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Pen pals

I have been pen palling for a while now does anyone else do this and is there somewhere on the site for this? It would be nice to write to people on here if they were interested.

Created By on 20/02/2014

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29th Feb 2020 08:53:25 (Last activity: 29th Feb 2020 17:02:36)
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Response from Paphos8036 made on 29th Feb 2020 17:02:36
Hi I am also looking for a penfriend. Where do you live and how old are you?
3rd Oct 2019 00:13:41 (Last activity: 18th Feb 2020 19:41:36)
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Looking for pen pals from all over ,am 58 yr old welsh lady ,grown children ,live in tiny village South Wales
Response from John7453 made on 10th Oct 2019 15:36:46
Hi Marie and welcome to the site, I hope that you find some friends here to chat with, I am from the South East of England, John
Response from Paphos8036 made on 18th Feb 2020 19:41:36
Hi Marie I am also looking for Pen Pals. I am 73 am on my own and live in West Yorks. Please reply if you are interested
10th Jan 2020 19:29:58 (Last activity: 18th Feb 2020 19:14:07)
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I am new here,i have been on my own for 40 yrs.Not in good health and have alot of baggaged.I did have 2 husbands but they wanted someone in good health,and could have boys only.i have 2 small dogs and live in Scotland.As yet im not able to find anyone that would accept me.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 11th Jan 2020 14:02:53
Good afternoon , and welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends with the same interest as you, good luck
Response from Joyfulwanderer made on 17th Jan 2020 09:50:26
Hello Janette
It’s too bad you’re so far away from. I would love to keep you company if only you’re close by. I love Scotland and I hope to visit it once again in the future.
Response from Paphos8036 made on 18th Feb 2020 19:14:07
Hi Janette I know we are far away, I am in West Yorks, your post cought my eye because it was my birthday. I live on my own and have a son who lives South England and an adult granddaughter who lives abroad. Please reply ifvyou would like to correspond
9th Feb 2020 13:06:04 (Last activity: 18th Feb 2020 19:03:20)
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I am a 79 year old happily married woman who would like correspond with a new friend. I have a few problems health wise but won't bore you with them. I love animals and have two cats and two dogs. I had a parrot for 30 years but he recently died. I have 5 kids 2 boys and 3 girls. 10 grandkids and 19 great grandkids and 1 great great grandkid on the way.
Response from Paphos8036 made on 18th Feb 2020 19:03:20
Hi Wandaq I am 73 lost my husband 4 years ago and live in West Yorks. If you would like to correspond please reply
10th Feb 2020 15:02:05
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Hello everyone! And a big hello from Cheshire, England!

I'm a lady who has spent several years touring the world, living in the theatre and on television and in the entertainment industry in general.

Have grown up children, and grandchildren and I'm now looking to correspond with a like minded gentleman, preferably aged 70+. (I'm a youthful pensioner who likes to take care of herself).

I love New York, and have taken my grandchildren to NY and have always wanted to go back or at least to find a charismatic gentleman from NY to talk with via email or phone. Other parts of the USA are welcome too :0)

I'm eager to start a new phase in life... always looking for something around the next corner as life is full of endless possibilities!

Please do feel free to get in touch!
29th Jan 2020 21:16:16 (Last activity: 30th Jan 2020 12:08:48)
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Hi everyone I am interested in contacting European individuals so as to maintain my European links though as an Irish citizen I will still remain European. It would be lovely to hear from some suitable people. Thanks.
Response from CaroleAH made on 30th Jan 2020 12:08:48
The UK is leaving the European Union but we are, and always will, a part of Europe!
14th Jan 2020 19:08:50 (Last activity: 28th Jan 2020 05:18:05)
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Hi, I am new to this but would love to correspond with anyone who has the time. I am 64 young woman who loves to travel, read, walk and good food. I live in south east Kent, not far from the sea so lots of coastal walking for me.
Response from Rvgirl60 made on 28th Jan 2020 05:18:05
Hi. I would love to correspond via e-mail. I'm in the US but love walking on the coast anywhere!
It's probably my favorite thing to do in life. I just turned 60 and figuring this new chapter out. I love to travel too. I just got back from a month and a half volunteering in India. I'm a big fan of English history (the most interesting history in the world, in my opinion) and majored in English history and literature in college. If you or anyone else is interested in chatting, please respond. Thanks!
19th Jan 2020 22:37:56
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Hello Surfers...I am 79 and enjoy working in the yard. We have 5 acres here in California. I have one Manx cat...he's all black with about an inch long tail...he follows me everywhere. I have about 100 house plants as well a another 200 out on the patio...I love cactus - and have many varieties. I enjoy reading and a good movie or series. I volunteer at Kiwanis - we do things to raise money for the youth in the area - to further their education with a small scholarship...and also ring the bell for the Salvation Army at Christmas. I am a native California, although have lived in Mississippi and Colorado and Idaho. Have 7 cassette tape pals....enjoy that way of communicating also. Stop by and say hello!
25th Oct 2019 21:01:45 (Last activity: 17th Jan 2020 09:55:20)
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Hello I am new here too. I live in California, and I would be interested in hearing more about you. I volunteer at a home for people who have Dementia because they are lonely and they like to have people visit them. I also have my grandson Noah who moved in with me about three months ago and he is wonderful company. Oh and of course my dog Gypsy. She is a three pound Chihuahua.
Well now it’s your turn.
Response from Silver73 made on 6th Nov 2019 01:25:37
Hello Debbie,
I am new here and looking for a lady with whom I can have decent conversations. I am a widower and am living alone after 45 years of marriage. Let me know if we can discuss our lives?
Response from Joyfulwanderer made on 17th Jan 2020 09:55:20
Hi Debbie
I am also new to this site. Nice to see someone from California. San Diego is my second home. I now live in Chicago. I do a lot of volunteer work on my free time especially with the veterans community.
17th Jan 2020 09:47:29
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Hello everyone!
I’m new to this site and would love to meet people from around the world. I live in Chicago and I have been to 42 countries so far. I am a retired nurse and I love to travel. I will be turning 50 in September. I hope to see more places in the future.

12th Mar 2019 06:50:41 (Last activity: 17th Jan 2020 03:38:34)
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Hello all - Just signed up to Silversurfers - Aged 71 - comfortably retired but not ready for the rocking chair.I am based north Scotland. I have travelled to many countries- used to ride bikes in a previous life - enjoy touring about UK and Europe where I go camping. Outdoors kinda guy walking glens, forests and beaches in Scotland.

Would like to write to you if you have similar likes
Response from Seagreenwater made on 1st Jun 2019 11:54:30
Hi there, have just signed up with this website as I am interested in corresponding with someone in Scotland with knowledge of its beautiful countryside. I live in NZ, still working, but travel over to UK often to visit family. Am in the process of planning a week or two walking holiday in Scotland but it is difficult to choose. Would love to hear from you.
Response from Oneoftwo1946 made on 4th Jan 2020 20:40:47
I just sent you a private chat. Thanks
Response from Oneoftwo1946 made on 17th Jan 2020 03:38:34
In my younger days I use to backpack in the Pecos Mts. in New Mexico and hike up Sandia Peak in Albuquerque, N.M. .But walking glens, forests and beaches sounds lovely.
I am hoping to come to Scotland this summer and check out some places to possible move for up to 6 mos. a year.
My name is Carol, I'm 73 but most people say I don't look my age. Hopefully they think I look younger and not older. LOL!
Hope to hear back from you and possibly if I get over there this summer we can meet,
Thank you,

18th Jul 2019 23:07:38 (Last activity: 17th Jan 2020 03:21:18)
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Anyone interested in a pen pal from Scotland? I’m widely travelled, and love remote places, islands. Working from home can be quite isolating so would love to chat....
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 19th Jul 2019 10:46:33
Good morning AnneC865 , I have friends from Scotland from Facebook , I myself live in England essex .

Response from Thomasina made on 19th Nov 2019 16:11:43
Hello Anne,
I’m a similar age to you, living in Dorset, so we’re at opposite ends of the UK.
I was a college lecturer (in art department) and I’m fighting myself to get back into painting again since my husband died 4 years ago.
I am interested in history and like to visit places of interest in that regard.
In a few days I’m off to London to make the ultimate tourist trip to the Tower of London which I haven’t visited since I was nobbut a lad!
Where have you been on your travels? Do you travel solo usually?
Apart from North Africa (Tunisia), I have not travelled outside Europe but I loved to go to Italy and France mainly.
I like writing, so would be pleased to hear from you if you are of a mind to make contact.
Response from Oneoftwo1946 made on 4th Jan 2020 21:03:38
AnneC865, I just sent you a private chat. Thanks!
Response from Oneoftwo1946 made on 17th Jan 2020 03:21:18
Hi Anne, I sent you a private chat but am having trouble navigating this site. So I will reach out to you here. I am wanting to come to Scotland this summer and cha=eck out some places I might want to live for up to six months.
If you couldn point me in the right direction of not terribly expensive places to check I would really appreciate it. And who knows, if any of them are near you, maybe we could meet.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Thank you,
22nd Nov 2019 21:58:21 (Last activity: 15th Jan 2020 18:12:46)
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Hello I wrote a post and it has not appeared. If anyone is interested in being a pen pal, male or female let me know.
I am a young at heart 72 year old widow looking for someone to write to,
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 23rd Nov 2019 10:58:50
Good morning AnnB4 I hope you are well , I hope you will find lots of new friends with the same interest as you .
Response from Oneoftwo1946 made on 15th Jan 2020 18:12:46
Hi Ann, My name is Carol and I'm 73. I lost my husband almost 10 years ago. Took a cruise around UK 4 yrs. ago and have wanted to go back to Scotland to spend possibly a month checking out cities I might like to live for up to 6 mos.
My daughter recently divorced and moved in with me so this would be a great time to do this so she can watch my house and 2 cats while I'm gone. I would like to find a penpal that could point me in the direction of cities to visit to possibly live and hopefully be able to meet while I'm there.
I love bagpipe music and took 2 years of Highland dancing lessons in my earlier years.
Hope very much to hear back from you.
Thank you.
11th Jan 2020 16:45:35
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I am looking to correspond with someone from the London area that could help me with a question about WWII London. I am a 67 Y.O. Texas boy from Houston, TX and would like to start a casual friendship with an Englishter. Hobbies are fishing, gardening, firearms and old aircraft. Respond if you wish. [email protected]
5th Jan 2020 16:00:28 (Last activity: 5th Jan 2020 21:56:44)
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I love to hear from you
Response from guacamol made on 5th Jan 2020 21:56:44
Wow, hope I make it to the 70’s. Very impressive. I feel fit, still working.
24th Dec 2019 10:33:29 (Last activity: 5th Jan 2020 15:46:58)
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Hi Iam a divorcee and an avid sailor. I live on a sailboat in Mylor Cornwall. I am 72 and fit. Love a pen pal.
Response from guacamol made on 5th Jan 2020 15:46:58
Hay Kirs, I’m Joe from the U.S.. what caught my attention is your living arrangements. Must be pretty cool living on a sailboat. Write back if u wish. Tell me more about living on boat..
2nd Jan 2020 11:01:34 (Last activity: 5th Jan 2020 15:43:18)
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Hi My name is Joe 67 years old been on Silversurfers for a few months now. After a very quiet Christmas and new year. time to find other people to talk too instead of just "Alexa". I live in Cheshire would love to receive some emails. I watch Rugby league like walks theatre and have 2 grown up children. Hope you all have a happy new year
Response from guacamol made on 5th Jan 2020 15:43:18
I’m Joe also, 64, at least we have something in common. Lol. I’m in the U.S.. Reply if u like.
1st Jan 2020 23:07:50 (Last activity: 5th Jan 2020 15:39:28)
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I am 64 years old,living in Derbyshire,I would love to email or smail
I still work full time,I am interested in anything and everything
I was widowed last year,would love some pen pals.
Happy New Year to all
Response from John7453 made on 2nd Jan 2020 18:27:34
Hi Lynn and welcome to the site, I hope that you find lots of people to chat with on here, best wishes, John
Response from Alfred6 made on 5th Jan 2020 13:19:15
Would love to exchange email with if you will..Thanks.
Response from guacamol made on 5th Jan 2020 15:39:28
Hi Lynn
I’m Joe ,64 and working also. Living in the U.S. on the out skirts of Philadelphia, Pa. . hoping u will reply.
5th Jan 2020 15:35:49
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Finally a place where seniors can communicate.
1st Jan 2020 08:37:54 (Last activity: 2nd Jan 2020 11:19:31)
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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 2nd Jan 2020 11:19:31
Good morning Staceythinks welcome to the site , there are lots of people here maybe some with the same interest as you
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