My life so far

My Life so far!

I come from an unusual family
born at a very young age,
sadly I stayed an only child
my father on a very poor wage.

I think I was born a comedian
not from the first words I spoke,
but mum said dad took one look at me
and remarked, this really must be a joke.

Now people tell me I’m getting old
and my memory is getting worn,
but your age is only relative
to the day they say you were born.

I can’t remember much, about
the days I attended my hated school,
it was so long ago, I really believe
we were still under Roman rule.

I’m 70 odd and still in control,
and I’m not as senile as I seem,
with a husband and a grown family,
it’s time to begin living my dream

About the author

567 Up Votes
I'm past my sell by date but still going strong, I love reading, gardening, writing and sketching, I live in a very small fishing town and love it. I was born in Coventry but city life was never for me, I have lived in lots of different places, but I am finally settled here (much to the relief of my husband)

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