Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with
Watch this postHey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to
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since we are originally from n.y.c....life here sure has been different & quite wonderful..until the last few years...folks are more to themselves than ever before & those that are younger
(which is almost everyone)don't want anything to do with us...
our 4 grown children live all over the country & are too busy to keep in touch...so,i thought that maybe contact with others might help my 'down'mood.....
thanks for listening!
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I haven't been on here for years and I thought I would take a look to see what what
and I wanted to say hello.
I have a cousin who lives in Arkansas. can't quite remember where but I think near ? Red Rock
I'm 66 and Live in Edinburgh Scotland.
I will try to log in again soon.
Have a good day
tap on my name at the bottom of the post and click on chat bubbles enables 121 chat!
To me just getting notices
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others, it is always interesting to hear what other people have been
up to and where they are from, I notice your reply to the mountain
man from the Yukon, are you also from the states or from the UK?
I live in Southampton, so no mountains here but have been up both
Mount Kenya and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in my younger days,
Hope that you find lots of people to chat with, sometimes it takes a
while for folk to respond, so dont give up hope, am here if you want
to talk,in the meantime,take care and stay safe, best wishes, Terry.
nice to have a chat with people from all walks of life. Yes it was great
traveling through Africa, but I have a confession to make I did not
get to the top of Kilimanjaro as the altitude got to me and had to
stop of at one of the base camps. I expect that you have some nice
places to go for walks, I have only been to Yorkshire once, a long
time ago whilst in the Army I was stationed in Catterick for a while.
Not quite the same is it? I love to travel and have been lucky enough
to have been to many countries, most of them in Africa, I love the
wildlife and the different scenary in each new Country. Have you
done any traveling yourself? or do you like to stay local. Well it is
time to get some dinner on, luckily I live on my own so only have
to cook for one. Thank you once again for your reply, and hope that
we can chat again, until then, take care and stay safe, best wishes,
hope you enjoyed your dinner. I am ready for my "night out" now just waiting for a lift. I have only travelled to popular holiday destinations, no where far flung or daring. I do like holidays but love my own Country too. It sounds like you have many a tale to tell. Kilimamanjaro escapades for example!
It sounds like you have done many things seen many a sight. That's brilliant. Would love to chat again.
and chopped tomatoes all out of tins except the pasta,am not a great cook but I get by. Hope that you enjoy your night out,I don't go
out much in the evenings now,I have only been here for 7 months so
don't know many people. I live in a one bedroom flat in a retirement
building with 32 flats in it, but I don't see many other residents from
day to day, I am single and have no children, but I do have 4 sisters
and 3 brothers that live not too far away. Well once again have a great night out, look forward to hearing all about it, will talk more
about my travels, but don't want to bore you at this early stage haha
So cheerio for now, Terry.
Your dinner sounds perfect. Its a pity your flats don't do a Community meet up'to get people together. Maybe you should arrange one!
You have a big family then, that must be good if you all get on!
The night out was good with 2 friends. It was a bit raucous as lots of women there. We did have good seats though. I wore my mask, erring on the side of caution.
Off to work now. I work from home mostly, which is what I am doing today.
Talk Later
sounds a bit like a hen night haha. I always wear a face mask when
I use the bus to go into town,and when I go into the shops, we have
a lot of Chinese students that live in accommodation close to here
and they wear masks all the time when they go out.I have had my two vaccinations but am waiting for my booster jab later this month.We do have a lovely lounge here and have tried to get people to come to bingo,darts or fish and chip nights but the response has not been great, I think that a lot of them are still worried about mixing with others a this time. What sort of work do you do? I have
been retired for the last 8 years so am a lot older than you I was
working in London in property management for the last 12years
before I retired. You never know the age of people who use this site
unless they mention it when they join. Well had better not keep you
from your work, so will finish off for now, have to do a bit of food
shopping this morning and luckily the weather looks bright and
sunny with a drop in the wind. So if you get time,it would be nice
to hear from you again, until then, take care, Terry.
Just a catch up during my lunch. Yes its a lovely bright day today. I am going to hang some washing out in a bit.
Yes maybe folk are still worried about meeting up indoors. That's the problem with colder months, limited towhat you can do outdoors. I do voluntary Litter Picking and meet others in the outdoors. We also have quite a lot of health walks etc near me.
I am in my 50s so still working. When I started work in my late teens early 20s I thought 50s was ancient! I started in the local Council and most people retired at 55. Im 52 so still "young" as we all are!!
I work for a local charity and work in admin.
My booster will be due as well, talking of the jabs..I need to look into it. I usually am 1 step ahead and book before they contact me.
Have a good afternoon.
and had some cream of chicken soup for my lunch. I am 21 years
older than you but still fit and healthy at the moment and am looking
forward to next year when I can start to go on my travels again, it will
off to Cape Town again I expect in March or April. You seem to have a
nice social life and have friends to have nights out with.My pleasure
is in my traveling so when I get to my destination I enjoy a more
social life than I do here in Southampton. I have got my laundry in the washing machine, we are lucky as we have two washing machines and two tumble driers that are free to use so I get in as
soon as there is one free. Well had better go and see how it is getting on, so will finish off for now, enjoy your evening,and am here
if you still want to chat. Take care, Terry.
happy to chat so opened a "chat".
I walk as I love nature. I am still working so have to fit it in around that.
I also like the woods, trees, taking photos, never done a music concert weekend , but have done camping. But agree with one of your other comments that instaed of getting older "we are getting younger".
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