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Many of our members have expressed an interest in finding a travel companion ... this is the place where you can get together, compare notes and see if there is a like minded, compatible travel companion our there looking for you too!

Created By on 05/08/2015

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17th Sep 2022 11:55:26
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I am currently travelling in Puglia Italy
And looking for travel companion

Just to talk take coffee or a meal even visit places together
I have a car and I am currently in south Puglia
10th Sep 2022 03:46:09 (Last activity: 11th Sep 2022 09:45:45)
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I am looking for a mature travel companion to share the costs of a twin ocean view fly/ cruise of Africa Jordan to Italy (TripADeal) departing Sydney 10 April 2023. If you are interested could you contact me please. I am retired healthy, social, enjoy good conversation, interested in the wonders of life, Arts, History, and Heritage and a N S. Thank you. John from Wollongong
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 10th Sep 2022 08:47:38
Hi Jcostello53gmailcom,

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Response from Jcostello53gmailcom made on 11th Sep 2022 09:45:45 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you for your response if you can assist in any way with finding me a travel companion as mentioned above I will be most grateful cheers John
14th Aug 2022 10:18:48
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Hi Terry, glad to see you are at last on your way back to South Africa in October. Have the best time! Babs
11th Aug 2022 22:23:30 (Last activity: 12th Aug 2022 13:17:24)
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Response from Safariman made on 12th Aug 2022 13:17:24
Hi Dee, I think that you are a lady after my own heart, as I love to go on
my travels as soon as I can afford it. I am unfortunately a man haha, so
probably not what you are looking for as a travel buddy, still I hope that
you find a suitable person to travel with. Anyway I am off to Cape Town
in October as I love Africa, have never been on a cruise so don't know
what they are like, but might try one at some time. Well had better not
keep you too long, so hope you have some success with a buddy at
some time. All best wishes, Terry.
14th Apr 2022 10:19:38 (Last activity: 14th Apr 2022 10:21:45)
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Hi all I am a retired police inspector from central London now living in Newcastle I am tall fit and financially sound. I’m looking for a female travel companion to share experiences with who has a zest for life and fun with a sense of adventure and spontaneity.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 14th Apr 2022 10:21:45
Hi Steven1,

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31st Mar 2022 00:51:18 (Last activity: 8th Apr 2022 16:38:22)
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Hi, this is my first post on any forum, so here goes;

My main passion is travel (anywhere), especially Italy, the outdoors, nature, experiencing new cultures and music and live concerts. Cycling, walking, the Lake District, beer and having a good time. Plus art, architecture and food.

I just live in the moment and have a wicked sense of humour.
Response from Baileybird11 made on 8th Apr 2022 16:38:22
Hello mate!
31st Mar 2022 00:53:36
Thanks for voting!
Reading that back, it sounds so fecking crap. Apols
3rd Feb 2022 03:54:29 (Last activity: 3rd Feb 2022 11:34:28)
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we could be in the same boat if we hit it off as we are both over 50 looking for a cruise companion. I have 2 cruises if your interested 1st , carnival pride july 1-10 out of dover england visits 6 ports in Norway . 2nd cruise royal carribean 14 day transatlantic leaving Barcelona Spain 10/30/22 visits 5 ports in Spain arrives in Port Canaveral. thats my 2 cruises.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 3rd Feb 2022 11:34:28
Hi fitandfun1965,

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5th Dec 2021 12:48:45 (Last activity: 14th Dec 2021 15:00:57)
Thanks for voting!
Hi Sally, have Been looking on the Traveling Solo and looking for a companion site, but when it comes up the messages are all from 2015, I
know that I posted a message on this site in October and November but
can no longer find these, any reason why? Thanks Terry.
Response from Beauty made on 14th Dec 2021 15:00:57
This site is somewhat lacking...see
ms that they're now chasing subscriptions
17th Aug 2021 18:33:10 (Last activity: 17th Nov 2021 08:14:20)
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I love the outdoors and traveling into sub Saharan Africa to remote places
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 17th Aug 2021 23:09:32
Hi Colong,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Safariman made on 1st Oct 2021 13:04:12
Hi, colony, have been to sub Saharan Africa many times, my favourites are lake Malawi, Livingstone Zambia for Victoria Falls, Swackopmund in
Namibia and Cape Town South Africa. Will be glad to see these countries off the red list in the future as would like to start traveling to these lovely places again while I am still fit and active. Best wishes. Terry.
Response from Safariman made on 1st Oct 2021 13:20:35 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Hi, Sally, I made a reply to colony and after posting this reply it has come up as awaiting approval hope I have not made a mistake in
my text or have not signed in correctly. Thanks, Terry.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 1st Oct 2021 15:18:11 > @Safariman
Hi Safariman,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Baileybird11 made on 11th Oct 2021 12:26:39 > @Safariman
Hi Safariman, I would love to visit Cape Town! I have been to South Africa (2009), staying in a place called Marloth Park just south of the Kruger National Park. I also managed a quick visit to Swaziland and a day out in Maputo, Mozambique.
Response from Safariman made on 11th Oct 2021 15:07:17 > @Baileybird11
Hi Baileybird11, thank you for your welcome reply to my post it must
be my lucky day as I have had 2 replies. You must go to Cape Town
if you get the chance as it is a beautiful place and one of my favourite cities in the world. I see you have been to SwazI land now
called Eswatini and Maputo, I was stationed in Swaziland whilst in
the Army in 1965 when I was the grand old age of 17. I also spent a
few days in Maputo.I love Africa and have now been to 17 countries
there. I usually go on overland trips with a company called Absolute
Africa. (look them up) we. meet up at a start point usually Nairobi
then pick up the truck and of we go. It is a camping trip,and we sleep
in the tents provided, we do our own cooking and split into groups
of 3 to cook for the whole group, usually about 25 or so. I am glad
that all of the countries that we visit are now off the red list, so later
next year I might do one more trip before I am too old for it.Hope
that you are able to do some traveling yourself, and would be happy
to hear all about your plans. Hope you keep well and stay safe, all
best wishes, Terry.
Response from Baileybird11 made on 11th Oct 2021 15:27:24 > @Safariman
I didn't know Swaziland was now called Eswatini!! Nice one!!

I would love to visit Namibia. It looks absolutely stunning!

I would like my next "port of call" to be Cuba - was all set to go in Jan 2020 then Thomas Cook went bump. I got my money back for myself and a friend who was coming with me and ended up going for a week to Cabo Verde solo as my friend is not keen on anything even vaguely "African".

So nice that travel around the world is opening up again!!


Response from Safariman made on 11th Oct 2021 17:45:39 > @Baileybird11
Hi Babs, thanks for your speedy reply, sorry to hear that your friend
was not keen on anything remotely African, it's not all natives with
spears in their hands looking for white men to kill(ha ha) anyway it
is their loss as Africa has so much to offer the intrepid traveler, not
just the fantastic wildlife but amazing scenery as well, so diverse
each country you visit. I also had Cuba on my bucket list,but still
have not got round to it. Time is going by so I need to get a move
on now that travel looks on for next year, have just sent an e-mail
to the Zebra Crossing, the backpackers hostel I stay in when in
Cape Town, they are opening their doors to travelers again from
November 1st so may go over in March or April next year all being
well.I have a feeling that sadly my over landing days may be over
as not so young as I was, I shall miss the camaraderie of life on
the truck, but I cannot turn back time, worse luck. If you do get
to google Absolute Africa there are videos on their website, also
have a look at Oasis overland for even better videos of trips that
I have done, it will give you a taste of what we do on these amazing
trips. Well had better finish off for now as I will have to do something
for dinner, luckily I live on my own so only have to cook for one.
Take care and thanks again for your welcome message, Terry.
Response from Safariman made on 12th Oct 2021 10:56:50 > @Baileybird11
Hi Babs, me again, just a thought from your last post, if you don't get
to go to Cuba a good alternative would be Windhoek Namibia, from
there you can catch a bus to Swakopmund on the Atlantic coast it
is known as the adrenalin capital of Namibia, quadbiking,sand boarding,skydiving and deep sea fishing if that's your thing. It is also
a beautiful little town, just like a Bavarian village.Lots of cafés and
shops so you can enjoy yourself in safety. Hope you are able to get
away somewhere next year, and if you go to Cape Town I will see
you there (ha ha).Take care and stay safe. Terry.
Response from Baileybird11 made on 15th Oct 2021 16:26:24 > @Safariman
Hi Terry, it is a long time since I did anything vaguely "adrenalin" - paragliding over Pendle Hill in Lancashire (solo) and some amazing tandem paragliding in Turkey (Olu Deniz) back in the 90's springs to mind! Time marches on, I turn 67 this November!!

I managed to fall off a push bike a few weeks ago, nearly crashed into a tractor on the island of Sark, Guernsey CI. There is supposed to be no motorised transport on the island but all the island residents own tractors and quad bikes !

I would love to carry on travelling and seeing as much of the world - near and far - as I possibly can but I think camping and hostels - much as I enjoyed the bit that I did, have been replaced by hotels these days.

I am way too young and will always be way too young to go on a cruise!!! It will never happen. Apologies if it is an activity you enjoy . The thought of setting foot in Dubai or anywhere in the Persian Gulf plus Las Vegas, also horrifies me!! Everywhere else?? Bring it on!


Response from Safariman made on 15th Oct 2021 18:23:02 > @Baileybird11
Hi Babs, thank you yet again for your reply. We seem to always have
something in common in the places we have been or the places that
we would never go. I am with you 100 percent on Dubai or the rest
of the Middle East although I did work in Saudi Arabia when in my
40s. I am now 73 and also still too young for a cruise, I would hate
the thought of all those people together in such close proximity. I
have also worked on the island of sark in a seasonal job as a kitchen
porter in the Stocks hotel on two occasions so once again a bit of
deja vou. Have you ventured into the over landing videos? 67 would
be on the borderline for that activity but not a complete no no. I
might be tempted again if I could afford it.Any more thoughts about
your next trip when things allow us to travel far and wide again?I am
thinking of a trip to Cape Town in March or April next year.Well had
better finish off for now, so stay safe and take care, best wishes.
Response from Safariman made on 22nd Oct 2021 16:04:04 > @Baileybird11
Hi Babs, have not seen you on this site for a while so hope that you
are keeping well. Have you been making any travel plans for when
things are a little less restricted than they are now? anyway had
better not ramble on too much, look forward to hearing from you
in the future if you want to keep in touch, take care, best wishes,
Response from Baileybird11 made on 26th Oct 2021 09:16:54 > @Safariman
Hi Terry, nice to hear from you! I started writing a bit of a rambling reply which I was really getting in to and then something happened on my phone - which is not in the best condition because I have dropped it a few times LOL and the whole messaged vanished!!

If you fancy a chat about Cuba, South Africa or anywhere else, my email is

I don't log on to this site very much as I have not found very much interest in the type of travel that I enjoy plus I think a lot of people on here are only communicating with people who live quite close to them which I suppose is understandable.

I live in Manchester but I would definitely travel with somebody who lived say in Brighton (that's pretty far away from Manchester! LOL) if I thought we shared the same travel interests and got on really well in other areas.

Anyway my email is above if you fancy getting in touch.


Response from Peter1952 made on 16th Nov 2021 21:54:39 > @Baileybird11
hi have you spoken to anyone who has been to vegas they will tell you its not just gambling loads of great shows hundreds of upmarket shops plenty to do and you can have anything you want if you have the money !!!!!!!!! ps some great hotels
Response from Baileybird11 made on 17th Nov 2021 08:14:20 > @Peter1952
Hi Peter,

No, nobody (apart from yourself) has contacted me regarding Las Vegas. I don't think I have seen anything about it on this forum either!!

It holds no appeal for me sorry to say (I don't have any strong objections to gambling by the way). For all its wealth and glitz it just looks over the top, false and tacky!! I would rather spend my money (I am not a wealthy woman LOL) seeing New York or Chicago maybe.

We all like different things Peter.

6th Nov 2021 11:04:10
Thanks for voting!
Love to learn new people..cultures and foof.. Mostly textiles
26th Oct 2021 15:30:08 (Last activity: 26th Oct 2021 17:27:54)
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Planning to take the ferry from Barcelona to Tangier at the end of November. Expect to stay at least 3 months in Morocco. Would love some company. Using a camping car that sleps 6 so some privacy.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 26th Oct 2021 17:27:54
Hi dyddanwy,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

1st Oct 2021 15:22:03
Thanks for voting!
To Sally, will my response to colonys post get to him/her as its been 2 hours
since I wrote it and it is still awaiting approval? I can't seem to type in colong
without it changing to colony. Except for this time. Thank you Terry.
28th Sep 2021 22:28:10 (Last activity: 29th Sep 2021 21:01:48)
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Hello. I am interested in finding a Travel Companion. I am a 64, shortly to be 65 gentleman. I have travelled widely in the past as part of my career but having been on a number of solo trips in the last few years would welcome some company when I am travelling to share the enjoyment of a trip away. I have visited Sardinia a number of times in recent years and found it an enchanting island. There are also many parts of the UK which I have yet to visit. If anyone else has a similar wish to explore here and there it would be good to hear from them.
Response from Beauty made on 29th Sep 2021 21:01:48
Hi Bucaneer1 Welcome to us....Always interested in making contact with fellow travellers. Hope you find some travel buddies on here.....
spring flowers
17th Sep 2021 20:37:11 (Last activity: 17th Sep 2021 20:58:11)
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hi I am interested in your plans Johnnie.. please write.. from Judy
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 17th Sep 2021 20:58:11
Hi spring flowers,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

15th Sep 2021 15:46:38
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Hi Ken
welcome to the site. Always interested in finding new travel buddies. All the best on here
15th Sep 2021 12:20:31 (Last activity: 15th Sep 2021 12:21:59)
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Hello, my name is Ken I am a 78 year old widower and I would describe myself as fit, not so tall, friendly, sociable, tidy and happy, I love music, dinning, driving, adventure and life.

I am looking for a cruise/travel buddy to cabin share with, I have only been on one cruise so far (Caribbean) but really enjoyed it. I would love to do more,

Would also be interested on medium or long term tripsI for instance I would also like to drive around Europe, USA and Canada.

I live in north Hampshire and would love to meet so we can see if we fit and discuss where and when to go.

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 15th Sep 2021 12:21:59
Hi KenLaw1,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

11th Oct 2020 20:51:09 (Last activity: 14th Sep 2021 20:07:07)
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I would love to find a travel buddy. It could be UK trips or abroad. City breaks or maybe a holiday in Greece or Croatia.
I am flexible as to where and how.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 11th Oct 2020 23:49:19
Hi Gingercake,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Gingercake made on 12th Oct 2020 16:35:08 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you for a warm welcome 🙂
Response from Baileybird11 made on 20th Oct 2020 04:40:39 > @Gingercake
Hi Gingercake, I am also looking for something similar. Please get in touch if you are interested.

Response from DavidV3 made on 28th Oct 2020 08:43:32 > @Baileybird11
Also interested in a travelbudy. Would like to jet off November or December.
Response from Baileybird11 made on 28th Oct 2020 12:36:34 > @DavidV3
Hi David, is there anywhere to go in these very weird times??
Response from Akhome07 made on 11th Feb 2021 15:08:02 > @Gingercake
Hello, I just joined this site. I am very interested in an easy South America/Antarctic cruise late this year. Would love to have a travel buddy to split expenses with. I'm 61 years young, retired and ready to resume my travel bucket list. I posted abt the trip. If interested would love to communicate with you
Response from Akhome07 made on 11th Feb 2021 15:12:02 > @Baileybird11
Hello, I saw your post. I'm looking for a travel buddy to pay their own expenses for an easy cruise later this year. South America/Antarctic Peninsula. I've already posted abt this trip. If you would like more info etc., hope to hear from you
Response from Beauty made on 27th Feb 2021 19:20:16 > @Akhome07
May be of interest...depending
Response from LDR made on 26th Mar 2021 08:32:47 > @Gingercake
Hi hope this. message finds you well?
I’ve not been on this site for a long time, but feel now we hopefully have a light at the end of the tunnel to be able to meet people and to travel again, I would see if there’s anyone like minded to me, that would like to chat, meet up and possibly travel as companions once we can again.
Abroad or this country is appealing to me, I think there are some lovely beauty places within our own country.
Anyway if you feel you’d like to reply, it would be nice to hear from you.
Response from Baileybird11 made on 26th Mar 2021 12:14:53 > @LDR
Hi, whereabouts are you from in the UK?
Response from DavidV3 made on 15th May 2021 07:31:37 > @Baileybird11
Thailand looks set to reopen fully in January with no restriction
Response from Winni made on 26th May 2021 13:09:02 > @LDR
Hi Lynn hoping this message finds you well,

I have just joined the silver surfers, when I read your words this country is appealing, these are my words I would like to travel anywhere in England something I’ve not done enough off.
I like straight forward thinking, bye for now,
Response from Beauty made on 14th Sep 2021 20:07:07 > @Beauty
Hi, me too
30th Aug 2021 20:18:11 (Last activity: 14th Sep 2021 19:30:13)
Thanks for voting!
I am 62 and divorced, would love to go to Nashville next year, maybe New Orleans and Memphis. I could do one of these solo trips but be good to have company.
Response from Beauty made on 14th Sep 2021 19:30:13
always interested in different trips. Please make contact if interested.
10th Jul 2021 07:53:08 (Last activity: 6th Aug 2021 10:32:53)
Thanks for voting!
Looking for like minded female travel buddy / buddies. I’m based in Kent. In my sixties , young at heart and interested in scenic, wildlife , beach, culture holidays with a bit of fun thrown in. Love to swim. Not into endless days round a pool but a mix of relax and explore is great. I’m easy going . Interested in a lot of destinations and open to suggestions. Thanks for reading.
Response from LisaO5 made on 22nd Jul 2021 03:35:25
I too love to take the scenic route. I’m a free lance wild life photographer. I live in the US. I enjoy traveling backroads. You never know what you might find.
I’m an avid birder so I spend a lot of time outdoors.
If we were closer, we could be great travel buddies I think.
Just wanted to say hello.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 22nd Jul 2021 08:11:52 > @LisaO5
Hi LisaO5,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Hepavita made on 6th Aug 2021 10:32:53
Hiya love. I don't know if this would be of any interest to you, but I am looking at going to the Caribbean for a holiday in January and hopefully watch a couple of Englands T20 cricket matches. The venues haven't been announced yet but they are usually Antigua/Barbados/St Lucia. The game only lasts for about 3 or 4 hours so obviously plenty of time for other activities.
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