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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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13th Feb 2016 15:36:52
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Celtwitch, I recently bought a Semi Recumbent trike from Mission bikes because I cant use a conventional cycle any more. I didn't want a fully recumbent because they are too low, but the Mission semi bent puts me at the height of a car driver and is far more visible. I sit in a comfortable chair with backrest (not a conventional bike seat) it give me a lot of support while allowing me to pedal. I was amazed at how fast it is, although going up hills takes some getting used to. If the slope is too steep I stop for a minute and remain in my seat while I rest, then go on again. It is certainly worth a look.
13th Feb 2016 15:30:39
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Sad to read your story celtic,it sounds very much like my own. I do not live in a lovely valley though I was born in Lancashire. I now live in quite an undesirable inner city area. We are also very close in age. I did not do a uni course as spent many years careing for my husband who had many medical probs. He passed away almost seven years ago and I still miss him a lot.Most of my closest friends and family have passed away. I have two sons and three grandchildren and I do not see much of them either. I am also a dog owner to a rescued dear little mutt,so glad I am as have to go walkies every day even when I do not want to. Chin up we never know what the future holds.I do know I will not be getting a man in my life, too late now now and as a friend said,they take too much time to train lol. Take care.
13th Feb 2016 14:28:56
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Hi I thought it was time I introduce myself. semi retired and have a few interests, one is to get my over excited dalmatian to calm down. I have recently joined the WI which is quite scary at the moment as I don't know anyone. I would love to hear from other members.
13th Feb 2016 10:28:06
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Hi, there, anyone from the Norwich area on here? I'm new here, retired, single, like to keep fit and have quite a few interests. It would be good to hear from other members.
baby cake
25th Jan 2016 23:11:28 (Last activity: 7th Feb 2016 02:16:14)
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Hi to everyone just joined and hope to meet some new people I've been retired nearly one year just getting used to it now
Response from Marigold67 made on 2nd Feb 2016 11:57:48
Hi, I have just joined like you, although I have retired much sooner. Retirement can be fun if you are up to it. You don't say what your interest is? What you like doing? My love for gardening, going out & about meeting friends, holidays, to name but few. Do all the things you want to do now you have the time.
Best Regards
Response from Poppy48 made on 6th Feb 2016 23:03:07
Hi baby cake new to this site too. Would like to make new friends so decided to join this site.
Response from J440 made on 7th Feb 2016 02:16:14
I am so surprised to learn that most people on this site are from the u.k. Just joined today. Was really looking for a site where I Cld meet travel companions....cheers Judy/ new zealand
4th Dec 2015 19:16:16 (Last activity: 6th Feb 2016 23:41:50)
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Hi celtwitch,,,your feeling about being left behind, is no stranger to many people. it almost seems the norm!. Giving up employment is like leaving school, you think you will still see them all , but, the people just evaporate, and so it goes on, I reckon its your own self interests that keep body and mind active. 🙂
Response from Poppy48 made on 6th Feb 2016 23:41:50
You are so right Jamie. I thought I would be keeping in touch with all my work mates but not so. They all have their own lives - out of sight out of mind.
16th Nov 2015 03:47:30 (Last activity: 6th Feb 2016 23:31:30)
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Derek here. Born in Falconwood, Kent, 67 years ago. Lived in France, Portugal, Australia and now Japan. Retired as a publisher of newspapers, trade journals, magazines and industry directories for the Australian government. Now keeping busy with a small English language school (about 50 Japanese students of all ages), in Sapporo, Japan. Sapporo is in the Hokkaido prefecture, Japan's northernmost island. We endure long winters with deep snow from December to the end of March and share the island with bears, Sika deer, raccoon dogs, foxes, seals and a variety of birds. Spring summer and autumn are just beautiful.
Response from cheeky monkey made on 27th Nov 2015 22:25:15
what an interesting life you lead and have lead.
I am Manchester UK my travel experience is one of a piece of string aproximatly 50 miles in length that surrounds my home town Ha. I have joined this today and wonder at your life experience so thank you for taking me on your journey.
Response from Jada made on 6th Dec 2015 10:12:36
Hello, Delaroo

Believe it or not, I lived in Falconwood, Montrose Ave, on and off, from 1959 to the 1980s. I went to both Westwood Secondary Modern and Bexley Grammar. What a small world! I also worked in a small printers and publishers as a copy-editor and proofreader where I now live, in Dover. I was a teacher for a number of years but gave it up due to forced changes and stress. I too worked abroad for a time, India, and am widely travelled.

How wonderful that you live in a country that has spectacular scenery and abundant wildlife! I would love to visit Japan as it's one of the countries I haven't yet visited. I always watch the documentaries on any aspect of Japanese life, especially the ones about wildlife, new technology and robots. I have a thing about robots!

Would love to chat when you're free.

All the best

Response from Delaroo made on 6th Dec 2015 11:51:36
Hello Jana
Lovely to hear from you. Yes it is a small world, though you lived on the opposite side of the railway from me. I lived in The Green.My email is [email protected] and I'd be delighted to exchange experiences.
Take care. Derek
Response from Poppy48 made on 6th Feb 2016 23:31:30
Ah Delarosa. Quite a traveller. Iw been to Australia. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would have the opportunity. What an amazing holiday. My son has been to Japan and he really enjoyed his visit.
17th Jan 2016 15:32:53 (Last activity: 6th Feb 2016 23:11:53)
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A bright cheery Hi to you all, although joined last Nov I did not introduce myself here, so here goes: During my 60 years I have moved around the UK quite a lot and have been living near the Dorset /Somerset border for over 12 months now. Somehow I seemed to have lost my confidence and so am finding it difficult to actually go out and about and make new friends; although I do meet a like- minded group occasionally about 45 minutes drive from here. My son and family live in the Midlands; my daughter currently lives in London and we meet up fairly regularly. I have two cats and a few months ago my 15 year old collie cross passed over, so I am currently considering whether to have another rescue dog . I love being in nature, open fields and by the trees and also being going down to the coast and watching the sun dance along the water and maybe take a splash in the sea. So whilst I have no idea whether I shall have anything to contribute to the forums/chat at least this is a starting point. 🙂
Response from tessa rose made on 18th Jan 2016 14:26:10
Hi, I live in Shropshire but love Dorset and the New Forest and have spent a lot of time down there, I have now stopped working and have a mini Dachshund so do not get there as often as I would like.
Response from rollingstonegathersnomoss made on 19th Jan 2016 19:26:39
Hi Tessa Rose, yes there is some lovely scenery down here; I live just over an hours drive from the New Forest, near to Sherborne which is also handy to go to Weymouth, Charmouth and further across to Poole too as I also enjoy the coastal areas.
Shropshire is very beautiful too, when I used to live in the Midlands, occasionally would pop over to Shrewsbury or Ludlow. How old is your mini Dachshund? many years ago my parents had them, all so different in character.
No snow down here so far although bitterly cold, winter now arrived, have you seen snow where you are yet ? I have a friend who lives in Anglesey and has seen it over on the welsh hills.
Response from Poppy48 made on 6th Feb 2016 23:11:53
Hi Rollingstone very new to this site. It's good to make new friends. A lot of my friends have partners so weekends are lonely. I love to take my dog for walks and take every opportunity to chat to people - hope the don't mind.
16th Jan 2016 11:39:54 (Last activity: 6th Feb 2016 22:54:46)
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Hello, I'm new in here too, Lila, aged 68, living in London.

Still trying to find out how this site works.

Response from tessa rose made on 18th Jan 2016 14:31:43
I have just signed up too, name of Tessa Rose, not sure whether anyone can read what I have put on, I hope so.
Response from diana browne made on 23rd Jan 2016 09:11:49
Hello just signed up and looking for chats .My name is Di, also trying to work out if I have made contact!
Response from Lila13 made on 23rd Jan 2016 10:00:20
Hello Tessa Rose, yes, I can read it.
Response from Poppy48 made on 6th Feb 2016 22:54:46
Me too Lila but thought I would give it a bash.
1st Feb 2016 23:10:42 (Last activity: 6th Feb 2016 22:48:02)
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Hi my name is Ian. Rubbish is what I do for a living.
Based in Poole, Dorset. Not ready to retire, subject
to continued health. Don't get me wrong. Heart attack
at 48. Type 2 diabetic, gout and been informed C.O.P.D.
However P.M.A. is what life's about.
Positive Mental Attitude.
I'd like to ask a question.
Anyone taking statins. Legs numb.
I stopped 3 years ago taking these tablets. Best thing I
ever did. Legs are no longer numb. Feelings in my feet
are returning.
Best of health and wealth to everyone.
Response from Poppy48 made on 6th Feb 2016 22:48:02
Glad to hear that you have a positive attitude that's the way to go Ian. I had breast cancer in the late 80's. Life wasn't good, divorce happening at the same time, decided to focus on my two young children somehow between them and good friends I keep going. You have to look ahead don't you.
28th Dec 2015 17:52:50 (Last activity: 6th Feb 2016 22:38:10)
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just joined myself got stuck in a rut and feel I should broaden my horizons and try new things before in the words of John Cleese' I am no more I am deceased, I have shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the choir invisible, he snuffed it!!' you only get one go at life YOLO !!! I am in my late 50's so the clock is very definitely ticking!! but I am not ready for a day room and a big tv yet!!!
Response from Pussk2 made on 4th Feb 2016 13:25:49
Hi bootneckboy

Just picked up your message. I joined only last month. I agree with your sentiments exactly. I am female age 57 coming up 58. I took feel that the clock is definitely ticking and I took am not ready for a day room and big TV, well I have just been given a big tv so....... I have a toyboy partner 12 years younger than me. My kids reckon maturity wise he's older than me! I have to admit I feel about 35.
Response from joquick1 made on 6th Feb 2016 21:26:06
No! clock not ticking , you've possibly got at least another 30 years and I agree stay away from the day room and TV unless it is out in the open under canvas or on the beach.!!!
Response from Poppy48 made on 6th Feb 2016 22:38:10
Ah liked your comment. I am 67 yet didn't think I would feel like this. Come retirement I thought I would be up hill and down dale but didn't take into account knees and foot. Why is it that we work hard and then come retirement hints just give up.
6th Feb 2016 22:34:32
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Similar situation although I do have caring children but they have their own lives. I'm a bit torn as I live in the north, my daughter and grandchildren in the south west and son not far from me. I have lots of friends but who haven another half. Feel I need to make some decisions, do I move or stay put. For me it's the financial upkeep which I worry about. Love walking but now have probes with foot and knee - very frustrating although I do take the dog for walks. Have read several comments and a lot of us are in the same boat - old age eh!
6th Feb 2016 21:16:53
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Hello there

I've just signed up to the Silversurfers site, although I am neither silver or a surfer!! Like many of you this was a big step and I have not done anything like this before.
Have been on my own for nearly two years, and while I was quite contented to embrace the change in circumstances I have recently become quite restless. My youngest has gone off to university, I look out for my elderly father as well as work full-time. As "bootneckboys" says on his post, we only have one life and must try to live it to full capacity. I have found that I have started to become more confident starting to go out to places on my own like the cinema, arts centre, and have signed up to a local "singles" camping group for the summer. I have also signed up to do a short course of scuba diving to see if I get on with it, with the intention of following through to complete the full PADI course. The hardest this I am finding is that I seem to be far more spontaneous than most of the people I know and would like to meet people who do not live their lives to work - but work to live (a saying my wise father use to say).
Keep optimist Mandy, but we do have to make things happen they don't come to us sadly, be brave its surprising the amazing, interesting people you meet when you keep an open mind to all experiences.
29th Jan 2016 22:08:25 (Last activity: 4th Feb 2016 02:31:17)
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After much hesitation I've just joined. I don't know if this is a good idea or not. I've never taken part in this sort of thing before, so I'm pretty nervous. I am F and 70 years going on 17/ If anyone would like to chat please do whatever you have to do on this site
Response from tessa rose made on 30th Jan 2016 10:29:28
Hey, where in the country are you I am in Shropshire.
Response from Creamcaramel made on 4th Feb 2016 02:31:17
Hi lilacwine I have just joined like yourself I'm not sure I'm doing this right just feeling my way around the site
25th Jan 2016 13:09:27 (Last activity: 2nd Feb 2016 12:10:02)
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Response from Marigold67 made on 2nd Feb 2016 12:10:02
Hi Sherley, I'm also an older lady but retired. Widowed as of last May. I don't have partner but would like to make more friends. I love holidays but find it lonely to go on my own. You did not say where you live? I live in Essex.
Best regards
24th Jan 2016 21:32:21
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Hello Celtwitch - I too have just discovered this site
and will be glad to chat to you. Are your neighbours
friendly. I studied later in life and it does give you
confidence - plus meeting new people. What dog
do you have? Your area sounds lovely. I don't know
if I am on the right part to chat so until I maybe have
a reply I'll say hope you meet friends on here.
24th Jan 2016 15:33:16
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Hi everyone, I joined a while ago but have just been a lurker, so thought I would introduce myself.

I have 56 years under my belt. I have been a widow for almost 2 years now and was my husbands carer for 4 years. Mum to 1 daughter and 2 sons, youngest son [21] still at home.

I am desperately trying to find a job. I am a painter and decorator by trade, but don't think I can physically do that full time anymore.

I love anything Arty Crafty and spend most of my evenings sewing as I find TV boring.

Recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, B12 deficiency and depression. So all fun and games here.

Looking forward to 'chatting' with you all.
21st Jan 2016 18:27:03
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Hi I not been on here long I live in kent but have family in Worthing so I am up and down ... My kids all moved out ... I am on Facebook only way to keep in contact with family and friends ... I do like my I pad keeps me up to date with the world
18th Jan 2016 22:57:45
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Hi from just outside Leicester. Haven't lived here very long but have made a few friends but I am a friendly person who likes people so can't have to many friends really.
tessa rose
18th Jan 2016 14:23:15
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Hey, I have just joined and can empathise with you celtwitch, I see the date you posted is March 2015, hope you have friends now, I am not sure at the moment how this works but hopefully will learn as time races on.
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