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Watch this postHi all, Just joined the site a couple of days ago and trying to find my way around. I am lady living in Scotland in a really rural place and hoping to make new friends/penpals. Sbn51
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Ann here from bloxwich just wondered how you are doing
Do you like this heatwave,it's a bit to warm for me
What have you been doing over the weekend
We went to bridgnorth on Saturday it was nice to look round the market and had a pub lunch at a pub near the river
I've been into Walsall today to take mom for a medical appointment
It's nice to have the doors and windows open now and feel a slight breeze
Well take care,best wishes Ann x
Thanks for your reply, I sometimes find this site difficult to navigate
Everything is growing well in the garden now and the rain did a lot of good on Sunday
I'm going to the gardeners world flower show with a friend at the NEC on Friday I'm really looking forward to it and the food show is on in another hall also.
Where did you go for your walk the weekend was it nice
We went to Stafford on Monday there's a nice park their
I took my car in for a repair this morning and my friend picked me up from the garage and we went to weather spoons for a light breakfast muffin and coffee it was good
I've been at mom's a lot recently she's 93 and has a bad water infection at the moment she relies on my help a lot as I'm her only family
Do you have anyone at home with you,I'm married just the 2 of us no children we have 3 ruined cats ga ha have a good day from Ann xx
Oh the nature park sounds beautiful, when my dad was alive we used to take our dog for walks at Perry Barr park and to kings heath park they were both lovely
It's nice you have a decent sized family around you,I only have my old mom no other family at all apart from hubby and he doesn't see any family either, I've got a couple of friends I see occasionally.
I like to go on coach trips sometimes,we did a 5 day trip to the isle of wight a couple of weeks ago and in August we are going to the Rhine valley for a long weekend and there are 2 steam train trips included in the weekend we are looking forward to it.
Take care from Ann xx
I agree it takes a bit of getting used to find your way around and I hope you are enjoying it here
Best wishes
Thank you
It would be wonderful to make some new friends.
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I live in Montana in a beautiful town situated at the hub of five valleys. We have two main rivers and lovely mountain summers. I grew up here and have a large family in the area. My interests include reading, fiction and non-fiction, walking, creative writing, cooking, and watercolor painting. I studied languages when I was young and enjoy etymology.
I would love yo know more about you and how you like to spend your time. Hope you have a wonderful day. Btw, I like many others watched the coronation of King Charles III on TV this morning. Very impressive.
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It is not the easiest site to navigate but hang on in there! Caro
Best wishes jojo2
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Nice to hear from you and I'm sorry that you are so lonely.
Let me be honest from the outset, I am a married man but stress that I am not looking for a 'bit on the side' but someone to genuinely talk to.
I'm not lonely in the same way as you are - alone - but lonely in that I don't get talked to but talked at.
Obviously not being alone means that I can only chat occasionally, and am happy to do so as long as you know the truth. If you're uncomfortable with this then please tell me and I will not bother you again.
Have a good day!
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