New Member
Watch this postHi all, Just joined the site a couple of days ago and trying to find my way around. I am lady living in Scotland in a really rural place and hoping to make new friends/penpals. Sbn51
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I don't know if you are still here , I have just joined , in Scotland as well . My interests are dogs at the moment , back to school studying to get my L5 behaviourist diploma. If you are still looking to chat online let me know.
bit older than you, and am a man, but that never stops me from saying hello
and chatting, so you can also say hello. to me if you wish. I live in Hampshire
so if you are in the area all the better, take care, and good luck with getting
more replies, all best wishes, Terence.
an easy assumption to make,, but I am in Hampshire in the UK, still with
these devices like my iPad you can talk to someone across the pond in
a single moment.
I hope you are well, Autumn has well and truly set in over here, but the
trees look lovely with the orange leaves. A bit on the chilly side, but at
least it’s dry.
As I said in my first message to you, I assume from you photo, that at
76 I am a good deal older than you, but I am still fit and active, and love
to travel, been lucky to have been to 31 countries in my life, and just
enjoy the sights of other places on this Earth.Anyway I tend to go on a bit,
so I will leave you in peace for now. Hope that despite the age gap, I will
hear from you again, take care, T
Yes age is a a finite thing, I wish mine was not so high, but I can’t complain
as I have mostly had a good life, my mind says I am 26, but my body knows differently unfortunately. It seems like you have been busy since you retired, it keeps you young when you are doing things.
My user name should have read Solo Man, but it comes out as if I am the
Biblical figure, maybe I should have asked to meet my Sheba, haha.
Yes your country has a lot of diversity so as you say, there is plenty to see
and do there, our little island does have some lovely places to visit, but
the pull of travelling is ingrained in my soul, so as long as I am able to get
about, I will be off, Early next year, I may go to Livingstone in Zambia once
again, as I love to visit the Victoria Falls, and the campsite runs a free bus
there, and I could if I wish walk over the bridge and see the Falls from the
Zimbabwe side.
Well enough rambling on, so for now, I will say cheerio, and wish you a good day, all best wishes, Solo Man haha.
PS there is a chat room on this site in there is anything that you want to talk about without sharing it with everyone on here.