Brian's bio
Retired. Ex Forces & Police based Technical Manager in Telecoms. Reside in Bangor, Co Down. Married. -
Brian's latest comments
18th Mar 2023Brian commented on:
Which popular TV shows would you like to see remade?None of them. They never work the second time around. They are children of the moment. Leave well alone and watch them as they are. Cultural history with a smile!ViewDate:
31st May 2020ViewDate:
28th Apr 2016Brian commented on:
I have been forgotten, I no longer existceltwitch, Belated birthday greetings. You are obviously internet savvy. Use these skills to google U3A. You will find a host of like minded folk all in the same boat, all having found the U3A found each other. Do it now! -
Brian's latest showcase activity
Approved0 Comments14/08/2023 14:32:39poems: Ode to the CowOde to the Cow A cow is a four legged herbivore, But I think that you've heard that...Approved0 Comments30/06/2023 22:32:33poems: The Edge of HellThe Edge of Hell Dante's Inferno had nothing on this. As I stood at the Edge of...Approved1 Comments19/06/2023 21:50:32poems: I'm stepping off the treadmillI'm stepping off the treadmill I'm stepping off the treadmill. I really have had enough. I...Approved0 Comments13/03/2023 08:10:34poems: My Fitbit WatchMy Fitbit Watch I've just bought a Fitbit watch, It tells me 'How I am'. Don't need to see...Approved2 Comments22/02/2023 19:31:57poems: Travel TodayTravel Today Travel today ain't easy, It comes loaded with grief and despair. The promise...Approved1 Comments19/02/2023 11:14:33poems: They always seem to cry for mumThey always seem to call for Mum They always seem to call for Mum Out there in the...Approved0 Comments26/01/2023 08:08:51poems: WinterWinter What is it about the cold. That makes you want to withdraw Into the Fold. What is...Approved0 Comments18/01/2023 22:36:57poems: He Wore a Kilt that was Bloodstained RedHe Wore a Kilt that was Bloodstained Red He wore a kilt that was bloodstained red, 'T'was...Approved0 Comments07/05/2020 16:01:25poems: Wilfred OwenWilfred Owen Wilfred Owen slumbers on. His name immortalised. He tried to tell the world...Approved3 Comments02/07/2014 18:20:59poems: The PhotoThis very poignant poem was written by Brian Nesbitt-Clarke in memory of those who lost their... -
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