Mum-in-Law at 90!

Audrey’s 90!

We’re out tonight to celebrate
With an ancient old dear
I’m not being disrespectful
She’s completed her 90th year!

It’s difficult to imagine
Being 90 years old
The secret to longevity
Is in the genes I’m told

I definitely believe that
As her statistics are outstanding
No daily medication
Which is really quite astounding

The pain in her right knee
Means she doesn’t walk that far
But with pain relieving gel
She’s still able to drive her car

So off she goes to M&S
To do her weekly shop
Or to peruse the fashions
Of which she likes to stay atop

We have to speak quite loudly
’Cause she’s as deaf as a post
But refuses a hearing aid
Blaming it on wax the most

From next door we hear her TV
And her shouting at the screen
Usually when there’s tennis on
As she’s cross at what she’s seen

But she’s generally in good spirits
And often laughs out loud
She’s loves when the family gathers
It’s becoming quite crowd

Everyone is here tonight
So that together we can say
To our Mum, our Nanna, our great Nan

©️NIEH The Keynsham Poet 07/02/2024

About the author

122 Up Votes
Hello there, I'm Nikki & I'm also known as The Keynsham Poet. I write light-hearted poetry all the time & I mean all the time. It's a daily occurrence & many of my poems get shared via 'The Keynsham Poet' Facebook. I've had several published in local newspapers and I've been commissioned to write poems for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays & funerals. I've been writing poetry ever since I can remember & some are obviously much better than others. I'm from a large family so have had plenty of inspiration over the years. I'm inspired by world events, weather, animals, people, politics & more recently the dreaded coronavirus. I'd like to share my poems with you from time to time. Hope you enjoy!

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