Ode to the Cow
Ode to the Cow
A cow is a four legged herbivore,
But I think that you’ve heard that before.
And through trouble and strife
They’ve sustained human life,
With their meat and their bountiful milk.
For their milk they are fed
For their beef they are bled,
In a slaughterhouse just down the road.
And what thanks do we give,
Will they ever forgive
Our treatment of their noble species.
Long horn or short horn,
Highland or Low,
Hereford or a Belgian Blue,
They’re all over the place,
But hard to replace,
If their caught with the dreaded TB.
So next time you ache
For a fat juicy steak,
Think what it means to the Cow.
‘You’re eating my Mum!
Just to fill your fat tum.
Drink Milk! It’s far more sustainable.’
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