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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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5th May 2019 12:17:22 (Last activity: 5th May 2019 17:26:27)
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Hello, I`ve just joined introducing myself. Definitely over 50, pretty sure I`m a silversurfer but can`t be certain as I cut my hair really short, not that I don`t like grey but I`ve had very short hair for so long I wouldn't be me with hair. Single, couple of grown up children, enjoy peace and quiet reading and trying to do as little as possible.
Response from Beauty made on 5th May 2019 17:24:06
Yodama has encapsulated who we were/are/might be.....let's all hang on to.....? Whatever, we can find ..
Response from Beauty made on 5th May 2019 17:26:27
Hi Lola
....You have worth & value..stuff happens, work through it and hold on to what you value. All the best X
5th May 2019 09:03:16
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Hello I’m new to this and also new to a single life. I’m not sure where to go or how to go from here so hearing other experiences might be useful.
After 34 years of marriage my husband decided to tell me he no longer loved me and hadn’t for sometime. He wanted us to separate and thought I would welcome this too. He was wrong there but, to keep the story short, there were issues with us both which could, I feel have been addressed. I for my part had devoted my time to our two daughters and made up for him, because of work, not always being around and was looking forward to a time when he would retire and we would be able to spend more time together. However he had met someone through his activities and suddenly saw a future with her instead. Obviously there is a lot more to this but basically I am now alone and, as well as my past married life being made less than a happy memory, I feel that the future I saw for us has also been snatched away.
My daughters are busy with work, their own relationships and their children. I see them often and love seeing my grandsons but they do have their own lives. We did have a lovely holiday together last year but I can’t expect them to always want to take me.
I acquired a little dog for company and to give me a reason to get up in the morning which is great because I have to go out with her even when I don’t really feel like it!
My problem is that I want to be able to do the things I had expected to do in retirement like days out, weekends away and holidays. I want to take the dog for walks and pub lunches etc, not much fun alone. I no longer drive and that is an issue, and I won’t again so it is no use suggesting, as a kind person did recently, that I try again. Also, if I’m honest I would like some kind of relationship, not perhaps a mad passion but loving and warm. Someone to hold and be held by, and to go places with.
My question is, am I wrong to want this? How do I go about it without looking as though I just want a driver to take me out?
I’m 65 and I feel robbed of the autumn of my life that I expected. Am I being unrealistic and do I have to accept another ten or years of loneliness?
2nd May 2019 17:19:18
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Good Evening , One & All, With the wife out shopping, I thought to myself, What shall I do now?
So, here I am joining this Silver Surfers thingy.
Not sure what to look at or where to go , but I'm here.
It looks a good place to drop a few lines, air an idea or an opinion and get some great advice along the way.
Kindest Regards sixtfox
26th Apr 2019 12:45:10
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Hi i'm dot ,I'm 66 but still feel and dress ten years younger ,,i love to enjoy the simple things in life and have been on my own for over 10 years,.
Having four children and grandchildren keeps me active and up to date with the fast moving world ,,needing silence at times to take it all in and have free space in my little home ,.I enjoy arts and craft and usually find myself with a paintbrush in my hand or full of glue as i love to revamp furniture and craft things from nothing ,,.
Believing everything happens for a reason i enjoy all aspects of life and take nothing for granted ,. hope to speak to some nice people on here and make friends though i do have many in Manchester .
17th Apr 2019 08:34:31 (Last activity: 23rd Apr 2019 16:02:19)
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Hello I’m Irish 66 and I live in Malaysia I’ve lived here with my husband for almost forty years we have three children and six grandchildren.
Most of the time I really enjoy living here but at the moment the weather is very hot and dry and I’m wilting along with our veg patch.
Looking forward to hearing from people across the world.
Response from Beauty made on 23rd Apr 2019 16:02:19
Hi cmari,
Greeting from UK & tree-lined Surrey. Really hope weather is being kinder to you & vegetable patch, & giving you some rain - Spring rainfall here is even less than normal....ditch @ bottom of garden is empty already, doesn't bode well for later in year.... All the best
21st Apr 2019 18:22:40 (Last activity: 23rd Apr 2019 15:56:52)
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Well, I'm not a particularly an exotic or exciting individual. I was born in 1951 which seems a long time ago these days! I am a retired elementary school principal and am looking for friendship on this website. I live in the UK and am enjoying my retirement .I live on the north east coast of England and the sea never disappoints. I would like to connect with anyone who wants a connection that is friendly and fun. Xxx
Response from Beauty made on 23rd Apr 2019 15:56:52
Hi Sellio
Welcome to....all of us. We're all as interesting or boring as each other....elements of humanity, each with our own life stories. Long way from you as I'm in Surrey, but my lovely Mum came from New Kyo... Hope you make some friends on here XxX
15th Apr 2019 02:18:17 (Last activity: 15th Apr 2019 14:23:31)
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Hi all, retired living in the top end of OZ west coast - rural community with a small 'village' of 9000 souls. Married second time around with many grandkids and rellies!

enjoy international exchanges!
Response from CaroleAH made on 15th Apr 2019 14:23:31
Hi Yatesy,
Welcome to Silversurfers - hope you find lots of topics of interest which you can join in with. It would be great to see some photos of your part of the world on the Showcase. Carole 🙂
12th Apr 2019 13:18:42 (Last activity: 13th Apr 2019 05:58:13)
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Hi Silver Surfers!

Bill here, my friends call me Don, but either of the three can work. I live in Farnborough, but have spent much of the past 14 years in Melbourne. While the change has mostly been due to personal reasons, I love to think of myself as a world citizen. There is something about staying in a single place for too long that does my mind in, so I love to move around whenever responsibility allows.

I just happened across this awesome community as I was looking up some clean eating pointers. Thought I would drop a line in and hopefully engage you from time to time.

Response from Beauty made on 12th Apr 2019 14:51:44
Hi Sting/Bill/Don
You're right....we're all awesome, not sure about the 'clean eating', is that possible nowadays. Anyways, last time I was in Melbourne in Summer (a while ago) it rained, so I felt at home. Hope you're enjoying life in leafy Hampshire....All the best Beauty
PS Always happy to try find my 'rolling stone'....whenever responsibility allows...
Response from RabHaw made on 13th Apr 2019 05:58:13
Welcome Sting/Don- My daughter set off back packing and ended up in Melbourne a year ago Loves it extended her visa and works in marketing as well as helps run an international hostel - a sun shine addict !
Baby ladybird
9th Apr 2019 22:34:13 (Last activity: 12th Apr 2019 20:51:39)
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Hi recently joined silversurfers and hopefully strike up some friends
Response from Beauty made on 12th Apr 2019 20:51:39
Hi Babyladybird
Welcome to the site.... Loads of interest on here. Hope you enjoy.
4th Apr 2019 05:30:05 (Last activity: 10th Apr 2019 19:04:54)
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Hi everyone! I am newbie to the site. I am in my mid fifties. Looking for friendship. Love to travel , Rv and laugh.
Response from Baby ladybird made on 9th Apr 2019 22:38:12
I am in my late fifties looking for friendship and a laugh
Response from Beauty made on 10th Apr 2019 19:04:54
Welcome to the site.. Not sure where you're located..but hope you'll fnd some new friends on here, Beauty
10th Apr 2019 13:36:13 (Last activity: 10th Apr 2019 19:02:35)
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Hello, My name is Jean. I live in the Oldham area of Lancashire. I am looking for someone with a friendly dog, must have a car, be over 60, like a day out with the dog to the coast or country. I like a glass of wine and enjoy lunch out. Would like to go to a local theatre or show now and again something I don't do at the moment. Sense of Humor.

I am a fairly fit 71, and enjoy all the above.

I would like to hear from anyone who would like to become and friend. Male of Female.

Response from Beauty made on 10th Apr 2019 19:02:35
Hi Jean
Welcome to all of us. Hope you can find a companion with canine on here. I'm too far away from you, way down in SE. However, wish you all the best on here, Beauty
7th Apr 2019 23:38:27 (Last activity: 9th Apr 2019 22:36:04)
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Has anyone been on a workstay
Response from Beauty made on 8th Apr 2019 08:49:07
Hi RayR6
Welcome to the site. Concerning recipes for singletons, Delia Smith's 'One is Fun' is useful and loads of photos to inspire you. It was originally published in the mid-80s, but the recipes are classic. You might be able to pick up a copy in your local charity shop or library....happy eating and cooking.
All the best Beauty.
Response from Baby ladybird made on 9th Apr 2019 22:36:04
Great idea
5th Apr 2019 10:18:24 (Last activity: 8th Apr 2019 19:13:35)
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Response from Beauty made on 7th Apr 2019 18:33:00
Welcome back, DoE
We missed orll missed you.....
Response from Beauty made on 8th Apr 2019 19:13:35
Well, that might be a blessing....or alt. comment.....somebody cares!
7th Apr 2019 21:05:30
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Hi, I am Ray, widowed and recently joined.
Living in North East Scotland although originate from Hartlepool in the North east of England.
Decided to stay in this part of the world when I left the RAF and now work part time as a Prison Officer.
Member of the local Buffs and do a lot of fundraising for local causes, and also a member of one of the local photography clubs, so the spare time I have is usually taken up with one or the other.

Enjoy doing DIY and since losing my wife I have started to experiment in the kitchen. The only trouble is all the recipes I seem to get are for 4 or 6 people so any advice for singleton recipes would be gratefully received.

2nd Apr 2019 17:43:14 (Last activity: 7th Apr 2019 18:38:47)
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Hi! 🙂 My name’s Bobby and I’m new to this site. I love all things fashion, lifestyle and wellness – I’d love to learn more and share the stuff I know too! Living in London means I’m right in the middle of a busy hub for trends and healthy lifestyles alike, but it can feel lonely at times. I look forward to being part of a cool community, helping where I can and finding out all about the things I love!
Response from iluvtea made on 2nd Apr 2019 22:44:33
Hi Bobby, I live near London [Kent] Love visiting London, used to work there.. I'm also new to this site, so not sure about 'communities' but happy to talk about meeting up in London. Let me know if you are interested
Response from Beauty made on 7th Apr 2019 18:38:47
Hi bobbylondon
Welcome to the site..
Sounds like you're @ the happening end, and hope you can make friends on here. Lived in N1 back in the 80's, pros & everything in life. Be aware & be open....All the best Beauty
6th Apr 2019 21:33:23
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Hi AndreaS72
Welcome to the site... I'm also in Surrey and use no.7 products (honest!) & could do with some advice. Which branch are you ....? All the best on here. Beauty
5th Apr 2019 21:33:32
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Hi all,
just introducing myself ( I’m the one in the middle on my profile picture) I’m originally from Cumbria and have lived in Surrey for 33 years. I love going to concerts and enjoy all music. Love the theatre especially musicals and of course travelling my special place has to be Morocco .
I work full time as a beauty advisor for No7. I love a good laugh with friends and a good G&T usually the two go together !!
5th Apr 2019 16:37:26
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Hi JoolsF1
(Belated) Happy Birthday to you. I had a birthday at the weekend...Whatever you do, just remember 65 is the new 40!! Have sent you a chat message, but as I'm based in Woking, I'm probably too far away from you.
I used to work in Leman St, back in the day, great fun. All the best on here and hope you can find some new friends close to home.
5th Apr 2019 12:52:03
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I'm Jools. I have just turned 69.. I live in East London. Happy to chat with everyone from all areas. However would love to know if there are any East London ladies on here. I love current affairs, music and theatre. I am not one for travelling and I am
not into pubs but love restaurants.
I have a lovely rescue dog. I am interested in healthy living as I need to get fit. Haven't been as motivated as I should be in that area I am sorry to say!
If you would like to chat with me I would love to hear from you.
23rd Mar 2019 09:41:34 (Last activity: 2nd Apr 2019 22:40:25)
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Hi, I've just joined - so saying 'hello'. I'm 67, female - still in full time work (out of choice not necessity), Empty nest syndrome, so need to make some new friends. I live in the southeast Just retired from a sport I played for 20 years. Might take up bowls! like to travel, visit museums, galleries, go to cinema and theatres, but don't like going alone. Anyone interested in chatting, or maybe joining up for a trip or visit? 🙂
Response from Beauty made on 23rd Mar 2019 11:52:11
Hi iluvtea
Have sent a private chat message...Hope to hear from you. Regards Beauty.
Response from iluvtea made on 2nd Apr 2019 22:40:25
Hi Beauty,
not really sure how this site works.
happy to chat as soon as I work out how to do it
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