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Hi from Scotland

Hello. I’m Mike. Just joined out of curiosity really. I’m 69 (for just a few more weeks) All the boring stuff about me is in my profile. I’ll be happy to just chat. Not looking for partner or anything. Or any arguments. I moved from London to Central Scotland 6 months ago. My hobbies include bird watching, Plane spotting, Photography & video & computers.

Created By on 14/03/2015

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23rd May 2016 10:36:12 (Last activity: 23rd May 2016 11:14:21)
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hello registered today, starting my learning curve on silversurfers
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 23rd May 2016 11:14:21
A warm welcome to Silversurfers treeleaf-we have a very friendly community and the site has thousands of articles, many prize draws and lots to enjoy. Kind regards, Sally
15th May 2016 15:50:26
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Hello also just joined ,
27th Apr 2016 22:04:21 (Last activity: 6th May 2016 15:54:26)
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Hi, my name is aseumas on here, James in the world about me.
I come from Glasgow, but now live in Hawick, in the Scottish Borders.
I am an avid kilt wearer, who does not own a single pair of trousers, and certainly no under things. Seven kilts, as it would be really silly to go with just one. It would get dirty and then I would be confined to pyjamas till it came back from the cleaners.

My wife and I have been married 15 years this August, we wish we had met a long time before we did. She calls me a squirrel, as I like to collect things. I am 61 and my wife Jacqueline, is 58. She is an unpaid carer for me and she is the best in the world. Well, you have to excuse me for being a bit biased there.

I am a disabled veteran, left the Royal Navy in 1983. Biggest mistake ever. I have many interests, but cannot say that I am expert on any one of them.
I have been trying to learn to speak the Scottish Gaidhlig since 1992. Still not any good, as folk dont speak it in the Borders.

Still, thats me. Just waiting for the day when heaven calls. And just faffing about, as all good faffers do. Oidhche mhath.
Response from Joan Fraser made on 6th May 2016 15:54:26
The Borders are wonderful; beautiful and still very traditional in many ways. I have extended family in Sanquar and Galashields who used to work in the textile industry and dairy farming going back a few generations.

Were you a 'skimmer' or submariner? I live near Faslane and spent many holidays in good old Pompey/Gosport as several friends married navy lads and were posted down south (unlike the slightly older ones who got posted to Singapore, Cyprus, Malta, Gibraltar etc). I'll bet your kilts are a welcome and more comfortable change from naval uniforms 🙂

Hope you and Jacqueline have a good weekend - and hope Heaven doesn't halt your faffing too soon 🙂
Goldfynche Original Poster
23rd Apr 2016 21:30:05
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A while ago since I wrote that! In fact I will be 71 in two days time.
I have to say that this forum in it's format. I am in dozens of other forums all with identical formats, so much more straight forward than this one. It's almost impossible to have a chat. You never know where your post is going to end up! I have attempted to initiate a couple of threads. No idea if there were any contributors to either of them!
I find that I can communicate far easier on line than in person. So like to chat to people this way.

Hi to anyone who has recently joined BTW.
13th Apr 2016 19:51:38
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Hi live just outside Glasgow
11th Apr 2016 20:35:08
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26th Jan 2016 19:57:16 (Last activity: 1st Apr 2016 13:07:44)
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Another one from Scotland. Hi all. Live in Aberdeen, on my own. Happy to chat on just about anything. interests - computer gaming, reading, walking when I get a chance to, films all the usual stuff. Still working although have dropped to part time. hope to hear from someone 🙂
Response from Joan Fraser made on 21st Mar 2016 07:30:46
Hi Dylena - soon as I saw your name I was reminded of 'Nana', an old family friend whose name was Dolena, another friend was called Donella.....I believe it was a bit of a tradition in days gone by to incorporate the fathers' name if the first born was a girl, we had a Williamenah too. Mind you, I have no idea what Nanas' fathers' name really was.

Not sure if yours is your own name or a 'sign in' name; but it's interesting.
Hope the improving Spring weather is allowing you to enjoy walking and enjoying the fresh colours that are bursting forth.
Response from Dylena made on 1st Apr 2016 13:07:44
Hi Joan nice to hear from you.
Its a sign in name. A video game character I play. from time to time. Can't remember where I got the name from now but most likely a fantasy novel. Has spring come? Did I miss it?
12th Feb 2016 18:16:53 (Last activity: 1st Apr 2016 13:05:35)
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Hi Dylena, Would you like to chat with me? I am Vasu . I live in the States. Long time ago I lived in Britain and spent 3 years in Aberdeen. I was a student teacher of Curative Edn. at Camphill Schools for Children with disabilities. it is run by Rudolf Steiner Movement. It is in a place known as Bieldside, Aberdeen, about 5 miles from Aberdeen. If interested I will continue. Until next time warm wishes from New York. Regards, VASU.
Response from Dylena made on 1st Apr 2016 13:05:35
Hi there. Nice to hear from US. I visited Camphill many years ago. The visit was truly inspiring. Such dedicated staff and volunteers. Would be nice to chat with you.
Goldfynche Original Poster
23rd Mar 2016 20:31:49
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We (my daughter & I) tend to take it for granted and are inclined to forget how lucky we are in the fact that we live within the Loch Lomond & Trossachs national park. We live in Callander, a small town, which the estate agents still like to refer to as a village! One bus per hour to/from Stirling, including one bus per day which drops me right outside the entrance to Morrisons supermarket. That and the senior bus pass makes a world of difference to 'the weekly big shop' . I do still drive. But it's nice to let someone else take the wheel occasionally.
20th Mar 2016 12:52:02
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Hi thank you for your kind reply as Im new Im unsure how to view your profile It would be nice to meet a new friend. Hope you will respond.
Joan Fraser
18th Mar 2016 10:31:55 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2016 13:06:36)
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Hello Mike - I'm on Scotland from The Roadside and some other FB sites where your interest in bird watching and photography would go down well. Some of the photos are amazing! I regularly gasp at the views and nature captures.
How's the adjustment from 'the big smoke' to Central Scotland going? I hope you are settling well (despite the unpredictable weather)
Response from Goldfynche Original Poster made on 18th Mar 2016 12:31:21
Hi Joan. Yes, settling down well, with my daughter and her two chihuahuas. The weather is a whole lot milder than it was this time last year. Looking forward to a fine summer.
I would love to post some of my wildlife pictures, but it's not very easy here. Maybe I'll look into one of the other sites you mentioned
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 18th Mar 2016 13:06:36
Hello Goldfynche ... lovely to see you back on our new Forum! We have a new Showcase area where you can share any of your wildlife pictures if you wish .. very straightforward to upload your images .. here is the direct link: Look forward to seeing some pictures .. we share from the Showcase daily onto our Facebook page, where we have many keen ammeter photographers so you are most welcome to join us there too 🙂
Joan Fraser
7th Feb 2016 11:22:52 (Last activity: 18th Mar 2016 10:42:01)
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Hi All - I am Scottish born and bred. Just in my first year of enjoying my 'Freedom Pass' - what a boon free travel is, I get the best use of it travelling to see family in Inverness, or nipping thru' to Stirling - again to meet with friends and family. I'm wildly patriotic; but I have to say I do not enjoy the Scottish winter!!! As I write, the waves of the Clyde are splashing over my sea wall.....and grey skies abound. Roll on Spring when all will be fresh again 🙂 Have a nice Sunday
Response from Mary1951 made on 9th Feb 2016 20:02:40
I joined the site a short while ago. I browse around occasionally. Like you I live near the Clyde. Great place in the summer along the seafront when the rain stays off! I retired 3 years ago, now I don't know where I found the time to work.
Response from Joan Fraser made on 17th Feb 2016 10:49:49
Hello Mary, I agree about where we live - don't think I could ever move away permanently, but I do enjoy my sunshine breaks throughout the year. It's great to hear that people are still active and involved in retirement; sadly some friends seem to suffer ill health and don't get the benefit of their well earned retirement - so I hope you keep well and continue to make the most of the coming spring and summer seasons 🙂 Joan
Response from Mary1951 made on 21st Feb 2016 22:51:22
Hello Joan

I have just watched the weather forecast, once again I am waiting to be snowed in. My niece lives in Southampton and would like some snow, the best I can do is send a photo!

I have no plans as yet to head abroad, one trip booked to Ireland in June. My daughter lives in Edinburgh, I visit every few weeks for the weekend.

You are right about those unfortunate friends who do not have the health to enjoy retirement, my lifelong friend was only three weeks retired when illness struck. She is doing great now, long may this continue.

I hope you keep well and heading off to some sunshine soon.
Response from Joan Fraser made on 18th Mar 2016 10:42:01
Morning Mary 🙂 Friday my day off - I try only to work Mon-Thu so as I can have a long weekend and pace all those jobs that build up plus have a day out/a wee pub lunch (as a reward for making it through another work week 🙂 ).

I'm off over Easter then heading up to Inverness (on the Goldbus)for my Auntie's 90th in early April, so I won't be guaranteed sunshine, but will have a catch up with cousins who are great company. I always love being in Inverness because Grandma lived there and we had some great childhood holidays with family, but most of them have gone now - however good memories go a long way.

Hope life is good with you, and that you're keeping well. Catch up again soon. Joan
13th Mar 2016 23:45:10 (Last activity: 17th Mar 2016 00:51:21)
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Im new as well just joined today.Im 58 and recently widowed.I live in central scotland and am looking for new friends.
Response from MoMcC7 made on 14th Mar 2016 20:34:53
Hi Abruzzo, welcome to the site.
Response from ambergirl made on 17th Mar 2016 00:51:21
Am new too look forward to chatting also from Central Scotland
8th Mar 2016 13:30:49 (Last activity: 14th Mar 2016 20:34:04)
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Hi I am English living in Scotland, moved up here 16 years ago 🙂 have daughter and granddaughter also living up here. I am a young 54 almost 55 but not yet LOL!
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 13th Mar 2016 19:30:36
I'm Scottish, but living in England now. I miss Scotland terribly sometimes.
Response from MoMcC7 made on 14th Mar 2016 20:34:04
Hi Fruitcake13, I love Scotland beautiful countryside and people.
13th Mar 2016 22:41:43
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Hi my name is
Beende I am 52 and live in London. I am new to this and wanted to introduce myself.
B x
4th Mar 2016 04:21:16
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Hiya, I joined a while ago but just elaborated my profile the now. I'm Linda and live in central Scotland with my husband David and our 3 cats. I'm just looking for friendship and some conversation, no argy bargy, no sexism, neither of us are religious in the slightest, although I can hold my own if I Have to! Btw I'm 64 in a few months, still dye my hair and tryin to fend off the wrinkles ( and failing lol).
3rd Mar 2016 11:22:23
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Hi I am Scottish but have worked in other parts of UK and abroad. I now find myself back in Scotland caring for my father whilst my home is in La belle France. Anyone with an interest in France and all it has to offer would be nice to communicate.
24th Jan 2016 04:02:17 (Last activity: 31st Jan 2016 21:05:03)
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Response from Mary1951 made on 31st Jan 2016 21:05:03
Hi I am new to the site too. I live on the West Coast
16th Jan 2016 13:06:45 (Last activity: 31st Jan 2016 21:03:15)
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Hi I am Mary and I am just joined the site. I have lived in Scotland all my life. I guess today is a good day for browsing since the snow is on!. The site looks good and has a lot of information to offer.
Response from ecarg made on 17th Jan 2016 22:23:33
Hi Mary where abouts in Scotland do you live?I'm in Dumfries and Galloway but would like to visit the Highlands and Islands more often.I'm finding the site a bit strange to navigate but possibly will get easier with practice.Snow still here and possibly more to come so laptop gets a lot more use.
Response from Mary1951 made on 31st Jan 2016 21:03:15
Hi Escarg I live in the West Coast. I have never been to the Dumfries and Galloway area, just looked at the signpost when driving south hoping for good weather!. I have hardly been on the site since I joined so this will take a bit of getting used to I guess. We escaped any serious flood or storm damage over this weekend, I hope you were as fortunate in your area.
Marena Adams
17th Jan 2016 09:14:53
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Hi Mike,
I'm Marena,I was born in Aberdeen ,lived in Morayshire left when I was sixteen,did quite a bit of travelling and now live in Portsmouth,Im looking for friendship,Joined the site but haven't used it
so thought i would give it a try,
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