New Member
Watch this postHi all, Just joined the site a couple of days ago and trying to find my way around. I am lady living in Scotland in a really rural place and hoping to make new friends/penpals. Sbn51
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Do you have cats? I love cats. I retired recently due to a chronic illness and I've been quite isolated because of it lately. I would enjoy chatting with you!
Scotland is on my travel list? Are you retired? Are you originally from Scotland?
I live near Washington, DC. The air is tense here with the presidential election just a few days away.
Hope you had a good day,
I'm new here but happy to make your acquaintance! I've always wanted to see Scotland. It looks so beautiful! I'm in the US, my whole life. You?? What do you do that makes your heart smile?
Look forward to hearing from you!
My husband use to go to bed early so I understand .
I'm Lori and I just joined to find people who want to chat, too! I'm 61 and married but hubs goes to bed early also. Looking for friends for me now! Things change and I'm changing with them. Looking forward to hearing from anyone who's interested. We all need people, right?
I am new too . Trying to make friends . My family all live in the Uk but I am in Canada . Lost my husband of over 30 years three years ago . Have a lovely news partner but get lonely at times
I have lots of interests in life and keep super busy so that helps
I adore cats lol
Anyway hello and welcome
I am new too . Trying to make friends . My family all live in the Uk but I am in Canada . Lost my husband of over 30 years three years ago . Have a lovely news partner but get lonely at times
I have lots of interests in life and keep super busy so that helps
I adore cats lol
Anyway hello and
I'm Lori and I live in the US. I didn't know that silver surfers was in England. I guess it doesn't really matter. Love to chat about all different things. I'm married but looking for friends for me. Husband isn't interested. I'm doing things for me now. It is what it is and we all have to find what makes our heart smile! I enjoy talking to people and making friends. How about you?? Look forward to hearing from you!
You're rural you say, does that get rather lonely? or do you have a partner? Just out of curiosity what's your nearest shopping/town?
An American who enjoys sailing sounds great. Which ocean do you mosey around in?
Western Canada is my home although I am English born. I came to Canada 24 years ago and am now retired, thank goodness. No sailing experience, unless you count kayaking?
I've just joined so introducing myself - I've recently moved to Devon, England. Gorgeous place to live but finding it hard to meet singles to make new friends. Everyone seems to be married!
I'm a retired teacher. I've travelled extensively, lived in USA, Norway, Maldives, but have a quieter life now in Devon.
Just recovering from a relationship break-up so back to singledom again 🙁
Would love to chat to anyone.