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Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with

Hey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to

Created By on 07/09/2020

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15th May 2021 18:29:47 (Last activity: 24th May 2021 12:05:47)
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Good evening everyone, just looking for like minded people to chat with. I live in Scotland
Response from Codymitz made on 21st May 2021 20:52:30
I get very lost on here.......Dundee? You ?
Response from Ed30356 made on 21st May 2021 22:41:41 > @Codymitz
I live near Stirling Codymitz
Response from Codymitz made on 23rd May 2021 12:41:23
Whoa, i actually found your reply which surprises me on this maze. How you doing with COVID. Nice to see things get a little better. Was out last night with sister and her husband for a meal and it was nice but it did feel a little weird. Still we are in a better place than we were last year at this time
Response from Ed30356 made on 23rd May 2021 17:10:43 > @Codymitz
Good that you were able to get out with your sister and husband. Even though we're allowed to go shopping, I really haven't felt the need. I have to say that I've used online shopping more and more and like the convenience - not that it does much for local businesses!
Apart from being extra careful, covid restrictions haven't affected me that much. I try to go to the supermarket during quieter times and make sure I use plenty of hand sanitiser.
Good to hear from you.
Response from Codymitz made on 23rd May 2021 17:52:27
Gosh, found you again. Must be getting the hang of it :). I do quite a lot if on line shopping. I live in a top floor flat and it saves me having to lug all the routine stuff up all the stairs every month. Nil to local shops for the everyday items though Have been doing a lot more Amazon stuff over past year although thankfully it’s slowed down a bit !!!! It’s just so convenient but like you say, we then moan when the high street shops shut. Only got ourselves to blame
I’m not sure but I think these comments go out to everyone (not that I mind) but I’m seen. ‘Chat’ section so I’m going to see if I can drop you a note there. Just to test out. Hope you don’t mind I must admit I like to find out how things work
Response from Ed30356 made on 23rd May 2021 18:28:54 > @Codymitz
Well I am now on first name terms with my Amazon and Hermes drivers!
I do think the covid situation is improving - I've certainly had both my jabs. I get a little concerned when I see mass gatherings of football supporters - most of whom looked young to me and probably not vaccinated. Who knows what the outcome of that will be!
Response from Codymitz made on 23rd May 2021 19:19:22 > @Ed30356
Yeh I’ve had both jabs as well so it does lessen the worry quite a bit. My sister had COVID at the end of last year. Works in a hospital so it wasn’t really that’s unexpected although she was really quite ill for about four days. No ongoing effects though. The crowds are really annoying to watch. Something think folk just like to go against the rules...just to prove they can And don’t get me started on those folk at the airports !!!!
Response from Ed30356 made on 23rd May 2021 19:34:24 > @Codymitz
Good that you've had both jabs. Sorry to hear that your sister caught the bug. I think that most people probably did their best to abide by the rules but as you say, there are always those who don't think they apply to them.
Don't think I want to go anywhere near an airport for a while yet!
Response from Morninggliry made on 24th May 2021 08:05:29
What would you like converse about.? I hear that Scotland is gorgeous!
Response from Ed30356 made on 24th May 2021 09:38:50
Hello Morninggliry and nice to hear from you! Scotland is indeed beautiful and I am blessed to be living in a lovely area. I am based just outside Stirling which is in the central belt and equidistant from Edinburgh and Glasgow. I am comfortable talking about anything you like!
Response from Codymitz made on 24th May 2021 11:55:55 > @Morninggliry
Yip, Gotta agree with Ed30356 that Scotland is indeed beautiful. I live in Dundee on the east coast. We have a nice beach although a very cold beach. Many nice places to visit in Scotland whither busy cities or rural countryside
Response from Ed30356 made on 24th May 2021 12:05:47 > @Codymitz
I'm very fond of the East Neuk and spent several family holidays at Elie when I was a wee boy. I took my 94 year old Mum across there 3 weeks ago.
24th May 2021 11:43:26
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Hi, I am 62 and single and looking to make some friends. I live in Staffordshire
24th May 2021 07:52:10
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Hello. New to this. I am looking for intelligent conversation with like minded people
20th May 2021 22:18:31 (Last activity: 23rd May 2021 19:21:11)
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New to this and just looking for general chat with folk but so many different options it really difficult to follow. Will give it a few more days before I give up
Response from kj89936 made on 21st May 2021 01:15:44
Hi that sounds like what I would say.
Response from Codymitz made on 21st May 2021 20:51:17 > @kj89936
Thanks for that. Just lucky I found this reply. It is very confusing. How you doing ?
Response from Codymitz made on 23rd May 2021 19:21:11 > @kj89936
Not sure if I lost you or not. Really gets annoying. Let me know if you wanna chat further. After Call the Midwife of course !!!!!
23rd May 2021 13:08:22
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Having just joined I find it quite sad that such a lot of people who want to chat are saying how difficult this site is to access. There are far too many options and once people introduce themselves I is nigh impossible to get back to the same spot you were in. Not everyone is looking to just link up with one person then go ‘off grid’ some of us are just looking for someone to chat to for an hour or so I’m not sure if I will continue to sign in here So disappointing. However I appreciate not everyone will share my views and hope most of you are enjoying the site
21st May 2021 01:16:36 (Last activity: 21st May 2021 07:49:29)
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Hi Rhyll
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 21st May 2021 07:49:29
Hi kj89936,

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21st May 2021 01:15:10
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HI, that sounds like what I would say.
20th May 2021 17:26:48
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Midnight cowboy
17th May 2021 22:59:16
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I will not hold that against you always good to talk , hope you keeping well , I live in Lincolnshire
17th May 2021 19:23:25 (Last activity: 17th May 2021 19:50:34)
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Hi Rhyll. How did you end up in a town without knowing anyone. I admire your sense of adventure and courage to go out where you don't know anyone. Anyway, just curious about how you ended up where you are.

Anyway, I'm in Hawaii and have lived here all my life. Traveled on business to different parts of the U.S. for meetings over the years, but never lived anywhere else.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 17th May 2021 19:50:34
Hi Dane808,

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15th May 2021 19:26:08 (Last activity: 15th May 2021 20:25:15)
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Hmm. Stuck on waiting approval
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 15th May 2021 20:20:11
Hi Ed30356,

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Response from Ed30356 made on 15th May 2021 20:25:15 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you Sally!
14th May 2021 10:11:50 (Last activity: 14th May 2021 10:23:06)
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Hi, In which country are you? I'm in Australia
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th May 2021 10:23:06
Hi HelenaE,

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1st May 2021 06:08:49 (Last activity: 5th May 2021 03:43:44)
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I am new too, male 52, just looking for someone to chat with
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st May 2021 08:48:33
Hi giovannni,

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Response from Trillium made on 5th May 2021 03:43:44
Just thought I would take a moment to respond to you Giovanni. I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Where are you located? Toronto is not the City it was before the pandemic but I do hope that this summer we’ll be back to some kind normalcy. Hope you’ve had some response from others and you have found a few people to chat with.
24th Mar 2021 09:36:55 (Last activity: 2nd May 2021 17:07:46)
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Hi, I new to the group, recently widowed and looking to chat. I live in New Zealand.
Response from Niftychat made on 28th Mar 2021 20:59:56
Hi, I am currently nursing my husband at home, but he is on the pathway which will not be too long now. I will struggle afterwards, as due to my previous jobs I have been unable to form friendships with other women. Now I suppose would be a good time to be able to try and forge ahead with others in the same position.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Mar 2021 23:20:59 > @Niftychat
Hi Niftychat,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from JudyM46 made on 29th Mar 2021 00:06:01 > @Niftychat
Hi there Niftychat, I am just two months out from what you are experiencing now. I nursed my husband till the end, it’s still so very raw. I’m taking it one day at a time. Keeping myself busy, but I am feeling very lonely at times. I have a wee dog, and he keeps me going and we go out walkies every day. I’m happy to chat as I know what you are going through, take care. Xx
Response from Niftychat made on 4th Apr 2021 23:21:10 > @JudyM46
Hi Judy, well that post I made a few days ago has now changed, my husband lost his fight 4 days ago. I had known it would happen three months ago and made the decision to leave Spain and get him to his family in Wales. I will be returning to Spain hopefully later this month. Then I am really at a loss, as I don't have any friends there yet. So a penpal would be great for me. I have also been thinking of getting a dog as they are such good company, but also I would like to go on some escorted holidays, as you can go alone on those... Who knows, ideas are one thing, but putting into practice quite another x
Response from JudyM46 made on 5th Apr 2021 05:43:12
Hi Niftychat, so sorry for your loss, it’s a huge adjustment and a big hole in your life. Like me no doubt you will be fine. I am nearly three months out and am coping very well. I have fixed the lawnmower, renewed all the garden hose fittings, washed the outside of the house washed all the windows and cleaned up the garden, all had been neglected whiles my husband was ill. Just keeping busy is the answer for me anyway. Do you have family in Spain? They can be a comfort. Dogs are wonderful company, I have a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel, they are little love sponges and great company.
I also attend yoga classes and have coffee dates with friends. You will find you adapt to change and start a new chapter in life. Take care and feel free to chat anytime.
Response from ValL61 made on 22nd Apr 2021 04:14:37 > @Niftychat
Never to late to try, that's what my grandmother always told me. Hi I am new to the site got tired of always being alone so am reaching out. Glad to meet you Nifychat.. Sorry to hear about your husband I tried marriage three times and got my heart broke three times. I have one son and thank god for him, three grandsons that are grown and four great grand daughters just got first great grand son have only gotten to see him once and still ace to hold him he is a year old now. I am a do it your self-er. Grew up on a farm in Michigan way of life that is past history now a days. I am 74 and still make things though have limited use of right hand and I am right handed since stroke and heart attack last Holloween of all days. Sorry for rattling along.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 22nd Apr 2021 08:01:12 > @ValL61
Hi ValL61,

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Response from Cazamataz made on 2nd May 2021 17:07:46 > @JudyM46
Hello Judy

On Reading your message I felt I wanted to make contact (I do hope I have understood this site correctly)

I wonder how you are dealing with the loss of your husband. (I haven’t lost a husband to death, only to divorce, which isn’t the same thing of course) Am I right that you are in New Zealand?
I do hope you can find some comfort and friendship here as that is what I hope we are all here for.

I love Spain, but I have never travelled alone there. I have very few single friends and I’m also finding at 67 it harder to meet likeminded single women/men who can listen as well as talk as I always think it’s a two way conversation hopefully.

I’ll sign off and hopefully I may hear from you, if and when you feel like it.
Warm regards Caz
22nd Mar 2021 15:31:51 (Last activity: 22nd Apr 2021 03:57:45)
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Hi Rhyll,

I've just joined today.

Like you, i'm loooking for someone to talk too.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 22nd Mar 2021 16:10:38
Hi SLKchick,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from LesleyJ57 made on 23rd Mar 2021 17:10:01
Hi SLKchick,welcome to the group hope you are ok?
Response from SLKchick made on 23rd Mar 2021 17:32:05 > @LesleyJ57
Hi LesleyJ57,

Lovely to hear from you, thank you.

I’ wasn’t sure if I’d sent the email correctly, so glad I did.

I would love to chat with you or other women.

This lockdown has been hard and I have really missed being able to speak with someone.

My children are great and kept in touch regularly, but I so wanted to speak to someone of a similar age. I’m 62. Also I would prefer a woman because we have similar issues.. empty nest, gaining weight, self confidence, etc.

I look for to hearing from you again soon.

Response from JudyM46 made on 24th Mar 2021 09:39:08 > @SLKchick
Hi there, we’re I love in NZ, we were only locked down 4 weeks, no Covid here thank goodness, I really feel for others countries who have been hit hard.
Response from LesleyJ57 made on 24th Mar 2021 15:42:28 > @SLKchick
Hi SLKchick thank you for replying,I am 63 yrs old have 3 grown up children,my daughter came back home to be my carer just before the lockdown last yr as I have oesteo arthritus in both knees and cant get around much,I have been divorced for 23 yrs my x husband didnt bother with my children when he left so I have been mam and dad to them on my own it has been very hard at times but I got there in the end,I have found this lockdown very difficult as I cant get out as much as I did before I just want us all to get back to normal !!! Hope to hear from you
Response from barbj56 made on 28th Mar 2021 21:42:05 > @JudyM46
Your PM seems amazing! She got it under control for you didn't she.
Here in Canada we seem to be going through a 3rd wave and although it's nowhere as bad as other places the isolation and loneliness is starting to wear thin! As worried as I am about the vaccines I can hardly wait to get it!
Response from barbj56 made on 28th Mar 2021 21:44:10 > @SLKchick
Where are you from? I definitely understand the need to chat with someone your own age.
My kids are great but they don't get it do they!! I am 64 and feel I could have written your letter as all those things apply to me also!
Response from JudyM46 made on 29th Mar 2021 00:09:57 > @barbj56
Yes, we have been fortunate and were about to keep a lot safer than other countries. Don’t believe all you read about our wonderful PM, she loves the control and we are all tired of it. So many business have gone down the tube, because of the over zealous government.
Response from SLKchick made on 29th Mar 2021 10:04:38 > @barbj56
Hi Barbj56,

It’s lovely to speak with someone a similar age.

There are things which with don’t always want to discuss with your children. I think they just see us as mums and not individuals.

I live in South Derbyshire. Where do you live?

I’m so ready for this lockdown to end! I think that it had affected everybody, in one way or another.

Don’t know about you, but we are ready to get away.

Mind you, it’s sunny here today and everything looks better sun kissed.

Enjoy you day

Response from SLKchick made on 29th Mar 2021 10:12:39 > @LesleyJ57
Hi LesleyJ57,

Sorry to hear that you suffer so much with your health, but it sounds like you are a strong woman, raising the children on your own. That is no easy task.

I was divorced before I met my current husband. Like you I had to raise my children alone.

Luckily I have been married to Gary for 28 years and he is a wonderful husband and step father.

It is difficult to find the positives in life, especially when you suffer as you do.

Sometimes, I think that you need to take it just a day/hour at a time.

Wishing you well

Response from barbj56 made on 29th Mar 2021 23:59:45 > @SLKchick

I live in North Vancouver, BC in Canada but grew up in England, born in Lancashire, went to school in Staffordshire and have relatives up in Cumbria.
Yes, I know what you mean.. we are back in another lock down as we seem to be going through a third wave. I know speaking to my cousins in England that your vaccination is going much faster than ours. I turn 65 in June and when my daughter recently asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday I said to get my shot!! I have some hesitancy about it but I want to get on with life so I am ready to roll up my sleeve!!
I think the only part of Derbyshire I ever went to was the Peak DIstrict. It was lovely there.
I live in a lovely little community called Deep Cove. It's often the setting for sappy romantic tv films!! I often forget it's the ocean we're on and not a lake as we feel completely surrounded by mountains, which were freshly covered in snow this morning, but not down below!!

I was widowed 5 years ago so I moved to an apartment near my oldest son, They have 3 children so it's great to be so close to them, although they are always so busy even during Covid!!

Like you I can't wait to get away. I ventured on holiday solo three summers ago and went to Ireland on a coach trip before visiting my family in Cumbria. I had such a wonderful time seeing Ireland especially seeing my DNA is more Irish than English!!

The next summer I went on holiday to Italy and Greece on a coach trip again with a friend I made on the Irish trip. It was amazing and we looked forward to planning on meeting up again and going somewhere else but of course we know what happened last year!! I actually have a credit from Air Transat burning holes in my pocket as I wait to be able to come over to the UK again! Last year some high school friends and I were going to meet up for a week in the Yorkshire Dales which I was really looking forward to. I love to travel so can't wait to start again.

Where do you like to go to when you can?

We seem to be turning the corner too and moving into Spring. My daughter lives near the Rockies and still has snow on the ground but she says it is starting to melt fast!

Hope this finds you well
Response from SLKchick made on 30th Mar 2021 10:50:24 > @barbj56
Hi Barbara,

You said you like the Peak District, well I’m about a 30 mins drive away. We used to go up a lot when we had a 4x4. My husband used to like going off the road on to rougher ground.

Sounds like you love to travel.

We live Canada, have been a few times. Usually go in the wintertime as I’m not a fan of the heat. We fly into Boston, pick up a SUV and drive up.

We almost emigrated there. We got as far as the interview stage but I said to my husband that I couldn’t leave the children and grandchildren. I would have loved to live there.

It sounds beautiful where you are.

Hopefully soon we will all be able to travel.

Kindest regards

Response from LesleyJ57 made on 30th Mar 2021 18:10:30 > @SLKchick
Hi SLK, thank you for replying hope you are well? The pain I am in is every day with my arthritus I am on a waiting list for knee replacements and until I have them done nothing will help,with the corona virus all ops have been put on hold so I dont know when they will get done,I just take each day as it comes that is all I can do,although saying that I do get really depressed as each day its the same thing over and over,I did meet someone else 2 yrs after I divorced we was together for 8 yrs then we split up I was on my own for 11 yrs then we met up again and got back together but we only lasted 2 yrs we split for the last time just over a yr ago it just wasnt the same,now I doubt I will ever meet anyone again, hope to hear from you soon
Response from Zazz made on 7th Apr 2021 10:59:23 > @SLKchick
Hello also new to site happy to chat
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 8th Apr 2021 07:28:08
Hi RoyP13,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from ValL61 made on 22nd Apr 2021 03:57:45 > @SLKchick
Hi I am tired of talking to my dog, he has a limited vocabulary. But I would be lost with out him.I am 74 and live with my best friend who is a gay fellow so our conversations are limited to house hold things. I miss my son,(god only granted my one child) that lives across town but since I have had a stroke and heart attack last October he treats me like I am his child. I have my first great grand son after four great grand daughters and have seen him only once. Wish to hold him in my arms. He is a year old now. The things we have lived through only to be alone at this time in our lives sucks,
22nd Apr 2021 03:45:24
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I am tired of being alone an not having anyone to talk too.
18th Apr 2021 18:58:13 (Last activity: 20th Apr 2021 21:00:13)
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Hi Im new too and looking for people to chat too. Wondering if anyone is ever on this site.
Response from Bald123 made on 19th Apr 2021 22:39:48
Yes I am here and lots more friendly people as well. I live in Devon
Response from FranM38 made on 19th Apr 2021 22:43:22
Hi I an in Plymouth. would love to chat with you
Response from FranM38 made on 20th Apr 2021 21:00:13 > @Bald123
Hi Bald123, I am from Plymouth devon. Nice to meet you. Would love to chat.
19th Apr 2021 17:48:48 (Last activity: 19th Apr 2021 22:39:05)
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57 f here. Lonely and want to chat, male or female. Let's talk !
Response from Bald123 made on 19th Apr 2021 22:39:05
Hello where are you living-I am in sunny Devon in Barnstable
19th Apr 2021 16:49:47
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Hi I live in Tewkesbury Glos. but came up to stay in Ryll.last Septemberwhen there was a break in the pandemic, Stayed at the Prmiere inn on the seafront. However it had to be said that the whole place was dead. Went to Llandudno for the day also, very crowded . Wanted to go by railway to the top of the Great Orm but it was closed had to bus up there. No life in Rhyll. I bet it's a bit more crowded now though.
7th Apr 2021 10:55:28 (Last activity: 16th Apr 2021 21:54:00)
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Hello I am also new to the site, posted a chat but doesn’t seem to be on the forum! I am now living in Somerset after retiring. Looking to make new friends as now on my own. Outdoors type of person always willing to have a go at most things.
Response from FranM38 made on 16th Apr 2021 21:54:00
Hi Zazz,
Im new to, I live now in Devon but I was born and brought up in Taunton, Somerset.

Love to chat with you.
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