Clearing drawers during lockdown

Clearing Drawers by Domestic Goddess

Being forced into the role of Domestic Goddess due to the boredom of social isolation has caused definite side effects one of which is an urge to turn out and tidy up drawers many of which have not undergone such an operation for months, possibly in some cases years.

Today such an urge came upon me and I started with the drawers in the bedroom discovering in the process some long lost and some long discarded items.   Tucked away in the bedside drawer I found the charging cable for a long discarded mobile phone, a jar of Vick vapour rub last used during a severe chest infection three years ago, next out a bottle of wart treatment from five years ago, a receipt for a pair of sunglasses written in Portuguese, a postcard from a long deceased friend and a solitary earring. Several assorted pens most of which didn’t work and a completed crossword puzzle. All these forgotten treasures buried among handkerchiefs (long replaced by tissues) diary, current bedtime reading, box of pain killers for arthritis and a torch in case of power cuts.

My “hair and make- up “  drawer was another revelation as I emptied it and found the button from the blouse I no longer wore because it had a button missing.  There were two virtually empty tubes of face cream, assorted lipsticks also all used up and in colours I no longer wear, a loyalty card from a long closed department store, three hair rollers, some bronzing pearls which had once belonged to my daughter, at least five combs of various descriptions, numerous shower caps acquired from holiday hotels, a couple of small change purses both with broken zips and yet more useless pens.   There was also an empty perfume bottle which I must have considered too pretty to throw away.  All these items thrown in with the in use make- up and hair products.   I also found a solitary earring which matched the one in the bedside drawer but was missing a stone and so joined all the other defunct items in the rubbish bin.

Two now perfectly tidy drawers, time to turn to the underwear and sweater drawers  and start disposing of things like bras which have lost their under wires, knickers which no longer fit  and faded cotton nightwear only fit for dusters (did I say dusters this domestic lark is getting frightening).  Wish I knew why I thought I needed to keep two outgrown swimming costumes and an odd sock with a hole in the toe to say nothing of a T shirt with an indelible stain on it.  Finally the sweater with the pulled threads which I always meant to repair but  never got around to doing.   Gosh now I have finished sorting the drawers they are only half full whereas it was almost impossible to shut them.

Feeling very virtuous I am now heading for a coffee and maybe, just maybe, I may start on the kitchen drawers tomorrow. Watch this space.

About the author

76 Up Votes
I enjoy travel, gardening, walking and leading the poetry and prose group for my local U3A. I have black and white cat called Jasmin who I recently adopted after the death of my 18 year cat who was called Aunty May

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