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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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13th Jul 2019 16:34:15 (Last activity: 14th Jul 2019 13:51:54)
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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 14th Jul 2019 10:21:42
Good morning , it may take time for people to respond to your post, this siteis a bit slow , good luck un finding friendships .
Response from Beauty made on 14th Jul 2019 13:51:54
Hi CatherineS99
Great to hear from you....This is not the easiest of sites to navigate, so good luck. Might help if you mentioned some points in your profile or in postings as to your expectations. All the best
ruby sunday
10th Jul 2019 21:59:48 (Last activity: 11th Jul 2019 14:32:51)
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I am looking for a friend/travel companion. I am in my seventies, although in my head I’m still young. I live in Shropshire, surrounded by beautiful countryside, & live very close to the River Severn.
My interests are, walking my two beautiful lurchers, reading & listening to audio books, I love dancing, swimming, holidays, eating out, & a glass of wine or two .
I am married but to a hubby who prefers to be at home!!! I love meeting new people, chatting to them & learning all about them. I very often go away alone, but much prefer company. Hoping to hear from a like-minded
Response from Beauty made on 11th Jul 2019 14:32:51
Hi rubysunday
Welcome to all of us. Think we're all 'young' in your heads. You're lucky to live in a beautiful unspoiled (hopefully) part of the country. I'm in leafy Surrey, Hope you find some friends much closer to home. Kind regards. PS If hubby prefers to be at home, you must be doing everything right...
10th May 2019 13:31:37 (Last activity: 2nd Jul 2019 12:13:28)
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Hello everyone
I typed „Travel Companion“ into the Google search box and came up as one of the results. As the age demographic is perfect for me I thought I might as well join despite there being no nearby users looking for someone to travel with.
Looking forward to the pleasant surprises the site and it‘s community has in store for me
Response from Beauty made on 10th May 2019 20:57:30
Hi 'CC'
Welcome to all of us. Not sure who/what/where you're looking to travel from/to etc.....Hope you have fun on here....We're a friendly bunch....
Response from CoffeeCake made on 11th May 2019 15:51:59
Thank you! I am quite used to going solo but it would be nice to have someone to go with. I am not a „roast yourself on the beach“ kind of person and prefer City Breaks and multi center holidays further afield.
Response from Jskw made on 2nd Jul 2019 12:13:28
Hi CoffeeCake, I am new, travel companion sounds good to me I am looking for the same thing. Would love to here more
1st Jul 2019 00:42:07 (Last activity: 1st Jul 2019 18:16:01)
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Hi everyone I'm new.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 1st Jul 2019 16:44:33
Good afternoon , your find this site a bit slow , of people response , good luck
Response from VegaLyra made on 1st Jul 2019 18:16:01
Hello, Irishlass !
Happy new month !
22nd Jun 2019 20:54:02 (Last activity: 30th Jun 2019 19:38:45)
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Hi there
I'm 62 was lucky enough to know what I wanted to do in life and have just recently retired from teaching. I have also travelled extensively, am married have four children and one grandchild.

We have recently been overhauling our life, which has been emotionally draining. Downsizing, still trying to buy a flat to live in, while arranging to spend half our life in another country for health reasons.

Luckily, I have a very supportive family and circle of friends but still find this time in my life lonely at times. I want to do new things and meet like minded people but am finding this very difficult. I have joined a choir which is fun but in the main it is the evenings I find most trying as most groups or meet ups seem to be during the day. Is there an assumption that once you hit 60 you don't leave one's home after 6 O' clock?
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 22nd Jun 2019 21:11:35
Good evening , I'm 58 and as far as I am concerned , intend to grow old disgacely , even tho I stay at home quite lot because I still care for my tenage son , I dont go to bed that early .

Response from marvelous made on 22nd Jun 2019 23:52:21
Shazzan, That's funny about the not leaving the house after 6 pm! I'm fine with chatting after 6. It seems with the time changes tho that many countries log off before the sun is even down here.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 23rd Jun 2019 08:44:22
Good morning , I dont my time here is now 8.43 am but I dont get alerts of messages on tablet , enjoy your day .

Response from Shazzan made on 23rd Jun 2019 10:09:08
I wasn't suggesting I go to bed at six rather that finding something to do after six for my age group in my area almost doesn't exist.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 23rd Jun 2019 10:32:55
Very true , down my end as well , still keep on looking you may get lucky and find something , good luck in that
Response from Shazzan made on 23rd Jun 2019 12:11:31
Thanks Patricia - I have found singing and do go to choir once a week which is great fun especially at Christmas time.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 23rd Jun 2019 12:50:47
Brilliant , thats something to start with .
Response from Shazzan made on 23rd Jun 2019 13:39:01
What about u Patricia where do u live r u retired what hobbies if any how do u fill your time any ideas gratefully received. Am now going to watch the tennis. I love this time of year and as a teacher it always symbolised the end of another academic year
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 23rd Jun 2019 17:19:45
Good afternoon , no I am only 58 yeas old and I am a full time mother and carer of my special needs son, my hobbies are I write short stories and poems, which I post on Facebook , I have 4 grown up children , my youngest son is almost 17 , and due to go to college in September , I have 8 grandchildren from my daughters and a older son who is special needs man child , so my life can be quite busy at times , I am also a single parent .

Patricia Bourne
Response from CharleeB made on 30th Jun 2019 00:15:20
Welcome to the group. I am new to this group. Just looking for someone to chat with. I’m 54.
Do you ever have that need to talk to someone who doesn’t know you?? Hopefully I’m not the only one.
Response from VegaLyra made on 30th Jun 2019 18:41:02
Good evening everyone !
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 30th Jun 2019 19:38:45
Good evening everyone , vega my friend
27th Jun 2019 22:11:14 (Last activity: 29th Jun 2019 15:18:13)
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I just joined and am trying to find my around here,,, I turn 62 tomorrow, and have been retired since Dec 2017. I am an avid pet lover, and have MANY rescued unwanted Chihuahua's living with me...ranging in ages from 4 to 15 1/2. Don't hang out with anyone, stay at home with the babies or go to the store,, but do spend a lot of time gardening,,, keeping things alive in the heat is a lot of work,, I hope to make new friends here,,, I will be back on line later, but it is dinner time for the babies, and they are waiting patiently for me to get their dinner going,,, nothing like sad eyes staring at you,,, I hope to meet you soon,,

My name is a combination of two of my Mini Pins that I owned years and years ago,,, not my real name,, that will come later,,,,hope to talk to you soon
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 28th Jun 2019 09:21:06
Good morning , I hope you make lots of friends , good luck .
Response from VegaLyra made on 29th Jun 2019 15:18:13
Happy birthday, zoebre !
6th Jun 2019 23:51:03 (Last activity: 23rd Jun 2019 00:06:28)
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Hello everyone. I post under the pseudonym of Captain Jack Fosdyke. That is an alias of course for my name isn't Jack and neither am I a captain. I am, however, an incurable teller of 'Stretchers'. For those unfamiliar with the term, let me explain. A 'stretcher' is a post placed that may be considered a trifle far fetched but is told with such conviction that the casual reader remains in doubt. I have lived a varied and, may I say, an interesting life and though the snows of winter may rest upon my head, the spring of eternal youth flows happily in my heart. The world is what it is and though I've considered it's problems from every angle I'm convinced that nothing I can do will changed it....So I've decided not to bother. If there are similar thinkers out there who prefer light hearted feasts of reason and flows of soul perhaps they'd care to let me know.
Response from captainjackfosdyke made on 7th Jun 2019 16:44:50
Thank you Yodama for your reply. Truth to tell it came as a surprise for I didn't expect any response. Posting something different isn't always appreciated for oft'times persons prefer what they are familiar with. This has always puzzled me for while we are happy to visit a cinema, a theatre etc to be entertained rarely do we believe 'that' entertainment to be true and yet the fantasy of it is enjoyed. The fact that we are all Silver Surfers allows that we have had a goodish slice of life, during which many amusing incidents must have occurred. It is these incidents, embellished as we see fit, that encourages posts, lifts the spirit, amuses and......most importantly, does no harm and creates no offence.
Response from captainjackfosdyke made on 11th Jun 2019 22:49:14
Hello again Yodama. Forgive the tardiness of my reply But I've been in the Free State with my local branch of 'The Social Development League' speaking of the benefits of abstinence. We waste our time of course but it salves our conscience that we try. 'Fraid I've never taken a journey, odd or otherwise, into space for being gregarious by nature I would mourn the lack of company.

Of course I could have completely misunderstood your query for there are substances, other than Richard Branson's futuristic space plans or Dr Who's Tardis that can take you on such a journey without leaving the comfort of your armchair. It will never be my intention to pry, but to know a little about whom you correspond with tends to make life easier. Could I ask what part of the world you occupy, what interest you may have. Just innocent bits of information that you may care to share.
Response from marvelous made on 23rd Jun 2019 00:06:28
Captain, You are an absolute hoot and I hope we can correspond. I like your interesting writing style. I'm likely to be far too truthful, the opposite of far fetched, but I can learn the art of giving the truth a spin.
19th Jun 2019 19:41:13 (Last activity: 22nd Jun 2019 19:49:00)
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Good evening , this is quite a strange site , its very slow , for people to answer your post , I hope you a companion soon , as a dog owner myself , I love having my dog around , enjoy your night.
Response from ajoanne169 made on 22nd Jun 2019 19:39:15
Hi, Joanne here from North East of England. I only joined yesterday, I am hoping to get some penpals or email friends. Like you say it is slow here. I am into card making, dolls houses, reading and walking.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 22nd Jun 2019 19:49:00
Oh thats nice ,I'm into writing stories and poems, and in I walk my dog 3 times aday , I am am afull time mother and carer of my special needs son, .

Patricia Bourne
19th Jun 2019 19:29:15
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19th Jun 2019 19:01:58
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Hello, Jason ! Best regards !
19th Jun 2019 17:40:34
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Hi Jason
Great to hear from you. Hope you meet loads of new friends on here. All the best
27th May 2019 11:37:51 (Last activity: 14th Jun 2019 23:24:57)
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hi all, making a return after moving home and sorting my life out. Now I have a little time on my hands, Grandchildren growing up , children have their own lives, now its my time. I live in lovely historic whitby with my daschund as a walking buddy
Response from LynneJ6 made on 10th Jun 2019 09:46:01
Hi Charlton nice to meet you.Im new too. Sounds like you've been biting the bullet and very busy. I love Whitby. You're bound to enjoy walking your dog there. Very atmospheric around that old building when the sea mists come swirling and chips great too I seem to remember. Hope you settle well.
Response from themole made on 14th Jun 2019 23:24:57
Haha love your attitude. More power to your elbow and remember be happy x
5th Jun 2019 06:17:14 (Last activity: 10th Jun 2019 09:41:21)
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Hi there I retired about 15 years ago because of I’ll health I had been doing voluntary work until last year when I became ill again which made me very immobile. I do get lonely and isolated but this site has made realise I’m not the only one in that position. I live in South Wales a very beautiful part of the uk. I served in the WRAF for 14 years. I enjoy crafts and also the outdoors Gardening too. Tai Chi also.
Response from LynneJ6 made on 10th Jun 2019 09:41:21
Hi Halo, have just joined hello there. We have similar interests and issues. Life's never what we thought it should be but there you are. Lots of us having similar problems makes it bearable.
7th Jun 2019 18:48:54 (Last activity: 7th Jun 2019 20:41:22)
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Hi CaptJFD
Ready to go.......looking forward to 'tall & wide tales'....
Response from captainjackfosdyke made on 7th Jun 2019 20:41:22
Hello Beauty. Though modern thought frowns upon our once mighty Empire, I do not share that sentiment. Having spent many years under the colours striving to keep that Empire intact I had faced many dangers. I recall one incident when the regiment was billeted on an exposed ridge in the Hindu Kush. Night was falling when we were attacked by a ferocious band of Waziri's intent upon doing us harm. Naturally, the attack was unexpected for Colonel Watt-Wattley (a young and particularly chinless) officer had assured us that the natives were friendly. The Waziri set down a constant, withering fire that wreaked havoc amid our ranks....and in no time at all.

The sands of the desert were red with blood,
Red with the blood of a square that broke,
The gatling was jammed and the Colonel dead,
And the regiment blinded by dust and smoke.

Now, we are all old enough to remember when cliff hangers at the cinema were shown in episodes. It increased the suspense and brought about much discussion as to the outcome. They were happy times so....Would anyone care to add some suspenseful discussion?
2nd Jun 2019 15:45:48 (Last activity: 3rd Jun 2019 14:37:15)
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Hi everyone
It’s been a tough year, various serious health conditions, so am now housebound and limited. Getting very bored and a little lonely, looking for nice people to chat with.
Response from LeonardM8 made on 2nd Jun 2019 17:19:48
Hi Callistra, just to say welcome to SS, I'm sure you will find many people on this site to have chats with, there are a lot of nice People here. and also lots of interesting subjects, it may take a bit of patience to find your way around, but I hope you find something of interest for you. Welcome
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 3rd Jun 2019 14:37:15
Isn't it annoying when you try and answer a message it dispears before you an read t properly ,
Especially to some one who replied to your post .
29th May 2019 19:23:37
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Hi good evening , I'm a stay at home mum , some times I get fed up not having anyone to chat to , anyone here like that
15th May 2019 13:29:20 (Last activity: 21st May 2019 20:56:28)
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Good morning everyone first time on here
Response from HappyRay made on 15th May 2019 20:48:20
How do I find speakers corner
Response from Beauty made on 15th May 2019 23:01:11
Hi HappyRay
Welcome to the site....hope you have fun finding new friends on here.
Response from Wilf made on 21st May 2019 20:16:13
Lots of friendly people on this site HappyRay
Response from HappyRay made on 21st May 2019 20:56:28
Hello everyone still trying to find my way around so far so good
21st May 2019 11:52:38 (Last activity: 21st May 2019 20:15:04)
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Hi Mirve
Welcome to all of us. You've taken the first step....Lots of people on here/out there in similar position to you. You sound positive & optimistic, so hope you continue to be that way. Always ready to chat.
All the best Beauty
Response from Wilf made on 21st May 2019 20:15:04
Hello Mirve 33 degrees you cannot be in the UK!-Australia or Spain!
12th May 2019 15:59:24 (Last activity: 16th May 2019 19:49:37)
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Hi. Joined a while ago, then promptly forgot my log in details.

Guess I'm a lost cause. Also dramatically broke my phone so now have a new one and getting to grips with that

Nothing much has changed, still working unsociable hours, still with multiple care roles
Two crazy German shepherd's and several small animals in the house (this includes teenagers)

Yes I'm here, lonely just a taxi now and again..

Have taken up walking and found some wonderful places, Cragside Hall in Northumberland and kielder forrest.. Love nature and attempting photographs.

Glad of the lighter nights and the promise of nicer weather x
Response from Diamonddaisy made on 12th May 2019 17:28:19
Most likely, unless I forget my log in again.
Usually very busy but need me time too now
Response from Beauty made on 15th May 2019 22:48:43
Hi Diamonddaisy
You mentioned Cragside. Do you live near there? Anyway, welcome to the site and hope you make some friends on here. All the best.
Response from Diamonddaisy made on 16th May 2019 19:49:37
Hi. It's a reasonable drive away as I live just outside Durham City
Are you near cragside?
15th May 2019 08:43:53 (Last activity: 15th May 2019 22:54:30)
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I joined today after doing a search for pen friends as I enjoy writing. I belong to a Creative Writing group with my local U3A.
We were asked why we write. I said for escapism but afterwards thought what I like most are letters....
Email is the modern equivalent but you can't beat a real paper letter with lovely handwritten words in ink.
I love cooking and run a small Pudding Club. My hope had been to make mostly good old fashioned puddings but mostly we make cakes, desserts, pastries and biscuits.
I have a plan to change the way the club is run to bring it to a wider audience.
Men particularly seem enjoy a traditional homemade pudding, but we are all women.
I live in glorious West Somerset and love it. We live in quite an isolated area in the hills where i am often out and about walking my lovely Spanish rescue dog Bilbo.
He is a nervous little boy, finds the world a scary place full of noises and movements which make him jump in fright. He is getting braver and now comes out with us for pub meals. He makes himself as small as possible and sits hidden under the table where he does enjoy watching all the comings and goings.

It is my birthday on Friday. I will be 67 so if anyone would care to reply that would be my birthday treat.
Thanks for reading.
Response from Beauty made on 15th May 2019 22:54:30
Hi Bilbomum
Hope you're preparing a mega-Birthday pudding/cake for Friday.....who knows - it may be the start of 'PuddinsRus'.
All the best on the day and for the rest of the year. Just reflect on all your experience and wisdom gained through the years.....if you could distill it all.....
Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Friday. X
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