Childhood memories……
Childhood memories…
Hopscotch, skipping, knock door run.
Outside in the street, we did have fun.
Hide and seek or sardines, we played,
Not far from home, we never strayed.
Saturday morning at the ABC,
Bags of sweets for you and me.
Flash Gordon was the best film we ever saw,
Each week his adventures had you wanting more.
Ming was so evil, he scared us all,
Hid behind seats down on the floor!
Chips with batter bits when we came out,
The chips were cheap, the bits cost nowt.
Played outside all afternoon,
Nighttime came way too soon.
No TV, we played board games instead,
Snakes and ladders, then time for bed.
Our childhood years went by so fast,
But boy oh boy, did we have a blast.
Easter Eggs, then the Whitsun parade,
Long summer holidays, we had it made.
The sun seemed to shine every day,
Through summer from the start of May.
Autumn came, into the woods we would go,
Collecting chestnuts to toast, we had a glow.
Fireworks and bonfires the next big event.
Then letters to Santa were written and sent.
The end of the year, Christmas came at last,
The best time of all and memories will last.
By Pauline Round
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