Hi all, I am a dog behaviourist with a demanding GSD girl. Looking to just chat about dogs and life
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Hi I'm another newbe. Just wanted to say hi. Just got a new puppy. I forgot how much work it is. He is very active. Only 10 weeks old so I can't walk him yet. Second jab next week. He is either chewing stuff he shouldn't be chewing despite the box of toys, bones I spent a small fortune on. Or weeing and pooing. I sit in the garden for hours with him but nothing not even a tinkle but as soon as we go back into the bungalow wee after wee. While I'm busy cleaning up one puddle he's making another or he's pooing. Despite this I love him to bits. He's my new best friend. Are there any other dog mad people out there? I also play guitar. But I am no Eric Clapton. Just play to keep myself amused. My last dog used to walk out the room when I picked my guitar up. My new puppy just goes to sleep with his paws over his ears.
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Is there anyone on here who as a duchshund?
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For those of you who were a fan of the movie! Have been a dog lover all my life and have had as many as 4 at one time. Each one was special in their own way. We are now at 3 with the youngest being 3. Curious about care as we get along in age?
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Male 60 Londoner exiled in Bolton, owned by a 17 month old sable German Shepherd named Del.
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I just picked dogs to have something to start with😀. I am a 72 year old retired nurse from the United States. I’ve got 2 rescues dogs that are basically more important than they should be. My husband is a retired teacher and psychologist. We get along but have different levels of energy and need for socialization. 2 children 3 grandchildren. Absolutely NO reason to be unhappy but I am. Anyway, there must be someone out there who occasionally needs someone to communicate with.
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Looking to just talk. Travel history. English bulldogs. I love to read so ant recommended books would be great. I am 53 female just looking for people to chat with.
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Hi, I am an avid animal lover who would love to chit chat with fellow animal lovers. I have 3 mutts... Charlie, a 12-year-old Cavachon with special needs, Abby, a 10-year-old Pomeranian mix and Nicky, a 9-year-old supposed cockapoo. I also love cats, but not quite as much lol. Anyone want to chat with me about their pets?
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At 7 weeks old, Mauka weighed 13 lbs. I called her Baby Huey. She was only a lap dog for a couple of weeks before she got too big. As a precious puppy, she enjoyed chewing on things. The walls, furniture, my shoes, my watches, my reading glasses, wooden spoons, etc. I could have decorated a 8 foot Christmas tree with all the things she chewed up.. bless her little heart. I wasn't afraid she would eat us out of house and home but that she would EAT the house and home. Thank Gawd, she finally outgrew the chewing ( well most of it anyway. At least she is paid for :)
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Hi all. I've had dogs of all breeds for many years and find it hard to believe our governments still ignore the professionals when it comes to the restricted dog's list. I am petitioning the Irish government to change the restricted dogs from 10 breeds to deeds. Please support https://www.change.org/Deednotbreed deednotbreed@doglover.com. Thank you
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