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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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26th Jan 2020 13:22:21
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Hi I've just joined and trying to find my way around......I am retired and have varied interests.....nature, meditation and just being me to name a few.
26th Jan 2020 13:17:54
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Hello, if you are livng abroard how are you adapting to your new life?
22nd Jan 2020 19:45:26
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Hi I am totally new to this forum. I moved from the Isle of Skye to Norfolk last May after my husband died. I live close to my sons now but I would like to chat to people online.
I have joined the local U3A group and I have great Neighbours.
I love reading, sewing, visiting new places and my garden.
I would love to hear from anyone particularly if you live in Norfolk and you can recommend places to visit so that I can really get to know the area.
22nd Jan 2020 18:05:36
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I live alone in the Southwest. Retired. Looking for a conversation with an interesting person. I will like conversations with people positive attitudes and interesting topics. A good sense of humor is a must.
22nd Jan 2020 02:04:19 (Last activity: 22nd Jan 2020 16:34:31)
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I live in Moseley, Virginia, USA. I joined Silversurfers a few days ago and have been learning to navigate. I'm 68 and retired. I enjoy reading, listening to music, writing short stories (how good they are is up for debate), gardening, and just generally waking up to a new day and its possibilities. I try not to walk past too many mirrors because it always makes me wonder who that woman is I see looking back at me. 🙂 I am looking forward to getting to know some of you Silversurfers.
Response from Beauty made on 22nd Jan 2020 16:12:29
Hi Ageing Gratefully
Welcome to all of us. Sounds like you have a lot to deal with. Sure you'll meet some new friends on here. All the best to you
Response from AgingGratefully made on 22nd Jan 2020 16:34:31
Thanks for the welcome and best wishes. Like the ant in the old Frank Sinatra Song I have "High Hopes."
20th Jan 2020 22:22:31 (Last activity: 22nd Jan 2020 16:15:58)
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Hello Celtwitch - join the club for old fogies and eccentric dog owners. I've been on my own for seven years and now at the age of xxx xxx I don't mind supporting those with the same affliction. I live in Somerset (where the cider apples grow) not that I see any apples or trees - I'm thinking they may all go to the cider makers. I've a small retirement bungalow which is on top of a hill overlooking the sea. (Who ever would build them on a hill? Out the way?) Even the milkman starts out on Friday to deliver Sat morning. (he did the other night, crept in after dark).
Arti is my large Scottie. Arti suffers attitude and lately we've had problems on who is going to sleep on my side of the bed. I think it's solved.
Isolation. That's a problem here in the town where I live because I came from Norfolk (it was a long walk) and I'm not a native of Somerset. I was bred in Surrey graduated to East Sussex (where I lived for over 30 years) and moved to Norfolk for ten years, then moved nearer family who are all very busy with life. Its hard to make friends here even in the U3A, so I understand completely how you feel. My best wishes
Response from Beauty made on 22nd Jan 2020 16:15:58
Hi Sheila Seen your posting to Celtwitch…..Doubt she'll reply, as it's from 2015, but you may get lucky. Welcome to site & hope you can make friends on here.
22nd Jan 2020 06:05:39
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Hope to meet some great folks here.
19th Jan 2020 21:53:59
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Hi I am 55 and work full time. I am a social worker in Adult Social Care and currently the manager if the team. Love my work but it's exhausting and stressful. In my down time I love to crochet !!, And spend time with my.gotgroys Grand daughter Eliza who is 2. I also enjoy films and live to read. I also enjoy my garden and recently invested in a hot tub which is fab fir those aching and arthritic joints. would love to chat to people from all over and all ages .
15th Jan 2020 15:37:36
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Just joined new to area in Cheshire. Over 60 but very active. I worked for over 40 years abdI have friends and some family but not that close in distance now. Would love a friend, male or female for a good old laugh now and then.
14th Jan 2020 16:09:20
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Good afternoon to all new members welcome to the site, I hope you all will make lots of new friends with the same interest as you
13th Jan 2020 11:49:53 (Last activity: 13th Jan 2020 22:05:26)
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Response from Sapphires made on 13th Jan 2020 22:05:26
Hi Enchanted7Dandelion,
I am also separated and joined silversurfers very recently, looking for people to chat with. What books do like reading.?
I see you run, tried that and it hurt my knees so I go to the gym instead and row.
9th Jan 2020 09:40:43 (Last activity: 9th Jan 2020 21:06:56)
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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 9th Jan 2020 21:06:56
Good evening tartetatin welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends with the same interest as you
7th Dec 2019 15:06:34 (Last activity: 8th Jan 2020 08:17:23)
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I've just joined this Forum and I am not sure how it works yet so thought I'd start by introducing myself.

I 62 and have been retired for 2 years. I am a Scot living in Scotland. I enjoy travelling, reading, walking, music ( going to Gigs and Festivals ). I do some voluntary work to use the skills I built up in my career and because I think I still have something to offer.

I find the Winter months quite difficult since I retired and long for Spring.
Response from Beauty made on 8th Dec 2019 16:36:26
Hi 'AuldQuine' Welcome to the site. Which part of Scotland are you living in? Winter can be beautiful with its' contrasts of sky & trees, but sadly, the days are too short, even down here in the south. Hope you find some new friends to chat to on here.
Response from Camperman made on 29th Dec 2019 16:57:59
Auldquine, a name like that suggests a touch of Doric. I'm living in N.E. Aberdeenshire , but originate from the other side of the country and lived for the longest time in Hampshire.
Response from AuldQuine made on 8th Jan 2020 08:17:23
Camperman you're correct about the Doric, I too live in NE Scotland. I also have a Campervan, actually its a Motorhome these days, need more space and comfort because on the road for months at a time now rather than fitting in time away round work / family commitments.
5th Jan 2020 15:41:04
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Hi everyone, I've just joined, I'm 74 and have been retired for 15 years. my interests are gardening, reading and researching my family tree.
17th Dec 2019 14:26:20 (Last activity: 2nd Jan 2020 18:31:07)
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Hello my lovelies.
I just thought I'd introduce myself as I'm new and not too sure of how this all works yet.
I'm 51 years old and would love to extend my social circle. Please feel free to give me a shout.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 18th Dec 2019 10:57:36
Good morning sparkle1707
Response from SueRose made on 1st Jan 2020 21:57:53
Hi Sparkle, I’m new too. Whereabouts do you live?
Response from John7453 made on 2nd Jan 2020 18:31:07
Hi SueRose and welcome to the site, I hope that you find plenty of people to chat with on here, best wishes, John
28th Dec 2019 10:30:29 (Last activity: 31st Dec 2019 09:51:51)
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Hi! I've just joined so thought I'd introduce myself.
I'm. 52 and am mid divorce. I'm a supply teacher but as I have this huge change in my life right now, I'm retraining as a reflexologist. I hope to set up my own business, and also retain my weekly day of teaching in a primary school which I love, but know I've been out of the game for too long to go back full.time.
I'm about to embark on a weight loss journey. The stress of divorce has had an impact on me!
I live in South Wales with one of my sons. I have a good circle of friends but they are all involved romantically which leaves a huge gap in my life that I'm keen to fill. Life throws us all curve balls. Love in the moment as much as you can!
Response from aussieabroad made on 28th Dec 2019 16:09:47
Hello and welcome. I think it's great that you're moving on with your life, retraining and looking for new friends. The loss of a relationship, whether it be by divorce or death is never easy and I just wanted to say 'Go, girl', build a life you love. My best wishes to you.
Response from Sapphires made on 31st Dec 2019 09:51:51
Hi DelythM2, I am also recently separated and although I am keeping very busy with work and the gym I still find myself alone far to much. Its not easy to start again at this stage in life but try we must. Keeping busy seems to be the key. I have family and grandchildren but as with everyone else they are all busy with their own lives. I have just returned from Wales have been visiting my family over Christmas,
30th Dec 2019 02:28:49 (Last activity: 31st Dec 2019 04:12:54)
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Hello, I'm 69 and I live in Canada. Specifically, on Vancouver Island. I am a wife, and a grandmother. I've harboured the idea of a home exchange to the UK for years, but we are adding on to our house and it's not in the cards until we get this done. We live near town but on 22 acres. Don't farm, but we do have a garden with raspberries and so forth. Have two golden retrievers, one pup and one old lady golden. I'm originally from Newfoundland, which many know of from the musical, Come From Away. Despite that, I'm a private person, and I do find the short days of winter tiresome. I find the winter days a bit boring at times. I'm on a diet at the moment, with the intent to lose one size of clothes, so baking is not a hobby I want to indulge.

I would enjoy hearing about your life in the UK. We have elk in our back yard. In fact, the herd was here in force last night, and I need to put up an electric wire so they don't keep knocking over my new garden border of Alberta Spruce. I suppose that sounds foreign. We see a black bear once in a while. But I've never seen a cougar although they are on the island and I hear from neighbours that they have been sighted. The last time I saw a bear I was weeding and my brother called out to me to look up. When I did I saw a mother bear and two cubs coming down the trail from the barn. I don't know who was more startled. They ran away as soon as they heard me call out

I live with my husband and my brother. Hubby and I have four sons, as we are a blended family. One son has a developmental disability and we have bought him a townhome where he lives with his cousin, who has a similar disability and is doing fine.

I am fortunate and I know it. A bit bored at the moment. But we'll go to a dance at New Year's with friends. What are your plans for New Year's?
Response from Beauty made on 30th Dec 2019 17:14:02
Hi Creusa
Welcome to us from UK....Visited Vancouver Island way back in 1985....heavens am I really so old....beautiful place to live in. I'm based in UK, Surrey.....not too far from Heathrow, UK bound, please let me know...… Plans for New Year...stay home,listen to Jools Holland & let off a few fireworks @ midnight, unless there's a curfew...all the best to you and yours X
Response from creusa made on 31st Dec 2019 04:12:54
We're going dancing for New Year's. It sounds more glamorous than it is, considering it's at our seniors' centre. I always feel we are the "younger ones" which gives you an idea of the demographic. But I do love hearing the life stories of people who have lived and we seem to have a lot of Brits in our community. Of course, those who come to dances are a self selected group. I have heard lots of stories of people finding partner in their later years. We're going with friends this year. Hubby is always the designated driver. We have lots of neighbours with animals so fireworks are not popular. It's raining here. We don't get much "winter" as such on this island, but lots of damp days, so I am looking forward to socializing.
29th Dec 2019 20:18:31 (Last activity: 30th Dec 2019 17:15:32)
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I lived for many years in the beautiful village of Arnside on the Lancashire/Cumbria border.
Response from Beauty made on 30th Dec 2019 17:15:32
Hi Moderation
How lucky are you.....Happy New Year for 2020
17th Dec 2019 16:07:06
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did anybody grow up in Wandsworth London in the late 1950s ? would like to share memories with them.
16th Dec 2019 19:44:25
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new to this so not sure where to start I am 72 years old old an grew up in Wandsworth London hope to find some peop le who went dancing in Wandsworth round about 1960
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