Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with
Watch this postHey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to
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Apart from being extra careful, covid restrictions haven't affected me that much. I try to go to the supermarket during quieter times and make sure I use plenty of hand sanitiser.
Good to hear from you.
I’m not sure but I think these comments go out to everyone (not that I mind) but I’m seen. ‘Chat’ section so I’m going to see if I can drop you a note there. Just to test out. Hope you don’t mind I must admit I like to find out how things work
I do think the covid situation is improving - I've certainly had both my jabs. I get a little concerned when I see mass gatherings of football supporters - most of whom looked young to me and probably not vaccinated. Who knows what the outcome of that will be!
Don't think I want to go anywhere near an airport for a while yet!
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Anyway, I'm in Hawaii and have lived here all my life. Traveled on business to different parts of the U.S. for meetings over the years, but never lived anywhere else.
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I also attend yoga classes and have coffee dates with friends. You will find you adapt to change and start a new chapter in life. Take care and feel free to chat anytime.
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On Reading your message I felt I wanted to make contact (I do hope I have understood this site correctly)
I wonder how you are dealing with the loss of your husband. (I haven’t lost a husband to death, only to divorce, which isn’t the same thing of course) Am I right that you are in New Zealand?
I do hope you can find some comfort and friendship here as that is what I hope we are all here for.
I love Spain, but I have never travelled alone there. I have very few single friends and I’m also finding at 67 it harder to meet likeminded single women/men who can listen as well as talk as I always think it’s a two way conversation hopefully.
I’ll sign off and hopefully I may hear from you, if and when you feel like it.
Warm regards Caz
I've just joined today.
Like you, i'm loooking for someone to talk too.
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Lovely to hear from you, thank you.
I’ wasn’t sure if I’d sent the email correctly, so glad I did.
I would love to chat with you or other women.
This lockdown has been hard and I have really missed being able to speak with someone.
My children are great and kept in touch regularly, but I so wanted to speak to someone of a similar age. I’m 62. Also I would prefer a woman because we have similar issues.. empty nest, gaining weight, self confidence, etc.
I look for to hearing from you again soon.
Here in Canada we seem to be going through a 3rd wave and although it's nowhere as bad as other places the isolation and loneliness is starting to wear thin! As worried as I am about the vaccines I can hardly wait to get it!
Where are you from? I definitely understand the need to chat with someone your own age.
My kids are great but they don't get it do they!! I am 64 and feel I could have written your letter as all those things apply to me also!
It’s lovely to speak with someone a similar age.
There are things which with don’t always want to discuss with your children. I think they just see us as mums and not individuals.
I live in South Derbyshire. Where do you live?
I’m so ready for this lockdown to end! I think that it had affected everybody, in one way or another.
Don’t know about you, but we are ready to get away.
Mind you, it’s sunny here today and everything looks better sun kissed.
Enjoy you day
Sorry to hear that you suffer so much with your health, but it sounds like you are a strong woman, raising the children on your own. That is no easy task.
I was divorced before I met my current husband. Like you I had to raise my children alone.
Luckily I have been married to Gary for 28 years and he is a wonderful husband and step father.
It is difficult to find the positives in life, especially when you suffer as you do.
Sometimes, I think that you need to take it just a day/hour at a time.
Wishing you well
I live in North Vancouver, BC in Canada but grew up in England, born in Lancashire, went to school in Staffordshire and have relatives up in Cumbria.
Yes, I know what you mean.. we are back in another lock down as we seem to be going through a third wave. I know speaking to my cousins in England that your vaccination is going much faster than ours. I turn 65 in June and when my daughter recently asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday I said to get my shot!! I have some hesitancy about it but I want to get on with life so I am ready to roll up my sleeve!!
I think the only part of Derbyshire I ever went to was the Peak DIstrict. It was lovely there.
I live in a lovely little community called Deep Cove. It's often the setting for sappy romantic tv films!! I often forget it's the ocean we're on and not a lake as we feel completely surrounded by mountains, which were freshly covered in snow this morning, but not down below!!
I was widowed 5 years ago so I moved to an apartment near my oldest son, They have 3 children so it's great to be so close to them, although they are always so busy even during Covid!!
Like you I can't wait to get away. I ventured on holiday solo three summers ago and went to Ireland on a coach trip before visiting my family in Cumbria. I had such a wonderful time seeing Ireland especially seeing my DNA is more Irish than English!!
The next summer I went on holiday to Italy and Greece on a coach trip again with a friend I made on the Irish trip. It was amazing and we looked forward to planning on meeting up again and going somewhere else but of course we know what happened last year!! I actually have a credit from Air Transat burning holes in my pocket as I wait to be able to come over to the UK again! Last year some high school friends and I were going to meet up for a week in the Yorkshire Dales which I was really looking forward to. I love to travel so can't wait to start again.
Where do you like to go to when you can?
We seem to be turning the corner too and moving into Spring. My daughter lives near the Rockies and still has snow on the ground but she says it is starting to melt fast!
Hope this finds you well
You said you like the Peak District, well I’m about a 30 mins drive away. We used to go up a lot when we had a 4x4. My husband used to like going off the road on to rougher ground.
Sounds like you love to travel.
We live Canada, have been a few times. Usually go in the wintertime as I’m not a fan of the heat. We fly into Boston, pick up a SUV and drive up.
We almost emigrated there. We got as far as the interview stage but I said to my husband that I couldn’t leave the children and grandchildren. I would have loved to live there.
It sounds beautiful where you are.
Hopefully soon we will all be able to travel.
Kindest regards
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Im new to, I live now in Devon but I was born and brought up in Taunton, Somerset.
Love to chat with you.