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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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1st Nov 2017 08:27:16
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1st date -have been contacted by production team for the preliminaries must have liked my photos etc
30th Oct 2017 07:04:12
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Hi there, Anyone interested in travelling Southern Africa ? I am a 77 year young widower and love travelling and camping. There are numerous self drive tours available. But distances are so great and I don't fancy driving alone. Check websites,,, I have taken part in these to Botswana, Zambia ,Angola, Leshoto. I would love to hear from you. I live in Benoni , East of Johannesburg. I could also show the South African game parks as well as interesting places. I have a caravan , which can also be used on these trips. Speak Dutch and some German. Regards. Jannie. [email protected]
28th Oct 2017 20:32:40
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Hi everyone just finished watching Strictly I'm not into soaps etc but I do like watching the dancing and stunning outfits-I know sounds long way off but how are you all celebrating New Year
23rd Oct 2017 22:05:05 (Last activity: 23rd Oct 2017 23:53:34)
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Response from CaroleAH made on 23rd Oct 2017 23:53:34
Humour is good, Twosheds, and it's far better to slide sideways disreputably into old age than sit and whinge as it encroaches on your life 🙂 Having said that, you presumably have your sensible hat on when you take your photos because they are very good and I enjoy seeing them appear on the Showcase.
20th Oct 2017 12:25:42 (Last activity: 20th Oct 2017 13:19:22)
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I am Jeanie 77 and have just joined, looks very interesting.
Please bare with me as I have Alzheimer’s I can still relate to others, but may make mistakes sometimes.
Love my garden and still manage it with help of my daughter ❤️
Response from linj made on 20th Oct 2017 13:19:22
Welcome jeanie77 you will enjoy this site. I sometimes find it difficult to navigate where I want to be on it. But you can always ask in the question section and you will be pointed in the right direction.
20th Oct 2017 05:43:44 (Last activity: 20th Oct 2017 11:49:19)
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Hi I'm new to the site.looking to meet new friends and shake this lonliness. .I am 61 and have not have the best judgement with men so figured..Friends is the best route.hope others are here for the same
Response from DavidV3 made on 20th Oct 2017 11:49:19
Welcome ladybliue. Friends are normally a safe bet. But not all men are bad. And even men get a bad deal from time to time. But everyone needs a little love. A lot of members here are on the same trip
8th Oct 2017 22:26:22 (Last activity: 20th Oct 2017 05:46:19)
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HI I am Michael nice to meet you.
Response from Kellee361 made on 17th Oct 2017 04:24:21
Hi I'm Kellee
Response from Ladybliue made on 20th Oct 2017 05:46:19
Hi Debbie here
19th Oct 2017 17:13:02
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Hi I am Cath welcome to the site. As I have only just joined this site , I am still finding my way around everything also must admit not very good with technology so normally shy away. I live in the Manchester area so anyone out there please chat.
18th Oct 2017 08:51:49
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Welcome janny. Give us all a bit more info on your self. Likes and dislikes
18th Oct 2017 08:42:44
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Welcome pinklace. Keep posting and chatting and you will soon get the hang of the comp or iPad. Someone near you will help over a coffee
17th Oct 2017 01:34:19 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2017 23:02:12)
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Hello, this is Pinklace. I'm a new gal on this site. I' m not good with a computer I've been shying away from technology, I guess I'm old fashion that way. I always prefered a face to face conversation or the telephone. also I type very slowly. Please be patient with me, sorry !
Response from linj made on 17th Oct 2017 22:34:32
Hi pink lace. Not to worry I’m still getting used to my I pad. Technology not my strong point either. This site is really interesting even though I sometimes have difficulty negotiating where I want to get to on it. Lots of interesting subjects discussed though. Good luck.
Response from CaroleAH made on 17th Oct 2017 23:02:12
Hi, I find it practically impossible to find my way around the site using my iPad! When I use my PC I can go straight to Latest posts and Latest subjects with no problem but my iPad stops short at taking me to the comments which other contributors have added. It's a mystery!
11th Oct 2017 06:17:52 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2017 22:40:09)
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I am 64, and retired in June this year, I live in the West Midlands. Looking forward to chatting with some of you.
Response from linj made on 17th Oct 2017 22:40:09
Hi janny53. I also live in the West Midlands, hope you enjoy this site.
11th Oct 2017 20:49:38 (Last activity: 17th Oct 2017 04:21:56)
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Hi everyone, just joined. I am 71 been widowed for 7 years now and raised 5 boy's altogeather, seams my mission in life is to take care of someone. I have two grandkids and three great grand kids. Just thought it would be nice to chat with someone other than my dog. Not as active as I used to be and that is a real downer.
Response from CaroleAH made on 12th Oct 2017 10:09:12
Hi, Talkonly. Welcome to Silversurfers - hope you find lots of topics on the Forum which interest you and there are plenty of people to chat with. Speakers Corner is quite lively with lots of diverse opinions so another point of view is always good to read.
Response from Kellee361 made on 17th Oct 2017 04:21:56
My dog doesn't answer me either. She smiles and licks me a lot. I'm not real active either, but I can still talk and laugh.
15th Oct 2017 17:30:48 (Last activity: 16th Oct 2017 08:38:56)
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Hi, joined today, leaving a major company at the end of October after Twenty-nine years. Looking for a change. Not sure what else to say.
Response from DavidV3 made on 15th Oct 2017 19:08:35
Say nought ( Lancashire termanoladgy ) Depending on your age and gender. But a welcome
To the site.. nice long intro of your needs interest would help members intereact.
Think you are right double and ,65. Sorry been pub Sunday afternoon as one does
Response from CaroleAH made on 16th Oct 2017 00:00:13
Hi Dougie66, welcome to Silversurfers. Are you retiring or having a change of occupation? Twenty-nine years working for the same company is quite an achievement which some people tend to dismiss as not having had an adventurous career. I prefer to see it as loyalty to ,hopefully, a good employer. There are plenty of topics for you to browse through and add your comments to and if you don't find anything of particular interest to you, well, you can always add one of your own! 🙂 Speakers Corner is usually lively with different opinions being aired and of course there is also the Showcase where you can upload your photos, poetry, short stories etc
Not quite sure about David V3's response above - perhaps best read in an alcoholic haze!
Response from DavidV3 made on 16th Oct 2017 08:38:56
Caroleah. No I am not a big drinker. I'm only 5 foot 4
10th Oct 2017 14:17:54
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Hi Searchlight, I'm new and from Bournemouth, just to say if you fancy meeting up for a coffee sometime be great.
10th Oct 2017 11:42:07
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Hi my name is Cath, I am 68 years old,and I have a young outlook on life,I lost my parner two and half years ago,I am now ready for making new friends.I like to travel,go out for meals,I like gardening,and just socialising.
8th Oct 2017 19:54:33 (Last activity: 8th Oct 2017 20:48:31)
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Response from Spike30001 made on 8th Oct 2017 19:58:42
I am chilling on the pc but that is a popular programme.
Response from georgesmum made on 8th Oct 2017 20:48:31
We’re you right?.......for me it was a toss up between The Rev and Wonder Woman!
8th Oct 2017 14:58:50
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Hi there, welcome to the site. Yes family do let us down. I find it very sad. I get very lonely inside and every day is a struggle. I still work which does help. Hooe you meet lots of friends on here. X
22nd Apr 2017 13:18:52 (Last activity: 8th Oct 2017 14:18:01)
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Hello, l live in Bournemouth and I work partime . I've been in my currant job for 20years and really enjoy it. I love chatting and meeting new people. I would like to widen my circle of friends and improve my social life. Regards to all.
Response from Abbiegirl made on 8th Oct 2017 14:18:01
Hi Seachlight, I have just joined I live here near Bournemouth. Love to chat with you.
6th Oct 2017 20:23:08
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