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Created By on 24/02/2014

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Princess grace
4th Nov 2017 19:21:13 (Last activity: 5th Nov 2017 09:43:44)
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Hi everyone , I'm new to this . I live in Essex .
Response from DavidV3 made on 5th Nov 2017 09:43:44
Welcome. Barca good night out in a Indian
4th Nov 2017 22:57:17
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hi just joined so just want to say hello hope tou are all well
27th Apr 2017 15:31:25 (Last activity: 2nd Nov 2017 19:08:33)
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Hi surfers. I joined a few weeks ago but haven't really active. I am from just outside Liverpool but I now live in Ireland on the south west coast a beautiful place,
Response from britishtea made on 2nd Nov 2017 19:08:33
What was Liverpool like?
20th Sep 2017 20:35:25 (Last activity: 23rd Oct 2017 17:17:45)
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Hi, like conversation but live quite an isolated life in a small rural village in Shropshire. Originally from Merseyside, schooled in St Helens, Still relatively active [age 72]. Spend a lot of time in the garden and polytunnel [a recent hobby] like a bit of family history, at the moment I am messing about with amateur radio and find it very interesting. We have a rescued [we went for a small dog] German Shepard called Molly who adores the wife and tolerates me lol. Not really sure what to put as this is my first venture into the world of internet chat, but reading the posts it really does seem to be the thing of the future and not only just for the young, so hello one and all.
Response from CaroleAH made on 20th Sep 2017 23:21:28
Hello Strollby - welcome to Silversurfers. We are a friendly crowd and I'm sure that you will find some topics in the Forum which interest you. Speakers Corner can get quite animated with differing opinions but most of us are very polite ๐Ÿ™‚ I had to smile at your choice of rescue dog - not exactly small but I bet she is a great companion.
Response from Strollby made on 21st Sep 2017 03:13:54
Thanks for the welcome CaroleAH. Read your Bio, you live in a lovely part of the world. Would imagine the FH and involvement with the research regarding the local war memorial was fascinating. Sometimes the ages of the participants really catch you young, and sometimes so many from the same sad
Response from CaroleAH made on 17th Oct 2017 22:54:32
Hi again! You are right about the research on the men on our local war memorial. One man in particular stands out as I knew his grandson and have been able to use family photos in my folder. This man was one of 22 children born to a couple who both worked at a local coal mine. They lived in a tiny terrace house - goodness alone knows where they all slept! Tragically, many of the families lost more than one son. Doing a brief family history for each man has shown that the villagers did not move far from where they were born and many of the families are related to each other.
It has also been interesting liaising with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission - they celebrate their centenary this year. They have a project in which they are putting notices on church graveyards indicating that there are Commonwealth war graves there. The CWGC do an excellent job of looking after the headstones, cleaning them and making sure that they are safe.
I'm just collating all the information ready to put on a display for Remembrance Day in my local church.
Response from Tedge made on 21st Oct 2017 15:49:10
22 kids (how did they have time to work lol)By the way Hi CaroleAH
Response from Strollby made on 21st Oct 2017 16:54:16
Carole, that's very thoughtful of you as regards the Remembrance Day Display. Would imagine in a village people would recall incidents from their past. I met an old chap, he was 92, his Dad was a farmer and so was he. His farm had quite an unuasual name so out of curiosity I looked up on the British Newspaper archive and came across a really great article from the 1880 which refferred to the previous owner. The old boy remembered him from when he was fourteen and he was so over the moon with the information. The article reffered to the farmer getting into a fight over some hay which he had sold and the buyer thought was sub standard. It really did tickle the old boys sense of humour as the farmer had been taken to court and fined........
One side of my family were miners, it was very interesting to see how many during the early 1900s moved onto different occupations. Unlike some mining areas there was other industries in the area and I think WW1 provided a means 'initially' to get away from the area. I believe the whole country was full of a false optimism as regards how long the war would last and how devastating it would be on many families.

Hi Tedge, I think I would have been grateful for any work to get out of the house lol.

ElaineK6, what type of dog have you got, are you like me, can remember the name of the dog when I meet other dog walkers but not the owners name, the joys of having a bad memory [its a great excuse] Hope the coughs better.

Sorry good people, waffled on a bit there....
Response from CaroleAH made on 21st Oct 2017 18:23:25
Hi Strollby and Tedge! Dreadful afternoon here in North Yorkshire - windy and raining so the hatches are battened down and the heating is on. I've no doubt that the older members of the mining family had to bring up the younger ones - perhaps dragged up rather than brought up! The village war memorial, which I have been researching, is near Selby so is at the southern end of North Yorkshire and there were many coal mines in the area. I loved your story about the elderly farmer, Strollby. Genealogy is a fascinating subject and I can "lose" many hours once I log on to Ancestry. I have found a first cousin whose mother cut off ties with the family when her husband (my uncle) committed suicide soon after WW2 started. My cousin din't know anything about his father's side of the family - such a shame as he would have had six aunts and uncles and numerous cousins. I also found a second cousin, who lives in Australia - our mothers used to write to each other in the 1920s!
Response from Strollby made on 23rd Oct 2017 17:17:45
Hi Carol, found Ancestry very useful for the odd surprise bits which you never expect. A great uncle suddenly turned up in 1921 on the passenger list heading off to south America, found him again two years alter returning, its a mystery really as I had never heard of his adventures, Although he must have had something about him as I picked him up at the end of ww1 as a sergeant, its such a great shame that we never ask the questions when younger......Been using Legacy, I did try a few others but found [don't laugh] the colours on legacy very helpful....I have poor eyesight. Find in the summer the FH goes on the back burner but the dark night are coming in so time to dig the records out. Sometimes you come across events and it saddens you at the family break ups which occur and it makes you think that in a different time and different attitudes things may have worked out different for them. I was contacted by a second cousin in canada whose father had been one of the kids sent out from Liverpool as a youngster on one of these orphanage schemes, as luck would have it the youngster had landed with a good family and he had thrived. Nice chatting Carole, take care
21st Oct 2017 15:56:49
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2nd Oct 2017 15:11:00 (Last activity: 21st Oct 2017 15:55:35)
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Hello Everyone - I am retired in Central Scotland and really wishing to meet like minded people who have opinions, not shy in sharing them but prepared to listen and understand and accept others point of view. I know this is maybe a hard seek but I like to travel and I prefare to do this with a friend. Man or Woman just as long as you are happy tolerant adventurous ( or at least prepared to make the effort ) and prepared to share with a retiree who occasionally needs a wheel chair I may be pension age but I like many others feel under 50 inside and just occasionally under 40 ( so we'll stop there). A holiday somewhere warm and interesting. short or mid haul on or off the beach; whatever choice provides that is worth considering and allows space for travelling partners to do their own thing. It is also important that we live within driving distance and get to know each other, Wouldn't want to go on holiday with an axe murderer or psychopath. Sociopath just might be acceptable. ๐Ÿ™‚
Response from Tedge made on 21st Oct 2017 15:55:35
Highlands of scotland (fantastic) Deep snow in winter -mountains and little villagers and all that whiskey(one of my favourite drinks)Your a lucky Man downnotout.All the best Tedge.
20th Oct 2017 10:20:44
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Hi lady blue. Welcome. Would be nice if you wrote a bit about yourself. Now you have dipped your toe in the water splash out on your likes and dislikes or info on your life

20th Oct 2017 05:48:11
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17th Oct 2017 18:20:36
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2nd Oct 2017 18:47:11 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2017 16:26:50)
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Welcome. Planning a cambodia.vietnam trip form February March next year. Hong wish to do it alone. Straight guy. A fit 68. Own rooms and costs
Response from ElainePeony made on 17th Oct 2017 15:53:19
Glad to know you are going to far flung places. I have visited all the ones you mention, I loathed Vietnam & Cambodia...too humid, but it was a carthitic experience, which I wanted, I found it very grounding as I was facing my own history. We had superb guides, and the education element was first class. I enjoyed the Mekong cruise with only another 30 passengers, from all over the world, which was fascinating. I went with Saga/Titan. I hope you find it as grimly interesting as I did. Avoid the cooking schools....waste of money, and unpleasant.
Response from DavidV3 made on 17th Oct 2017 16:26:50
Thanks. Not got anyone to go with yet. And not using a tour operator. Been phuket few times
And Egypt loads of time as cheap AI in winter with sun at 25+
Off in November to Marsa Alam
24th Aug 2017 13:17:54 (Last activity: 10th Sep 2017 18:44:34)
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Typical taken dog for a 3 mile walk.mowed the lawn weeded etc.tidied thought right feet up in the garden get a bit of what happens the blimming sun goes in lol.good old England hey.but I wouldn't live anyway else lol
Response from ElainePeony made on 10th Sep 2017 18:44:34
Pardon? Do want to connect and chat? Your message is rather confusing. Best wishes.
Barbie 56
8th Sep 2017 16:01:39 (Last activity: 10th Sep 2017 18:40:58)
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I'm new to the site and am looking forward to having a chat with you all .
Response from ElainePeony made on 10th Sep 2017 18:40:58
So ghastly for you horrific. We in the UK are horrified for you all and your disgusting President denies the cause of your devastation is due to the global warming that the USA and China HAS CAUSED...people of the USA..your coal, oil, and cars are causing your devastation sorry, for you and your children. I am too old to bother ! Good bye, from an oldun.
10th Sep 2017 18:34:14
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You poor poor people...I am praying by sending Hail Mary and Our Fathers to you.
2nd Sep 2017 00:23:45
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Hello, I'm new to this site and looking for people who enjoy good intelligent conversation.
22nd Aug 2017 16:54:34
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Hi All.
Looking for someone to travel / holiday with, usually go cruising but willing to consider any type of holiday. Cost of holiday no problem.

Also like to go somewhere warmer during the winter months.

Live in Bournemouth and can offer a free holiday here if required to see if compatable before going on a longer trip.,
22nd Aug 2017 12:15:26
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Hello are there any mrmbers in hampshire in southsea.ive just managed to get back n here joned acouple of years ago.then it wouldnt accept my details and I gave up. Now sorted afer usinga different email and password.all down to sally.
17th Aug 2017 18:47:20
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Just joined and still negotiating site, is there anybody in the Bristol/Bath area that would like to chat/travel
12th Aug 2017 18:46:56
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Hello All, I am a newbie here, so please be gentle with me. I am a divorced lady living in Oxfordshire, but originate from Cornwall, where eventually I'd like to return to. I live with my 2 dogs, a Rough Collie and a German Spitz, (toy variety, or for those in the know, Klien) I keep feet by walking, and would love to meet someone with similar interests to mine which are many, and varied.
3rd Aug 2017 00:49:01 (Last activity: 3rd Aug 2017 10:41:44)
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Hi Everyone I am new to this I hope I go alright. I am 68 and live in NSW Australia. I am separated and have 2 boys and 2grandchildren
Response from CaroleAH made on 3rd Aug 2017 10:41:44
Hi Julie,
Welcome to SS - hope you find lots of friends on the site and interesting topics you can join in with. I've never been to Australia although I have a second cousin who lives in Toukley in NSW so we email often. Dull grey and rainy here today in North Yorkshire so I'm supposed to be catching up on housework - not my favourite job! It would be nice to see some photos from down under on the Showcase. Do your family live near to you? I've got 2 daughters and one granddaughter who is 14 and a typical teenager, glued to her X Box most of the time! ๐Ÿ™‚
11th Jul 2017 21:07:54 (Last activity: 20th Jul 2017 16:54:27)
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Hello! I'm 62yo living in St, Petersburg, Fl. USA.... "And no I didn't vote for HIM" Looking to meet new friends to chat with and realized this is a UK based site. So, I hope y'all don't mind if I hang around.
Response from Linniloo made on 11th Jul 2017 21:57:43
Hello this site is for all to visit and chat . How are you... greetings from Bristol UK
Response from feynman54 made on 11th Jul 2017 22:01:36
Howdy! Linniloo, I'm doing good! How are you ?
Response from CaroleAH made on 12th Jul 2017 00:12:26
Hi feynman54, welcome to Silversurfers. Hope you find lots of interesting topics you can join in with. We are a friendly bunch of people ๐Ÿ™‚
Response from feynman54 made on 12th Jul 2017 12:08:56
Thank you, CaroleAH, just looking for good conversation! Still familiarizing myself with site, and adjusting to 5hr time difference.
Response from Linniloo made on 12th Jul 2017 13:09:54
Hi there tell me a little about your life?
Response from Julie101 made on 13th Jul 2017 18:35:00
Hi feynman54 welcome I am new here too, how are things in St, Petersburg, Fl. USA
Response from feynman54 made on 13th Jul 2017 19:04:57
Fine, Julie101! Starting to get hot! And where might you be?
Response from Nula made on 20th Jul 2017 16:54:27
Are you related to Richard Feynman, the famous american physicist ?
I did physics at university many years ago and had one of his textbooks.
I am new to this site also - Live in Bristol, UK
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