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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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4th Sep 2017 22:59:23
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Hi male 65 retired great lover of northern soul music gardening and classic cars i live in the midlands and here to make friends ohh the name chaz is my heinz 57 pet dog lol
4th Sep 2017 20:33:20
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I'm in my early 60s, living in Winchester and recently separated.

I am luckier than 99%+ of people being retired, in good health and with plenty of friends and acquaintances through my weekend dance activities - often abroad.

But I'm often a bit lonely and bored during the week and sometimes at weekends.

At this stage it's too early for me to be looking for a long term relationship, but I would like to make non-dancing friends and definitely hope that I fall in love again in the medium/long term!
3rd Sep 2017 22:14:05
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I have just joined and would like to introduce myself. I am 52 with two grown up children. Have good friends and a job I enjoy as a school business manager in a SEN school. But have that nagging feeling life is passing me so fast one minute I was a teenager clubbing, a young mother and now all of a sudden over fifty!. I still want to travel and see different cultures, I am not a camper or back packer but would like to meet new people of similar mind who still want a live life and enjoy meeting new people,

Would love to hear from anyone who would like a new friend and can relate to my bio.

3rd Sep 2017 16:44:04
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Hi just joined have been reading some of the posts. I must be Very fortunate as I have a Very loving family. I thought it would be interesting to talk to more people and Take pârț in discussions. I am an active 80 year old love sport on TV At the moment I am watching thr Vuelta having just watched Lewis Hamilton win the Monza Grand Prix.
3rd Sep 2017 13:27:30
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Hello everyone! I've recently joined and looking forward to the benefits of being a Silver Surfer. I'm 53 and live alone now that my kids have all grown up and I'm divorced. I work part time as a nurse, working in psychiatry. I very much enjoy getting out and about, I'm a regular theatre goer and walker (although I'm not one of those super fit people that trek and climb rock faces!), I go to lots of exhibitions and galleries, and I travel. Like a lot of middle aged people, I find myself wanting to improve my life with more human contact. I do have good friends, but not enough and I don't do a lot of the things I'd like to do for the lack of company. I hope to meet good friends on here!
1st Sep 2017 19:32:49
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Hello everyone, my name is Kath and I am 57. I live in Brighton, I have recently found myself on my own as my marriage has broken down, I do not have many friends in Brighton as I come from up North. I moved here with my former husband in 2012. I am in full time employment but my job is a very solitary one. It would be great to make some new friends to go out and about with. I love going to the movies, or the theatre, love going to concerts at The Brighton Centre particulary like rock music. I live going out for meals, would be nice to have someone to meet up with for a coffee and a natter.
1st Sep 2017 10:36:35
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hi all just joined love to chat
31st Aug 2017 04:24:50
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Hi all, I have just joined here, glad to meet and talk with you all.
29th Aug 2017 06:46:42 (Last activity: 30th Aug 2017 19:16:00)
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I know you posted on here some time ago now but I've only just signed up, saw your message and wanted to say hi.
My name is Ian and although I'm not the typical 'silver surfer' the situation that people like yourself finds themselves in saddens me.
I lost my Granparents over the last three years and they were such a huge part of my life and I miss them terribly.
If I can chat with people like you and maybe bring a little sense of companionship into your day at the same time I'd be glad too.
I hope I get to hear back from you. If not I wish you all the happiness in the world
Response from Jenninora made on 29th Aug 2017 17:16:59
Those are lovely words from you both. X
Response from Skelly68 made on 30th Aug 2017 07:01:32
Not sure what you mean when you say people like us.find that message a bit patronising.
After we are not all old past it and not got any friends.
If you have a loss Ian thats a shame.
Just get fed up with people thinking just because we are past a certain age we are past it and lonely.
I for one is far from it ..
Response from jeanmark made on 30th Aug 2017 14:08:25
Sorry Skelly68, your comment appears a little unfair to me when someone is was reaching out. I certainly didn't find his comments patronising and in no way suggestive of ageism. My perception was of a young man who had lost grandparents he loved and wanted to connect with people who may have more experience of life. How is that ageist?
Response from Skelly68 made on 30th Aug 2017 14:13:12
What ever this Is a very sad chat rooms anyway your all self pity byeee all gawd sake you lot wake up and get a life byeeeee
Response from CaroleAH made on 30th Aug 2017 16:31:03
What an extraordinary rant, Skelly68. I think that SS will be a nicer place without you!
Response from jeanmark made on 30th Aug 2017 19:16:00
Oh dear Skelly68, you must be a very lonely and unhappy old man to be so scathing of everyone else.
30th Aug 2017 13:43:31 (Last activity: 30th Aug 2017 16:49:13)
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Hi there I am new here as well, I am 66and regestered disabled. My body doesn't work to well but my brain works fine lol.I use a power chair to get around. I joined because I thought I would meet new friends, I agree with you that something seems to happen to family and friends after 60 I have two children but don't see either.
Response from CaroleAH made on 30th Aug 2017 16:49:13
Hi JennyR2,
Welcome to Silversurfers - hope you enjoy using the site. I still haven't managed to work out where I'm going when I use my iPad but on the PC it is quite simple. Lots of different topics to join in with - just look at Latest Posts to see what's going on and I also check Latest Subjects to see if there is anything I can contribute to. If you do post a comment then next time you log on, click on the little turquoise icon with the white arrow in it (right hand side of your screen) and you will see if anyone else has added to that topic or has sent you a private chat message. We are a friendly bunch of people with a good sense of humour - contrary to waht you may have read in a fairly recent post 🙂
30th Aug 2017 16:45:57
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Thought it was meant to be a chat room .not people who what pity think there the only ones who are lonely.that's why hardly anybody uses as.its is meant for interesting chat.instead of poor little me.
26th Aug 2017 16:09:10 (Last activity: 29th Aug 2017 00:30:20)
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Hello Jennimay

Welcome to a friendly place ... you chose right place to join here you will see ..... loneliness is horrible and I know all about that.

My life changed in big way after my my father died and mother ran away to live with my sister and brother in law far away as I was retired and had spent my life looking after others.

The windows and doors opened up for me when the local U3A began ... the Ist meeting in the hall was full to bursting with so many people like us hoping to find something new. The second was inviting as all the interests was pasted on wall with join me forms underneath and I filled in 7 and it took off in big way as my calender is now full of events and I have made loads of new friends .... go on try it you might find it does the same for you .... smile
Response from Jennimay made on 26th Aug 2017 17:32:24
Hi thank you for the reply. I have looked into U3a just need a little more courage to go along to one of the meetings. I know its the way forward and much healthier than staying where I am. Thank you for the encouagement.
Response from Sparkle45 made on 26th Aug 2017 18:13:12
It was like a flower as it grew and grew has filled those gaps in my life ... you can do it Jennimay am right behind you ... smile
Response from IanB89 made on 28th Aug 2017 23:00:23
What a lovely response Sparkle45.
You're an inspiration.
Response from Sparkle45 made on 29th Aug 2017 00:30:20
Thank you for that comment Ian ... bless
28th Aug 2017 19:53:37
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Just spent a few days in France . a place called wimeruex not far from Calais
Highly recommended Just a good old plan French village.
People great and hotel very clean
I just love France and the French people
26th Aug 2017 13:21:39 (Last activity: 26th Aug 2017 18:07:23)
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Hello I've just joined the site and thought I should start by posting here. I'm almost 63 and really struggling with loneliness at the moment. My daughter lives in USA, my son 550 miles away on the South coast. I've no other family to speak of and my friends are busy with grandparenting duties mostly.
I have been divorced for 4 years now and still find it hard to fill the purpose marriage gave me in life. Therefore I'm on the threshold of something just need to find what it is.
I volunteer,have 2 dogs and 2 cats but miss chatting daily to people other than shop assistants no matter how lovely they are I have to leave them at their place of work.
Best wishes to you all
Response from Jennimay made on 26th Aug 2017 18:07:23
Thank Yodama it certainly will help to speak with others in similar situations. Im looking forward to finding my way around the site. I already like the meal suggestions for one and the advice on solo holidays.
26th Aug 2017 15:40:58
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Hello Martin

Welcome to a friendly place ... I have found that have not been here that long just a couple weeks ... am not into email chats but happy to talk on here.
You will find members easy to talk to and fun at times.

Life is never easy I know that so I hope there is some sunshine ahead for you ... Sparkle
20th Aug 2017 08:24:46 (Last activity: 21st Aug 2017 16:09:00)
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Hi derbyshirelass
Nice to meet you.where i love out in the sticks like you.there are so many horse owners now we call it the ok coral lol.but it's nice.I have a collie dog which needs a good 3 hours a day walk.which hopefully keeps me doesn't mind sheep,'s and rabbits but will run after pheasant and partridges but never catches them wine myself of to France on Monday to stick up lol as only 40 min drive to my son who is 44 and still lives at home bless him cough cough lol plays in heavy metal group so I more or less have to like it lol.well I do really
Anyway enough of me and welcome to room
Response from Derbyshirelass made on 21st Aug 2017 07:55:30
Hi Skelly
Nice to meet you too shame we live opposite ends of the country for a stroll and a glass of vino. Enjoy France and keep rocking
Response from Skelly68 made on 21st Aug 2017 08:05:50
Morning derbyshirelass
How's you.just done me hour long walk with my collie.but misty here but very humid pheww.
Many years ago moved to notts loved it but at the time no jobs so had to came back south.
I do however for my sins support wolves do try to get up there when I can.
Anyway am talking to much again you have a nice day
Stuart x
Response from Skelly68 made on 21st Aug 2017 16:09:00
Funny am always moaned at coz I talk to much came on chat rooms and can think of nothing to say remind thinking drink nope but I will think of something lol
19th Aug 2017 19:32:22 (Last activity: 19th Aug 2017 21:08:43)
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Hi all
Am a happy young retired 68 Year old.always busy doing things I want to do.never felt better since I stopped work.
Even had a tattoo done on my leg lol.
Feel 20 years younger not going to let my age slow me down loads to do now.
Before I retired was a burnt out social worker lol.
After all people what is age.lo!
Response from Skelly68 made on 19th Aug 2017 21:08:43
Hi to fame
Have up sorting about my age when I reached 60 and realised that when I woke up every morning i was still alive lol.and still liked heavy metal music.Even though I lke opera as well.think I have became a bit of a budist where a appreciate everything around me now.As I am lucky I live in the rural region of kent.well marshes really known as dickens country ..
19th Aug 2017 20:40:55
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Hi Everyone just joined recently, Live in south east derbyshire bordered with nottinghamshire. retired for a few years aged 65. Ride my p0ny few times a week and have recently got a lovely puppy so lots of walking. Have got a great life but would be nice to enrich it with new friends who have similar interests. like a good glass of vino or gin and tonic and love live music especially rock.

look forward to hearing from your
18th Aug 2017 21:05:36 (Last activity: 18th Aug 2017 22:04:27)
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Response from Welsh man made on 18th Aug 2017 22:04:27
Thanks Lionel I've been riding bikes for 37yrs I can't drive and when my kids were born I added a sidecar lol
Welsh man
18th Aug 2017 19:21:26 (Last activity: 18th Aug 2017 22:01:59)
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Hi I'm Colin I live in Wales I look after my wife who has lymphocytic leukemia
I'm a biker and I am looking for friends and people to chat with
Response from Welsh man made on 18th Aug 2017 19:49:37
Thank you for your lovely welcome yodama I'm sure I will enjoy being here
Response from Welsh man made on 18th Aug 2017 20:16:28
I have a kawasaki 500 yodama and a suzuki 1200 that's in pieces till I get time to repair it lol
Response from Welsh man made on 18th Aug 2017 20:36:23
We used to do motorbike rallies every week yodama but now not so much because of the wife's health, I go to a local bike meet once a month and I try to get out on the bike as often as possible
Response from Welsh man made on 18th Aug 2017 21:02:55
I've plenty of fat to keep me warm on cold days lol
Response from Welsh man made on 18th Aug 2017 21:39:36
Except the toffee ones lol but the rest I will scoff and share with you
Response from Welsh man made on 18th Aug 2017 22:01:59
I'm not that big yet..... But I'm working on it lol
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