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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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23rd Jul 2018 08:32:23 (Last activity: 7th Aug 2018 20:27:51)
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I live in Cumbria and my husband has recently gone into a care home having had young onset Parkinsons disease for a long time. I am working full time in a hospital
Just want to say hello.
Response from nannyglover made on 23rd Jul 2018 12:04:31
Hi Julie, I only joined on sunday
Response from CaroleAH made on 23rd Jul 2018 13:46:53
Hi Julie,
Welcome to Silversurfers - we are a friendly crowd and I'm sure that you will soon find your way around the site and join in with topics which interest you. Has it made it easier or harder for you now that your husband is in a Care Home? I realise that you won't have the day-to-day chores associated with caring for him at home but, having had both parents in Care Homes and juggling a full-time job with running a home as well, I know that it can be very difficult trying to prioritise the jobs which need to be done.
Response from SilverBlue made on 23rd Jul 2018 17:39:17
Hi Julie welcome to silver surfers I hope you enjoy the site, I was sorry to read that your husband has gone into a care home, it must have been a very hard decision to make. Not much time for you, juggling work and visiting.
Response from Young Mr Grace made on 29th Jul 2018 21:41:21
Hi Julie,
I had early onset PD diagnosed at the age of 47 & I am now nearly 70 & struggling to lead a decent quality of life.
I am sad to hear that hubby has gone into care. I can relate to your situation having deteriorated considerably since downsizing to a flat 3 years ago.

It would be helpful for me to bounce questions off of you if you feel able
I dread the thought of being parted from my wife of 47 years, but am still with it enough to realise the heavy burden o liife with me
best widhes
Response from JulieK7 made on 7th Aug 2018 20:27:51
Hi Young Mr Grace, you can ask me anything you like, I will private chat if you'd rather.
PD is an awful disease, my hubby became hyperanxious with it and that was the cause of a lot of his problems. hope you can manage in your flat.

Best wishes
7th Aug 2018 12:29:18 (Last activity: 7th Aug 2018 16:54:57)
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Hi new to the site just stopped by to say hi, I have chronic health conditions 🙁 It can be a bit isolating but I love to do my genealogy, love music mostly Rock and Classical, also love to read. I moved 2 years ago from Manchester to Sussex. I do find I miss northerners that is not a slight on southerners though just to say they seem a bit more reserved. Hope everyone is enjoying the weather some are maybe fed up with it now. Have a great day all . 🙂
Response from CaroleAH made on 7th Aug 2018 16:54:57
Eeeek, Pam! Thought I had replied to you - will do so now! 🙂
25th Jul 2018 20:59:18 (Last activity: 7th Aug 2018 14:04:59)
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Hi I've just joined I'm retired but still work. I like motorcycles and my classic car (only 21 years old).I was scuba diving but had to give it up but will be starting again. I'll try anything once. I live in Blackpool and work weekends for my sins. Not sure what I'm looking for on here so I'll see what happens.
Response from Angel9uk made on 31st Jul 2018 11:55:51
Hi John, not been on here for a while so just seen your post. I'm opposite coast to y you, in Skegness. I can't sing either hahaha
Response from John987 made on 3rd Aug 2018 14:48:50
I've been to Skegness my brother lived over the border hahaha. I've been busy so only just seen your post. I'll probably reply at odd hours due to working at weekends.
Response from Angel9uk made on 7th Aug 2018 14:04:59
Sent you a chat message
25th Jun 2018 18:05:42 (Last activity: 3rd Aug 2018 13:01:46)
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Hello. I've just joined so am introducing myself. Hoping for some interesting chats.
Response from DazzaG4 made on 5th Jul 2018 14:25:11
Hello Mandy. I’m in the same boat, I’m a lorry driver so I’m on my own all day. Would be great to chat to a few people. I’m darren.
Response from PLUM made on 3rd Aug 2018 13:01:46
Newbie here, just looking for chat, like my holidays and most things . Married ,drive an old Rover.
1st Aug 2018 20:33:32 (Last activity: 2nd Aug 2018 16:08:07)
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Greetings. 55yo female, single, socially inept. It's been awhile since I last chatted. Looking for friendly conversation and friendship. Attempting to reconnect with humanity for a start. I have long had a love of the outdoors. Fishing, hunting, horses and college football to name a few, I am hoping with immense effort to reconnect with the living. Very new to the site, learning how to maneuver around will certainly be my first challenge of many. Good day to each and everyone of you, looking forward to becoming a part of some great conversations.
Response from Perception made on 1st Aug 2018 23:10:18
Ouch... a downvote, so much for friendly folk, did I accidently push it myself....or is it just one of life's little mysteries? Potato/Po-ta-toe life goes on.
Response from CaroleAH made on 2nd Aug 2018 08:36:55
Hi Perception,
I've given you a thumbs up so it's cancelled out the down vote! 🙂 Most of us are friendly on this site and willing to chat about anything/everything so don't be discouraged. Look at the topics in the Forum and join in with the chat and if there's nothing there that interests you - post a topic of your own. Do you live in the UK or further afield? I'm guessing from your reference to college football that you live in America or Canada.
Response from Perception made on 2nd Aug 2018 16:08:07
Thank you both for your words of encouragement and kindness. Yes, I reside in the US, and look forward to learning the ropes...please be patient with me while I try and learn which topics are current and those that are dated, or if everything is just ongoing regardless of post date. Again thank you. 🙂
25th Jul 2018 14:21:02 (Last activity: 31st Jul 2018 12:16:55)
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I am a novice to this kind site , I am northeast lady and although a lady of 81 I hope I do not act my age , going down fighting the age thing, trouble is I have found a lot of people my age act it, love going on going on coach trips especially Scotland, would love a travelling companion, but Have one pet hate shops especially gift shops.
Response from EnglishOak made on 31st Jul 2018 12:16:55
grumpy by name and not by nature thats obvious, enjoy your coach trips.
31st Jul 2018 10:28:23
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Hello i am 58 yr old chap and live in Durham, its quiet here which i enjoy mostly, but now and again when sipping my coffee it would be nice to share a packet of bickies instead of pigging out myself, lol.
As a newbie i have no idea what i'm doing and when i mess up let me know so i can do better next time, i admit i have a touch of first day nerves, a bit like starting big school all over again, lol.
30th Jul 2018 23:04:18
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Hi. I have just joined. I am 58. Loooking forward to going on holidays and enjoying life after working for 40 years. This is my time and I am going to enjoy it. I am very easy going, the glass is always half FULL. I love skiing and walks and cosy nights in.
Young Mr Grace
23rd Jul 2018 08:11:21 (Last activity: 27th Jul 2018 22:41:16)
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After 30 years in retailing, I retired aged 47. I am now just 2 weeks off of being 70.
i am a lifelong plant && garden lover, having been wowed by CHELSEA in 1962, the year SUPERSTAR the rose was launched.
I am interested in local & family history. More later
Response from CaroleAH made on 23rd Jul 2018 13:38:27
Hello, Mr Grace, - welcome to Silversurfers. Hope you find plenty of topics of interest on the site and chats that you can join in with. I've got 25 "Trees" on the Ancestry website - the majority are of men who are named on the local war memorial but my family tree goes back to the 1600s. It's a fascinating subject and I can lose hours once I'm logged in. Re your birthday - remember that you might be (nearly) 70 but that's only 21 in celsius so have a super day 🙂
Response from Young Mr Grace made on 27th Jul 2018 22:41:16
Thank you for your welcome. I hope to contribute something relevant when I begin to understand the workings of this group.

It all seems very positive

I am disabled with long-term Parkinsons disease (25 years so far) but I get most things done in the end
16th Jul 2018 23:59:10 (Last activity: 27th Jul 2018 04:31:08)
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New to this site, it seems like it could be fun, happy to have conversations with most people. I had a long career in nursing, particularly as a Hospice nurse, and then later in life a new career (20 years) as a counsellor specialising in grief and bereavement. I did a lot of other interesting things as a volunteer and indeed still do, don't like having nothing interesting to do. I love experimenting as an artist and I also help out as a volunteer in a primary school. The best fun ever, Love reading a good novel, and belong to a small reading group which I started many moons ago for bereaved ladies. Enjoy cinema and live theatre. Hope to find some interesting people here to interact with. Thanks for taking time to read.
Response from Mrs Sparrow made on 20th Jul 2018 09:32:31
Hi Judith, I'm new too, nice to meet you.
Response from Mrs Sparrow made on 20th Jul 2018 18:53:38
Hi Pamratty, yes Mrs Sparrow here! Re psychic phenomena, Im interested in a very broad spectrum and have been since a teenager. My grandmother conducted seances and my Mum and Aunts had psychic abilities although my Mum wasn't at ease with it all. I'm not looking to convert people Ive seen too much to look for reassurances from people! I believe in life after physical death and that we are all psychic to varying degrees. Heady stuff but I am quite normal
Response from jeanmark made on 21st Jul 2018 19:22:52
Hi Judith, I also had a long career in nursing - 47 to be precise. For 13 years I worked in Infectious Diseases, Tropical medicine and HIV at the outbreak of the latter in the UK, The last ten years of my career was in clinical risk management and investigation and medicine safety. I like reading and crafting, particularly exploring ways of re-cycling/re-purposing things and have recently started a craft club in my village.
Response from DonnaR9 made on 27th Jul 2018 04:31:08
Hi Judith, I am new here too. I was scrolling through the comments and when I came to yours, I had to look to make sure that was not something I posted.
Although I wanted to be a nurse, I narrowly missed it and instead ended up in a quasi-medical field, then as a Hospice coordinator, trainer, etc... and starting a group for grief and bereavement. I moved from that to chaplaincy work working with disaster relief and special training in grief and trauma. Now you see why I took a second look at your intro.

I am widowed and happily single now for many years. I have 2 children and 3 grands... I am still very active in several things and volunteer at the hospital in spiritual care. I love music and teach piano lessons. At the present moment I am working on my certification as an aromatherapist. Not a lot of spare time, but would not want it otherwise. Would love to chat anytime.
22nd Jul 2018 19:23:32 (Last activity: 27th Jul 2018 04:16:30)
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Hello I've just joined silver surfers BN I'd like to say hello
Response from DonnaR9 made on 27th Jul 2018 04:16:30
Hi Edin, I just joined tonight and just saying hello to you... I think we might make some friends on here..
27th Jul 2018 04:13:20
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Hi, I am new to this site. Decided to come here when I could not sleep! (smile) I am in my 70's and still have all my wits about me...I have done lots of interesting things in my life so far and looking to do more.... I have lots of interests and enjoy meeting new people. My husband died many years ago and I now share a house with a friend. My 2 children are adults with their own life, leaving me to explore all kinds of interests on my own.
I am in Canada and would enjoy meeting some new friends.
23rd Jul 2018 18:42:01 (Last activity: 23rd Jul 2018 20:32:41)
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Hello,my name is Wendy,I've just popped on to introduce myself. A little about myself,I'm female obviously lol,three grown up sons and 15 grandchildren. I work 30 and a half hrs a week on a checkout the see my grandchildren Saturday,Sunday and Monday.very rare I get a day to myself but I wouldn't have it any other way as I love them all deeply. I'm widowed and very happely single. There that's me,will look forward to getting to know you
Response from SilverBlue made on 23rd Jul 2018 20:32:41
Welcome to Silversurfers Wendy, sounds like you have a busy life, I hope you enjoy the site, check out some of the forum topics and join in.
Mrs Sparrow
20th Jul 2018 09:30:39 (Last activity: 20th Jul 2018 18:47:47)
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Hi I'm new to Silversurfers. I'm retired and in my late 50s, I enjoy reading, films, art, making do and mend. I am interested also in psychic phenomena. I'm a bit of an introvert but enjoy chatting to people of all ages, nationalities and hearing their thoughts and views.
Response from CaroleAH made on 20th Jul 2018 11:43:56
Hi Mrs Sparrow - welcome to Silversurfers 🙂 I like the motto on your profile; I have one taped to my PC screen to cheer me up when necessary - "Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth". Having lived with a Narcissistic person for 10 years (not any longer) that motto is a great boost to my self-esteem!
Hope you find lots of interesting topics to comment on.
Response from SilverBlue made on 20th Jul 2018 17:22:07
Welcome to Silversurfers Mrs Sparrow, i hope you enjoy site
Response from Mrs Sparrow made on 20th Jul 2018 18:47:47
Thankyou for the welcome, still finding my way around could take some time
10th Jul 2018 00:48:22
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HI There,
Just join today and I am looking for a friend either man or lady to have lunch with or dinner. I live in the Northern Virginia area so I your interested ...just let me know.
4th Jul 2018 02:27:21 (Last activity: 8th Jul 2018 00:42:52)
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Not sure what to write. Been married for almost 40 years and along the way we've grown apart and am now looking for a lady in the "same boat" so to speak. I'm not looking for a relationship just someone to chat with on occasion and have a little fun
Response from Schnauzter made on 8th Jul 2018 00:42:52
I am in the same boat! Would like to chat with someone and also have some fun!
6th Jul 2018 04:58:25 (Last activity: 6th Jul 2018 20:59:48)
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Hi , I'm Frank, 69 yrs old, and live in Arizona. I am a retired military musician and am still active with 2concert bands her e and a jazz band. Would enjoy hearing from all of you!
Response from CaroleAH made on 6th Jul 2018 20:59:48
Hi Frank. What kind of music do you prefer playing. I've always thought that it must be difficult to play and march in step at the same time. I do like military music especially Scottish pipe bands.
14th Jun 2018 16:05:10 (Last activity: 6th Jul 2018 11:33:02)
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Response from Mimijan made on 6th Jul 2018 11:33:02
south east is a big place,,,, where exactly. I am in Hove and up for a bit of a chat
14th May 2018 09:45:57 (Last activity: 6th Jul 2018 05:02:37)
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Hi I'm Nickita, US resident, checking out the site. I'm 53, widowed and live alone. I work nights. Interested in friendly chatter
Response from DazzaG4 made on 5th Jul 2018 14:29:47
Hi nickita. I’m Darren. I’m just outside London in the uk. What a lovely name. Is there a meaning behind it?
Response from Schnauzter made on 6th Jul 2018 05:02:37
Hi Nikita. Hope you had a nice 4th! Would love to chat with you!
20th Jun 2018 10:21:36 (Last activity: 5th Jul 2018 14:26:38)
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Response from DazzaG4 made on 5th Jul 2018 14:26:38
Hi elsiemay. I’m darren. How you doing.
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