Which party do you trust to manage your pensioner benefits over the next 5 years?

With just 15 days to go until the General Election, we think it would be useful to try and clarify what each of the seven major parties are pledging regarding pensioner benefits. 

You have told us that one of the most important topics in the 2015 General Election for the over 50s is pensioner benefits, so let’s see who is promising what over the next 5 years.

Here are the main pledges made by each party:


  • Maintain the triple lock on the state pension, so it rises by the highest of prices, earnings, or 2.5%
  • Protect universal pensioner benefits such as free bus pass, TV licence, and Winter Fuel Payments
  • Reward savings by introducing a new single-tier pension
  • Give people the freedom to invest and spend their pension however they like


  • Reform the pensions market so that pension providers put savers first and protect consumers
  • Keep “triple lock” on state pensions so they rise by the highest of inflation, earnings or 2.5%
  • Cut tax relief on pensions for wealthier savers
  • Restrict Winter Fuel Payments for the richest five per cent of pensioners

Lib Dems

  • Keep the “triple lock” – raise pensions by the highest of inflation, wages or 2.5%
  • Complete introduction of the single tier pension
  • Scrap Winter Fuel Payment and free TV Licences for pensioners on the 40% income tax rate
  • Keep free bus passes for all pensioners


  • No increase in the retirement age
  • Dedicated annuities advice


  • Introduce a Citizen’s Pension of £180 a week linked to the rise in average earnings
  • This means all pensioners would receive a non-means tested sum
  • Provide free prescriptions for all
  • Keep the pensioners’ bus pass and winter fuel allowance


  • Vote to continue the triple lock,” guaranteeing that pensions will always rise by inflation”
  • Support a single-tier pension of £160 per week
  • Vote to protect the Winter Fuel Allowance
  • Seek a review of plans to increase the state pension age beyond 66

Plaid Cymru

  • Living Pension for all pensioners, set at level of pension credit
  • Support moves to allow early access to pensions
  • Investigate flexible pension rights for self-employed


Which party do you trust to manage pensioner benefits over the next 5 years?

Please select from the following parties
Lib Dem
Plaid Cymru
Based on 14125 public votes.

Do you have any comments?

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11th Jun 2024
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I don’t think that any party really support pensioners as that say the living wage is £21,000 but pensioners are on £11,500.
4th Jun 2015
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Have a lot of faith in our national government
2nd Jun 2015
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UKIP are the boyos
30th May 2015
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None of the parties takes much notice of pensioners between elections, but the Conservatives hav done less harm than the others over recent years.
30th May 2015
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That's only your opinion, but others like myself will disagree......
30th May 2015
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Of course it is opinion. As long as we respect each other's opinions there is no problem.
29th May 2015
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I voted to stay in the UK at the Referendum......I don't like how the SNP are going, nasty NATS,yes! Can we trust any other party, I don't think so, but I don't like how the NATS showed themselves up in recent months. It kind of reminded me of a certain man with a moustache from way back.....the SNP followers weren't any better, nasty and aggressive.

Sturgeon won't rest until she breaks up the UK, that was Salmond's purpose now she's taken over whilst she says she not trying to push another Referendum, she won't rest until Scotland is independent.

I can completely understand how English people feel, if it all goes "belly up" in the future, there is no way back for Scotland. Let's face it, the "fishy pair" lied about the calculation of oil reserves in the North Sea. It might have sounded good, but they didn't even get that right.......I don't believe a thing that comes out of any MP's mouth to be honest.
29th May 2015
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26th May 2015
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Who ever you vote for you hope they will improve the living standards of pensioners. Unfortunately this countries standards in any area are much lower than most European countries. Up to now what ever political party is in power i haven't seen much improvement. So folks it looks like we will come way down the Chancellor's list of must does.
29th May 2015
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I agree with your comments. My pension age has been pushed out by a few years, we don't get Winter Fuel Allowance for several years as that's been pushed out as well. We get no interest on what little savings we have, yet who bailed the banks out?
I reckon the bus passes in Scotland will go before long, great, we've only just received ours and barely use them as it is. I am sick of hearing MPs bleating on about "hard working people/families" what did he think the majority of older people did for all their working lives? Not to mention us Silver Surfers certainly did not keep producing endless children to get more payments whilst sitting at home! We all paid into the system with taxes and NI contributions, so if anyone deserves to be treated well in their 60's it's us.
26th May 2015
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...I thought there was going to be a 'none' button for me to select but there wasn't one!...I had no choice other than to close my eyes and stick a pin in it...!
18th May 2015
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Cathy Crighton
18th May 2015
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None of them, the parties are all wrong when it comes to our pensions! Why when we have already paid TAX on it as were saving it, Should we be forced to pay Tax on it again when we decide to . None of the parties can come up with a solution to this. IT IS THEFT BY THE GOVERNMENT IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD!!!!!!!!!!
21st May 2015
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I agree, pensioners are being taxed to the hilt whilst the MP's give themselves massive big rises! We have all paid tax and NI contributions for years, but they're hell bent on screwing us as much as they can. Let them go for all the single mothers who produce every other year, without help from multiple fathers.....because they can't remember who they are or where they are. Stop paying out money to them after the first child, it might make them think twice about lying back and thinking of getting more child benefit!!
29th May 2015
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Quite right, such people should be much more responsible about producing children - have they not learnt about birth control, or do they just want babies without having to find a lifelong partner?
29th May 2015
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I watched the Channel4 programme the other night about "Benefits and Big Families", that made me livid.......these morons continue to produce children knowing full well they will get payments from the Government (with our money!). Why won't the Government waken up and stop the Child Benefit after the first child? It might make these morons think twice about having child after child if the payments dry up........very few of these people have ever worked, so they haven't paid into the system. Most of the mothers concerned don't even know who the fathers are......
Another point, there is free contraception at Family Planning clinics, so there's no excuse, except for continued Child Benefits which are paid out to them. I would say to the Government change the system with this bunch instead of hitting hard people who have worked all their lives and paid into the system all their lives.
The Government have pushed out my pension age and the Winter Fuel Allowance has been changed as well..........the older people are being made scapegoats whilst others seem to reap the benefits yet have paid little or nothing into the system.
30th May 2015
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Wrong - there is no tax to pay on a basic state pension, nor on the next few thousand pounds of private pension. NI contributions are part of income tax these days, used as tax rises by Gordon Brown to get round his promise of not raising income tax.
30th May 2015
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I didn't mention basic state pension, I am not old enough for that ........ that's now been pushed out by the Government. However, someone who is 60 and on a private pension, is taxed on that, it relates to the tax code and is deducted at source.
30th May 2015
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There is no tax on income below £10600 per person. For a private pension to be taxed there must be income above that amount. I am not sure what "has been pushed out by the government ", certainly not the state pension which is protected by the "triple lock" for at least the next 5 years.
Our politics are obviously poles apart, so let's just agree to differ?
6th May 2015
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STARVE IF YOU CAN'T forever in old age.

See why at end of my petition, in my WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT section, at:
Mags 55
5th May 2015
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I wouldn't trust any of them to deliver what they promise!
3rd May 2015
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Those of you who trust the Tories with your pension are in for a rude awakening!
4th May 2015
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I must agree with you
3rd May 2015
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I voted in this poll according to the details displayed above and chose LibDems. On recent and past performance I find it hard to believe that the Conservatives will keep their promises and I also have doubts about Labour - on the list above there is also no mention of what they would do with Free Bus Passes (a lifeline for me, without a car any more) or Free TV Licences for over 75 (which as I get older and as I live alone and on a relatively low income already, will probably be a major source of entertainment for me). The Winter Fuel Payment will also become increasingly more important to me. I have still not decided who to vote for in the Election and my constituency is a fairly marginal one too so it will be interesting to see the results!
2nd May 2015
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All higher Pensioners should not be paid State Pension nor any other Benefits. This could be introduced on all with incomes over £30,000, to be reduced to the National average income over a five year period. As a retired Chauffeur, I can tell you, it irked me to see the 'better off' drawing Child Allowance, when we are told poorer Families, are finding it hard to feed their Children. This goes to all Benefits. The Benefits System was set up for those can, to help those who cannot. I have seen Elderly Ladies crying their eyes out, because they cannot afford to pay their phone bills Etc.,. The money saved by taking away from the top 30%, could be given to these old oldsters, to help them stay in their own homes. I could go on all day, but just to say I am a single Male on a basic State Pension, plus Benefits (which have gone down not up) who is quite happy with my income, but then I do not Smoke, nor do I drink, except having a Meal in a Restaurant, once in a while.
Hope this helps,as I have always been able to help others, but not always myself, I have been Homeless three times now and none of the Pensioners Organizations could be bothered to help me???
Best Regards, Peter J Newbey.
30th Apr 2015
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As a Pensioner aged 70 I have been quire content with the treatment I have received from the Coalition Government, and I have confidence that the Conservatives will continue to treat me well.
Living in Greater London I am so pleased to have the Freedom Pass which allows me free travel on all London's wonderful public transport system.
I also appreciate not having to pay prescription charges,and the winter fuel allowance is a big help.
Our country is wonderful, and I thank God I was born in England.
26th Apr 2015
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If people's decisions were based purely on what has been stated above and not partisan politics, then the Greens walk away with it.
Leith Lassie
25th Apr 2015
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I worked and paid taxes, employed staff and paid heaven knows how much in vat yet now none of the main stream parties are interested in calling me anything more than a burden on the ideal society they seek to conjure up - one where everyone is young, in employment and can afford to either buy or rent their own home. Only the SNP seem to be in tune with the less fortunate in society - the elderly, disabled and the less well off. I believe their influence in a future parliament can only be for the good of everyone in the UK.
24th Apr 2015
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Very few people with final salary pensions realise just how much they will be penalised with the 'triple lock'. I suggest those with a final salary pension request a pension statement if commencing the state pension after April 2016 - may just get a shock. We are told to invest in a pension to supplement our state pension but then we are punished for doing so.
24th Apr 2015
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SNP the only decent party
ray 1314
24th Apr 2015
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As I have said many a time,the three main parties have all had a go at running the affairs of the country and each in turn have made a mess of it,mainly because they line their own pockets first and the people and the country are a second thought,so I do not see any reason why the SNP shouldn't be given the chance to run Scotland without the interference from Westminster.now that Cameron has come out and said only English MP's should run England then that scenario should happen now.
24th Apr 2015
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I understand people trusting SNP who have proven their worth but the tories???? That is like trusting a fox to guard the hen house.
2nd May 2015
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Please remember, they inherited this mess from the previous Labour/Socialist Government, also remember this when you come to vote on Thursday, the same ones are still in charge, Miliband and Balls. The Conservatives, should make the Banks pay our huge debts, they caused this mess, not us ordinary people, most of whom have never had shares in a Bank, let alone seen one. !!
5th May 2015
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I remember past elections where the tories couldn't get out fast enough to leave their mess to others to clean up. (and take the blame) I think the current incumbents are like cats left in a room with a birdcage. When you come back in the cage is on the floor and the cat is innocently washing its paws on the sofa. They have increased our debt dramatically. Whatever spin they put on it, they have carried the country along a path to destruction but managed to cover all that up until a new lot get in. (they hope)
The Conservatives and Labour will never ask their friends in banking to sort out the mess they have made unless we make it clear we will accept nothing less. We need to do as Nicola Sturgeon advocates and get ourselves power to recall MPS who fail in their duty to their constituents.
24th Apr 2015
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Now heres an Idea why do we not have a Parliment for England , we have one for Scotland,Wales and Ireland but not an English one but we have people elected into goverment of the uk who have voices for those countrys So where is Englands voice. If we had an English parliment we would have a fairer society, we would have a Uk voice from all the other parliments and individual voices from our own countrys. As for the Elcection its anyone guess they are all as bad as each other say things to tempt your vote and go their own way when they are elected .
24th Apr 2015
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Have a listen to the voices of hate directed at Scots by the MSM, just because those Scots want to exercise their democratic rights in the UK! Read the English versions of your tabloid (and some broadsheets) and take it all in! If you had your own parliament, how long before those voices were turned on your own people? With a Londoncentric MSM, it would only be matter of time before those in yneside/Wearside, Liverpool/Manchester and all those north of Watford would take over from the SNP as "devils in disguise!"
ray 1314
24th Apr 2015
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Totally agree,as long as English politicians don't want a say in how Scotland is run.
24th Apr 2015
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Just wanted to say, 'good point, well said!'
2nd May 2015
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That would mean, they would have to show us in England, how much we give in Subsidies to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, it is Billions a year to each of them. Without these, England would not be in this enormous debt.
5th May 2015
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In your dreams and media Peter. Scotland has been subsidising England for 40 years. Check it out.
23rd Apr 2015
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123Siobhan you dont think it had anything to do with the fact that they increased our borrowing to the highest ever in peacetime and despite that left a note for the Conservative chancellor saying "sorry, we spent it all"
23rd Apr 2015
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I certainly would never trust the tories or labour, labour spent the pension money and the tories have doubled our deficit so what is to trust
24th Apr 2015
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Doubled our deficit? have you been reading the Guardian?
25th Apr 2015
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Well the deficit was 700 and odd billion when they came in to power it is now 1 and a quarter trillion I would say that is double don't need the Guardian for that
26th Apr 2015
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The Tories have borrowed more (£430 billion) in their one term of office than Labour did (£429 billion) in 13 years, so I wouldn't trust them to run a sweet shop. Figures come from The Office Of National Statistics.
23rd Apr 2015
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I feel it's time for change !!!
I feel all the women have faired better than the guys during the TV debates.
Contrary to what people think ... I strongly believe Nicola sturgeon will do her best for the whole country not JUST Scotland.
Why shouldn't Scotland have a louder voice in Westminster ?
We're all in this country together aren't we ?
ray 1314
24th Apr 2015
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Well that is what Nicola has said,be there for the whole of the country,but you don't hear any of the other main parties saying that.
24th Apr 2015
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For now we are, but that wouldn't be for long if Sturgeon and Salmond had their way
25th Apr 2015
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as Nicola sturgeon constantly States ...
This would happen if dictated by the people not by her or Mr Salmond.
Yes I agree that's at the heart of what they believe to be best as do many many Scottish people.
I hope one day we will see an independent Scotland.
The corruption in Westminster disgusts me
In it for themselves; no one else.
Westminster need a good boot up the backside; House of Lords needs abolished.
23rd Apr 2015
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The only party and leader I trust is the SNP who will get my vote
23rd Apr 2015
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Got to be SNP only party ans Leader I trust
23rd Apr 2015
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Got to be SNP only party and leader I trust
23rd Apr 2015
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Gordon Brown, Labour ripped £ 118 billion from the pension fund tax relief and now George Osbourne is planning the same ,also the Tories are raising the pension age with Labour following suit if they get into power as far as I am concerned neither warrant my vote and will not get it as the same with my wife , Our votes are going to the SNP
ray 1314
24th Apr 2015
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Exactly why would anybody vote for a party that plunders the pension fund of the people who funded it,they certainly wouldn't plunder their Westminster pension fund.
23rd Apr 2015
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I would not trust any of them once they are in they just look after number one
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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As far as Scotland is concerned I believe that the SNP are the only party that will look after it's pensioners,the rest are hell bent on increasing the retirement age which I believe is so wrong,in doing this the country is denying young people the chance to join the workplace.
23rd Apr 2015
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I do wish people would stop blaming Labour for the financial disaster that hit us all when they were in power. It was a world wide crisis caused by the financial markets and bankers. However, I am still uncertain who I will be voting for as they all seem tarred with the same brush. I think it will be toss a coin on the day. I do know we are up the creek regardless of who we vote for.
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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I think my friend that if you are Scottish it would be in your interests to have the Scottish people's country run by Scottish Parliamentairians,as far as previous years gone by labour were in power for Scotland voted for by Scottish voters and have done nothing to make the people or the country any better off,do not swither about who you are going to vote for and please don't waste your vote,in my opinion the only party that has Scotland and it's people at heart are the SNP,for years I always voted labour as a young man but as the years went by and I could see that nothing was changeing I then moved to the SNP,and my philosophy was, ,everybody else has had a go at making things good for my beloved Scotland,and in my eyes they have failed and failed miserably,so then I made up my mind to give my support to the SNP and GIVE THEM A CHANCE at running Scotland for the Scottish people,and when you read about all the bad press and media onslaught that they are getting then it make s me think,why are they so afraid of letting Scotland run it's own affairs? And I have one analogy for you to ponder on,what if you had to give all your resources to your neighbour a few doors away from you,and he in turn only gave you 25% of that back to run your household,how would you feel about that?I fervently believe that if we in Scotland bypass the SNP this time around then our lives will be even more horrendous being run from Westminster.I hope that maybe my little rant has gone some way to make you decide which way to use your very important vote.by the way I don't usually let people know how old I am, but for the sake of this I can tell you I am 69 years old
24th Apr 2015
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Wrong .... bankers just did what they always have done, and speculated in the markets. The last government allowed that to happen because their financial controls were so massively weak. To then tip up £65bn to bale out 3 banks, with not one guarantee of payback, or control over the future activities of those banks (i.e. massive bonuses) was nothing short of criminal. If anyone now, having been through the pain of the last 5 years of recovery, wants to hand over the reins to Ed Balls to throw that all away .... well IMO they need their bumps feeling
2nd May 2015
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Yes you are right, but it was the Labour Party that allowed the American Bankers to operate in the UK, (how do you think Blair became a Millionaire ?), something all parties tried to stop until then. If you know anything about Banking, there is Wholesale and Retail. Up until then foreign Banks had not been allowed to operate on the High Street, to keep it all in the UK, then foreign Banks were allowed to go retail, on the high street, mostly Scottish Banks, the worst being RBS. The only Foreign Bank I would trust is Santander, because they are in Europe and come under European Laws, but not the Americans, as they are outside the EU.
2nd May 2015
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Clarify what or who you mean by Bankers. .Do you believe it was the fault of everyone who was employed by a bank?.There are Bank employees and there are those at the top who wouldn't give the normal employee the time of day..The boardroom types. BLAME THEM! !
2nd May 2015
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RBS was not a FOREIGN bank but the largest BRITISH Bank..
23rd Apr 2015
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I will be 60 this year. I live in Scotland, I also work for a charity that helps to empower the elderly. During the Independence referendum last year I was appalled to discover that pensioners were receiving phone calls informing them that if the yes vote won,they would loose their pensions. Total lies from the "better campaign", targeting the vulnerable of our society. I put my trust in the SNP, they want a fair deal for everyone, not just the privileged few.
23rd Apr 2015
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I totally agree with you , my elderly mother lives in a sheltered housing complex , a meeting was held & out local labour MP came & told them they would have no pension in an independent Scotland !!!
Had the poor old souls terrified !
Shocking tactics !!!
Testing the elderly & most vulnerable in our d'Ivoire this way.
Shame on them !
3rd May 2015
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They're at it at this election as well. Jim Murphy has sent out letters to pensioners saying exactly the same thing! He should be fined his worth!
23rd Apr 2015
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None of them. They are all out to line their pockets. Let's see how they manage to have a good lifestyle on a state pension which is slowly decreasing in value. We are classed as third rate citizens now.
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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This is why we must give the SNP our votes,they will be the party to help Scotland become a better place to work and live in the future,especially for the younger generations coming through,labour who have been voted into Westminster for over 40years by Scotland have done nothing in return for that loyalty,so as far as I am concerned they will be getting my vote.
23rd Apr 2015
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Brilliant, Silver power, bring it on.
23rd Apr 2015
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While I despair of the current labour/liberal/conservative bunch, if the SNP get enough seats it will hold the UK to ransom, both Salmond and Sturgeon are boasting about how the SNP will run England by preventing any policies that are not in the SNP's interest from being enacted, will close defence establishments in Scotland thereby causing irreparable harm to the UK's defences. England should move the defence facilities out of Scotland and into the port facilities in England, then let the SNP tell all those Scottish workers who's jobs will be lost how the Scottish parliament will look after them.
23rd Apr 2015
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We Scots have had 300 years of being run by England, welcome to the new world.
23rd Apr 2015
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Are you serious it's ok for Scotland to be run by England for the last 300 years is it....and now you complain cause we not accepting it anymore....
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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I am afraid friend that I feel that you don'understand the meaning of progressive politics or are you afraid of change?The SNP never once said that they will run England by preventing policies being passed,what they did say was that as long as it effects Scotland and not England then that is unfair,one policy for all not just England,also I cannot believe that you think that removing trident from the Clyde that this will prove detrimental to the safety of Britain,how many countries do you know that do not have nuclear weapons have been attacked recently?As for the workforce there is very little to worry about there because for one thing there is a re-training programme that is available to the workforce,because once Scotland get to have their own autonomy the oil wells lying off the west coast and north of Scotland licences will come on board and these workers will be re-trained for this purpose.Also there will be rigs needing to get built and this is another way to employ these people.As far as I am concerned it is all looking good for Scotland,even though it will take time to accomplish,so my friend do not despair everything will turn out well for Scotland especially if Westminster lets us get on with it.
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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This is what a lot of people are scared of change,they need to grasp it with both hands and get on board to make it happen.
23rd Apr 2015
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1Lofty - The scots have had 300 years of England propping it up, time it stood on its own 2 feet and didn't look to England to support it.
23rd Apr 2015
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Ha ha ha .., best laugh I've had yet !
23rd Apr 2015
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There is no defence establishment suggested for closure in Scotland, other than the removal of Trident. Faslane would not then close but would remain a naval base.If the UK government votes to retain Trident then yes, please do move it to port facilities in England, please do have nuclear warheads being transported by road through areas of high population. As yet, Nicola Sturgeon has held out the hand of friendship to work towards a better UK for everyone in the UK of which Scotland remains a part as is Wales and Northern Ireland. England is only 1 out of the 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom - so how can England dictate to a union of 4 countries as is implied
24th Apr 2015
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We have been propping you lot up for centuries. Oil / whisky/ food / electricity / Water. Where do you prop Scotland up?
24th Apr 2015
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Of all the sensible comments made on this forum, THIS comment is the MOST sensible - very well said. It's the Westminster mafia that are soooo scared of change.
2nd May 2015
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I see all the Scots have voted against you, so I ticked green, to help bring that down. Come on you English, change this vote around. What Hawke008 has said is entirely true, let them all stand on their own two feet.
2nd May 2015
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Who do you think is paying for free Subscriptions in Scotland, certainly not thee Scots, they have destroyed their Coal Mining, Steel and Ship Building, because they were too greedy. Now all our enormous Liners are built abroad. We have to but Coal from as far away as Australia and much of our Steel comes from Japan.
2nd May 2015
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Hand of friendship but fingers crossed behind back with other hand. SNP lost referendum but will try to get what they want by back door. So much for Scots who want to remain in UK.
2nd May 2015
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England does not pay for Scottish free prescriptions .Each part of UK is free to use their block grant as they choose. Scotland budgeted for free prescriptions and travel at the expense of other things. Wales and N.Ireland has this long before Scots but English never complain about them..They're not Scottish of course. Says it all.
3rd May 2015
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I suggest you find another newspaper.
23rd Apr 2015
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Go back to prescriptions where you pay the current price , but for all the items instead of per item
Do not forget bad people are elected by good people who don't vote
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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Who in there right mind would sign up to that,we in Scotland enjoy these free things and appreciate it,all thanks to the SNP,do not forget labour/Tory / and lib/dem would have you pay for all these things again.
3rd May 2015
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Why? What current price? The English current price? The Welsh current price? I actually agree with your second line!
23rd Apr 2015
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Why anyone would vote Labour or SNP, I don't know. Labour will wreck the economy as they always do - this is how it goes. Labour come into power, spend spend spend, create financial problems for the country, Tories come in and inherit a depleted economy. They have to make lots of unpopular cuts, the economy recovers, but they've made themselves unpopular because of the cuts, Labour gets in, inheriting a good economy, wrecks it again and so on and so on. Groundhog Day. The leader of the Greens is faintly mad - wasn't part of their manifesto that it wouldn't be illegal to belong to a terrorist organisation? Perhaps I dreamed that. But a final thought - can you really imagine Ed Milliband on the world stage?!
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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Can I ask a simple question,what have you got against the SNP? They are the only pRty that hasn't criticised any of the other parties,but what they have done is offer the hand of friendship to the other parties to work with them to make the country a better place to live and work,and not one them have taken up the offer,progressive politics is the way forward now and everyone should grasp the fact that it is the new way to make things better for everybody,but in saying that the three main Westminster parties want it all for themselves.
23rd Apr 2015
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2nd May 2015
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Of course not. You just wait until after the Electiom, if there is a stalemate, then you will see them all rushing to the SNP and Liberals, for their support !!
3rd May 2015
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How do you explain the national debt being higher now than in history? How do you explain the Tories coming to power in 2010 to find a debt of £790billion only to have it grow to nearly £1.5trillion today? What's that? You don't care? You'll care when they cut your pension!

Educate yourselves! The Tories lie, lie and lie again! The figures are out there and they're official. For example, did you know that the national debt is rising at £5170 per second? And yes, I've just checked the figures again and it's now OVER £1.5trillion! You would have to be pretty soft in the head to vote Tory!
23rd Apr 2015
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I get really annoyed with all governments...I began paying national insurance at the age of fourteen ......worked until marriage and children with a five year gap ...paid into the system .....now it seems valueless...so what is the point ....we get a rise of 2.50 on our pension just for the housing associations to up the rents and service charges so we gain absolutely nothing.....I am grateful for my accomodation and weekly money....but for how long? Just for the next false promiser to get us to vote for them.....its a real pity Guy Fawkes failed we need to blow the lot of them out of parliament .....and find a non corrupt person off the street who lives a real life seperate from the country they call London
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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Be brave and bold and if you are Scottish give the SNP your vote.
23rd Apr 2015
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I'm sorry, I know it's rude to comment on a ladies age but what you said means you must be at least 90 years old, I think that's amazing, many congratulations
2nd May 2015
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In the past four years my Pension has gone up each year by the smallest fraction, but my Pensions Credits has gone down. My Housing Benefit has gone down, my Rent has increased, but I have to pay £25 a Month out of my Pension. So how can the powers that be, say my income has kept up with Inflation, what a crock, especially as the cost of living has gone up by 20%. What would we do without good old LIDL's and ALDI's. They may not have as much choice as some of the so-called bigger Supermarkets, but they do have all I need to stay alive.
3rd May 2015
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I think the N1 in his name means he's in London.
23rd Apr 2015
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The lists above do not give a full picture, especially for UKIP, they also are pledged to keep the free bus pass, the winter fuel payment, free eye tests etc. And they will not change the retirement age. They will also improve the health service. The new single tier pension to be introduced by the Conservatives will not benefit existing pensioners, they will stay on the low pension while new pensioners get £140 per week without having paid in as long. How can this be fair? Some state pensioners on more pension than others. The Labour party will cut the winter fuel payment for richer pensioners. What does this mean? Is than anyone who cannot claim Pension Credit because they are just over the limit. Still not exactly rich, where are they going to draw the line? I am voting UKIP on May 7th. Read their manifesto is makes sense to me.
23rd Apr 2015
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UKIP are very right wing Tories, don't be fooled they will look after their friends like the Tories do .None of them keep their promises.
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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If you are English then I would vote the greens in UKIP are Tory as well
23rd Apr 2015
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So would all of the people complaining about the Tories vote Labour in ? Its their fault we are in this mess so are we getting on the merry go round again . Tories give us aususteritie to control the purse strings then Labour come along 5 years later and blow the lot and get us into more debt. And have any of the labour supporters listened to Ed Balls ? What a load of rubbish he talks . No wonder we have problems . What about a Torie / lLib dem government again would you give them another go and why is that option not on the ballot papers. Think People if you vote Labour what happens with Scotland ?
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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Don't know why you are asking what happens to Scotland,we are on course to get a better country thanks to the SNP.
24th Apr 2015
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23rd Apr 2015
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My feelings are better the devil you know than the rest but they are all in it for the money not the pensioners as this country pays less than a lot of of e u country's and when you look at m p expenses a pensioner could live very well on that alone being a mp is cheap food cheap booze and turn up if you feel like it.
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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Progressive politics,think about it,if Scotland had been running their own affairs all this time we would be very well off,just think if Wales could run their own affairs how good would they be,and that would leave England to run their own affairs without worrying about Wales and Scotland,what do you think of that scenario ?
23rd Apr 2015
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Ray1314 - the scots ARE well off compared to the English because English taxpayers provide more financial support per head to Scotland than is provided to England.
23rd Apr 2015
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Wales do run their own affairs why do you think their health service is bankrupt
23rd Apr 2015
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Correction. More money is raised in tax per head of population from Scotland than from anywhere else in the UK with the exception of the City of London
3rd May 2015
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How many times will this old chestnut be rolled out? The Scots send more money to England than they get back.
23rd Apr 2015
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No party is worthy of my vote, they are all in the pockets of bankers, and corporations, and non, look after the most vunerable people in society, instead they have incited hatred towards jobless, sick, disabled, mental health, and dismiss any misery they have caused to hundreds, some who are no longer here but have committed suicide due to no help or money, they get away with it, by controlled media and that is not an exaggeration.
23rd Apr 2015
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I totally agree with your comments,this situation will only get worse if the Tories get in .i can't understand why so many pensioners think they are not going to be affected by them ,they should think about their children or grandchildren .Lets just hope none of the Tory voters don't need social care or hospital beds .
23rd Apr 2015
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Tell me where the SNP are in the pockets of the bankers?
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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Well use your vote to change all of that.
23rd Apr 2015
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None of them they don't do what they say.
23rd Apr 2015
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I wouldn't trust the conservaties with a penny of mine
22nd Apr 2015
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16 public votes on this - not very representative!
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The poll has only just gone live, so keep an eye on it today and see how it develops 😉
22nd Apr 2015
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Conservatives have already done the damage to our age group however! Increased State
Pension Age for women! done away with Age related tax allowance. What has happened to the
£140 Pension for all?
23rd Apr 2015
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I agree as someone who has gone from state pension age 60 to 66 in one fell swoop. The 500,000 women whom this affected were considered to be acceptable collateral damage. For this reason I will never again vote labour. Not voting Tory goes without saying.
22nd Apr 2015
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I am delighted the rules on pensions have changed buying an annuity was not something I was looking forward to and my husband can keep his draw down or access it when ever he wishes its all about responsible ownership of ones retirement.
2nd May 2015
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Take it all, then live on State Pension., you can have Thousands in the Bank and still qualify. I realized back in the Eightys, that it was stupid to try and save, so I spent it all and now live quite comfortably on my State Pension and Benefits. God Bless god old GB.
22nd Apr 2015
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Whilst I agree with being able to invest the pension wherever we like I am concerned that the Conservatives are not looking to cut any benefits for the +40% income tax rate - I really think savings can be made there from people that don't need the extra financial support. The LibDem's seem to be a middle ground that looks a little more realistic.
22nd Apr 2015
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I think that the new pension rules and more flexibility to decide what you do with your pension are a big step forward under the conservatives. There are very few election policies that really make a big difference to us but this really is a winner.
22nd Apr 2015
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I would trust the Conservatives. they have changed these new pension plans and I am going to take 25% out tax free in one plan which while only a few thousand pounds is a help to my family. My view is keep economy as it is. I do not want to risk a Labour/SNP as I think they may destabilise it and they do not seem to be business friendly
23rd Apr 2015
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23rd Apr 2015
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You agree with the Tories but then again u only interested in ur own pocket, same as Tories nothing to do with everyone else who suffers ...
ray 1314
23rd Apr 2015
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Cannot agree taking 25% get a lower pension,how long will you last ?the economy is broke thanks to 12 yrs.of labour and five yrs.of Tory ,SNP progressive politics is the only way forward at least for Scotland,and if and when it works the rest of the country will be wanting a piece of it.
23rd Apr 2015
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24th Apr 2015
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Once again people are listening to the Tory propaganda about Labour /SNP.well if you vote the Tories in you will get what you voted for .I just hope you won't need hospital treatment or any social care.Just stop and think about the youth and the people at the bottom of the pile .So come on ,come down from cloud cuckoo.Just to add it was the BANKERS who caused the crash world wide not the Labour Party.
24th Apr 2015
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the Bankers caused the crash in the BANKING world, the Labour party caused the crash in OUR world by spending BILLIONS of pounds we did not have, anyone who votes Labour is being deluded by thinking that labour is the party of the working classes, could not be more wrong
24th Apr 2015
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it wont, the snp are only viable by being supported by our taxes

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