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New Member

Hi all, Just joined the site a couple of days ago and trying to find my way around. I am lady living in Scotland in a really rural place and hoping to make new friends/penpals. Sbn51

Created By on 11/01/2022

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12th Sep 2023 23:13:24
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Hi- was widowed 19 months ago. Understand how devastating it is. Please accept my deepest sympathy for your loss.
12th Sep 2023 23:11:25
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Hi Bill-
Also new here and love to travel. Would love to hear about your trip.
2nd Sep 2023 03:52:27 (Last activity: 12th Sep 2023 21:54:29)
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Good evening. I’m Dixie from the state of Texas in the U.S. I would love to talk with a male in his 60’s if possible.
Response from origamighost made on 5th Sep 2023 14:17:22
Hi sweet Dixie you are not alone and if I can I will help you to understand this better through meditation and breathwork to reacha a more liminal stae where you can access your god given divinity without the societal blockages.
Response from BJAX made on 12th Sep 2023 21:54:29
Hello Dixie, I just joined. I am from Chicago. My son lives in Texas
12th Sep 2023 21:51:53
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Greetings I am new, just signed on.
5th Sep 2023 14:12:34
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I presently reside in Tucson, so I can care for my 83-year-old mother. My father is 87 and a very lonely, manipulative desperate man who I will not be. I find the care of our elders here in America is disgraceful, for starters. Our allopathic medical system is a complete failure in my eyes and what ever I can do to care for and help not brainwash them from the health system I try my best. Fully acknowledging the wonderful medical treatments and care we provide in general but is lost amongst the geriatric population.
18th Aug 2023 00:58:53 (Last activity: 31st Aug 2023 12:42:15)
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Hello! I'm new too. I'm from the States, Deepeg, but I hope you find a great pal or two nearby. Just thought I'd say hi. It's no fun being lonely . . . .
Response from Kazara made on 27th Aug 2023 23:58:38
Hi Shelli: I know I am late to the discussion, but trying to make friends myself. Seems as though this site is not well traveled or used, but I will leave you a message just in case.
I am in the States, Oregon, to be exact. It's difficult with Covid and being over 70 to make new friends. I was doing great until Covid came along and the need to isolate so much to keep from getting Covid. I had hoped that Covid would settle down after this past year, but it appears a new strain is infiltrating the US now, ahead of the new batch of Covid shots.
I am not sure where Deepeg is, but I am in Southern Oregon. It's very hot down here, especially this time of the year and fires are raging it seems everywhere close by, but thankfully, not right where I am! I am an animal lover, have two horses and six cats, lost our whippet last year and miss her terribly.
So I am here just looking for people to talk with. Since Covid it seems socialization has taken a nose dive and I spend an awful lot of time home alone with my cats. And while I love them dearly, they don't completely take the place of talking with another human! 🙂
Hope you are doing well and that I may hear from you. It's been awhile since you posted, but thought I would try.
Response from Shelli made on 31st Aug 2023 12:42:15 > @Kazara
Hello, Kazara. Thank you for your reply! I am actually not from Deepeg - that is the name of someone I was trying to reply to on this site. (It’s a bit confusing at first, haha! I didn’t reply correctly, so it appeared as a post.)
I’m sorry you’re lonely! That’s no fun! Isolation can be hard, even with adorable pets, like you have.
I’m off to Italy in a few days — I’m so glad the temperatures have started to come down.
Praying those fires in your area have died down.
28th Aug 2023 00:29:31
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Hi New Member in Scotland! I am now a new member months after you joined, so don't know if you still peruse this site or not, but thought I would try. I am in the USA in the state of Oregon, the southern part. It gets very hot down here during the Summers and early Fall, and there are usually lots of fires. We have been extremely fortunate that although we had a bad fire two years ago that obliterated most of the town, My house and neighbors were not touched and we were able to move back home. The fear is of a repeat performance, as what is happening seemingly all over the USA decimating so many homes and killing people. But then, worldwide disasters seem to be on the agenda for this planet. 🙁
I have never been to Scotland but I expect it is beautiful. I would love to hear from you and about where you live and what you do over there. I do not live in a big city but we are fairly crowded with open territory to the east and west of where I live being right in the middle of a mountain range.
I am an animal person, having six cats, two horses, and recently lost my last whippet. I absolutely love animals of all kinds. I think I would go absolutely stark raving mad without my animals. I am a pretty introverted person and animals help me to not be completely alone. Of course, they are now congratulating around me letting me know it is their dinner time!! So, I guess I had better get to my job.
Anyway, would love to hear from you and be friends, especially since I have never been able to visit Scotland! It would be nice to hear all about your weather, politics and life in Scotland.
Hope to hear from you Sbn51.
14th Aug 2023 17:04:12 (Last activity: 28th Aug 2023 00:10:05)
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Hello Everyone! I am brand new from just a minute ago! Interested in chatting and making new friends! I am from Ohio!
Response from Kazara made on 28th Aug 2023 00:10:05
Hi BrendaL10! I recently found this site and thought I would try to get in touch with some of the people who have responded looking for friends. I am in need of some new friends because the epidemic of Covid has really put a damper on my social life and happiness. I luckily have not had Covid, but curtailing my outings has certainly put a damper on my happiness and social life.
I am in Southern Oregon in the US, grew up in Southern Illinois. My favorite place to have lived was Seattle, but I have been in Southern Oregon for the past 8 years. I don't like it here very much as the climate has become so much hotter with a lot of fires and evacuations. Thank goodness, the fire came within a block of my house, but other than severe heat, my house is still standing. I have been very fortunate.
How are things where you are in Ohio? I am originally from Southern Illinois, then Seattle, and I only wish I were back in Seattle. Other than over crowding, which seems to be going on everywhere, I loved living in Seattle. Southern Oregon was nice for the first couple of years, but as the climate heats up, it's pretty scary down here because of so many fires.
Well, if you still check this site out and are interested, please write back. I would love to make a few friends online around the country and learn about what is going on elsewhere.
Thanks, Kazara
18th Aug 2023 01:02:00 (Last activity: 28th Aug 2023 00:03:21)
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Oops -- my previous comment was intended as a Reply to Deepeg, not as a general comment! (I'm new here . . . still figuring out the system.)
Response from Kazara made on 28th Aug 2023 00:03:21
Hi Shelli: I am new here and trying to instigate a discussion with someone. Just looking back over the most recent comments and trying to respond to see if I can get a response. I am not too familiar with this site or how it works, but thought I would try.
I am not sure where you are, but I am in the US in Southern Oregon. I am overwhelmed with the natural disasters taking place all over the world, and especially in the US. So many people have lost their homes and everything they own, including many of their lives. It certainly is a very stressful time on this planet nearly everywhere at one time or another.
So, it would be nice to have a few friends to chat with about the weather and other things going on in our lives. Let me know if you get this and would like to communicate online.
Look forward to hearing from you!
11th Aug 2023 15:39:51
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I also love gardening and nature. I also love to listen to music and talk about music. If you're happy then we can chat and be friends (Durham).

Kind regards,
11th Aug 2023 15:33:38
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I also recently joined the forum. I'm living in Durham at the moment. I would be happy to become your friend.

2nd Aug 2023 17:06:20
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Hi I'm Ann , I've been on here for about 12 months now,I live in West Midlands ,I wondered if there were any middle aged married ladies on here who would enjoy going out for occasional coffee and chat or a coach day trip local to Walsall or Cannock area ,got various interests like nature pets , gardening and travel very easy going thanks
1st Aug 2023 18:14:07
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hi there, just read your post not sure how this forum works yet but thought i'd send a message to see if i manage to reach you. i too have moved to a new area but not so rural i do know that it feels isolating at first but it depends what you like doing and you can be lonely in a city having lived in london for over twenty years i know that's true. i like to chat but don't mind being on my own. having said that i've had a little rescue dog for 15 years and sadly she died two months ago so i do miss her company and walks each day. i did think of getting another dog or cat as i've always lived with animals but i think for the time being i'll wait as it does mean i can go on holiday whenever without having to worry about what to do about pets. i hope you enjoy your new home and if this message reaches you do get in touch.
21st Jun 2023 19:54:01 (Last activity: 31st Jul 2023 17:19:32)
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Hello all, I just joined in hopes of finding friends for chat and potential longer term friendships. I love listening to music, mostly live and traveling. Just got back from Zion NP in Utah which was amazing. If you like to travel would love to hear your memories. And don't forget to include your favorite musical experience.
Response from Dakota813 made on 31st Jul 2023 17:19:32
Sounds, like a great trip, I am also in the US. Haven't travel
much in the past year. On a ranch with horses and dogs. Waiting on
another mare to foal. Keeps me close to home, for now.
26th Jun 2023 01:15:31 (Last activity: 31st Jul 2023 17:15:45)
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Hello, i just joined this site out of curiosity really, i know zilch about how it works yet but it looks interesting. My main interests are all things living and growing around us in Mother Nature particularly enthuse about trees hence my username.
So happy to chat to anyone out there. I am 67 yr old retired male and i am a bit obsessed with gardening and love experimenting with trying to grow and eat healthy stuff but not to any extreme lengths just be happy in my own skin. Hoping to find similarly minded people to chat with and learn …errr.. stuff ! (Scotland UK)
Response from Dakota813 made on 31st Jul 2023 17:15:45
Nothing wrong, with being obsessed with gardening. I just tore down a greenhouse, hoping to get a new one erected next year, I am in the US. Have a great day!!
27th Jul 2023 22:24:49 (Last activity: 31st Jul 2023 17:09:52)
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Hi! I am new here. I was widowed in December and looking for some friendships.
Response from Dakota813 made on 31st Jul 2023 17:09:52
I just signed up today, looking for people to communicate with.
Have a great day!
29th Jul 2023 12:49:19
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Hi! I am.a sociable lady of 55 years. Would love to accompany anyone wherever they want to go! I'm apparently great to go on holiday with! Fun, spontaneous and up for just about anything, Looking forward to hearing from you. I live in Andalucia Spain, originally from London.
23rd Jul 2023 03:27:31 (Last activity: 23rd Jul 2023 15:53:28)
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I am new here. I’m looking to make new friends in my retirement years.
Response from Burnished bronze made on 23rd Jul 2023 15:53:28
Just wanted to say hi
21st Jul 2023 23:09:11 (Last activity: 23rd Jul 2023 14:06:15)
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Hi, I'm new here. I search for a honest, intelligent, reliable man. I want him to be easygoing, trustworthy, with good sense of humor or just someone to chat with.
Response from Terry48 made on 23rd Jul 2023 14:06:15
Hi Suzitorch, hope that you are finding your way around this site, I can tick all
the boxes in your requirements in a man. Although I do fear that at 75 years
of age, I may fall short, still I am here if you want to chat, if not I hope that
you find what you are looking for, All best wishes, Terry.
18th May 2023 18:13:20 (Last activity: 3rd Jul 2023 19:44:52)
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Response from robertsjones03 made on 12th Jun 2023 15:34:29
Can we be really best couples
Response from Marybrenda1 made on 18th Jun 2023 14:14:38
I have totally no idea wat I am doing I keep going missing haha x
Response from Burnished bronze made on 18th Jun 2023 15:28:34
Hi there just received a message from you in this notification
Response from Burnished bronze made on 18th Jun 2023 15:32:06 > @Marybrenda1
Hiya just received a message from you in new member pleased to hear from you
Response from Burnished bronze made on 18th Jun 2023 16:24:29
Hi I'd like to make new friends I'm in Birmingham England and at the moment it's dark and thunderstorms is coming where are you from
Response from Burnished bronze made on 18th Jun 2023 19:29:29
Hi I like photography music arts and crafts just a few of many hobbies your hobbies of ballet and fine art are great gifts I guess hard work and disciplined hear from you soon
Response from Burnished bronze made on 19th Jun 2023 15:38:11
I'm to have made a new friend I live in a green area which is mostly quiet I listen to novels on audiobook as it's easier than a book I like that you can use your imagination rather than a ️ I love different kinds of artistic expression at the moment it's a mix of sun ☀️ grey and white ☁️. Not a bad day and not cold here's hoping this message finds you well
Response from Burnished bronze made on 20th Jun 2023 18:50:08
Hey its lovely to hear from you I like the sound of your life style we had rain first thing it's been dry since with som sunny spells I think swapping emails is a idea I tried to use the chat part of silver surfer for more privacy but don't know how do you know how to set it up?
Response from ancienthag made on 3rd Jul 2023 19:44:52 > @Burnished bronze
Hi Bb
New to this site. From n.e. Uk. Just decided to jump right in…
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