I was married in year 1958 we lived in a basement flat till we got flooded out we then went to live in Clifton. We had the upstairs rooms we were very happy there had my daughter and son living there the landlady was great and helped me with the children. We remained friends until she died - was so lucky
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Hi there fellow silver surfers! I am making an appeal to those of you who are slightly more silver than I am! I am writing a story and am looking for some information about what it was like to go to a dance hall in the 1950s. The actual year is 1953, but any descriptions people could share with me would be very useful. 1. What hours were they open? 2. What did you buy to eat/drink there? 3. How much did it cost to get in? 4. Did they have cloakrooms to leave your coat? 5. How much did you pay for drinks etc/leaving your coat? Specific questions are (at the moment - though new ones crop up every half an hour of writing!) Like I say, I keep coming up with new questions to ask, so any recollections would be gratefully received! Keep home, keep safe, keep well! Fiona x
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I have a lady where I work she used to attend a dance hall in Tunbridge Wells around 1952. It was in place approximately where the assembly hall is built. Any idea on what it may have been called. Will also try and ask my lady more details
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I am creating an American 50's diner theme room as a lunch room in my office, we have a jukebox and a pinball machine, I am after any other authentic memorabilia, if you have something tucked away that would like a new home where it can be enjoyed please contact me, looking for nice things, not tat, preferably with a story but not essential, I'm near Reading
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...the ubiquitous M&B tablets - and the famous monkey glands?
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My Dad used to sing a song to me in the fifties called 'My special angel' and he led me to believe he made up the words. It was only about 4 years ago that I found out it was an actual song but I still love it.
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My mother would say if you run off and fall and break your legs don't come running to me .. What sayings did you mum use?
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Does anyone else remember your mum making you a winter pixie hat she called it?  That would have been a woollen scarf sewn halfway down and turned outside in and that would've been your hat all through those cold cold winters of the fifties !
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Do you remember the Ritz, Mecca, Palace, dance halls and ballrooms? Where you could go in the afternoons to date some girls. They used to call these "Afternoon Tea Dances" a great source of dating. Of course they have all morphed into money grabbing Bingo!
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I listen to Three Counties Radio every day and today Saturday 17/10/2015 a caller called Dave from Luton rang in about Elvis Presley, as the radio presenter was asking "did Elvis ever visit the U.K.?" Anyway, Dave from Luton said he saw Elivis in disguise wearing a black hat and had a "beard". This was at RAF Chicksands in the 50's. Dave has said this time and time again and nobody believes him. I do though. I know it is fact that Elvis went to Scotland whilst changing flights and met Billy Fury there, but I was wondering if anybody among the Silversurfers were at RAF Chicksands at that time. If you were there I would be really happy to know because the presenters just laugh at Dave and I have no doubt that he is telling the truth and want to back him up. Can anybody recall/remember this please. I am very grateful to you all and look forward to hearing that someone did also see Elvis there. Thank you.
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