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Lonely and vulnerable and looking to chat

I’m alone, I have no family support or friends.

I’m sad to think that I have two neighbours both know that I’m alone and disabled yet not one of them has even put a note through my door to ask if I’m ok , what happened to community support!!

Has Scotland just decided to look after number one??

I would appreciate it if I just had someone to talk to 😢

Created By on 26/03/2020

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24th Nov 2020 21:15:37 (Last activity: 26th Nov 2020 13:00:27)
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I think everyone just seems to look after number 1 nowadays there seems to be no community spirit left
Response from JE made on 25th Nov 2020 12:35:32
Sad to say, but I think you are right. In my experience, even the message ‘We are all in this together’ put out at the start of the pandemic doesn’t seem to have been applied by many people or organisations. A lot of people are only out for what they can do or get for themselves, without any thought for others.
Response from Dani made on 26th Nov 2020 13:00:27
Kiara,.that made me so sad. Do you want my email address? I’ll happily chat with you although I’m sorry I’m not close enough to pop in.
I don’t think people are selfish, really, just tied up in their own lives and not confident in reaching out. Well done that you have..Dani..
19th Nov 2020 11:59:53 (Last activity: 19th Nov 2020 12:57:47)
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hello room ,im new to chatroom,not sure how it works
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Nov 2020 12:57:47
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18th Nov 2020 11:19:01 (Last activity: 18th Nov 2020 13:18:09)
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Hi,I;m 69,no friends or family,love to have chat!
Warmest Regards
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Nov 2020 13:18:09
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14th Nov 2020 19:12:31 (Last activity: 15th Nov 2020 19:19:56)
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Hi there i also live in scotland with my husband and son ,im sorry you feel alone im 67 i cant get out on my own i would love to chat to you
Response from SuzanneS3 made on 15th Nov 2020 19:19:56
Hi paul i hope you are well ,i would love to chat i live in scotland with my husband and son i come from wales .i dont go out much on my own no friends we lost our lovely labrador about 4 weeks ago she was 13 and not in good health we had her from a puppy we miss her so much .i keep tropical fish and i love sewing and tv .get back to me tell me about yourself take care sue
11th Nov 2020 13:44:20 (Last activity: 11th Nov 2020 13:54:57)
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Response from Kid made on 11th Nov 2020 13:54:57
Hi Paul wrote you a message yesterday don't know if you got it. Kid
10th Nov 2020 01:27:41 (Last activity: 10th Nov 2020 07:37:52)
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My apologies I totally forgot where you live.
I am fortunate to be living in Australia in a state where we are virus free almost.
I believe it’s only England that’s in lockdown at the moment.
Do you see your neighbours at all over the fence. Are you able to get outside at all although again it’s winter isn’t it which is hibernation time over there.
Have you tried looking at Greypath which is similar to here. A friend of mine is on there and she finds it interesting.
I wish you well
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Nov 2020 07:37:52
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10th Nov 2020 01:19:48
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Hi KiaraR,
I care for my husband who has dementia and PTSD. It too is a lonely life. Conversation is limited as he can no longer comprehend anything over a few words. Handyman jobs are beyond him nowadays. If I start something he wants to help and it just becomes stressful and all too complicated. His PTSD affects our social life add that to dementia and he’d rather just sit at home in front of the tv. Respite care is out as he’s like a child sulks if I go out without him which is rare. He doesn’t understand that I am slowly running out of energy. Like many carers I have fallen out of love and dislike this person in his body.
However I have my good days as well as bad and I am determined not to let this beat. Sad as it sounds I look forward to being alone.
Are there any day clubs in your area catering for the disabled, where a bus will pick you up and take you home.
Your local welfare should have details of such places. It’s important you socialise face to face sometimes.
Chat rooms are wonderful but cannot replace a good old chuckle with a another person over a coffee.
Perhaps your local council is a good place to ask about day clubs.
1st Nov 2020 02:40:39
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Hi, nice to meet you KiaraR, I'm cloud, what do you want to chat about? I would love to be your friend. I live in Buffalo New York, where it's starting to get very cold, mostly stuck at home because of covid, My kids are busy with their jobs, witch is good, lot of people are not working. I have my little hobbies, but i still get bored doing them, how much crafts can you do. I would like to chat with someone, about just about anything. Well i'm here if you need to chat. Have a good night , keep safe cloud
29th Oct 2020 01:01:02 (Last activity: 29th Oct 2020 07:57:13)
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Hi kiara, I know how you feel,I live on my own,no friends,neighbours don’t bother.I also have health issues,I get really lonely and down, and this virus has not helped.I live in london
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 29th Oct 2020 07:57:13
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11th Oct 2020 17:15:25
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I used to think my neighbours were like that too, until I put a note through their door saying I hope they're all right. Try taking friendship to them, instead of waiting for it to come to you.
28th Sep 2020 12:15:51
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Hello KiaraR i have read your post and it seems that everyone at the moment is out for number one. I live alone after losing my hubby 8 years ago but have a son around the corner that I speak to every day but he has his own life. It is so lonely. But I suppose I am lucky that I have a nice neighbour next door and only have to pick up the phone but they are young and work all the time. I have been ill for 8 weeks but just getting back no some normality slowly. I have a little dog and the boy next door has been taking her out every morning for me and now I just walk around the block with with a walker as I still unsteady on my feet. Hope we can chat some more. I was born in Scotland in Perth ans left when I was 5 many moons age. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.

27th Sep 2020 13:09:41
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So sorry you are feeling like this please talk about your plight you can text me and hugs
18th Sep 2020 23:51:00 (Last activity: 18th Sep 2020 23:56:01)
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Hi Kiara - I feel your pain. I really wish friends in such fora as this helps to make you feel loved and in community. All the best
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Sep 2020 23:56:01
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16th Sep 2020 03:04:47
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Hi Kiara I don’t log on often but saw your post. I sure hope you are doing better
14th Sep 2020 13:53:02 (Last activity: 14th Sep 2020 22:24:22)
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I’m sorry to hear your neighbors won’t chat with you. I’m here and ready to chat. I’m 69 yrs. old today and I too have neighbors that keep to themselves most times. With the Coronavirus I can’t blame them. They are older than me.

From Hawaii and Aloha which means hello and goodbye.
Response from ecarg made on 14th Sep 2020 18:04:47

Mine are the same only speak if you happen to be putting the bin in or out at the same time |
Response from Judi2 made on 14th Sep 2020 22:24:22 > @ecarg
Don’t feel old except for my body falling apart. Living life one day at a time. Aloha by the way from Hawaii. We are on lockdown here. Can’t go much of anywhere.
9th Sep 2020 12:43:17
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Hi KiaraR

Sorry to hear about your position, but if you can use the internet ok, keep in touch with many people.

I am a fit 79 year old male and will chat anytime.

Only 2 things I don't talk about are religion and politics.

Look forward to hearing from you
3rd Sep 2020 11:09:58
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Hi KiaraR, I have a wee neighbour next door who is like yourself and all alone, it is quite sad for her as she gets very down at times, I pop round or I give her a phone to see if she is OK. I got to know her one day it was sunny and I was doing my garden and she came to the door so I started to chat with her and she told me her husband had just went into care and she misses him not being there and her words were I am all alone now because she has no family and her mobility isn't very good to go anywhere. Poor soul.From then onwards I have looked out for her. Maybe if you ask them round for a cup off coffee and cake that would maybe help you from feeling lonely and could lead on to other things. I hope you find joy and if you want to chat please do so with myself as I will always be willing to listen. Hope to hear from you soon. Take Care
25th Aug 2020 19:49:23
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That is shocking that they are not being good Christians or neighbours shame on them but so glad you have got some contact with the world and able to chat others on here I'm sending you a angel to look over you and keep your spirits up is there a way you can perhaps invite them over for a coffee perhaps they just need a nudge and things would improve for you put a note through there doors. Just a suggestion
20th Aug 2020 14:11:32
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Hello KiaraR, it's sad to hear you're alone and none of your neighbours have thought about asking if you're ok.
I don't know when we decided to be so selfish towards others but it does seem to be the norm.
I live in Wales but will chat to you whenever I'm on, and hope it will help you feel less lonely
15th Aug 2020 22:46:10 (Last activity: 15th Aug 2020 23:14:55)
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Sorry that you are all alone. That can't be fun...
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 15th Aug 2020 23:14:55
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