to the British Red Cross who do a marvellous job, where I know my donation will get to the most needy of people. But my main concern is why doesn't the governments of some of these countries try and help their own people instead of people here in England constantly being bombarded with begging adverts, what are your views regarding TV begging adverts, and at tea time too?

Created By on 20/11/2015

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1st Jul 2021 15:30:24 (Last activity: 27th Sep 2021 15:47:41)
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For my part, I would close down DFID. But, before it closed, I would despatch every civil servant employed there, around this country. To every hospice and charity, that can and do save the NHS and government billions every year. And help thousands of people. And give them a share of the £14 billion. And also that other obscene waste, HS2.. And take all charity, gambling, and funeral ads off TV.
About time, the people of this country came first.
Response from anneridgway made on 27th Sep 2021 11:59:50
I totally agree that all the charity, gambling and funeral ads should be removed from the box; also that people living here should come first for a change.
Response from Supersabre made on 27th Sep 2021 15:47:41 > @anneridgway
Hello Anne, as for my self, I only support the Battle of Britain memorial flight, and the salvation army. And the local hospice that does such wonderful work.
24th Aug 2021 15:29:43
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Just letting you know that you are not alone in your thoughts; Canada has the same problems.
3rd Mar 2021 21:10:12 (Last activity: 3rd Aug 2021 18:37:34)
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Totally sick of the constant barrage of over 50's life insurance, cremation insurance and all the charity begging adverts shown during a pandemic where NOBODY has any spare money at hand. Why aren't the tv watchdogs clamping down on this "license to rob" overdrive?
Response from BRBob made on 9th Jul 2021 15:09:52
Who needs toothless watchdogs?
What we need are more intelligent people who see through these scams!
Response from JoannieF59 made on 3rd Aug 2021 18:37:34
Me too and these charities that offer to write your will for free, hide the small print.
3rd Aug 2021 18:35:34
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I agree, many families in this country suffering and needing help. The amount of years wateraid have been asking for hep makes me wonder why the countries still don't have water. Look at the floods in both England and Wales, I didn't see any other country sending us aid. I always support the salvation army as I know they support people in this country and do a good job. I used to support the red cross until they banned christmas displays in their shop.
28th Jul 2021 17:45:10 (Last activity: 28th Jul 2021 18:52:15)
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I think begging on television should be made illegal as homeless people get arrested and prosecuted for the same thing but the famous people doing the television commercials do not and I think that is really unfair and actually disgusting!!!!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Jul 2021 18:52:15
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2nd May 2021 17:40:14 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2021 16:01:07)
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I feel very sorry for the children and people being let down by their own governments, many receiving billions in aid and used to line their own pockets.
We send aid to India which has a nuclear industry and a space programme, WHY.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 2nd May 2021 19:45:58
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Response from olddude897 made on 26th May 2021 19:08:23
Yes, this is horrible for the children!
Response from BRBob made on 15th Jul 2021 15:58:28
I have never seen a charity begging for money to STOP children.
I f you can't feed them don't breed them!
Response from BRBob made on 15th Jul 2021 16:01:07 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Not posting this welcome on every responder would make for easier reading of comments.
At least put a delete button in.
27th Jun 2021 13:08:21
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I'm Australian,trust me we have the same amount of adverts,door knocking that you do.I think acceptance is important.I help a charity of my choice and thats all I'm doing.I can't be there for everyone.Unfortunately though millions of people in the world do suffer,thats life I'm afraid.
11th Apr 2021 22:15:48 (Last activity: 12th Apr 2021 08:12:09)
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14 billion pound donated each year by UK government to overseas aid! Why haven't they got taps with water supply in these places by now? I'm a plumber and I could have laid pipe and irrigated all of Africa and Syria myself by now! I know myself for 50 plus years they carry water for distances and are thirsty! but what have they done with all that aid? What a great way to rip off the UK the way the government is you and me....well our tax payers money!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Apr 2021 08:12:09
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23rd Mar 2021 12:26:36
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I’m with everyone on the emotional blackmail and repeat exposure to all these charity pleas for puts you off☹️ When you think of all the monies that have been sent to help people in third world countries and yet they are still asking for more. You would like to think that something has improved? I know a lot of the donated money doesn’t find it’s way to where it is needed as it ends up in some peoples pockets. Surely that needs to be addressed before charities start pleading for more money?
3rd Mar 2021 20:06:17
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Emotional blackmail in spades....we are bombarded with pictures....real or fake?....of children who live exceptionally deprived lives.

Yes I feel for them but the sheer number of these 'cries for your money' is getting ridiculous. I would think that the amount of these ads from the charities is actually causing a push back and LESS people are giving than would without the persistent pleas.

To be clear...I give monthly to UNICEF and have done for 20 years. They do exceptional work and the percentage of your cash that actually reaches the kids is much higher than many charities.
28th Feb 2021 11:41:08 (Last activity: 28th Feb 2021 12:46:53)
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My view is charity begins at home.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Feb 2021 12:46:53
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19th Feb 2021 11:32:18 (Last activity: 19th Feb 2021 11:33:09)
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regards to water aid which states "people are having to drink dirty contaminated water" surly they can at least boil water and filter it through cloth not ideal but better than nothing. Also unless charities advertise on tv free which I doubt must cost a fortune, better to spend the money where it is needed.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Feb 2021 11:33:09
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5th Feb 2021 13:54:07 (Last activity: 6th Feb 2021 14:55:00)
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I object to the emotioal blackmail especially when a lot of the larger charities are now 'businesseses ' with verywell renumerated executives . People have their favourite charities and will donate regardless of TV appeals . Unless it is for a one off like Tsunamis etc. I am afraid they do the exact opposite with me .
I give my donations to smaller local Charities and local Hospices .
Response from EllieJones made on 6th Feb 2021 13:40:06
I feel the same way that you do Not2grey and I would rather donate to local charities that do not get the same publicity and that do some good. The smaller charities are struggling to survive as they allow on donations too and there is not much funding about to sustain them. At least you know your donation will be going to a good cause that is close to your heart.
Response from Not2grey made on 6th Feb 2021 14:55:00
I was talking to a friend the other day and she said that since she had bought soemthing from a charities catalogue they had sent her begging letters and even phoned her up . She was really annoyed .
I have made an exception though for the Mail laptops for children to help with their schooling during lockdown I think that that is a worthwhile cause .
22nd Jan 2021 17:23:42
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A lovely gentleman who lived next door to my Mum told us that while we were collecting for the Biafrans he was growing up in Australia and they were colleting for the poor in England. That opened my eyes very widely and I only give to OUR Veterans and local causes now.
82 y o RAF Veteran
14th Jan 2021 10:33:44 (Last activity: 14th Jan 2021 11:06:34)
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Not forgetting the enormous salaries paid to the CEO's and staff of these so called charities, who in fact are just money making companies!
I believe if you Google water aid you'll find the CEO has a salary of £265k plus staff on £22k!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Jan 2021 11:06:34
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9th Jan 2021 13:45:40 (Last activity: 9th Jan 2021 16:28:25)
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So, when I used to get phone calls from charities I already donate to, asking for even more money, my answer would be, if I give more it would still never be enough and I would end up being a charity case myself. And you can bet nobody would help me.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Jan 2021 16:28:25
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26th Dec 2020 15:01:04 (Last activity: 26th Dec 2020 15:23:22)
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its just money going out of the country
in Victorian times we had poverty but England worked hard to improve itself so let the begging countries do the same
don't send money send condoms the reason for poverty in all country's is a population the area cannot support
the trouble is some people in developed country's think they also have poverty because they don't have designer labels or posh holidays but they do waste there money on junk food and mobile phone contracts etc.
being able to have the better things of life used to be the reward of hard work
but now it seems a crime to say i am successful because if you do everybody wants a bit
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 26th Dec 2020 15:23:22
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26th Dec 2020 11:41:52
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I totally and utterly agree, not necessary.
21st Dec 2020 17:03:25
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Ignore all begging TV ads, flyers and letters in the post. Pick out a charity you want to support (there are plenty out there) and stick to it. Each Christmas, and maybe through the year when you can afford to, send donations to 3 charities you really think are worthwhile. You'll be able to make a reasonably good donation to each, based on the dribs & drabs you might have given in response to all the random advertised begging you've been targeted by. You'll still be helping out but you can thumb your nose at the pointing finger of guilt all those carefully contrived ads try to shoot you with.
20th Dec 2020 15:58:58 (Last activity: 20th Dec 2020 16:13:29)
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I appreciate charity's need for donations, but am fed up with constant bombardment on tv, I give what I can afford without being pressured into it by the media
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th Dec 2020 16:13:29
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