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Pain and inflammation

Hi to all,

Pain and inflammation are worse in Winter at the moment because of all the Cold Weather Arthritis and Joint Pain Really Hurts

Paracetamols don't work well enough and I cannot have anti-inflammatories as I have a heart problem so I cannot Win.

Is anyone else like this? Dolphin5005.

Created By on 11/12/2022

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11th Dec 2022 17:18:27
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Hi Dophin
I've being treated for RA but I'm on medication for it so I'm lucky that the cold weather doesn't affect it too much.
Can you use Ibuprofen based creams on the joints? I've used them in the past and they can be quite useful.
Hope you find something that can ease your discomfort.
28th Jan 2023 22:35:02 (Last activity: 22nd Sep 2023 17:23:57)
Thanks for voting!
I've been given Naproxen for joint pains - I try to limit its use - and am now wondering if I shoud take it at all. My GP never does check ups - so I would never know if afffecing my heart or anything else for that matter.
Response from otto7sue made on 22nd Sep 2023 08:33:48
Same here Carol. I take paracetamol but the doc. Gave me ibruprofen gel which caused a psoriasis flare up so stopped using it.waiting for x ray to see which arthritis it is.
Response from CaroB4 made on 22nd Sep 2023 17:23:57
As Naproxen doing little good for my leg pains contacted GP as wondered if low bone density - had this once before and was put on calcium and Vit D for a while...then had to move house and new GP stoped it and said all was ok now. That was 20 years ago but had problems now for 2 years and no chance of face to face GP appoiintment only via telephone - and he just added Codeine to Naproxen and Paracetamol advice! And yes - to take all at same times! Rings alarm bells for me. Self referred to Physio - waiting for appointment with senior Physio first to decide if i should go for a bone scan or not! And so it goes on! Sent me exercises to do meanwhile as not til October. Some I can do,.,most I cannot! Can hardly walk sometimes - have to use a stick for balance - and it is demoralising. Little help from anywhere these days. Hope you get your scan soon!
22nd Sep 2023 08:30:52
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I have got dreadful pain in my knee waiting to have an x ray probably arthritis. But my legs go really dry and red also. I do take paracetamol I find this eases the pain.
Gave up putting gels on didn’t work. Even tried flexiseq.
Hope we both feel better soon.
26th Dec 2022 20:22:17
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23rd Dec 2022 13:09:02
Thanks for voting!
Hi Dolphin,
Like you, I have found that paracetamol aren't much good and I cannot take anti-inflammatories either. However, I have found that Voltarol 2.32% gel is very effective when the arthritis is my knee flares up. Most pharmacies only stock the lower strength gel so I buy mine on Amazon. Good luck!
14th Dec 2022 16:32:02 (Last activity: 14th Dec 2022 16:55:35)
Thanks for voting!
i so agree are you ok now ? c x
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Dec 2022 16:55:35
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