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I’m new to chatting, never did this before. My wonderful wife passed away eight years ago and at times, I’m very lonely.

I would like this activity to learn about more people and have them learn about me. Although I’m a senior, I’m not too experienced with people because we married young so we didn’t date much.

I’d like to know what most seniors are looking for in their lives besides the basic things. Do you have hopes and dreams still for something different in your life? I do but honestly, it can be somewhat scary to go out of my comfort zone. Would love to hear from you. Thanks

Created By on 09/05/2022

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11th Jul 2022 22:11:35
Thanks for voting!
Just joined. I would like to know what the most commonalities of most seniors on this group?how easy Is it to get someone reliable ?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Jul 2022 22:44:18
Hi Zoland1234,

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5th Mar 2023 03:31:55 (Last activity: 29th Jun 2023 21:32:02)
Thanks for voting!
Please to meet you I am Natalie. Feel free to reach out to me as I am new to dating as well. I have always been with one person so I can’ understand that feeling
Response from Everest made on 29th Jun 2023 21:21:00
Where are you
Response from Everest made on 29th Jun 2023 21:32:02
Where do you live?
2nd Mar 2023 23:24:55 (Last activity: 28th Jun 2023 20:30:48)
Thanks for voting!
I can relate to your post as I do not have much experience in meeting someone to share things with I am very lonely and hate the thought that this is all there is . I am hoping for a chapter 2 for me , not wanting to spend the years I still have alone . I would love to chat with you more and see if we could be friends, thank you
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 3rd Mar 2023 10:30:01
Hi DorothyG2,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from Everest made on 28th Jun 2023 20:30:48
I’d love to befriend you . Correct me if I’m wrong but you seem lonely like me
28th Jun 2023 20:24:54
Thanks for voting!
I’m looking for a platonic relationship to care for someone again.
28th Jun 2023 19:09:48
Thanks for voting!
I’m a senior widower recently bereaved and lonely.
I would like to chat with a female in similar situation
14th May 2022 11:18:00 (Last activity: 19th May 2022 10:03:55)
Thanks for voting!
Hello. I understand how you feel about life after having a long term partner. I was married for 35 years until my husband died three years ago. He had been ill for many years but it was still a shock when he had gone. The world seems to be a very big place but doesn't seem to be geared up for people on their own. It's taken me ages to be brave enough to walk in to a restaurant alone or go anywhere alone for that matter but I'm getting better at it. I would love to go to lots of places and see things I've always wanted to, but the one thing that really upsets me is the fact that because everything is set up for couples I have to pay extra for the so called "privilege" of being alone!! I'm ok being on my own but everything seems much nicer when you can share experiences with another person.
I'm told it does get easier..... I hope that's true.
Wishing you all the best.
Response from Safariman made on 16th May 2022 18:00:08
Hi, StillBreathing, I hope that being on your own does not prevent you
from visiting the places that you want to see. I am 74 and single, and
like you am fed up with single supplements when I book holidays, I did
find a solution when I started to go on overland trips through Africa, We
go on a truck and camp most nights, if you are on your own they pair you up with someone of the same sex. This sort of travel is not for everyone I understand that, but if you want to see some magical sights
and abundance wildlife this would be right up there.hope that you also
find a solution, and get out there while you still have the chance, happy
travels, all best wishes, Terry.
Response from StillBreathing made on 18th May 2022 11:42:25 > @Safariman
Hello Terry. Thank you for your message. I did try sharing with a stranger ...ONCE and never again!! Perhaps I was just unlucky, and thankfully it was only for one night, but it's put me off ever trying again. I thought I'd try a solo travellers weekend where, as you mentioned, they pair you with someone of the same sex so it sounds ok but I wasn't prepared for the fact that after being briefly introduced and settling myself in to the room the woman disappeared and wasn't seen by me again until after the finish of the evening dinner and dance when I returned to the room to find her in bed with a man. She didn't at all seem fazed by the fact that I'd walked in, and obviously had no intentions of stopping, so I had no alternative but to walk back out and spend the night curled up on an armchair in the lounge. She didn't appear for breakfast and I never saw her again..... nor would I wish too!! I am only thankful that it was just one night in this country and I hadn't spent a fortune on a holiday abroad. I won't be making a mistake like that again. I'd want to get to know someone before I ever contemplate sharing a room again.
I would love to go to far flung places and see magical sights and wildlife but my experience has made me very wary of ever trusting strangers.
I am very aware that life is far too short and time is slipping by so I must try and be braver but it's difficult when one has very little trust, but thank you for your kind thoughts and I hope you continue to enjoy your travels.
Best wishes always.
Response from Safariman made on 19th May 2022 10:03:55 > @StillBreathing
Hi,Still Breathing, thank you for your message, was sorry to hear of
the bad experience you had with the woman that you were paired
up with, I know that it was not funny for you at the time, but I had a
little chuckle the way you described your entry into the bedroom,
must have been a shock, some people have no sense of decency
any more. So I hope that you do manage to get away sometime, as
you said yourself, time is ticking by and we all are not getting any
younger. Just an update on my travel plans, I am going off to sunny
Cape Town in South Africa, leaving on Sunday 2nd of October, for
10nights, so looking forward to that. I have been there many times
before and when I am there I stay in the same backpackers hostel
that I have stayed in many times, they do single rooms without you
having to pay any silly supplements. Then you can come and go as
you wish, the beauty of this is that you have the best of both worlds,
as you can have your privacy of your own room, but you can also
meet other travelers in the lounge or in the courtyard where guests
gather for meals and a chat. You get to hear stories of their travels
around the world, and also get tips on good places to visit and the
Beas deals on excursions as well. So all in all, a win, win, for all of
us staying there, Just for your interest the place I stay is called the
Zebra Crossing backpackers hostel in New Church Street, Cape Town, you can look them up on Google if you want too have a look.
Anyway, it was nice of you to reply to me, and I would be more than
happy to chat with you any time you want, in the meantime, take
care and stay safe, all best wishes, Terry.
11th May 2022 03:57:52 (Last activity: 11th May 2022 07:36:46)
Thanks for voting!
I am new to chatting
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th May 2022 07:36:46
Hi Kbmc1959,

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