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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
20th Sep 2022 08:12:58
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Hi Kimmer,

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16th Sep 2022 20:06:28 (Last activity: 17th Sep 2022 19:07:18)
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I'm in the USA also and just joined, I miss the good old days of a0l chat rooms. My name is Diddy and I am in San Diego, California I am happy to meet you all!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 17th Sep 2022 08:30:47
Hi Diddy21,

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Response from SarahS2 made on 17th Sep 2022 19:07:18
Hi Diddy and welcome, I hope you enjoy all the options on here, lots of interesting stuff!

Your mention of the 'old AOL Chat rooms' made me smile. I remember those days too, very lively and entertaining lol Must be almost 25 years now (where does the time go!?).

Sara 🙂
3rd Sep 2022 00:35:18 (Last activity: 15th Sep 2022 10:52:37)
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Looking for friendship to ease the loneliness. I'm educated, active, still attractive (I think), and finding retirement very difficult.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 3rd Sep 2022 22:49:01
Hi CynthiaB1,

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Response from Valla46 made on 15th Sep 2022 10:52:37
Hi CynthiaB1

I've been retired 8 years now, and do not find it easy. Whereabouts do you live? This makes a lot of difference as to what there is to do. Here in Suffolk people are not that friendly, but there must be other places where it's better

My husband is not well, which means we can't do the things we'd like to, and that is the main difficulty. We don't live together, but still enjoy each other's company.

Your best bet is to work out what you want to do and go for it - be it cruise, book club, volunteering, or a bit of each!

Let me know how you get on. You sound an interesting person.

Best wishes,

2nd Sep 2022 21:04:41 (Last activity: 3rd Sep 2022 22:49:17)
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Hi, just getting on here as a new member. I am trying to figure it out. I am a retired teacher from NC. Write for children, not yet published in the genre, but learning. Be nice to have a chat break. :]
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 3rd Sep 2022 22:49:17
Hi FrankieY,

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1st Sep 2022 16:11:23 (Last activity: 2nd Sep 2022 08:20:25)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 2nd Sep 2022 08:20:25
Hi Tim447,

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31st Aug 2022 00:40:16 (Last activity: 31st Aug 2022 09:57:34)
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Hi Celtwitch,

Hi! I am new to the group as well. Hope you are doing as well as can be expected. I am from sunny and hot southeastern part of the US.

Also deal with some health issues. No fun. But life goes on right?

Have a lovely day.

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 31st Aug 2022 09:57:34
Hi AnnaD6639,

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1st Aug 2022 03:45:12 (Last activity: 5th Aug 2022 20:49:26)
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Hi everyone! I hope everyone is doing fantastic today. I live in the NYC with my daughter. Happy to stay in touch through chat or email with you. Stay well!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Aug 2022 08:11:07
Hi neg,

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Response from neg made on 4th Aug 2022 16:33:04 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Hi Sally! Thanks for your nice and warm welcoming. I look forward to hear from more friendly people in the forum and have meaningful discussions in the forums. Now, take care and stay well. Best, Neg
Response from neg made on 5th Aug 2022 01:30:43
Yes Alice, I started a chat. Looking forward to chat with you .. and enjoy your day!
Response from willryder354 made on 5th Aug 2022 10:33:17
Hi Neg, nice to meet you
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Aug 2022 11:11:49 > @willryder354
Hi willryder354,

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Response from neg made on 5th Aug 2022 20:49:26 > @willryder354
Hi Will! Nice meeting you too. I hope you are doing fantastic today… stay well.
31st Jul 2022 14:04:20 (Last activity: 5th Aug 2022 10:30:19)
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I am 84 and looking for someone to go on a cruise with and share costs with i am also looking for friends
Response from Beauty made on 1st Aug 2022 14:02:21
Hi Wodsha Where are you based & preferred cruising WHERE? Kind regards Beauty
Response from Wodsha made on 1st Aug 2022 19:04:41 > @Beauty
Hi i live in Chichester West Sussex I don’t mind where We cruise to i have been to the canneries and I have been to the carabeian where would you like to cruise to.

Response from Beauty made on 2nd Aug 2022 12:57:19
Have messaged you.
Response from Wodsha made on 2nd Aug 2022 13:20:12 > @Beauty
You said that you messaged me but I never received it so I can’t reply to it
Response from Wodsha made on 3rd Aug 2022 20:11:47
Never received your message i don’t know what happened to it
Response from Wodsha made on 4th Aug 2022 18:32:21
Where do I get my reply from i have a job to get around this site.
Response from georgesmum made on 4th Aug 2022 20:59:19 > @Wodsha
Just noticed you’re having difficulty finding your “chat” message from Beauty so incase she doesn’t see this post from you try this........
At the top of the page you’ll see a blue banner underneath the Silversurfers on Chat and it should take you to Beauty’s message .
For future reference if you go into Your Account, then email preferences you can tick on a box which will notify you each time you receive a chat message from your friends.....hopefully that will make life easier.....and fingers crossed you find Beauty’s message!
Response from Wodsha made on 4th Aug 2022 22:23:23 > @Beauty
Hi Beauty

I have sent you a message I do live in Chichester in West Sussex and I cruise to the Caribbean and and around canary’s .


Percy xxx
Response from willryder354 made on 5th Aug 2022 10:30:19
Sounds great
Travelling companion
28th Apr 2022 11:34:03 (Last activity: 25th Jul 2022 14:36:37)
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Hi, I'm a 69-year-old female looking for a traveling companion going to Thailand late Dec 22. I live in Clacton on Sea.

Any takers? looking forward to hearing from you.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Apr 2022 17:47:14
Hi Travelling companion,

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Response from missjackiel made on 24th Jul 2022 04:50:04 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Hi Sally, just seen your post, Im new here and still trying to navigate my way around. Too late for Thailand but im in Holland on Sea not far away so we could chat for a while . Im still working and will retire at Christmas and hope to go to Gracelands and up or down the Mississippi.
Do you travel a lot?
I need to fill the time I will have lol
Response from missjackiel made on 25th Jul 2022 14:36:37
Hi just seen your post, Im new here and still trying to navigate my way around. Too late for Thailand but im in Holland on Sea not far away so we could chat for a while . Im still working and will retire at Christmas and hope to go to Gracelands and up or down the Mississippi.
Do you travel a lot?
I need to fill the time I will have lol
24th Jul 2022 04:42:12
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HI Celtwitch- great name by the way,Im in a similar situation with retirement looming. I have famiy but they have their own ways ( im useful for babysitting!)and being on your own has its drawbacks.
I love spinning classes but have struggled with back pain so its a no no from doctors so i just walk or swim if i get time, I have been lucky enough to have a wonderful career in education and that has been my passion, hard to stop but its getting too much and time for the younger generation to fly with it..
Its difficult when youre on your own, my hubby passed away from Lung cancer 5 years ago and that was painful to watch we had a great life together for 35 years so im lucky in that respect.
21st Jul 2022 19:43:47 (Last activity: 21st Jul 2022 20:59:30)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 21st Jul 2022 20:59:30
Hi CampAlpha66,

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28th May 2022 20:25:15 (Last activity: 11th Jul 2022 12:18:15)
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Hello CeltWitch, Being forgotten is a problem we all must face and few of us expect. I am in Oregon, US, watching the rain fall -- as it has done for many days and will continue to do. You are to be commended for going back and getting your degree. At 55 I developed MS which slowed me down. We walk each day still, but on the flat and a shorter distance. My daughter and 2 granddaughters (9 & 7) live just blocks away, so I see them often. My partner wonders what she will do if I die first 😐 , She, like you, fears being alone. Your situation concerns me as I am also concerned for my partner and will do everything in my power NOT to leave her alone. --Fred
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 29th May 2022 08:03:11
Hi Freddxdt,

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Response from Bettykaren made on 30th Jun 2022 18:01:08
This is touching I get your point I pray to the lord untimely death won’t be your portion….like to be friends
Response from theworldbysarah made on 4th Jul 2022 22:34:34 > @Bettykaren
Hey! I'm new to the community, hoping to make some lovely friends. I don't have very many and often feel quite lonely. I moved away from my family due to personal circumstances and feel like I am facing the world alone. Hope to hear from you soon!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Jul 2022 07:44:18 > @theworldbysarah
Hi theworldbysarah,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Bettykaren made on 5th Jul 2022 10:53:22 > @theworldbysarah
Welcome to community Sarah, We’ll it’s been a while on here and it hasn’t been much I stay alone and face all my fears alone I’ll like to know more about yourself so I hope to hear from you too
Response from georgesmum made on 5th Jul 2022 16:17:37 > @theworldbysarah
Welcome to Silversurfers Sarah, I hope you enjoy your time on here!
I joined several years ago but haven’t been on here for a while and in that time the site has changed so much that I now find it difficult to navigate my way around. I’ve noticed people saying they keep getting lost and losing posts and I’m not surprised!
Where are you based? I live on the England/Wales border , retiring here 7 years ago for a quieter life!......I’m all for a quiet life these days.
Happy to chat anytime
Response from Bettykaren made on 5th Jul 2022 23:21:26 > @georgesmum
Hi Sandra how’re you doing?
Response from HAYSEED made on 10th Jul 2022 22:55:50 > @theworldbysarah
I AM HERE!! Life does get lonely at times. Retirement is an adjustment. Families can be difficult, Not everyone has a great one. We have to make our own families again. Chosen families!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Jul 2022 09:31:43 > @HAYSEED

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Response from georgesmum made on 11th Jul 2022 12:18:15 > @Bettykaren
Hi Bettykaren.....sorry I’ve only just spotted this message.
I’m fine thank you...hope life is treating you well!
Take care
10th Jul 2022 22:45:10
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We sound like we have a lot in common!! Love dogs!!! Hope you still ck in!!!!
26th May 2022 19:37:38 (Last activity: 4th Jul 2022 22:35:53)
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I am a bit awestruck by a comment created in 2015 ... and still without a response?? Perhaps not, like so many other thing, this too is a mystery to let slide.
Anyway you're now .., Good Lord willing, 'n the creek don't rise ..., 74. Swathed in friends here now?
As did you, I re-tried Higher Ed as an elder and loved it! I was fortunate in the earliest years to join classes led by professors who were elders themselves, and they were pleased to see one of their own in class.
I'll put off all the grumble about "youngsters" and loving study instead of just enduring it, for another time. But is too was a learning lesson as to how I got here.
I'd enjoy beginning a chat with someone north of Manchester, an area I specialized in when earning my MA in English literature.
Chat on!
Response from Bettykaren made on 30th Jun 2022 14:49:50
Hi how’re you doing I’ll like to ask how it’s going so far and hope everything is fine on your end I’ll like to be friends
Response from sadoiro made on 30th Jun 2022 17:46:01 > @Bettykaren
Well! What a pleasant surprise to my Thursday morning wakeup, I'm fine Sally, good to hear from you.
I'm here in Houston, Texas reading and writing to folks around the globe and enjoying my first cup of coffee before having to put it all away and get the laundry done.
It's been too hot for my daily walk this past week, but the weather promises to start behaving today and I may get a mile or two in.
My chief accomplishment for June was finally getting the Bagel recipe "right" enough that I could actually enjoy the batch. Perfecting it will take a bit longer , but my next project is to build a batch of what we call "English" muffins today. They most resemble the German style Toastbrötchen but earned the name "English" because in 1850s when they became popular in New England, we already had a breakfast muffin that was much sweeter in taste. The sweeter American muffin's popularity has died out but the English style is now one of the most popular breakfast foods in the USA.
I would enjoy hearing m,ore from you so please write again soon.
Response from Bettykaren made on 30th Jun 2022 17:55:01
It’s my pleasure…I’ve been to Texas couple of times tho and it’s pretty fun over there and bet the muffins will taste good…I honestly don’t know how this site works but trust me I’m trying to catch up lol and it’s nice meeting you I would like to know more about you so willing to hear from you again…and if possible can I even your email address so we can chat better just saying take care.

Response from theworldbysarah made on 4th Jul 2022 22:35:53 > @Bettykaren
MA in English Literature? Seems like you are a man of the world! I would love to hear some of your stories!
Fellow youngster here!
14th Nov 2021 01:03:24 (Last activity: 30th Jun 2022 14:50:32)
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Greetings from beautiful, sunny, warm South Florida, USA. I'm brand new, really old, and obviously bored. Got a cat and feed the birds, ducks, geese in the back yard.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Nov 2021 08:30:11
Hi bubbajo,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from bubbajo made on 15th Nov 2021 00:32:10 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
I think I noted in my profile that I was UK. I am Not---I am USA. I know this is primarily a UK site but it looked interesting and SAFE to me.
Response from bubbajo made on 17th Nov 2021 00:52:53
Don't know how long it takes for someone to start a conversation, but I can chat about a lot of things----just no politics or religion. I have two very grown daughters---one in Tennessee and one in New Mexico. Have traveled quite a bit. Owned two standard poodles until last year when old age caught up with them. Maybe something in there will strike a chord with someone !!! Oh, and I am a graduate of University of Alabama if anybody follows college football.
Response from bubbajo made on 17th Mar 2022 00:05:47
Hi there Annie....

So glad to finally get a response from somebody. You might have seen that I am in the USA, but you didn't mention where you were.
Yes, my two poodles---Magnolia and Honeybun--were very ,very special. Most everyone knows that standard poodles are EXTREMELY smart. They are almost like having a child for sure. Their intuition is almost scary at times.
I couldn't face not having some kind of companion, so I adopted a rescue kitten. He is a Garfield---orange named CLANCY. He is 2 years old now and spoiled rotten. I have always had cats and dogs---siamese cats. In fact my daughter who lives in Nashville has 4 !!! All siamese and all rescues.
I hope that gets us started chatting. I am in South Florida where today it was 84 degrees. I moved here from Chicago but have travelled quite a bit.
Again, thanks for your response and look forward to hearing from you again.

Response from bubbajo made on 18th Mar 2022 00:11:06

Gosh, it's great to hear from somebody after weeks of NOTHING. Seems fortuitous that we are in the same state----and on a primarily British website.
Thought I would give you a little more info and perhaps some other topics that might be of mutual interest.
I am a big fan of MUSIC. Played in a small town symphony as a kid and actually had my own little string ensemble in high school. I played cello. So I get a lot of entertainment from listening to music now. I like most kinds except for todays popular stuff which masquerades as music.

Places I've lived-----Alabama, Texas, Georgia, Illinois, and Florida. I was in electronics in my working days and travelled pretty extensively. Started out as a school teacher though---math and science.
My wife passed away three years ago from a severe case of alzheimers. Most people don't know it can be fatal. She was a registered nurse.
I have two daughters---one in Nashville and one in Santa Fe, New Mexico. One is a financial specialist, and the other had her own internet business and don't think she works anymore. Neither is married, so no grandchillun..
So there's a lot of info in a short summary. Hope you reciprocate with a little more insight into what interests you.

Take care,

Response from Bettykaren made on 19th May 2022 12:31:41 > @bubbajo
Hi Bubbajo

I’m Katrina age 45 I live in USA came across all your comments on the forum and I’ll say it’s nice I’ll like to have a conversation with you I’m tired of being bored staying home alone
Response from NanaG1963 made on 29th Jun 2022 06:01:59 > @bubbajo
I'm in the USA also and just joined, I miss the good old days of a0l chat rooms.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 29th Jun 2022 08:17:09 > @NanaG1963
Hi NanaG1963,

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Response from Bettykaren made on 29th Jun 2022 12:36:03 > @NanaG1963
Oh yeah…I hope everything is going fine over there?
Response from bubbajo made on 30th Jun 2022 01:07:30 > @NanaG1963
Never participated in AOL chat rooms so kinda in the dark about your comment. If you read any of my comments, you know I'm in Florida. So if you want to chat, pick a subject and I'll do my best.
Response from Bettykaren made on 30th Jun 2022 14:50:32 > @bubbajo
Hi can we private chat I’ll like to know more about yourself maybe if I could have your mail
Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
5th Jun 2022 08:39:38
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Hi DanaDix,

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24th Apr 2022 18:24:07 (Last activity: 23rd May 2022 11:23:39)
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Hi there, i have just joined the site.....I am 65 next month, i think i am at least reasonably intelligent, love travelling all over the UK watching motor racing amongst other things. Like talking about just about anything and would welcome new friends here to talk to.
Response from Bettykaren made on 19th May 2022 12:20:44
Hi can I get to know more about you I’ve been to the UK couple of times and I know no one there lol
Response from topscribe made on 19th May 2022 19:35:47 > @Bettykaren
Hi there Betty karen, what would you like to know, happy to chat
Response from Bettykaren made on 23rd May 2022 11:23:39 > @topscribe
Oh No I missed your text…Well I don’t know if you know how private chat works? Or can you have me your email address so I drop you a message I’m not much active on this forum
30th Mar 2022 08:33:07 (Last activity: 19th May 2022 12:22:52)
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I am rejoining the site. About five years ago started chatting to a lovely man. Late every night we would comment on our day. Sadly, he died six weeks ago and I do miss the gentle camaraderie…and even the disputes…we had. So I’m looking to finding another ‘nightly’
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 30th Mar 2022 09:55:55
Hi Lthom,

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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Apr 2022 16:42:25
Hi Onthewater01,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from Bettykaren made on 19th May 2022 12:22:52
Omg I’m so sorry to hear about that May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace…I’ll like to know if you’re still seeking for another nightly friend I’m glad to tell you that I’ll like to help.
25th Apr 2022 11:26:00 (Last activity: 19th May 2022 12:19:37)
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So this is Newbie Corner.

Well, my name is Ron, I am currently 62, I am integrated in todays society, I can type like a keyboard warrior, or chat like a used car salesman, I enjoy the monthly nights out with my group of friends and birthdays with friends and family is about meals out, showing our connection and not the need for materialistic things.

But you can never have enough friends, contact or people to chat too..

I retired at 45 to become a single parent, after my wife's passing, my youngest still lives with me even though he is 24 now, Last October I decided to go back to work part-time, I didn't need to be a manager again, so at 62 I get my exercise sorting parcels..

Stay safe out there, and enjoy all that you do, maybe we will chat one day..
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 25th Apr 2022 12:18:52
Hi MrRon,

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If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Bettykaren made on 19th May 2022 12:19:37
Hi Ron I hope everything is going well over there I’m new on this forum seeking further to meet new friends
19th May 2022 12:17:15
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Hi can I get to know more about yourself please?
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Our Silversurfers community is designed to foster friendships, based on trust, honesty, integrity and loyalty and is underpinned by these values.

We don't tolerate swearing, and reserve the right to remove any posts which we feel may offend others... let's keep it friendly!