Post Election Rhetoric

Post Election Rhetoric

It was a Labour landslide 🔴
Which we all expected
Any Conservatives among us 🔵
May now feel dejected
Reformers & the Lib Dems ⚪️🟡
Didn’t really stand a chance
And the Greens & Independents 🟢🟤
Barely got a second glance

If you cast your vote
You did all that you could do ✔️
If you spoiled your ballot sheet
You showed up & that’s good too ☑️
But approximately 30%
Didn’t turn up on the day 🤔
So for whatever their reason
They didn’t have their say 🫢

In an attempt to oust the Tories
Tactical voting played its part 🗳
Making way for Labour
So today they’ll make a start 📑
With their plans to run the country
In the way that they see fit 👌
And love or hate their leader
I hope they make a good job of it 🤞

©️NIEH The Keynsham Poet 05/07/2024

About the author

122 Up Votes
Hello there, I'm Nikki & I'm also known as The Keynsham Poet. I write light-hearted poetry all the time & I mean all the time. It's a daily occurrence & many of my poems get shared via 'The Keynsham Poet' Facebook. I've had several published in local newspapers and I've been commissioned to write poems for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays & funerals. I've been writing poetry ever since I can remember & some are obviously much better than others. I'm from a large family so have had plenty of inspiration over the years. I'm inspired by world events, weather, animals, people, politics & more recently the dreaded coronavirus. I'd like to share my poems with you from time to time. Hope you enjoy!

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