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Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with

Hey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to

Created By on 07/09/2020

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18th May 2022 17:58:53
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Hi Rhyll,

Paul here, aged 66. I'm always up for a chat. The chat facility is easier to use than this forum if you fancy a natter.
Response from Bettykaren made on 19th May 2022 11:53:21
Hi Paul

Katrina here,female, aged 45. I’m up for a chat I’m new on this forum and I’ll like to chat and make friends
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th May 2022 12:08:45 > @Bettykaren
Hi Bettykaren,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from MrRon made on 19th May 2022 23:53:33 > @Bettykaren
Hi BettyKaren

Thanks for the reply, sorry for the slow response, the airmail round here doesn't use racing pigeons, more like the slow, ponderous Dodo, no wonder they are extinct..

So, how are you finding life, in this end of the social pond, we try to keep life interesting.. If was to place a collage of my life infront of you, we would need a paperboy for my 1st job, a chef for my chosen profession, a soldier for the path and journey I took.. We would need a married man with 3 children, also grandkids for the lttle ones my kids have had.. Somewhere in the collage we would need a pub goer, a disco dancer, a football fan...

That will do for a taster, my dear, I hope you find what you are looking for and maybe share some of yourself with me,,,

Response from Niceblokie made on 24th May 2022 15:42:57 > @Bettykaren
Hi Katrina,
Hope you are well. This forum isn't easy to negotiate. I find the chat windows easier. Up to the individual I guess.
I love to chat, love live music, try watching as many bands as I can, just to get away from my local area for a change.
Response from Niceblokie made on 27th May 2022 15:54:05 > @Bettykaren
Hiya Katrina, how are you getting on with this forum?
Found the chat window more simple to natter in.
14th Sep 2024 01:27:32 (Last activity: 19th Sep 2024 05:54:17)
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Hi, I’m new also. I’m getting ready to have knee surgery so thought I would give online chatting a try.
Response from Dennis71 made 1 days ago
Good luck with your knee surgery tomorrow…you can do it!
2 days ago
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Hello. I'm new here and trying to figure this out. Be nice to chat with you
21st Mar 2024 02:13:18 (Last activity: 16th Sep 2024 11:56:08)
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Response from Tala458 made on 7th Apr 2024 19:29:27
Hello I am in the UK and just started to work from home. The team I work with are great but I miss the human contact that comes with being at work.

I think I drive my husband mad when he gets home from work as he is the only person I see face to face
Response from Alboy made on 10th Apr 2024 06:36:59 > @Tala458
Hi, just seen your post. Drop me a line let's have a chat. Allan
4 days ago
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6 days ago
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Hi does one pronounce that name? is it welsh (just wondered)...or does your husband or old friends have a shortened version like..."oi you or thingy" sorry, that made to me. I hope you're not too sensible but if you are you can just give me the bums rush......heeeeee....
14th Sep 2024 01:49:25 (Last activity: 14th Sep 2024 11:57:51)
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I’m sorry to hear about your wife passing. It can be a very difficult situation to navigate. I am 69 and have been divorced for 4 years after a marriage of 46 years.
I’m lucky my 2 daughters live in town. Six grandchildren keep me running, especially the 3 year old.
Knee surgery for me on September 19, my daughter is staying with me to help.
I try to stay busy, water aerobics and a little flower gardening, but sometimes it isn’t enough.
Life is too short to let yourself be unhappy.
I’m around most days, especially while convalescing. I’d be glad to chat with you.
Response from Dennis71 made 6 days ago
Hi Suzz1,

Thank you for writing. Good luck with your knee surgery. Are you getting a knee replacement? My brothers have both had knee replacement surgery, and two sisters in law as well. They recovered well, and are glad they did it. My hip replacement went well also. I had it done at the VA Hospital in Omaha (I’m a retired US Army soldier).

Getting old is not for the faint of heart. I spent yesterday cleaning out the she-shed. Painting the concrete floor of the she-shed was the last project Alisa planned. She bought the paint in summer 2022, but didn’t feel well enough to do it. This should have clued me in that something was wrong, but it didn’t. She never started a project without finishing it. On January 25, 2023 she was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer. She died on March 4, 2023…five days before her 62nd birthday. We were married 25 years. I promised her I would care for our kitties Star and Luna, so my life these days revolves around them.

I hope your surgery goes well. The 19th—next Thursday— I’ll be thinking about you.

3rd Sep 2024 03:57:42 (Last activity: 14th Sep 2024 01:30:50)
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Anyone out there?
Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 3rd Sep 2024 16:29:42
Hi their
I'm Ann from west Midlands,are you having a good day today
I'm looking forward to the autumn season and abundance of colours in the countryside
Let me know if you want to chat
Response from FifiMac made on 8th Sep 2024 15:13:18
Hi Nikkiesue, happy to chat anytime am new here so looking for new friends also.
Response from Dennis71 made on 11th Sep 2024 22:17:57 > @FELINEFRIEND
Hi Feline Friend…I’m 71 and live with my two best friends—my Star and my Luna. The three of us live with my rescue Great Pyrenee dog Happy. We live in an old farmhouse on an acreage in the middle of nowhere in Kansas. Nice to meet you!
Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 12th Sep 2024 15:48:10 > @Dennis71
Hi Dennis
Thanks for your message
I live with my husband and our 3 cats in the west midlands in England.
It's not very warm here at the moment,it's now 14 degrees which is a tad cool for September
I have a penpal from the USA she lives in Cleveland, Ohio, she tells me it's been very hot their the past couple of months.
What kind of things do you grow on your farm.
I love gardening and flowers but being in a small townhouse we don't have a very big garden so grow a lot in pots.
I bet your dog is beautiful,I love Pyrenean mountain dogs.
I'm looking after my neighbours 2 cats for a couple of weeks now they are on holiday,I tend to look after most of the neighbours cat's during the holidays, they know I like animals
Well hope you have a good weekend, take care,ann
Response from Dennis71 made on 13th Sep 2024 01:05:53 > @FELINEFRIEND
Hi Again FelineFriend,

I live on 10 acres, and grow a huge garden. My tomatoes did very well this year. I give most of them away, and have run out of friends that want them. My wife passed on March 4th, 2023. This is not such a good place to live alone. It was wonderful when there were two of us, and I wasn’t prepared to be by myself.

It has been hot, and very dry here in Kansas for many weeks. The real farmers worry about their corn and soybean yields. I wish you could mail some of that cool weather to Kansas. I’ll trade you some tomatoes for it.
Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 13th Sep 2024 17:25:15 > @Dennis71
Hi Dennis
Hello from a chilly blighty today,it's actually been sunny today but a maximum of 14 degrees and some rural areas had frost this morning
Our tomatoes have been rubbish this year,not enough sunshine to make them grow or ripen same as the blueberries.
I'm really sorry to hear your wife passed away last year,it can't be very nice living in a very rural area on your own.
Do you have any family who visit you
There's only 2 of us,we don't have children and no close relatives apart from my almost 95year old mom whom I spend a lot of time looking after, I've been with her most of today.
I'm looking after my neighbours 2 cats for two weeks that's keeping me busy also
My husband works full time in a garden centre but I don't work now as I look after mom a lot of the time
I hope you have a good weekend and send some warm sunshine our way please
Bye for now,Ann
Response from Dennis71 made on 13th Sep 2024 23:49:33 > @FELINEFRIEND
Hi again,

Please forgive me for writing again. John Prine wrote in a song, “Everybody needs somebody that they can talk to.” As I age alone on this farm his words are so prophetic it sends shivers down my spine. Yes, I have four grown children, twelve grandchildren and three great grandchildren. They are scattered to the winds, but I do communicate regularly with several of them. I have four brothers and two sisters still living. We are all elderly, and suffer from various ailments. Cancer (which took my lovely Alisa) has invaded two of my brothers. A third is on dialysis and the fourth has had heart surgery, although he has recovered well. I’m lucky in that a hip replacement has been my only ailment. Father Time has worked his magic on my immediate family. It is our turn. Or soon will be.

As I sit on this porch with not a car or person in sight I realize how living in this isolated spot in the world has governed my relationships with my family. While Alisa was alive it wasn’t a big deal. She loved the isolation, and she loved taking care of the house and the porches. I built her a teahouse for our twentieth anniversary. We sat out there many summer nights with a glass of wine and listened to music. The teahouse has been empty since she died. I haven’t painted the porch floors since she died. I haven’t cared enough to do it. The barn swallows tried to build nests and left splotches of mud on the porch ceiling. Alisa would never stand for such things, and would insist on cleaning the mud off. I can’t bring myself to care.

Thanks for talking to me. Everybody needs somebody that they can talk to.

Response from Suzz1 made on 14th Sep 2024 01:30:50 > @Dennis71
Hi I live in Missouri, small world.
I live with my 44 year old daughter and her dog and cat.
I’m ready for fall.
13th Sep 2024 19:15:48
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Hello Rhyll, I moved to a town where I knew no-one apart from my daughter and family almost 3 years ago and it has been ,,,,,, challenging..... Would you like to chat? Best wishes\#
12th Sep 2024 10:57:56
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Hi Rhyll, am new here too 58 and female, recently moved to the Borders in Scotland. Looking for friends and penfriends. Nice to meet you.
25th Aug 2024 22:49:10 (Last activity: 12th Sep 2024 02:12:22)
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how would we know if we're like-minded....time will tell I guess...
Response from Minka made on 12th Sep 2024 02:12:22
I am new too . Trying to make friends . My family all live in the Uk but I am in Canada . Lost my husband of over 30 years three years ago . Have a lovely news partner but get lonely at times
I have lots of interests in life and keep super busy so that helps
I adore cats lol
Anyway hello and Welcome
3rd Sep 2024 03:56:34 (Last activity: 7th Sep 2024 20:26:54)
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Response from Bassmankyu made on 7th Sep 2024 20:26:54
Hi there, have been off the site for a couple of weeks cruising the Mediterranean, Welcome to chat anytime.
10th Oct 2020 15:30:08 (Last activity: 31st Aug 2024 15:30:41)
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Happy Saturday!
It's gone very cold today. Doesn@t encourage a lot of outdoor activity. A cosy cafe, coffee and a cake seems a good option.
Response from Amaus made on 31st Aug 2024 15:30:41
Coffee cuppa and cake can certainly lift the spirits!
9th Sep 2020 12:08:35 (Last activity: 31st Aug 2024 15:27:29)
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Just the same as you thought i would give this a try and see if anyone talk, i live in stockport.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 9th Sep 2020 13:11:16
Hi blastfromthepast,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from blastfromthepast made on 9th Sep 2020 14:20:04
I am new to this sort of thing are there any members in the northwest area
Response from Amaus made on 31st Aug 2024 15:27:29 > @blastfromthepast
I am in north west area in middle of triangle of Liverpool, Chester and Manchester.
27th Aug 2024 00:32:31 (Last activity: 29th Aug 2024 17:42:22)
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I'm 54, male living in Berkshire UK. I spend many evenings wanting to chat to like minded people. My thoughts range from world corporate greed to selfish humankind. I still feel optimistic though.
24th Aug 2024 20:41:01 (Last activity: 29th Aug 2024 17:41:07)
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Hi 🙂 I'd love to make friends, I don't really have friends. I'm a woman, please be kind to me ♡
Response from Sonej679 made on 25th Aug 2024 21:03:39

I'm new here too. I'd like make new friends. Where are you from?
Response from Steffiegal made on 25th Aug 2024 22:50:15 > @Sonej679
please be kind to me...hahahaha that's funny...
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